gL AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ★ * JOURNAL * * 0 In the States or overseas, when you think of cars ADELAIDE you think of General Motors. Through its assembly ALEXANDRIA plants, sales offices, distributors and dealers, General ANTWERP BATAVIA Motors facilitates delivery and service on its products BIENNE to the end of pavement, and beyond. Wherever you BOMBAY are, and especially when planning your leave, learn BUENOS AIRES what General Motors is doing to make motoring COPENHAGEN easier on disposition and pocketbook. MELBOURNE MEXICO CITY CHEVROLET OSAKA PARIS • PERTH CHEVROLET PORT ELIZABETH TRUCKS SAO PAULO SOUTHAMPTON • I STOCKHOLM PONTIAC SYDNEY WELLINGTON • OLDSMOBILE Branch Offices, • Warehouses, OLDSMOBILE Distributors and Dealers TRUCKS in Principal Cities and Towns throughout the • World BUICK LA SALLE CADILLAC CMC TRUCKS 177 5 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY CONTENTS (MAY, 1939) Cover Picture A Rumanian Peasant Girl (See also page 255) Page Service Glimpses 249 Laconra, Port of Non-entry By James K. Pen field 251 Press Comment 255 Comment on Albania By Charles C. Hart 256 Photographs of Tiranian Street Scenes 257 Photograph of Pan American Union Patio. 258 U.S.S. Tennessee By Arthur Garrels 259 The Suez Canal By J. Rives Childs 260 Colonies of Ex-Confederates in Brazil By William C. Burdett 262 Marihuana—Hashish in Modern Dress By Frederick T. Merrill 264 Editors’ Column 266 News from the Department By Reginald P. Mitchell 267 NORTH AMERICA News from the Field 270 SOUTH AMERICA A Political Bookshelf Cyril Wynne, Review Editor CENTRAL AMERICA Miss Bax of the Embassy 272 Reviewed by Hugh Wilson CARIRREAN Propaganda Analysis World Revolutionary Propaganda PANAMA CANAL Reviewed by S el den Chapin 272 Consult your Travel Agent or 1938 Foreign Trade Statistics 274 Field Correspondents 288 Journal Index 288 GRACE LINE American Legation at Cuidad Trujillo 628 Fifth Avenue (Rockefeller Center) or By Frederick Larkin 291 10 Hanover Square, New York 914 - 15th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Foreign Service Changes 298 Agents and Offices in all principal cities Trade Agreement Notes 298 Visitors 299 Moving Picture Post Reports 302 Marriage 304 Births 304 In Menioriam 304 Issued monthly by American Foreign Service Associa¬ tion, Department of State, Washington, D. C. Entered as second-class matter August 20, 1934, at the Post Office, in Washington, D. C., under the act of March 3, 1879. 245 Behind this symbol are the motion picture producers of America joined in the conviction that entertainment knows no boundaries, that the minds and hearts of peoples are drawn together bv the humanity of the screen MOTION PICTURE PRODUCERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF AMERICA INC WILL H. HAYS, President 28 WEST 44TH STREET, NEW YORK CITY ikaciwiJi) cJLiwi Hay-Adams House continues the traditions of the famous names which it perpetuates— the charm, dignity, the inborn graciousness of gentility . yet Sail into Caribbean Halers with lighthearted mindful always of the demands comrades and see how Great White Fleet of the present day—for ex¬ hospitality lifts a Guest Cruise above the ample, Hay-Adams House is usual Spring voyage. Your shining white liner gives you an outdoor pool, outside COMPLETELY stateroom, incomparable food . splendid orchestra, sound movies, gay cruise programs. c'Air Conditioned Cruises from ISew York % EVERY SATURDAY to colorful Costa Rica, RATES with 2 calls at Havana and a visit to the Panama Canal Zone 15 Days . $175 up. $Q $ 450, 9 EVERY WEDNESDAY to Barranquilla and FROM O SINGLE *T'" DOUBLE Cartagena. Colombia, S. A., with 2 calls at Kings¬ ton. Jamaica, B. W. I., and a visit to the Pan¬ ama Canal Zone 15 Days . $175 up. Ask about our special Guatemala Tours with fascinating calls enroute. HAY-ADAMS HOUSE Other guest cruises from Philadelphia and New Orleans. SIXTEENTH STREET AT H Directly Opposite the White House Overlooking Lafayette Park Apply any Authorized Travel Agent or UNITED FRUIT WASHINGTON, D. C. COMPANY, Pier 3. N.R., New York City. 246 JHE AMERICAN pOREIGN gERVICE JOURNAL INDEX OF ADVERTISERS \VOLMJLAAJ American Export Lines 284 American Security and Trust Company 277 Underwood Bacardi, Santiago de Cuba 303 A/VW^ Bowling Green Storage & Van Co. - 296 Brewood (Engravers) 301 Calvert School 301 Cathay Hotel—Shanghai 303 Chase National Bank 280 Chrysler Corporation 248 Continental Hotel—Paris 303 Crillon Hotel—Paris 303 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. 250 France et Choiseul Hotel—Paris 303 General Motors Corporation II Cover George V, Hotel—Paris 303 Harris & Ewing 293 Hay-Adams House 246 International Telephone & Telegraph Co 287 Kressman & Co., Ed.—Bordeaux 303 • Underwood leads the field with an Manhattan Storage & Warehouse Company ..._ 278 entirely new business typewriter that Mayflower Hotel 279 Metropole Hotel—Shanghai 303 defies tradition in its design and chal¬ Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, lenges all machines to match its per¬ Inc. — 246 formance. It’s the new Underwood National City Bank 285 Master that gives you Dual Touch National Geographic Magazine . _ 283 New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. 