National Environmental Research Institute Ministry of the Environment . Denmark Tools to assess the con ser vat ion sta tus of ma ri ne Annex 1 habitats in Special Areas of Conser vat ion Phase 1: Identifi cation of potential indicators and available da ta NERI Technical Report, No. 488 [Blank page] National Environmental Research Institute Ministry of the Environment Tools to assess the con ser vat ion sta tus of ma ri ne Annex 1 habitats in Special Areas of Con ser vat ion Phase 1: Identifi cation of potential indicators and available da ta NERI Technical Report, No. 488 2004 Karsten Dahl Martin M. Larsen Jesper H. Andersen Michael Bo Rasmussen Jens Kjerulf Petersen Alf B. Josefson Steffen Lundsteen Ingela Dahllöf Trine Christiansen Dorte Krause-Jensen Jørgen L.S. Hansen Gunni Ærtebjerg Peter Henriksen National Environmental Research Institute Stig Asger Helmig Johnny Reker Danish Forest and Nature Agency Data sheet Title: Tools to assess the conservation status of marine Annex 1 habitats in Special Areas of Conservation Subtitle: Phase 1: Identifi cation of potential indicators and available data Authors: Karsten Dahl1), Martin M. Larsen1), Jesper H. Andersen1), Michael Bo Rasmussen1), Jens Kjerulf Petersen1), Alf B. Josefson1), Steffen Lundsteen1), Ingela Dahllöf1), Trine Christiansen1), Dorte Krause-Jensen1), Jørgen L.S. Hansen1), Gunni Ærtebjerg1), Peter Henriksen1), Stig Asger Helmig2), Johnny Reker2) Departments: 1) National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Marine Ecology 2) Danish Forest and Nature Agency, Division of Sea and Habitats Serial title and no.: NERI Technical Report No. 488 Publisher: National Environmental Research Institute © Ministry of the Environment URL: http://www.dmu.dk Date of publication: March 2004 Editing complete: March 2004 Referees: Stig Asger Helmig, Bo Riemann Financial support: Danish Forest and Nature Agency Please cite as: Dahl, K., Larsen, M.M., Andersen, J.H., Rasmussen, M.B., Petersen, J.K., Josefson, A.B., Lundsteen, S., Dahl- löf, I., Christiansen, T., Krause-Jensen, D., Hansen, J.L.S., Ærtebjerg, G., Henriksen, P., Helmig, S.A. & Reker, J. 2004: Tools to assess the conservation status of marine Annex 1 habitats in Special Areas of Conservation. Phase 1: Identifi cation of potential indicators and available data. National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark. 96 pp. – NERI Technical Report No. 488. http://technical-reports.dmu.dk Reproduction is permitted, provided the source is explicitly acknowledged. Abstract: The report is the fi rst part of a project whose overall aim is to develop an assessment tool to evaluate con- servation status for Danish marine habitats included in the Habitats Directive. The report includes several main issues: a proposal for a concept for development of a quality assessment system including a discussion of problems related to the defi nitions of the marine habitats, an evaluation of available national data from marine habitats in Natura 2000 areas, identifi cation of possible indicators to be used in the assessment and a suggestion of documentation guidelines for chosen indicators. Keywords: Marine habitats, Habitats Directive, assessment tools, assessment data, indicators, conservation status, Nature 2000 areas Linguistic assistance: Luscus Naturovervågning, Karsten Dahl, Trine Christiansen, Johnny Reker Drawings: Martin M. Larsen, Anne van Acker Layout and Drawings: Graphical Group, NERI ISBN: 87-7772-800-9 ISSN (print): 0905-815X ISSN (electronic): 1600-0048 Paper quality: Cyclus Print Printed by: Schultz Grafi sk Environmentally certifi ed (ISO 14001) and Quality certifi ed (ISO 9002) Number of pages: 96 Circulation: 500 Price: DKK 100,- (incl. 25% VAT, excl. freight) Internet-version: The report is also available as a PDF-fi le from NERI’s homepage http://www.dmu.dk/1_Viden/2_Publikationer/3_Fagrapporter/rapporter/FR488.pdf For sale at: Ministry of the Environment Frontlinien Rentemestervej 8 DK-2400 Copenhagen NV Denmark Tel.: +45 7012 0211 [email protected] Contents Summary 5 1 Introduction and aim 9 2 Background 11 2.1 The Habitats Directive and the Natura 2000 Network 11 2.2 The marine Annex 1 habitats in the Danish Natura 2000 sites 13 2.3 Assessment of the conservation status of Annex 1 habitats 14 3 Important issues for development of a habitat quality classifi cation system for marine areas 19 3.1 Problems concerning the defi nitions of the marine Annex 1 habitats 19 3.2 Annex 1 habitats and habitat classifi cation systems 21 3.3 Natural factors, which have a fundamental impact on the biological components characterising the marine Annex 1 habitats 22 3.4 Anthropogenic pressure factors impacting on the marine Annex 1 habitats 24 3.5 How to assess the conservation status of marine habitats 26 3.6 Frame of reference for conservation objectives regarding marine Annex 1 habitats 28 3.7 A concept for the development of assessment