Vol. C X X X V II. No. 3528 JULY 6, 1945 9d. W EEKLY K . # 3j'2<r-3STJ, . / ALTERNATING CURRENT ONLY FRACTIONAL H.P^ SINGLE-TWOOTHREE PHASE MOTORS. a 1 /4 - 1 /2 - 3/4 H.R EX-STOCK WITH WITHOUT FEET E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w ‘Ü i The reliability of the generating plant is the same as that of its dis­ tributive cable. And the reliability of the cable is that of its insulation! That is why leading cable manufacturers use Tullis Russell Rothm ill Cable Insulating Papers. Rothmill is renowned for its uniformly high q u ality, and isguaranteed free from metals and grit. R o t h i m l l A complete range is manu­ factured. W rite for details. CABLE INSULATING PAPER 7ulUi <2u*tell iCo.itd The Pioneers o f Twin-wire Papers for Printers AUCHMUTY & ROTHES PAPER MILLS. MARKINCH, SCOTLAND LONDON MANCHESTER BIRMINGHAM I Tudor Street. E.C.4 372 Corn Exchange Bldgs.. 116 Colmore Row __________________________ Corporation Street July 6 ,1 9 4 5 f''*- s * y ii Electrical Review but somebodu must take the initiative Exactly, and “ H eatrae ” has constantly aimed to be THAT somebody in advanced design of Electric W ater Heaters, as for example, the application of Monel to Water Heater rnnct ri irfin n As increased supplies of this metal become available so it will be progressively used for the interiors of Heatraes of the future. Monel is a hard metal that resists corrosion. It can be electrically welded and TINNING IS UNNECESSARY. leaders in electric water heaters HEATRAE LTD., NORWICH • PHONE : NORWICH 25131 ■ GRAMS : HEATRAE, NORWICH “WESTMINSTER” THE “FACILE” Brush jjf TERMINAL Send for Prices and List of all Holders kinds of Term inals 100,000 ROSS COURTNEY SUPPLIED ASHBROOK ROAD, LONDON, N. IS MADE TO SUIT ANY MACHINE Dynamos and Motors Rewound and Re-constructed. “ Partridge ” Pressure fa CABLE ENDS! Detectors, “ Partridge ” Earthing Devices, to the specific requirements of Switchgear, Photographic Arc Lamps, our customers Eleetric Welders, Medical Arc Lamps Makers of all ty­ pes of repetition products from the bar in all Th. WESTMINSTER ENGXo.Ltd. m etals Victoria Road.Wlllesden Junction, N.W.IO Telephone : Telegrams : MC Land REPETITION LTD. Willesden 1700-1 “Regency , Phone, London.'* Pool Lone, Lon^levj t Birmingham. jgfflg if 2 Electrical R e v i e w • July 6, 1945 These (w saved £ 5 0 0 a year by P.F« correction« Two needs existed in a large works. efficient constant speed drives. At the First, equipment was required to maintain same time they maintain an overall the overall power factor at an economical maximum demand of approximately figure. Second, motors were required to 1,800 kW at a power factor of '985 drive two large compressors. By ordering lagging. They saved £500 a year on the two 560 H.P. Crompton Auto- maximum kVA demand over what it Synchronous Motors both needs were would have been with ordinary induction satisfied. The motors provide highly motors without p.f. correction. CRompTon^pRRKinson LIMITED £ LECTRA HOUSE, VICTORIA EMBANKMENT, LONDON, W.C.2 and B r a n r k u 11 c n e $ July 6, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 3 That DIFFERENCE is in DETAIL JT may be true that “ all great things are simple.” But all simple things are not necessarily great. And to those who design and install electrical accessories, simplicity, for its own sake, is seldom a virtue. A simple accessory can have all the rustic crudeness of the old-time cherry-wood, revealing in its stark lines a rough workmanship and a poverty of idea. That, however, is not the simplicity for which we strive. Our aim has always been to perfect each product so that it shall be complete in every detail. We feel some sort of pride, in fact, that our products are simple. But such a feeling is not prompted by what we have been able to leave out. It springs rather from the knowledge of what we have been able to put in. Crabtree 5-Amp. 3-Pin Plug and Shielded Socket-Outlet* CRABTREE A • NAME • SYNONYMOUS • WITH • PROGRESS • IN • ACCESSORIES • AND, • SWITCH GEAR “ C rabtree ” (Registered) C .2 27 /27 . Advt. of J. A. Crabtree & Co. Ltd.t Walsall, England. 