ACADEMIE ROUMAINE INSTITUT D'ETUDES SUD-EST EUROPEENNES evue des etudes sud-est europeennes IlUlournalof South-East European Studies Danube-BalkansMer Noire Tome )00(171, 1998, NOS 1-4 EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE www.dacoromanica.ro DIRECTEUR DE LA PUBLICATION NICOLAE 5ERBAN TANA$OCA COMITE CONSULTATIF SKIL AKGUN (Ankara), MATILDA CARAGIU MARIOTEANU, N.N. CONSTANTINESCU, NADIA DANOVA (Sofia), DENNIS DELETANT (Londres), LOUKIA DROULIA (Athenes), ZOE DUMITRESCU BU$ULENGA, ANNELIE UTE GABANY (Munich), ZORAN KONSTANTINOVI(Innsbruck-Belgrade), M.N.KUZMIN(Moscou),PAUL MICHELSON(Huntington),EMIL NIEDERHAUSER (Budapest), ST. POLLO (Tirana), M.D. PEYFUSS (Vienne), MIHAI POP, PAUL H. STAHL, RUMEANA STANCEVA (Sofia), POMPILIU TEODOR, BIANCA VALOTA-CAVALLOTTI (Milan), ALEXANDRU ZUB. COMITE DE REDACTION PETRE ALEXANDRESCU, VIRGIL CANDEA, SABINA ISPAS, GHEORGHE MIHAILA, REMUS NICULESCU, $ERBAN PAPACOSTEA, ANDREI PIPPIDI, MARIUS SALA, IOANA VALCU (secretaire de la redaction). Toute commande sera adressee a: EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE, Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, sector 5, P. O. Box 5-42, Bucuresti, Romania, Fax (401) 410 39 83; Tel (410) 410 32 00; (410) 90 08; RODIPET SA, Piata Presei Libere nr. 1, sectorul 1, P. 0. Box 33-57, Bucuresti, Romania, Fax (401) 222 64 07, Tel. (401) 618 51 03; (401) 222 41 26; ORION PRESS IMPEX 2000 SRL,P. 0. Box 77-19, Bucuresti 3, Romania, Fax (401) 324 06 38; Tel. (401) 653 79 85. La correspondance, les manuscrits et les publications (livres, revues etc.) envoyes pour comptes rendus seront adresses a la REVUE DES ETUDES SUD-EST EUROPEENNES, P.O.Box 22. 159, 71109 Bucuresti. Les articlesseront remis dactylographies en deux exemplaires. Les collaborateurs sont pries de ne pas &passer leslimites de 15-20 pages dactylographiees pour les articles et 5-6 pages pour les comptes-rendus. a ©, 2000 EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, tel. 410 32 00 Bucuresti, Romania www.dacoromanica.ro REVUE DES ETUDES SUD-EST EUROPEENNES DanubeBalkans Mer Noire TOME XXXVI 1998 Nos. 1-4, JanvierDecembre SOMMAIRE/CONTENTS What's wrong with the Balkans? Maria BUCUR, Eastern Europe adrift? 5 Alexandru DUTU,Mental images, political models and Samuel Huntington's fault line...... 9 Constantin IORDAN, L'Internationale Communiste et les Balkans apres Locamo: quelques reperes 27 Stephen LIPSIUS, Albanien - Die Krise ist noch nicht zu Ende 37 Paul E. MICHELSON, Perceptions on Imperial Legacies in the Balkans: The Romanian Lands. 65 Relations politiques et changements sociaux Edda BINDER-11.11MA, The institutionalization of the Romanian Monarchy in the 19th century: Aspects of a changing society . 79 Friedbert Ficker, RumanischeKunst lerand Munchen 85 Pal FODOR, Who should obtain the Castle of Pankota (1565)? (Interest groups and the self- assertion of interests in the mid-sixteenth century Ottoman political establishment).. 95 Johannes IRMSCHER, Die Urspriinge der bizantinischen Weltchronik 111 Fiore POP, Heritage institutionnel et transformation de l'economie en Roumanie............... 117 Anna TABAKI, Les Lumieres neohelleniques. Un essai de definition et de *iodisation 143 Vlasis VLASIDIS, Consequences of the demographic and social re-arrangements on the Vlach-speaking element in Greek Macedonia (1923-1926). 155 Reliques et vie sociale Sorin SEBASTIAN DUICU, La chassea reliquaires de la cathedrale metropolitaine St. 173 Dernetre de Craiova. , Petre GURAN, Invention et translation des reliquesun ceremonial monarchique ? 195 Elena- NATALIAIONESCU, The image of the Turk through the translations made into Romanian. Taking a chance 231 Rev. Etudes Sud-Est Europ., XXXVI, 1-4, p.I-290, Bucarest, 1998 www.dacoromanica.ro 2 Chronique Andrei PIPPIDI, Un colloqucinternational.Delphes: «Des brinier& aux revolutions. L 'univers de Rhigas » 237 Comptes rendus Radu G. PAUN, Umanita e nazioni nel diritto e nella spirituality da Roma a Costantinopoli a Moses, a cura di Pierangelo Catalano e Paolo Siniscalco. Da Roma alla Terza Roma. Rome, 21 avril, 1992. ' 241 Catalina VATASESCU,Bardhyl DEMIRAJ, Sistemii numeirimit to gjuhes shqipe (veshtrim diakronik) (Le systeme de denombrement de la langue albanaise; apereu diachronique)242 Catalina VATASESCU,Bardhyl Deming,Albanische Etymologien (Untersuchungen zum albanischen Erbwortschatz) 244 Catalina VATASESCU. Vladimir Orel. Albanian Etymological Dictionary 246 Catalina VATASESCU,Marius Sala,Limbi in contact (Langues en contact), Elena Scarlatou, !strut-mann si istroromiina. Mani lingvistice cu slavii de sud: cuvintc de orig me I eche .4lava (Les Istroroumains etle dialects istroroumain. Rapports lingustiques avec les Slaves du sud: mots provenant du vieux slave). Andrei Avram, Corirribu(ii eurnologice( Contributions, at ymologi q ues 248 Andre PI PPID1.Andre Godin.Une passion rourname. limit-me de l'institin Francais de Hautes Etudes en Romaine (1924 - 19481. 