tools for the marine Annex 1 habitats 30 4 Monitoring of the Danish marine waters 33 4.1 Mandates, objectives and funding 34 4.2 Scientifi c background 35 4.2.1 Phytoplankton and zooplankton 35 4.2.2 Submerged macrophytes 36 4.2.3 Benthic macrofauna 37 4.3 Strategy for the national marine monitoring programme 38 4.3.1 Strategy for selection of marine waters and station types 38 4.4 Sampling, variables and frequencies 39 4.4.1 Pelagic biological variables 40 4.4.2 Submerged aquatic vegetation 42 4.4.3 Benthic macrofauna 44 5 Biological and physical-chemical data from Danish waters 45 6 Identifi cation of subfeatures, pressure factors, potential indicators and available data of Annex 1 habitats in Danish waters 49 6.1 Sandbanks which are slightly covered by seawater all the time (1110) 49 6.1.1 Identifi cation of sub-features, pressure factors and potential indicators 49 6.1.2 Available data 50 6.1.3 Conclusions and recommendations 52 6.2 Estuaries (1130) 54 6.2.1 Identifi cation of sub-features, pressure factors and potential indicators 54 6.2.2 Available data 54 6.2.3 Conclusions and recommendations 57 6.3 Mudfl ats and sandfl ats not covered by seawater at low tide (1140) 58 6.3.1 Identifi cation of sub-features, pressure factors and potential indicators 58 6.3.2 Available data 58 6.3.3 Conclusions and recommendations 58 6.4 Coastal lagoons (1150) 62 6.4.1 Identifi cation of sub-features, pressure factors and potential indicators 62 6.4.2 Available data 62 6.4.3 Conclusions and recommendations 62 6.5 Large shallow inlets and bays (1160) 66 6.5.1 Identifi cation of sub-features, pressure factors and potential indicators 66 6.5.2 Available data 66 6.5.3 Conclusions and recommendations 67 6.6 Reefs (1170) 70 6.6.1 Identifi cation of sub-features, pressure factors and potential indicators 70 6.6.2 Available data 72 6.6.3 Conclusions and recommendations 76 6.7 Submarine structures made by leaking gases (1180) 77 6.7.1 Identifi cation of sub-features, pressure factors and potential indicators 77 6.7.2 Available data 80 6.7.3 Conclusions and recommendations 81 6.8 Submerged or partly submerged sea caves (8330) 82 7 Guidelines for documentation of indicators 83 8 Discussion and conclusions 87 8.1 Concept for assessing conservation status of marine Annex 1 habitats 87 8.2 Potential attributes and presents of data for further analyses 89 9 References 91 National Environmental Research Institute Technical reports from NERI Summary This project is the fi rst phase of a larger project with the overall aim to defi ne specifi c conservation objectives for the marine Annex 1 habitats of the Habitats Directive. Eight of the marine Annex 1 habitats occur in Danish waters. Marine Natura 2000 sites where Annex 1 habitats are the reason or part of the reason for the designation cover 10,584 km2 or 74,7% of the total area covered by the Danish Natura 2000 network. The report discusses the weaknesses of the defi nitions of the marine Annex 1 habitats. These habitats are defi ned primarily on the basis of geomorphology and not biology. Most (perhaps all) of the marine Annex 1 habitats encompass different biological communities. These should be defi ned or at least treated as separate habitats, each with their own set of indicators and thresholds. As a solution to this prob- lem, it is proposed to divide the Annex 1 habitats into smaller often biologically founded units, called sub-features. The biological content of a habitat is governed by a large number of natural factors such as depth, illumination, salinity, distance to nutrient sources, bottom type, and exposure to wind and currents. Therefore, it can be diffi cult, if not impossible, to identify meaningful universally applicable biological indicators for assessing the conserva- tion status of the Annex 1 habitats. The choice of indicators and their thresholds may, therefore, be applicable in certain water types only or even be site-specifi c. All marine habitats are negatively infl uenced by human activities, and assessments of Danish marine areas state that the quality of the ecosys- tems in general is not acceptable. A reduction of pressure from many of the anthropogenic pressure factors will have a positive effect on the structure and functioning of the Annex 1 habitats. Other pressure fac- tors exist, like introduction of invasive non-indigenous species, which may result in irreversible negative impacts. The development of a quality assessment system for marine Annex 1 habitats should, ideally, be based on knowledge of the habitats dis- tribution, extent, structure, and functioning and of the occurrence of characteristic species in the absence of known anthropogenic pressure factors. However we face the problem that description of impact of pressure factors in scientifi c and other types of literature is a rather recent thing for Danish marine waters.
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