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Court, Franklin (1992) Institutionalizing English Literature: The Culture and Politics of Literary Study, 1750–1900 (Stanford: Stanford University Press). Crace, Jim (2010) All That Follows (London: Picador). Crawford, Robert (1992) Devolving English Literature (Oxford: Clarendon Press). —— (ed.) (1998) The Scottish Invention of English Literature (Oxford: Oxford University Press). Cronin, Richard (2010) Paper Pellets: British Literary Culture After Waterloo (Oxford: Oxford University Press). Crouch, Colin (2011) The Strange Non-Death of Neoliberalism (London: Polity). Dabydeen, David (1993) Disappearance (London: Secker and Warburg). Davies, Paul (1987) A. J. Cook (Manchester: Manchester University Press). Davies, Rees R. (2000) The First English Empire: Power and Identities in the British Isles 1093–1343 (Oxford: Oxford University Press). Dicey, A. V. 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Easthope, Antony (1999) Englishness and National Culture (London: Routledge). English, Richard (2011) Is There an English Nationalism? (London: IPPR). Esty, Jed (2004) A Shrinking Island: Modernism and National Culture in England (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press). Faulks, Sebastian (2008) Engleby (London: Vintage). Featherstone, Simon (2009) Englishness: Twentieth-Century Popular Culture and the Forming of English Identity (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press). Fisher, Mark (2011) Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative? (Winchester: Zer0). Gallagher, Jim (2012) England and the Union: How and Why to Answer the West Lothian Question (London: IPPR). Gamble, Andrew (1974) The Conservative Nation (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul). 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Select Bibliography 243 Hoggart, Richard (1957) The Uses of Literacy. (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books). Holmwood, John (ed.) (2012) A Manifesto for the Public University (London: Bloomsbury). Jameson, Frederic (1983) The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act (London: Routledge). Jowell, Jeffrey and Dawn Oliver (eds) (2011), The Changing Constitution (Oxford: Oxford University Press). Keating, Michael
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