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Ef^, lFi&ltl+ffi++,t H! iFiE w:.j:tfr+T tsgzry.tt F 3 Ete&Txl#, tesz+2 F zqEE HEH -+firi*. ilfr+ tr H!*,RE*+ xufftXfit{Ez m-EffiVsS tr " *ffiffiiI,, E4 ttrffiAd{ffiTF'ffU.ilft4:#J-HTlE6frRFF, g jli.|a+ +N-EfrIfr1A}'FTDJTJTiA, REE AX+, K Af!frThfSZJ'S" E* Mru+.++EX+ +*9--EtrFE n#€. .'f&ft! iE F I t t {fits' ilfr,e1fiW -W, inl&fll* H4 i6 T n+ +, trIErl.* YqA - {+JtS E t$i rezfrfriw+t&tu[t$F, ilft+-xew LLHHre€ffi ff ' HH ffi4,f€'EE. *xfr&xfiFH F! *EF E4E.+,Hfiht|4, j* +g tr t fiM.|Ea+Fffi fXtr e E 4 zi :EI FH ffiffi , X fF{t fti# 4 +nFe#FtFfr T rI El'l+.htr fr Axffi . &lilffJ (+tH!igHH'f€) -IE, lMl+tfrE,EAT\JItAEv\9 ffi. EE+.Efi (enwarDil ) #Wffiffi#Jiltl4,.ill(+ trilAiEH+ H!Hf ,fF,f& dJi6Bii,T t &nl,ft P.l Jt Hi6 . ffil,E tr! irff ffiFA if; , + Hfrawffi w /bIfr ) (ff jE?Ft+ HHnir P7 6 + fr ffi.) H0fi tr pffE Mft+V1KK fiH,{'liFSEHXi*" kIEtFEl+, ,ff{4 /..NJ'fr,zF,A[Agi'lFFf +Jtr+,VIXffij:lLLi_' {&Fl s AB! A1,h4p+-Efiw4t+Ew. 1e I 0 +i|fi,4+5tlF{.+[*#iE#( J"" re r s +4M|*.(Fl+ ) +fr t i+t T fi*,HfiH +frF!8, ftl i@ E E ; x+ hw F/rtlt B +, flffiR fiJtr+ffiwIMr+W4+6nt fr fir:L +',fn l9l9 +fifi,& (+trW++I +F.) (Brrlletinof AmericanMathematical tr, + &+++mtrfrW91f,+'t#+f+' rA'f4/(+' Is4'7 +tr$' Society) t E#T *.TiS4'8ry+EmWffJ-nUIF ; re22+1bffi14 & T* tr fn/'rl t+{H H fiiJf.&."'f&A fr F!fi ffie 6 lMffi*T ffiHtr! # 7 ([F]FE,H'ieiF6ffiits>>,V.frf rrEfr4li*; re28+, F E4FrErt €.{&€+Ez^5f+*ffi(eaes)ffi1,|g45+gj&+EiEH+A (1.e46 *frT lViV1ttullyr4ry4kiT-Bi\ry 4r+ , lAlXnWWffinE +K, :r,eoqY&+ tr 6i-+ +*K" 'fe6?F*tttrSnt+ ( fi ffiB ktr lEA'f.L#* f 6 E PIFlffi , WtuT tfr.HWfinKtg ; re364, s ). lnlillt +lfrfrttl4.ffi.Qgaz +) ffil& {fttiln/t+ tszo4 ) & tfi,h#tr#t*5Tzj'flfi+<fffinfi ), ++++. 5ltrtEnt, ftA:tr'E * T t € k!iF H+4it * tF+ flJ(FTT,, R ffi, HE i17-f fiiFTrt J-{fr Oi+a&.F;.6!ft-*F?EEbL#wJf'*I4(LiH)+E'+.&z'A+1983+EaR!,F_f,}E TH' ! lF'.fr zifr+zottslriq:'tjil.idffi"4rFIFt4a, l+#ffii4rJt'l'{li;t'lrlrl"t/l'llllHl ' +.fff€r,il,Fsiilr /t' I' I4 ili,'i'* ffJtf d{} rfr, il,h* bu,+tl'tt{ifi,A fr.l'i'fiJt fils t, {u { { lilfift'-i,, I artL+* '(& fF!' ET+tdi#H'+6q86$.lM rgzs +frftnH!€flJ (tll'f ll*iFifl'ltlf?[ ) E iti u i#if;*l' ) E-.f ftEiiz\tr^FF! H.H.A# , +Hqq.A'ttrtJt, tl "#fA+y1EE-+B!fiF2(F" I E'fXT + tr++€F fr E #r1+mffiiF€iEAffi#"h 7 4E*4&'*Hffi tfnH€ , &lK!&fte#t o 1LfrED) * H ffrfrH uHEWEu tf,'f&tr *4,i{r F * H'fe * f6H! }- H lHE' FfiH rch lyr4rE lX Et fr , iI xfH{&iF H X iI,+ H'}'n, B rtLiTfr + tr lhW r aerJflAA tu*EffiT + E H!t,f tr4.'{&x.i+ triFH+ H! &f FffiAF FH 8t +lrE " trrT iLfr ,?