ARCH 1160 THE WORLD OF MUSEUMS: LOGISTICS, LAWS AND LOANS Wednesday 2:00-4:20pm Morag Kersel [email protected] Rhode Island Hall, Room 210 Office Hours 2:30-4:30 Tuesdays or by appointment Description: This course will examine critically the collection of ancient objects. From functional, historical, material and aesthetic perspectives, the relationships between the cultural contexts of objects and museums will be examined. Case studies, guest lectures and site visits (virtual and real) will be used to demonstrate evolving theory, practice, law and ethical implications of collecting archaeological objects. This seminar explores many of the logistical aspects of the museum including the laws and mission statements, which guide its practice. The legal and ethical features of museums will also be examined. This is not a lecture-based course – emphasis is on class participation and presentations. Course Objectives: At the end of the course, the student should be able to: • Demonstrate an understanding of the history and organization of museums • Understand the historical, but changing roles of objects for museums • Debate ethical issues pertaining to museums • Discuss critically, in written and verbal form, current issues in the philosophy of museums, museum missions, representation of the past, interpretation of cultural objects, and the role of museums in society • Evaluate critically a museum exhibition • Locate the core museum studies literature, principal museum organizations, and museum reference sources, including on-line resources • Conduct original research on a topic related to museum law, logistics and loans and present that research in a poster or exhibit panel • Work collaboratively with others in team based learning and problem solving 1 Text • There is no textbook for this class, but various articles as assigned. All of the assigned readings are available on the wiki. There are also a number of books on reserve at the Rock and the class password is MuseumsRock. Course Format and Evaluation Classes will be a mixture of lectures, guest lecturers, field trips, films, discussion, debates, and student presentations. This course requires active and consistent participation through steady reading, writing, and involvement. Students are expected to attend class, read the articles as assigned, participate in field trips, and to discuss the course content. Site Visits and Guest Speakers • It is the student’s responsibility to arrange transportation to the museums and arrive on time. • For class meetings held in museums only pencil may be used due to conservation concerns. • Please prepare for guests and site visits by exploring the museum’s website and generate questions for the guest speaker. Grades are based on the following: Assignment Description Due Date % Of grade Class participation Attendance, class contributions. Ongoing 20% Participation in the Great Debate and Ripped from the Headlines will be factored into this grade. Night at the Museum Movie review and questions Sept. 16 10% Virtual Museum Visit Online Museum visit Sept. 23 5% Museum Visit Real Museum visit worksheet ? 5% Research Project The proposal should be a 300-500 Oct. 21 10% proposal and annotated word sketch of the project with an bibliography annotated bibliography which should have no less than 10 sources cited and annotated, providing the background reading for the final paper. Note that sources must be a mix of books, articles and websites (limited to 3 from the web). Research Project 10 double-spaced pages (excluding Nov. 25 30% the bibliography) using at least 10 references properly cited. Poster Prepare a poster based on your Dec. 2 10% paper topic Poster Presentations 5-10 minute presentation on the Dec. 2 and 10% final paper/poster topic Dec. 9 2 Seminar Participation The ability to participate in seminar discussions is an essential skill. Seminars will take a variety of forms including short presentations, debates, question and answer sessions with guest speakers, field trip, and open discussion. Emergency-related absences must be communicated to me via e-mail or phone BEFORE THE CLASS MEETS! Unavoidable Realities If you cannot complete an assignment on time for any reason, you are responsible for contacting me as soon as possible. Exercises that are turned in late will be penalized for each day they're late if you do not negotiate an extension with me beforehand. You are responsible for knowing all due dates on the syllabus. The final syllabus posted at the beginning of the term will include deadlines for all assignments: it is your responsibility to know when assignments are due. There will be no extra credit material. If you do not complete course work by term's end you will receive no credit for unfinished work. The course will require students to develop and demonstrate core communication and quantitative skills; critical thinking; integration of knowledge; intellectual depth, breadth, and adaptability; understanding of society and culture; and