4 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w July 6, 1945 The logical way of lighting all The Duoflux consists of a Crysteel sorts of outdoor areas is by the Porcelain enamelled reflector on a provision of a flood of light from diecast neck. An adjustable bracket high above. The Duoflux, mounted piece is available in types to suit 25 or more feet above the ground pole top fixing or for clamping on a pole or wall, spreads the light round a pole, with sufficient adjust­ over the area in front of it, with ment to enable the light to be the supplementary reflector at the directed in the required way. A back adding punch to the beam. specular reflector behind the lamp No light is wasted upwards, and adds a beam to the general spread the fittings being placed at the of light from the main reflector. side no obstruction is caused by They are available in types to inconvenient poles. suit E.D. or Filament lamps. BĘN 7A M JM The Benjamin Electric Ltd., Brantwood Works, Tottenham, London, N .I7 Telegrams : “ Benjalect, Southtot, London.” Telephone : Tottenham 5252 (5 lines) July 6, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 5 A 7/43 he roads of the present he deep in the pash' F o r every purpose demanding a de­ pendable high standard of performance, Alton stationary batteries are installed. Behind them is a tradition of craftsmanship in battery design and manufacture and of efficient and reliable performance in service. The established traditions associated with the name of Alton define the standard of the future and point to the choice of Alton batteries for services of vital importance. ALTON BATTERIES OF MERIT THE ALTON BATTERY CO. LTD. (Sole Suppliers of FU LLER Stationary Batteries) ALTON, HANTS. Telephone : A lton 2 26 7 and 226 8 Telegrams : 4Battery, Alton'. 6 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w July 6, 1945 For Quality-first reasons specify Walsall Conduit and Conduit Fittings and ensure the most satisfactory type of installation. WALSALL CONDUITS LTD . WEST BROMWICH July 6 , 1 945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 7 STIJRTEVAAT ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATORS L a r g e arid S m a l l S c a l e P l a n t s f o b E l im in a t in g R u s t , E u m e a n d R i s t Special designs for prevention of oil haze in machine shops and removal of welding fumes, cleaning of air of atmospheric dust for optical, photographic and similar work. O ur reference W l 14/U will gladly supply full particulars. Sturtevant engineering Co. Lt d . 2 5 .W 0 RCESTER Road. Sltton.Sirrev. T e l e p h o n e : V i g i l a n t 2275 8 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w July 6, 1945 I CLCIIKU ¿m unu b y THE G ALVANAX PROCESS is approved by the A.I.D. when a zinc coating is specified as a substi­ tute for Cadmium plating owing to a shortage of the latter metal. For fast deposits on wrought iron and steel it is unequalled In colour,* simple to operate, and has excellent throwing power besides providing efficient protection from rust. GREAT HAMPTON STREET BIRMINGHAM 18 July 6, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 9 On war duty with every branch of the Services. B.I. Radio Frequency Cables have established a reputation for accuracy of transmission characteristics and sound manufacture. The diversity of their applications will increase considerably with the coming peace and for those in industry who are looking ahead the assistance of the B.I. Technical Advisory Service is at all times available. Further details will be sent on request. BRITISH INSULATED CABLES LIMITED Head Office: PRESCOT. LANCS. T e le p h o n e PRESCOT 6571 L O N D O N OFFICE: SURREY HOUSE. EMBANKMENT. W .C.2. TELEPHONE^ TEMPLE BAR 7722 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w July 6, 1945 An example of specialised design—a wall bushing for Anode cooling water on Radio Transmitter Equipment. We make many types of insulators for all purposes, and it may be worth your while to consult us before you finalize your design. STEATITE & PORCELAIN PRODUCTS LIMITED Head Office: Stourport-on-Severn. Wnrcj Telephone: Stourpon 111 Telegrams: Steatain. Stourpon July 6, 1945 Electrical Review 1 1 THE SINGEE-DISC POLYPHASE METER .-//f 'tmnGiïcw c a n (ye o b ta in e d h a m J e v i a r i t i FERRANTI Ltd., Hollinwood, Lancs. LONDON OFFICE: KERN HOUSE, KINGSWAY, W.C.2 12 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w July 6, 1945 ELECTRONIC ------- VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE / “W it h h a n d o r c o m p l e te a u t o m a t ic c o n t r o l FOR ALL VARIABLE SPEED POWER DRIVES ifn m A.C.
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