-t H!if E T ffitvr4' Mte+.ffiXyE tFT iA *+ ISXffi, ATHE Aq]Jfrtrtr++,'.8'-R.8fi€ A44lJf'lJJEBtrA,/)T fr " flE,'Afie\Bffit+fiffi+rXiFj;F4T,l)JmIX'iFi*#T ffi. - ia7t#f6Fll)vffihwlvre+6 . i+4 jbJ t H + E it Af++ ffiiF H' ffi N'Ffi Fn K A+,r#Hfr H ffi14' fr +'E ilfr,*.ft#ffirqa +Xffil\#.L+rJZ- " IM7#rst+ +E #E! (F +h ffiY.+*ffinw'frFi* H+ffi ^FfiFfi KT #ffi fttrffii+ . mffii,+4 {nffiErtffi*fj?'w.) --I +, t€s T E RffiE+}qapfi- Effiil|fr*ffi tu188, &,Htl'1&Et)ihEAWH HBf ,|i6ffi&YAHF. {E€ ' 5iftlrj x[,R,AEfFf{nf fr4Nit\., EHtfJ tL+++ES A+tf& E{, rx.iFiFH+ t?*p& HEfr Wfrtt*#:t {e{[xf E{n z N) &.x'l tuw Htunfqh?t'l#;}-2*.iLiFBlBt, d+rFI,EWfr.'#f\W;ffi ' WfriF fffiH0#ff"5Eff" T h+E ln+ trw*lth.I+tr'l8 FRI,IJ" 7I i mffi AI E, n iFg fr + Htfr€ ffi &ffiilfr4, H0i6m,Mr PfrWffi#a+i+ " t+i+ffi H flttrl'&[ 5fi!Jke*! atulF;*-X H-W4+t)-l&iF"ilfts./^+/Lfqh*€+ ft(MffJfi!-9,lU&htrfilll#ffiiTinrtt Z*, IMWKHRf.IIL"E+tE+ lnl ffiffi fi -€ffi i6B!.RH =t6 lEHE H!/tr*H0 tE F\W6fr.. tr€-f ++HF0E{,fF,ft&enH!ffiffi +a-E diEfxfr&i#H!ffi . lb Dq +n#ffls#-TtfiYliE#i5++ftrfifl€ ' *pdt.ExfrliF E f^ +t,f!,f!EE+ IL+tr t 6 UL%[R*Xfr &,rt ffi , {EE H E * + il1 0L g € 15F E.iA LLWtrfr\ )fr * D Wit, Ifrf]i,Ie+&^ r F i5fr t6x'f ffi * H!FR fr|J fr ftElfrfrf |J,t+ lts H IFJ) '(iLf.-]r.:lb+E T +tH! 4 ffi , f* e,+ H ;,ii,;. -ffi1^l&WHIM++ffiN-ffi, 'ti' tEffi. EETIltrItr , lfi'E*+Ef tifltr! T ftryHlM H0.Ttrffi*H0€*x tE+.il'r_-EFE R' W&h K+l+\hElE ilIBT.E.ifi hfi,Effi trE *.X€ {N+HO H# A/.-, IHEi,Mfr+J{AryA E FRT Tffi,fr). #fA+ X, {E F + fCWr-rfanl'WW:tE#rWE e X F! + # Z- . I& Ds q 4 E*6! xf tr 5tj'l+ W ;tLrtrtt illi+ it H tU4, lril * + LfHfl F " tqos4E+xfrHffiNffi,++H+HfrtJ-+, uLH El4flSftn' E, {l[t&146,4a &&h$tr& tu ffiGtJtfr+...+fr ftFitfr ffiH'l (iEH 5 re+ Afr,) rufi tilt+ fr ffiir fi ffifrl rri t& d yI rI ar y(n |! Jib *3 rd hI h rtlq ti (lxiE tr iFiFrX ), TIBt#+, ilfr+frtt P.ffiru++H W Exninffi *tl ffi J.+'L igE'+ ff,FE . Vfr XM,ftLFA+xFfr E il\H-AiElh'l4 k! . BftYfi # f ffr )tp,)tlx44hfi"frlh''E- E i1e + &-Fq.iF H + - W#F+1hf U 6! ifr ftE, vfi LT XT iEfi iEBA fr fi dt+$ffi i,+ + & f jt ffiffi H!€ € WWlt ffrH tF" 14fr WM Ffi e ffi$nW" 1EH f 12, ffiid T tLS'ff {'l iF-*- +i'L I ff 6EA SlJffi . (f++ + E ,,\ ) -L (XA1'(t*?) (Language)re83+eAffi sg E'ffi zHffi 60fr07fr) A*H*lFr+ffi Hli+itIH " ihfi E iA6ai+FI f tLffiiFH. 