5906 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE April 17 1848, when the people are ripe for throwing To be Foreign Service officers of class 6, The following-named Reserve officers to off autocracy. With a firm stand by the vice consuls of career, and secretaries the offices indicated: United States the Iron Curtain would go over Martin S. Bowe, Jr., of Massachusetts. Joseph c. Arundale, of Oklahoma. like an outhouse on Halloween with all the Miss Eleanor Van Trump Glenn, of Georgia. Lee F. Dinsmore, of Maryland. little Kadars and Gomulkas scampering off to Miss Fannie Goldstein, of New York. Wilfred V. Duke, of Oregon. Moscow. William H. Hardage, of Georgia. Zachary P. Geaneas, of New York. Miss Jessie L. Harnit, of North Dakota. Edward Macauley 3d, of Rhode Island. Clarence J. Heisse!, of California. Roswell M. Parrott, of Virginia. RECESS J. William Henry, of Arizona. John L. Wiggin, of New Hampshire. Mr. BIBLE. Mr. President, if there is Miss Margaret Ruth Kelley, of California. To be consuls and secretaries no further business to be transacted, I James B. Lindsey, of Florida. Henry S. Bonner, of Massachusetts. move that the Senate stand in recess David H. McCabe, of Maryland. Frederick W. Flott, Jr., of Illinois. Miss Mary Willis McKenzie, of Virginia, E. Howard Hunt, Jr., of Florida. until 12 o'clock tomorrow, with the un­ Miss Isabelle Pinard, of California. derstanding that the Senator from Miss Irene L. Rossi, of Pennsylvania. To be secretaries Nevada will not thereby lose his right Benjamin J. Ruyle, of Washington. Philip F. Fendig, of the District of Colum- to the floor. John W. Sullivan, of Maryland. bia. · The PRESIDING OFFICER. The E. Paul Taylor, of California. Franklin P. Holcomb, of the District of question is on the motion of the Senator James G. Ward, of Pennsylvania. Columbia. from Nevada. Charles T. Warner, of West Virginia. John P. Horgan, of Massachusetts. The motion was agreed to; and Cat 6 Walter C. Young, of Pennsylvania. Richard M. McCarthy, of Iowa. o'clock and 49 minutes p. m.> the Senate To be Foreign Service officers of class 8, vice Samuel H. Rickard III, of Michigan. took a recess until tomorrow, Thursday, consuls of career, and secretaries William C. Simenson, of Wsconsin. April 18, 1957, at 12 o'clock meridian. George Aneiro, of Wisconsin. To be vice consuls and secretaries Roy J. Apel, of California. Osborne A. Day, of Connecticut. Diego C. Asencio, of New Jersey. Fred C. Thomas, Jr., of Pennsylvania. CONFIRMATIONS Thomas J. Barnes, of Minnesota. To be vice consuls Eugene J. Bashe, of California. Executive nominations confirmed by Arthur C. Bauman, of Michigan. Roderick W. Horton, of New York. the Senate April 17, 1957: Michele c. Bozzelli, of Ohio. Spiros A. Siafacas, of Florida. Quentin H. Watkins, of Indiana. UNITED NATIONS John A. Cantwell, of New York. Donald Vaughn Lowe, of New Jersey, to be George F. Carr, Jr., of Texas. Temple G. Cole, of Kentucky. •• ... •• representative of the United States of Amer­ . ica on the Transport and Communications G. Leslie Dillmann, Jr., of Louisiana. Commission of the Economic and Social John M. DuPont, of Massachusetts. .ffOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Council of the United Nations. Harvey Fergusson, of New Jersey. Peter F. Frost, of Connecticut. 'WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1957 DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE Gregory Gay, of Ohio. Gerald A. Drew of California, to be Am­ Robert S. Gershenson, of Pennsylvania. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. bassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary William L. Givens, of California. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, of the United States of America to Haiti. Leopold Gotzlinger, of Ohio. Philip J. Griffin, of the District of Colum- D. D., o:ff ered the following prayer: CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION bia. Almighty God, whose amazing love we Frederick J. Lawton, of the District of John C. Griffith, of Connecticut. Columbia, to be Civil Service Commissioner, cannot fathom, in these days of Holy Terrence T. Grindall, of California. Week, we are calling to mind the sutier­ term of 6 years, from March 1, 1957. Thomas Gustafson, of Virginia. Christopher H. Phillips, of Massachusetts, Kent H. Hall, of California. ings and death and resurrection of the to be Civil Service Commissioner, term of Clifford H. Harpe, of Tennessee. Captain of our Salvation. 