1 15-03-2021 PRICE INDICES Today Prv.Day Intra day trading of ASPI ñ, o¾Yl / tpiyr;Rl;bfs; wo mQ¾j Èk Èkh ;=< ish¨ fldgia ñ, o¾Ylh ,d;W Kd;dh; midj;Jg; gq;F tpiyr;Rl;bapd; Fwpj;j jpdtpahghuk; All Share Price Index (ASPI) 7,160.41 7,247.48 ish¨ fldgia ñ, o¾Ylh midj;J gq;F tpiyr;Rl;b S&P Sri Lanka 20 Index 2,862.81 2,893.44 S&P Y%S ,xld 20 ñ, o¾Ylh S&P =yq;fh 20 tpiyr;Rl;b TOTAL RETURN INDICES iuia; m%;s,dN o¾Yl /nkhj;j tUtha; Rl;bfs; TRI on All Share (ASTRI) 9,598.46 9,715.18 ish¨ fldgia uq¿ m%;s,dN o¾Ylh midj;Jg; gq;Fr;Rl;b kPjhd nkhj;j tUtha; TRI on S&P Sri Lanka 20 Index 4,719.79 4,770.29 S&P Y%S ,xld 20 uq¿ m%;s,dN o¾Ylh S&P =yq;fh 20 kPjhd nkhj;j tUtha; TOTAL TURNOVER (Rs.) iuia; msßjegqu / nkhj;j Gus;T Equity 812,447,870 fldgia / chpikg;gq;F Closed End Funds 0 wdjD;a;dka; wruqo,a / %ba epjpaq;fs;; Top 10 Contributors to the change of ASPI Corporate Debt 32,297,507 ish¨ fldgia ñ, o¾Ylfha fjkia ùu i|yd by<u odhl;ajh oelajQ iq/l=ïm;a 10 idx.ñl Kh /jdpahh;Jiw fld;fs; midj;Jg; gq;F tpiyr;Rl;bapd; mirtpw;F gq;fspg;G toq;fpa Kjy; 10 gpizaq;fs; Government Debt 0 rdcH Kh / murJiw fld;fs; MARKET CAPITALIZATION (Rs.) fjf<|fmd< m%d.aOkSlrKh / re;ij Kjyhf;fk; As at Today Last Month YTD Change % wo Èkg mQ¾j udifha§ fjkia ùu ] ,d;W fle;j khjk; Mz;Lf;fhd mirT % 3,131,296,302,245 3,269,427,205,151 5.76 EQUITY FUNDS fldgia/ cupikg;gq;F wruqo,a / epjpaq;fs; Value of Turnover (Rs.) 812,447,870 0 msßjegqfï jákdlu / Gus;tpd; ngWkjp Domestic Purchases 738,916,975 0 foaYSh ñ, § .ekSï cs;ehl;L nfhs;tdTfs; Domestic Sales 672,354,070 0 foaYSh úlsKqï/ cs;ehl;L tpw;gidfs; Foreign Purchases 73,530,895 0 úfoaYSh ñ, § .ekSï ntspehl;L nfhs;tdTfs; Foreign Sales 140,093,799 0 úfoaYSh úlsKqï / ntspehl;L tpw;gidfs; Volume of Turnover (No.) 31,507,275 0 msßjegqï m%udKh / Gus;tpd; msT Domestic 29,060,007 0 foaYSh /cs;ehL Foreign 2,447,268 0 úfoaYSh / ntspehL Trades (No.) 10,454 0 .kqfokq ixLHdj / tpahghuk; Domestic 10,181 0 foaYSh / cs;ehL Foreign 273 0 úfoaYSh / ntspehL 15-03-2021 2 EQUITY FUNDS fldgia /cupikg;gq;F wruqo,a / epjpaq;fs; PER 12.80 0.00 ñ, bmehqï wkqmd;h/ tpiy ciog;G tpfpjk; PBV 1.17 0.00 ñ,fmd;a w.fhys wkqmd;hla f,i tpiy Gj;jfg; ngWkjp tpfpjk; DY 2.53 0.00 ,dNdxY M,odj/gq;Fyhg tpisT Listed Companies/Funds (No.) 283 1 ,ehsia;=.; iud.ï$ wruqo,a gl;bay;; gLj;jg;gl;l fk;gdpfs;/epjpaq;fs; Traded Companies/Funds (No.) 228 0 .kqfokq l< iud.ï$ wruqo, tpahghuk; epiwTw;w fk;gdpfs; / epjpaq;fs; 3 TOP 10 GAINERS by<u ñ, .Kka j¾Okhla jd¾;d l< iud.