5- &freft I especially,coming from the city of this finaraccorade must have prcased him V I his youth' * from his parents' His mother As a child, he receivedthe gift of music v to play the Chineseflute' From this sangKunqu, and his father taught him compositions' went on to write many dozens of musical Yuen Ren Chao early start, he generationsof Chinese have sung and including some pieces that whole music has been passedon to his loved. This dual talent for languageand both subjectsat Harvard' daughter,Professor kis Pian,who teaches of some 60 years' to Dr' Life at home was a happy one' His marriage Yuen Ren Chao was born in Tianjin, China, on November3, 1892' He complementarycharacteristics-her Buwei Yang, was a remarkablebalance of died on February24,1982. His was a long, charmedlife-brimming with joys humor' They provided a warm social mercurial outgoingnesswith his quiet and achievements. nucleusfortheirownextensivefamily,andforaninternationalcircleof He had a classical Chinese education at home, while the household friendsandstudents.Therewas,ofcourse'asecrettothislongsuccessful moved aroundnorth China accordingto the requirementsof the grandfather's fi'Jh an understandingbe As Chao would explain, it is critical that of his marriage. job. His love of languagecame early-in large part, no doubt, because : t. s reachedattheveryoutset:themanwouldmakethemajordecisionsinthe linguistic talents. In his linguistic autobiography,he recountshow, at age numerousminor ones' In their family, while the woman would make the four, he alreadyspoke an impure form of PekingMandarin and a pure form of a twinkle' there had never been many decadestogether, he would add with the changshudialect, and read only with the pronunciationof changchow, anydecision to be made' Kiangsu. producedpioneering work in Chao had an incessantlyactive mind that His considerableability was recognized early. In l9l0 a national long bibliography' as collected by many different directions' Scanninghis scholarshipsent him to study in America. After degreesfrom Cornell and essaysby Yuen Ren Anwar Dil in Aspectsof chincse sociolinguistics, Harvard,he taught at the best campuses:Qinghua, Harvard, and (from 1947) struck by the extraordinaryrange Chao (Stanford, 1976\,one is immediately at the University of california, Berkeley. His distinguishedcareer won him wireless telegraphyand the the man,s interests. ln 1915, he wrote on thc lrighcsthonors. He was a Fellow of the AmericanAcademy of Arts and of note on continuous of Neptune; in 1919 he published a Sr r,'ntr,,, llc wus clcctcd Presidentof the Linguistic Societyof America discovery llu4rl a[rl thc Alrrcricunoriental Society(1960), was awardedhonorary mathematicalinduction;rilg22,hismuchadmiredtranslationofAlice's ,r.

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