4 years, from March 1, 1957. James R. Head, of Wisconsin. We rejoice that when there was no Harris Ellsworth, of Oregon, to be Civil Aaron F. Jacobs, of New York. eye to pity and no arm to save, then in Service Commissioner, term of 2 years, from Roy H. Johnson, of Nevada. the fullness of time Thou didst send March 1, 1957. Stanley E. Kagan, of New York. Thine only begotten Son to be our ROUTINE APPOINTMENT IN THE DIPLOMATIC Robert D. Knight, of California. Saviour. AND FOREIGN SERVICE Miss Morelle Lasky, of California. Our hearts go out to Thee in gratitude The following-named persons to the offices Norman D. Leach, of California. for His redeeming ministry, emancipat­ Indicated: Wingate Lloyd, of Pennsylvania. Alan Logan, of California. ing mankind from the bondage and To be consuls general Shepard C. Lowman, of Texas. power of sin arid releasing its hidden Robert B. Memminger, of South Carolina. Eugene A. Luebker, of Minnesota. splendor. Allen B. Moreland, of Florida. Carl H. McMillan, Jr., of Maryland. Give us the glad assurance that the George H. Owen, of New York. Edward J. Maguire, Jr., of California. sacrifice of His life on the cross is the To be Foreign Service officers of class 2, William H. Mills, of Maryland. propitiation for our sins; and not for consuls, and secretaries Gottfried W. Moser, of New York. Ronald D. Palmer, of the District of Col um• ours only but for the sins of the whole John W. Evans, of the District of Columbia. bia. world. Russell L. Riley, of Missouri. - Ross C. Parr, of Michigan. Help us to hasten the dawning of that To be Foreign Service officers of class 3, Douglas R. Perry, of Maryland. blessed day when the spirit of man consuls, and secretaries Robert J. Perry, of Ohio. shall be too strong for chains and too John L. Brown, of Massachusetts. Walter G. Ramsay, of Virginia. large for imprisonment. William Gerber, of Pennsylvania. Robert G. Rich, Jr., of Florida. In Christ's name we pray. Amen. Dr. Merle Walker, of Kansas. George B. Roberts, Jr., of Pennsylvania. Roger C. Schrader, of Missouri. To be Foreign Service offi,cers of class 4, Richard C. Searing, of New Jersey. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT consuls, and secretaries Carl G. Shepherd, of New York. Mrs. Ursula H. D'uffus, of Ohio. William L. Simmons, of Mississippi. A message in writing from the Presi­ Miss Jean Jerolaman, of New York. Kenneth N. Skoug, Jr., of Minnesota. dent of the United States was communi­ Miss Lucy Richmond Lentz, of North Caro­ John D. Spangler, of Tennessee. cated to the House by Mr. Miller, one of lina. James M. Thomson, of Minnesota. his secretaries. To be Foreign SerVice officers of class 5, Miss Virginia A. Weyres, of Wisconsin. consuls, and secretaries Dawson S. Wilson, of Florida. Elwood M. Browne, of Maryland. Bruce E. Woolner, of Texas. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE William J. Monticone, of Rhode Island. Robert G. Wright, of Illinois. A message from the Senate by Mr. James C. Quick, of Florida. Albert J. Zuckerman, of New York. Clarence W. Toulme, of Louisiana. McBride, one of its clerks, announced The following-named staff officers to the that the Senate had passed without To be consul offices indicated: amendment bills and a joint resolution Malcolm P. Hallam, of South Dakota. To be consuls of the House of the following titles: To be Foreign Service officer of class 6, Frank C. Niccoll, of California. H. R. 71. An act to prohibit the payment of consul, and secretary William P. Robertson, of Tennessee. pensions to persons confined in penal insti· William P. Shockley, Jr., of California. )Varren L. Swope, of Illinois. tutions for periods longer than 60 days; 1957 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 59()7, H. R. 3035. An act to provide a temporary DEPARTMENTS OF STATE AND JUS­ Blatnik Harris Osmers extension of certain special provisions relat­ Boggs Haskell Ostertag ing to State plans for f!J.d to the blind; TICE, THE JUDICIARY, AND RE­ Boland Hays, Ark. Patterson H. R. 4686. An act to continue until the LATED AGENCIES APPROPRIA­ Bolling Hays, Ohio Pelly · Bolton Healey close of June 30, 1958, the suspension of TION BILL. FISCAL YEAR 1958 Perkins Bow Heselton Pfost duties and import taxes on metal scrap, and The SPEAKER. The unfinished busi­ Breeding Holifield Pilcher for other purposes; and ness is the further consideration of the Brooks, Tex. Holland Poage H.J. Res. 126. Joint resolution to permit bill <H. R. 6871) making appropriations Brown, Ga. Holmes Porter articles imported from foreign countries for Bush Horan Powell for the Departments of State and Jus­ Byrne, Pa. Hyde the purpose of exhibition at the Washington Preston tice, the judiciary, and related agencies Byrnes, Wis. Ikard Price State Sixth International Trade Fair, Seattle, Canfield James Prouty Wash., to be admitted without payment of for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1958, Carnahan Jarman Rabaut tariff, and for other purposes. and for other purposes, which the Clerk Chenoweth Johnson Ray will report by title. Chiperfield Jones, Ala. Reed The message also announced that the The Clerk read the title of the bill. Chudoff Jones, Mo. Reuss Senate had passed, with amendments in Clark Judd Rhodes, Ariz. The SPEAKER. Without objection, Clevenger Karsten Rhodes, Pa. which the concurrence of the House is the Clerk will again report the amend­ Coad Kean Riley requested, a bill of the House of the f al­ ment adopted in the Committee of the C'omn Kearns Roberts lowing title: Cooley Kee Robsion, Ky.
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