Th® ij ffiffi ~d n©J t~ [f(Q]mD SA"DALS -BAGS-BELTS -V€5T5 ~LL OR\GI(lAL OtSI60S III LEATH£R ~A()D CRAFT~D 00 THE PRElYl'515 ~Ll STYLeS [L~ ~ U~ CC [R< AnD COLORS LW(PJf\Yf~ ~OQ M£() t WOM~1l uWCQ) -4334 U. WAY [S @~~uD(Q)(R)~ - PIE,Q 70 PROGRAM GUIDE NUMBER TWO HUNDRED TWENTY - STAPH Containing all you need to know , as well as alot Station Manager Gregory Palmer you probably don't, about: Program Director Michael Wiater Music Director Bob Friede KRAB Classical Music Director Phil Munger 9029 Roosevelt Way N.E. Chief Engineer Steve Menasian Seattle , Washington 98115 Engineering Director Benjamin F. Dawson LA 2-5111 Secretary Nila File 107 . 7 megacycles Assistant Program Director Jim Duncan 20 k.w. News Alister Conway ************************************************ Marcus Kunian George Green A BRIEF MARATHON REPORT, BECAUSE, IF YOU ' RE LIKE Advertising Phil Bannon US, YOU ARE SICK UNTO DEATH OF HEARING ABOUT THE Bookkeeping Cathy Palmer MARATHO N, AND HEARI NG THE MARATHO N, AND THE PHONE Subscriptions Trudi Friede NUMBER, AND KRAB 'S PRAISES, AND ALL THAT STUFF- Guide Layout Lorna Dawson Seriously, though, the Marathon has just ended, Pub li c Affai rs Jack Boyes as this is being written, and due to the lateness Production Assistants Steve Putnam of the guide this month (may we parenthetically Ken Sher say that if your guide was l ate , we apologize. Legal Re lief Byron Coney It is signifigant that the largest number of sub­ H. Bader and Potts scribers to ever receive the KRAB guide at one time probably got them late. It's all the Mara­ AND : thonk ' s fault, of course, and next month, things Doug Hosner, Yuletide Yarmulka Yabronsky, Malcolm should be better. We hope.) Where was I? Griffith, Roger Sale , Bruce Go rdon, David Hughes , oh, yes ,and uh 1234 which gives us a Seth Siegal, Gary Margason, Roger Veinus, Bruce chance to give a preliminary report on the out­ Herbert, Randy McCarty , Raymond Jarvi, Elliot come. Total money pledged during the seven and Swanson, Dick Kamp, Dick Palm, Ali San , Stan Keen , a half days comes to approximately: Barry West, Colette Menasian, Mary Brown , Sid $8,324.10! Brown, Roswell, John Prothero, Robert Garfias, give or take ten cents. To our know ledge, this Bob Gwynne, Don Mills , Chuck Davies, Cliff Butler, is the most money ever made on a marathon, but Bob.West, Ray Serebrin, Dick Parker, Tiny Freeman , of course, KRAB's need is greater now than ever Dav~d Utevsky, Andrew Alexis , Frank Krasnowsky , before. There still exists out there thousands Peter Hogue, Dick Jameson, P.J. Doyle , Herb of people who listen to the s tation and don't Hannum, Cap'n Baltic, Jeff Boyce , Joanne Wiater, support it, but now, at least a much greater Ha l Sherlock, Mike Duffy, Lim Chew-Pah, Byron base of support in the communi ty has be"en at­ Ohashi , Jay Stickler, Bob Deardorf , James tained. To those subscribers who contributed Mish'alani, Doug Chaffin, Randy Francisco, Richard even more through subsidizing others or giving Greene, Nancy Kei th, Earl Smi th. gift subscriptions or just donations, we thank you for your further committment. To all of you new subscribers , welcome. We hope, i n the upcoming year, to justify your support of KRAB. I just went over to get the mail and add up today's take, and one of the letters con­ tained a donation of fourteen dollars. What made it memorable was that the money was a we 1fare check, signed over to KRAB by one of our JILLI i'P I USED BOOK AND RECO RD SHOP subscribers. In the enclosed letter he said, 'greater love hath no man. ' Thank you 135 1 E. Ol ive Way (corner Me lrose) all for your love. MA3 9478 ************************************************ 78 ' s an d LPs - all i n t op condition One program from the Marathon, a speech by Dr. R.D. Laing titled VIOLENCE AND LOVE, was played \Ve special ize in cut-out recordlfjSI twice during the seven days and still seven peo­ ,. " ~ and out-of-print books ore ij\ ple called to hear it again . Thus, we'll schedul e the speech in the Decemb er program guide, along = ~ ~~ ~ with A DEVELOPING COUNTRY IS A COUNTRY THAT ~~~/~ ISN'T DEVELOPING, an address by Dr. Kenneth E. Boulding, of which we played a portion on Sunday night. .3 This program guide i s not so ld, it i s give n , free­ of-char ge , to the s uoscri bers , volUlHeer s , and s viff of KRAll , a non- comme r cial , lis tene r supported station, owned and ope r at ed by the J ack Straw Mem­ orial Foundati on . The .19 11 , also ow ns KIl OO in Portland Th e subscription r at es f or KRAll are : S 25 REG ULA R YEAR LY SUIlSCRi P TIO .~ $IS ~ ll N H1U ~ 1 YI:" I<LY SUBSCRIPTIO N $05 FOR FOUR ~IO f\T ll S All contributions are tax deducti bl e - Mak e ch e cks payable to the JACK STRAW IIHIOR IAL FOUl DAlIOI *************************** ** ******************** Th e cover of t his program guide i s the 1940 grad­ uating class of the Uni ve rsity of Washington School of Law . 232.