1947 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 3271 By Mr. KEATING: 312. By Mrs. NORTON: PP.tition of the De-· this hour, for work to do that demands H. R. 3006. A bill for the relief of Laura partment of New Jersey, Reserve Officers As­ the best we have and still finds us inade­ Spinnichia; to the Committee on the Judi- sociatiol} of the United States, recommend­ ciary. · ' ing that adequate funds be appropriated to quate. Then may we seek Thy help, H. R. 3007. A bill for the relief of Ernest enable all Air Reserve officers who desire to knowing that in partnership with Thee, F. Lutzken; to the Committee on the maintain and increase their ftying skill and in applying Thy will to our problems, Judiciary. proficiency to do so, and w·ging the con­ there shall be·no dull moments and no By Mr. KEFAUVER: tinued maintenance of adequate Air Reserve problems beyond solutfon. God bless us H. R. 3008. A bill for the relief of J. S. flying. training facilities at the Newark all and help us to be right and to do Kirby; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Municipal Airport until such time as equally right. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. By Mr. MARCANTONIO: adequate and accessible facilities are made Amen. H. R. 3009. A bill for the relief of Adolph available for such Air Reserve flying train­ Grabowski; to the Committee on the Judi­ ing; to the Committee on Appropriations. · THE JOURNAL ciary. 313. By Mr. SMITH of Wisconsin: Resolu­ On request of Mr. WHITE, and by By Mr. PRESTON: tion passed by executiv.e committee, Depart­ H. R. 3010. A bill for the relief of Florence ment of Wisconsin, American Legion, on unanimous consent, the reading of the Bryant Peters and E. B. Peters; to the Com­ September SO, 1947, endorsing Camp McCoy, Journal of the proceedings of Wednes­ mittee on the Judiciary. Wis., as a permanent military training cen­ day, April 9, 1947, was dispensed with, By' Mr. REEb of Illinois: ter; to the Committee on Armed Services. and the Journal was approved. H. R. 3011. A bill for the relief of Angelo 314. Also, petition of a group of citizens of MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Miletto; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Kenosha, Wis., protesting against the pro­ · By Mrs. EOGERS of Massachusetts: posed loans to TUrkey as being against the Messages in writing from the President H. R. 3012. A bill for the relief of ,Joseph best interests of American · democracy and of the United States submitting nomina­ A. Ninteau; to the Committee on the Judi­ world peace; to the Committee on Foreign tions were communicated to the Senate ciary. Affairs. by Mr. Miller, one of his secretaries. · By Mr. SARBACHER: 315. Also, petition of a group of citizens H. R. ·3013. A bill for the relief of Mrs. · 1n the Ftrst Congressional District of Wis­ MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Mary Wadlow; to the Committee on Mer­ consin urging passage of S. 265, a bill to A message from · the House of Repre­ chant Marine and Fisheries. prohibit the transportation of alcoholic sentatives, by Mr. Swanson, one of its By Mr. TRIMBLE: beverage advertising in interstate commerce H. R. 3014. A bill for the relief of James L. and the broadcasting of alcoholic beverage reading clerks, announced that the Stice; to the Committee on Post Office and advertising over the radio; to the Committee House had passed, without amendment, Civil Service. on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. the bill <S. 516) to authorize the furnish­ 316. Also, petition of groups of citizens in ing of steam from the central heating First Congressional District of Wisconsin plant to the property of the Daughters PETITIONS, ETC . urging that communism in this country be of the American Revolution, and for stopped and stamped out completely; to the other purposes. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions Committee on On-American Activities. and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk 317. By the SPE.AKJ:ffi.: P(>tition oi Charles The message also announced that the and referred as follows: Van Newkirk, petitioning consideration of his House had passed the bill <S. 547) to pro­ 307. By Mr. KEARNEY: Resolution con­ resolution with reference to redress of griev­ vide for annual and sick le'ave for rural curred in by the Senate and the Assembly ances; to the Committee on Expenditures in letter carriers, with an amendment in of the .State of New York, requesting the the Executive Departments. which it requested the concurrence of Congress of the United States to enact legis­ 318. Also, petition of H. C. Curtis and the Senate. lation with the effect of empow«.