ï 10 / Kjy; 10 MjhakPl;ba gpizaq;fs; Company VWA VWA Change Change High Low No of Turnover No of Prev. Close Days Close (Rs.) % Shares (Rs.) Trades iud.u m%'n'id mQ¾j m%'n'id wo fjki fjki ] Wmßu wju fldgia ixLHdj msßjegqu .kqfokq fk;gdp Èk iudma;sh Èkfha iudma;sh mirT mirT % cah;T FiwT gq;Ffs; Gus;T ixLHdj v.ep.r Kd;ida v.ep.r ehshe;j tpahghuk; KbT KbT NATION LANKA 0.70 0.80 0.10 14.29 0.80 0.70 25,701 20,540.80 14 ARPICO INSURANCE 22.20 23.90 1.70 7.66 23.90 23.80 277 6,612.60 3 YORK ARCADE 151.00 161.00 10.00 6.62 185.00 160.75 166 27,408.50 7 MAHAWELI COCONUT 27.00 28.50 1.50 5.56 28.50 28.50 220 6,270.00 5 PEGASUS HOTELS 30.20 31.70 1.50 4.97 31.70 30.80 100 3,167.30 6 FORTRESS RESORTS 10.10 10.60 0.50 4.95 11.20 10.60 1,699 18,429.40 6 LAUGFS GAS [X] 15.60 16.20 0.60 3.85 16.20 15.60 4,110 64,182.00 4 COLD STORES 620.00 641.50 21.50 3.47 710.00 621.00 5,680 3,752,817.50 30 SINGER IND. 49.40 51.00 1.60 3.24 52.20 47.20 3,521 178,618.50 14 CITRUS WASKADUWA 3.10 3.20 0.10 3.23 3.30 3.20 33,614 107,769.90 21 TOP 10 LOSERS ñ, .Kka my< .sh iud.ï w;r m%uqL;u iud.ï 10 / Kjy; 10 kjpg;gpoe;j gpizaq;fs; Company VWA VWA Change Change High Low No of Turnover No of Prev. Close Days Close (Rs.) % Shares (Rs.) Trades iud.u m%'n'id mQ¾j m%'n'id wo fjki fjki ] Wmßu wju fldgia ixLHdj msßjegqu .kqfokq fk;gdp Èk iudma;sh Èkfha iudma;sh mirT mirT % cah;T FiwT gq;Ffs; Gus;T ixLHdj v.ep.r Kd;ida v.ep.r ehshe;j tpahghuk;; KbT KbT PALM GARDEN HOTL 30.50 23.10 (7.40) (24.26) 29.00 23.00 25,030 577,012.50 11 INDUSTRIAL ASPH. 0.50 0.40 (0.10) (20.00) 0.50 0.40 4,681,295 1,879,364.70 61 TESS AGRO [X] 0.50 0.40 (0.10) (20.00) 0.50 0.40 20,052 8,021.80 3 JOHN KEELLS 76.50 62.20 (14.30) (18.69) 75.50 61.20 10,031 623,911.50 3 DURDANS [X] 95.10 84.30 (10.80) (11.36) 85.10 80.00 120 10,110.00 2 BERUWALA RESORTS 0.90 0.80 (0.10) (11.11) 0.90 0.80 19,500 16,550.00 3 CARGO BOAT 62.50 56.10 (6.40) (10.24) 62.80 56.00 219 12,875.80 9 MULLERS 1.10 1.00 (0.10) (9.09) 1.10 1.00 122,337 122,707.00 8 LEE HEDGES 72.80 66.60 (6.20) (8.52) 72.10 66.60 1,429 95,226.40 3 ABANS 170.00 156.00 (14.00) (8.24) 160.00 153.00 99,835 15,574,276.50 13 INDICES COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR j¾Ih i|yd ñ, o¾Yl ikaikaokh / tUlhe;j Rl;bfspd; xg;gPL Today Previous Day Year Open Year Highest Year Lowest Year Change % wo mQ¾j Èk jir wdrïNh jifrys Wmßu jifrys wju jifrys fjki ] ,d;W Kd;dh; tUl Muk;gk; tUlj;jpd; cah;T; tUlj;jpd; FiwT tUlhe;j