2 I florin TURCANt I, Christophe Prochasson ei Anne Rasmussen. Au nom de la panic Les intellectuels et layenriere-guerre moncliak (1910 -1919) 253 Corina ISAC,Brigitte Mazon at Marie-Annick Morisson. Enhommage a Robert Mandrou 254 Zamfira MIHAIL, Clitilina Vitlifescu,Vocabularul de origine latina din limba albaneza in comparatie cu roman (Le vocabulaire d'origine latine dans l'albanais par rapport au roumain) 256 Viorel PANAITE,Gilles Veinstein et E. J. Brill(eds.), Les Ottomans et la mon. Permanences et mutations. , 259 Cristina FENE$AN.Jean-Louis Bacque-Grammont at Abel Tibet(eds.), Islam Dilnyasinda (Cimetieres et traditions funeraires dans le monde (slamique) MezarlIklar ve Detin Gelenekl eri . 261 Camil UNGUREANU,Ion %lei, KumGeschichte Rumaniens 267 Ramona COMA N,Nikola Gavnlovici,Romanii si sarbii (Les Roumains et les Serbes) 267 Camil PARVU, IALEXANDRU DUTU1, Histoire de la pensee et des mentalites politiques europeennes . 269 Elena-Natalia IONESCU,Nedret ICuran Burgoglu(ed..), Multiculturalism: Identity and. Otherness (Multiculturalisme: ldentite et Alterite) . 270 Notes de lecture Alexandra DUTU,IMaria Alexandrescu Vianu et Vlad Alexandrescu (eds.) Scrisori atm Tudor Vianu (Leans adressees as Tudor Vianu) 273 'Alexandra DUTU,1 Angela Tarantino, La storia di Filerot e Anthusa a cura di. Angela Tarantino. 275 M. M. POP, Franz-losef Kos, Die politischen and wirtschattlichen Interessen Ostereich - Ungarns and Deutschland.; in Siidosteuropa 19121913 t,_ 275 Ana Maria DOBRE, Marianne Mcsnil, Etnologul. Mire sarpe si balaur (liethnologue. entre serpent ct dragon), Marianne Mcsnil, si Assia Popova, Eseuri de mirokigie baleanica (Essas de mythologie balkanique) 276 www.dacoromanica.ro 3 loana Maria FRUNTE$ TAMA$, Crisnan Badilita si Paul Barbaneagra, intalnirea ea sacral . (La rencontre avec le sacre) 2.77 Carnil UNGUREAN-U, Anton Sterbling, K.Dnanuitat und Wandel in Rumanien und Sadosteuropa_ FfisLorischsozialogischeAnalysen 278 Cam! PARVU. Carl E. Schorske. Viena fin-dc siecle Politicsi cukura (Vienne sin-de siècle. Politique et culture) 280 Necrologie Constantin N.VELI031,(ElenaSILIPILIR) 28 L Cornelia PAPACOSTEA-DANIELOPOLU (Alexandra DUTU). 283 Bibliographic des ouvrages scientifiques de Cornelia Papacostea-Danielopolu 284 www.dacoromanica.ro What's wrong with the Balkans? EASTERN EUROPE ADRIFT? MARIA BUCUR (Bloomington, Indiana) As I wandered recently through a local bookstore's travel section in search for information on Romania and Hungary, I found myself confronted with the reality that the discarding of Eastern Europe as a cohesive region encompassing all countries from the Baltic to the Adriatic has reached the mainstream media. The section still identified "Eastern Europe" by an "old style" faded label contained in fact guides to Central Europein most cases inclusive of Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary and the Balkans inclusive of the former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, and sometimes Romania. Has Eastern Europe ceased to represent a useful concept, or is it just a label that is becoming bereft of any meaning? My contention is that much as this has become a chaotic and increasingly contested notion, Eastern Europe stillholds an important position in the intellectual discourse about this area and Europe in general. This is especially the case for historians, but social scientists and policy makers are still making frequent use of it, reinforcing the fact that this concept still has a lot of currency, in spite of claims that it has become obsolete or too compromised by political abuse. At the same time, the geographical boundaries and intellectual construct that Eastern Europe encompasses are in flux, as they have been over the last three hundred years, as Larry Wolff has shown in his recent study Inventing Eastern Europe: The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the Enlightenment.' This essay argues that the notion of Eastern Europe is still a powerful vehicle for constituting national as well as regional identity (East-Central-West-North-South), in the context of the current power structures and intellectual discourses generated especially by and around the European Union, Eastern Europe emerged as a cultural construct out of debates in Western Europe with regard to Europeanness (as the totality of the Christian civilization), initially identified by the Catholic Church with its own brand of Christianity first I See Larry Wolff, "Voltaire's Public and the idea of Eastern Europe: Toward a Literary Sociology of Continental Division." Slavic Review 54, no. 4 (Winter 1995): 932-42 and Inventing Eastern Europe: The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the Enlightenment (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1994).
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