>ring with­ others (members of West.Palm Beach Town­ The message further announced that out restrictions each State to provide in ac­ send Club. No. 1), petitioning consideration the House had passed the following bills, cordance with its needs for the financing of their resolution with reference to endorse­ in which it requested the concurrence from State sources of its unemployment in­ ment of the proposed social-security legisla­ surance and employment service programs, tion known. as the Townsend plan, intro­ of the Senate: either through taxation under its unemploy­ duced in the· Eightieth Congress as House bill H. R. ()03. An act to amend an act of Sep­ ment insurance law or otherwise; to the 16; to the Committee on Ways and Means. tember 27, 1944, relating to credit for military Committee on Ways and Means. 319. Also, petition of Austin L. Love and or naval service in connection with certain 308. Also, resolution concurred in by the others (members of West Palm Beach Town­ homestead entries; Senate and the Assembly of the State of New send Club, No. ·s), petitioning consideration H. R. 1098. An act to authorize the segrega­ York urging the Congress of the United of their resolution with re1erence to endorse­ tion and expenditure of trust funds held in States to enact H. R. 577 o.r similar legisla­ ment of the proposed social-security legisla­ joint ownership by the Shoshone and Arap­ tion designed to safeguard existing military tion known as the Townsend plan, Intro­ aho Tribes of the Wind River Reservation; graveyards that are given proper and ade­ duced In the Eightieth Congress as House H. R. 1099. An act to declare that the quate care by States and/or communities bill 16; to the Committee on Ways and United States holds certain lands in trust for wherein they are located; to the Committee Means. the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe; on Public Lands. 320. Also, p·etition of H. C. Curtis and H. R. 1350. An act to amend the act entitled 309. By Mr. NORBLAD: House Joint Me­ others (delegates from the Townsend Clubs "An act to establish a National Archives of morial No. 18 of the Forty-fourth Legislative of the ·Sixth Congressional District of Flor­ the United States Government, and for other Assembly of the State of Oregon, petitioning ida), petitioning consideration of their reso­ purposes";· · · and urging the Congress of the United States lution with reference to endorsement of the H. R. 1358. An act to amend the act entitled to enact certain amendments to the grants­ proposed· social-security legislation known as "An act to provide for the management and in-aid programs of the Federal Social Secu­ the Townsend plan, introduced in the operation of naval plantations outside the rity Act; to the Committee on Ways and Eightieth Congress as House bill 16; to the continental United States," approved June· Means. Committee on Ways and Means. 28, 1944; 310. Also, Senate Joint Memorial No. 5 of H. R. 1368. An act to include civilian officers the Forty-fourth Legislative Assembly of the and employees of the United States Naval State of Oregon, memorializing the Congress Government of Guam among those persons of the United States to enact legislation who are entitled to the benefits of Public authorizing and enabling the United States SENATE Law 490 of the Seventy-seventh Congress, ap­ to cooperate with the Republic oi' Mexico in proved March 7, 1942 (56 Stat. 143), as checking the spread of the highly contagious, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1947 amended, and for other purposes; Infectious, and injurious disease of cattle H. R. 1369. An act to amend the act entitled and other livestock, known as epizootic <Legislative day of Monday, March "An act providing for the reorganization of aphtha or, more commonly, hoof-and-mouth 24, 1947) the Navy Department, and for other pur­ disease; to the Committee on Agriculture. poses," approved June 20, 1940, to amend the 311. Also, House Joint Memorial No. 19 of The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, act entitled "An act authorizing the Pres­ the Forty-fourth Legislative Assembly of the ort the expiration of the recess. ident to appoint an Under Secretary of War State of Oregon, memorializing the Congress during national emergencies, fixing the com­ of the United States to enact legislation rea­ The Chaplain, Rev. Peter Marshall, pensation of the Under Secretary of War, and sonably restricting the importation into the D. D., offered the following prayer: authorizing the Secretary of War to prescribe United States of foreign crab meat, and de­ Our Father in heaven, we give Thee duties," approved December 16, 1940, as fining that term to include not only crab amended, and for other purposes; meat produced in foreign waters, but also thanks for good weather and the lovely H. R. 1375. An act to further amend section crab meat produced, processed, canned, promisef of spring.
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