mirT% ASPI 7,160.41 7,247.48 6,774.22 8,812.01 6,894.98 5.70 S&P SL20 2,862.81 2,893.44 2,638.10 3,514.18 2,687.45 8.52 4 PUBLICATIONS RIGHTS ISSUES / ᇒක 엒槔뗔ව / chpik toq;fy; COMPANY PROPORTION EGM / PROV. XR DATE DESPATCH OF TRADING OF RENUNCIATION LAST DATE OF සමාගම සමා엔පාතය ALLOTMENT 뷒නය PROV. LETTER RIGHTS ප්ර뗒槊ෙෂ්පය ACCEPTANCE & fk;gdp tpfpjhrhuk; ǒෙශ්ෂ මහා jpfjp OF ALLOTMENT COMMENCES nghWg;gspj;j PAYMENT සභා ෙකාටස් ON y 퇒ᗒගැ엓ම සහ ස්Ǔම/ෙකාටස් ලබා뷓ෙ 퇒ය ᇒක ෙගǓම සඳහා ෙබදා 뷓ම 엒槔뗊 槒ම 엒槔뗔ව අවස엊 뷒නය tpNrl xJf;fYf;fh ග엔ෙද엔Ǔම nfhLg;gdT nghJf;$l;lk; d fbjk; ආරභ වන kw;Wk; mDkjpf;fg; mDg;Gjy; 뷒නය gLk; gq;Fcupikf s; th;j;jf Wjpj;jpfjp. Muk;gj;jpfjp People’s Merchant Finance PLC 11 for 20 18-02-2021 19-02-2021 25-02-2021 04-03-2021 12-03-2021 15-03-2021 (Issue Price Rs. 7.00 To Meet The Minimum Core Capital Requirements Stipulated By The Monetary Board Of The Central Bank Of Sri Lanka (CBSL) In Terms Of Directions Issued Under The Finance Business Act No.42 Of 2011.) Senkadagala Finance PLC 01 for 14 29-03-2021 30-03-2021 31-03-2021 07-04-2021 01-04-2021- 19-04-2021 16-04-2021 Issue Price Rs. 70/- purpose which the proceeds of the issue are to be utilized to maintain the Capital adequacy requirements in terms of the Finance Companies (Risk weighted capital adequacy ratio) Direction no 02 of 2006. National Development Bank PLC 28 for 61 09-04-2021 12-04-2021 20-04-2021 27-04-2021 04-05-2021 05-05-2021 Issue Price Rs. 75/- The purpose which the proceeds of the issue are to be utilized to further strengthen the equity base of the Bank and thereby Improve Capital Adequacy Ratios in line with Basel III Guidelines of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) •to part finance the growth in the loan portfolio of the Bank. Adam Capital PLC 02 for 01 Dates to be Notified (Issue Price Rs. 1.50 the company seeks to utilize the proceeds of the said issue as investment into its subsidiaries in order of priority to enchance the working capital of such subsidiaries.) Adam Investments PLC 01 for 01 Dates to be Notified (Issue Price Rs. 1.00 the company seeks to utilize the proceeds of the said issue as an investment into Adam Capital PLC Adam Apparel (Pvt) Ltd Network communications (Pvt) Ltd in order of priority to enchance the working capital of such companies after deduction of expenses pertationg to issue.) Lankem Ceylon PLC 01 for 01 Dates to be Notified (Issue Price Rs.
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