301 Tuning . one that permits individual Pagani’s Restaurant—London 303 tuning of each key to the finger . the Palazzo-Ambasciatori Llotel—Rome 303 other, keyboard controlled, varies the Pan-American Airways, Inc 278 tension of all keys at the will of the Plaza Hotel 280 operator. • Sapp. Earle W„ C.L.U 301 Savoy-Plaza Hotel 288 Underwood Elliott Fisher Speeds the World's Business Schenley Products — HI COVER Sea Captains’ Shop, The—Shanghai... — 303 Typewriter Division Security Storage Company of Washington 277 Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc 289 UNDERWOOD Tyner, Miss E. J — 300 ELLIOTT FISHER COMPANY Underwood Elliott Fisher Company. 247 Typewriters . Accounting Machines . Adding Machines Carbon Paper . Ribbons and other Supplies United Fruit Company 246 Homer Bldg., 13th & F Streets, N. W. United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company 288 Washington, D. C. United States Lines 281 Waldorf-Astoria Hotel _ IV COVER Sales and Service Everywhere Woodward & Lothrop. — 297 247 • CHRYSLER CORPORATION, Export Division, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, U. S. A. Affairs r Foreign Latvia- Minister ski-run v d Latvian r out for a P.rs setting The white mans burden at Toronto—Carl Brewer does the work while Bob English super¬ vises. Until recently, Naples was the only city in the world of a million people and no golf course. One has been established in a sheep pasture, where the chief natural haz¬ ards are said bovines, water buffaloes and bear grass. The present picture, sent by Jack de Courcy, shows Fritz Jan drey, Outerbridge Horsey, Technical Adviser De Buy, the Norwegian Consul (Mr. Klinger - berg) and Consul General Bowman. ,n, Ed and December Cecil and Fahren The Reginald Bragoniers. o a ratur6- ^GEAR-GRIP SAFETY TRAIL sJmm fre$tone CHAMPION TIRES The Only Tires Made with the NEW SAFETY-LOCK CORD BODY and NEW GEAR-GRIP TREAD TAKE the “Gear-Grip Trail” wherever you go— it’s the safest road to travel. The new Firestone Champion Tire has the most amazing tread ever designed to protect against skidding, assure quick, safe stops and to provide longer non-skid mileage. The revolutionary new “Safety-Lock” cord body, designed on entirely new principles by Firestone engineers, provides such remarkable strength that it gives far greater protection against blowouts. So superior is the performance of this new Firestone Champion Tire that car manufacturers immediately adopted it for their 1939 models. Drive to your nearest Firestone Dealer today and equip your car with new Firestone Champion Tires—the only tires made that are safety-proved on the speedway for your protection on the highway Gear - Grip The c?S° ? ^erlocV” new ,Saa.„e e mote cor< ar Ltev' interwoven. eV achi J p, rugSe<* tough. 0 ee corh oVyCa“d 1 ribs ha' 1 edges » ate .ssecurer* therby 3,000 sfeisKS grip {b vent • assure safe stops- «Ssi Listen to the Voice of Firestone Monday evenings at 7:30 E. S. T. from the United States over short wave W2XAF-9530 kc. Copyright, 1939, The Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. 250 THE FOREIGN E JOURNAL PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ASSOCIATION YOL. 16, No. 5 WASHINGTON, D. C. MAY, 1939 Laconra, Port of Non-entry By JAMES K. PENFIELD, Department of State Photographs by Dr. Joseph F. Rock, leader of National Geographic Society—Yunnan Province Expedition of 1923 YEAR, more or less, in Yunnanfu will usual¬ All of which seems to be the most convincing Ahly bring out any odd quirks which a person explanation of why, one day last fall, I found may keep suppressed in a more worldly atmos¬ myself toiling up the Dokerla at the head (or phere. One of the aberrations which occasionally more often the tail) of seven Tibetan coolies, each attacks Yunnanfu inhabitants is that urge to see laden with 80 or 90 pounds of food, clothes, what’s “on the other side of the mountain” which blankets, tea, Chinese silver dollars and miscel¬ might be called “mappitis,’ perhaps “geo¬ lany. I had left Yunnanfu some weeks previously, graphomania. ” When this little bug bites one in ostensibly to follow the regular caravan route Yunnanfu the finger inevitably strays an inch or through western Yunnan out to Burma, but ac¬ two across the map, finds itself in a space marked tually harboring secret hopes of wandering far¬ Tibet, and refuses to be drawn away. Thereafter ther afield. These hopes had materialized so well logic and persuasion are of no avail. Sooner or that I was not only approaching the Tibetan bor¬ later the victim throws away his razor, hires a der but had decided to try to cross Tsarong, the mule and leaves town to a farewell chorus of dire most southeastern province of Tibet, descend the predictions and sadly wagging heads.
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