+ ~MteaJle~ve . ~ast 8207- £,a--5-8.969 F1RST AVENUE SOUTH *************************************************** Some of the kind folks who advertise in the KRAB program guide have remarked to us that they aren ' t sure their ads are doing any good , because they ,.) don ' t know what business derives from the ads . i \ This makes the task of selling more ads to these \ fine merchants , etc. somewhat difficult . So, if an ad in our guide spurns you i nto action , buying­ wise , l et said shoppe know from whence you got t he word . He ' ll be happy, we ' ll be happy , you'll t' be happy , the guide will pay for itself, and monies used for ink , paper, negatives , etc. can better be used for broadcasting. AND IF YOU ' D LIKE TO BUY SOME SPACE IN THE GUIDE? Guide ads are sold t o advertise al most all legal services , products, messages, pleas , etc. The ad­ vertising rates are quite l ow , we believe , and now would be a dandy time t o buy an ad , as thi s guide , and its successors , are going to more people than ever before , due t o the Marathon . The rates are : FULL PAGE - $40 . 00 HALF PAGE - $20 . 00 QUARTER PAGE - $10 . 00 EIGHTH PAGE - $07 . 50 , or , $5 . 00 if t.l til' •• came r a ready . The de adl ine for camera ready copy is the fifteenth of the previous month, and if the ad needs to be ,.t created by our crack layout staff , please have the copy to us by the t enth . You needn ' t be a subs cri­ ber to purchase ad space in t he gui de . *************************************** ************ 4- The Challenger III AN OUTSTANDING STEREO SYSTEM OFFERED TO YOU BY MAGNOLIA HI-FI For the heart of the system, we chose the elude a high-torque motor, feather touch cue Kenwood 4130 FM stereo receiver. This 15 a ing, Vernier·adjust damped counterbalance, high quality unit with enough power for al · and a 3 ¥. lb. praw:;!r . In tillS system we' ve most all listening levels. The tuner is a h Ig h Included a walnut base, a tinted duslcover . sensitivity, low distortion type. It also has and a $60.00 ADC 240 XE magnetic cartrtdge provis ions for two sets of speakers, a tape wit h an ell IptIcal stylus. monitor circuit, and a no ise filter that elimi nates noise on records and tape. If you wish The speakers we've chosen are the ADC an AM section, we have available the AM / FM 303AX. These are an acoust ic suspension type 3130 model that has slight ly less power for speaker whic h uses a new, hig h·compll ance, no extra charge. 10" woofer Wi th a wide disperSion super tweeter. The sound is open, natural, and very The changer is the famou s Dual 121 5. For the low In di stortion. past year, this unit has been recogn ized as the finest changer valu e availabl e. Its features in· The retad price on thiS system adds up to 5631.35. $459 00 5 MORNING SCHEDULE 7-11 AM WEEKDAYS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1 Early En glish music TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 7:00 am - Guitars and lute-like instrume nts around the world 9 : 00 am - Modern American music WEDNESDAY, NOVHIBER 3 On his birthday , Phi 1 P l ays his favori t e short pieces from around the world THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4 Earl y German music FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5 Music of Southeast Asia MONDAY, NOVE MBER 8 A musical history of Vienna TUESDAY, NOVEMBE R 9 7:00 am - Folk fiddling from around the world 9 :00 am - Western European marches and dances of the early 19th century WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 10 Ethnic orchestral ensembles of the Balkans and Andtolia THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 11 7 : 00 am - So l o violin music of the 17th, 18th, and 19 th centuries 9:00 am - Balkan folk music as collected or a rranged by Bela Bartok FRI DAY , NOVEMBER 12 Vocal music of No rthern India ~10NDA Y , NOVH1B ER 15 Early Fr e nch music TUESDAY, NOVH4BER 16 7 :00 am - Some earl y morning Flamenco 9 : 00 am - Electroni c music WEDNESDAY, NOVE MB ER 17 Ehhnic Or chestr a l Ensemb l es of Africa s outh of the Sahara 111URSDAY , NOVEMBER 18 A musical history of the Ne t herlands FRIDAY, NOVE MB ER 19 Gre at living virtuosi of As ia ~ 1 0 DAY , OVEMBER::!2 Early Spanish music TU ESDAY , NOVEMBER 23 7 : 00 am - Flute music around the wor ld 9:00 am - Carillions , bellozon s , and mus i c boxes WEDNESDAY , NOVH1BER 24 Ethnic orchestra l ensembles of Latin America TIIU RS DAY, NOVH1BER 25 7 : 00 am - 18 th and 19th century European flute music 9: 00 a m - Drum e nsembles around the world FR IDAY , NOVEM BER 26 A ~usica l his t ory o f Paris ~ '1 0N DAY , NOVHIBER 29 Ethni c music reques t s TUE SDAY , NOVHlB ER 30 7 :00 am - Earl y classica l music f r om the new world 9 : 00 am - American Indian music from New ~lexico ~ ~450 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1 he will say something about his Seattle stop on his recent W(~t coast 5:00 pm FROM THE FOUL LINE - Roger Sale and tour.
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