ability to make informed value and ethical judgments. Students will be expected to conform to academic honesty codes of conduct. Cheating includes dishonesty of any kind with respect to exams or assignments. Plagiarism is the offering of someone else’s work as your own: this includes taking un-cited material from books, web pages, or other students, turning in the same or substantially similar work as other students, or failing to properly cite other research. Please consult with me if you have any questions. DATE TOPICS READINGS FIELD TRIP/ASSIGNMENT/ GUEST SPEAKER WEEK INTRODUCTION No readings assigned, in class we will watch We Assignment: Night at the 1 The Wacky World of Love Museums, Do they Love us Back, with Pinky Museum movie review Sept. 9 Museums and Kim. Nuts and Bolts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaFbmuE What the class is all about UdwI and what is expected. WEEK LOGISTICS: WHAT IS A E.G. Burcaw, (1995). Museum Defined. In DUE: Night at the 2 MUSEUM? Introduction to Museum Work, pp. 3-13. Museum movie review Sept. Night at the Museum P. Gerstenblith, (2006). Museum Practice: Legal 16 discussion Issues. In A Companion to Museum Studies, S. Assignment: Virtual A brief history of museums Macdonald editor, pp. 442-456. Museum visit review Museum missions and H. Gurian (2006). Choosing Among the mission statements, legal, Options (pp. 48-56, chapter 5). Civilizing the historical, and Museum. Routledge. organizational contexts Hein, H.S. (2000). Introduction: From Object to Experience. The Museum in Transition. A Philosophical Perspective. Smithsonian Press. Mission Statements and Websites of ICOM (International Council of Museums) AAM (American Association of Museums) 3 AAMD (American Association of Museum Directors) WEEK LOGISTICS: MUSEUM J. Appleton (2007). Museums for ‘The People’? DUE: Virtual Museum 3 COMMUNITIES In Museums and Their Communities, S. Watson visit review Sept. Virtual museum editor, pp. 114-126. 23 discussion J. Clifford (1997). Museum as Contact Zones. The publics? In Representing the Nation: A Reader. Histories, The professionals? heritage and museums, D. Boswell and J. Evans, The excluded? editor, pp. 435-457. S. Watson (2007). Introduction: Museums and CASE STUDY: their Communities. In Museums and Their The Royal Ontario Communities, S. Watson, editor, pp. 1-23. Museum S. Weil (2002). The Museum and the Public. In Museums and Their Communities, S. Watson, editor, Rock Library Visit pp. 32-46. What is an annotated CASE STUDY READINGS bibliography? J. Gatehouse (2005). Cashbox. Maclean’s, March How to research an essay. 28, 26-36. How to write and cite an H. Riegel (1996). Into the Heart of Irony: essay. Ethnographic Exhibitions and the Politics of Possible paper topics Difference. The Sociological Review 1996:83-104. E. Schildkrout (1991). Ambiguous Museums and Ironic Tourists: Into the Heart of Africa and the Other Museum.” Museum Anthropology 15(2): 16-23. G. York (2008) Chinese Antiquities at the ROM Under Renewed Scrutiny. The Globe and Mail January 19, 2008 WEEK MUSEUM VISIT – THE Museum visit worksheet 4 JOHN BROWN HOUSE Meet at 52 Power Street Sept. MUSEUM 30 WEEK LAWS AND LOANS: N. Brodie (2006). US Art Museum Accessions. 5 ACQUISITIONS Culture Without Context, Issue 18. Oct. 7 J. Cuno (2007). Art Museums, Archaeology and Case Study: Antiquities in an Age of Sectarian Violence and The Hot Pot Nationalist Politics. In The Acquisition and Exhibition of Classical Antiquities, edited by R. Rhodes, pp. 9-26. and response by Charles Rosenberg. P. Gerstenblith (2007). The Acquisition and Exhibition of Classical Antiquities. In The Acquisition and Exhibition of Classical Antiquities, edited by R. Rhodes, pp. 47-63. And response M. S. Gold (2005) Death By Ethics. Museum News November/December. R. Mead (2007). Den of antiquity (Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Antiquities Department), The New Yorker (April 9th, 2007) 83: 52-61. C. Renfrew (2006). Museum Acquisition: Responsibilities for the Illicit Traffic in Antiquities. In Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and the Antiquities Trade, edited by N. Brodie, M.M. Kersel, C. Luke and K.W. Tubb, pp. 245-257. AAMD New Report on Acquisition of Archaeological Materials and Ancient Art, June 2008, http://www.aamd.org/newsroom/ 4 Philadelphia Declaration T. Hoving (2001). The Hot Pot, ArtNet Magazine, July 2, 2001. WEEK MUSEUM VISIT RISD WITH Museum visit worksheet 6 CURATOR PROF. GINA Oct. 14 BORROMEO WEEK LAW AND LOANS: N. Brodie (2009). Unwanted Pieces. Museum Sides assigned for the 7 NATIONALISM International Vol. 61 No.1-2: 97-100. Great Debate Oct. 21 The Universal Museum, J. Cuno (2006). View from the Universal partage and loans Museum. In Imperialism, Art and Restitution, J.H. DUE: Paper proposal and Merryman, editor, pp. 15-33. Annotated Bibliography Guest Speaker – Dr. Susan P.G. Ferri (2009) New Types of Cooperation Keitumetse, Watson Between Museums and Countries of Origin. Institute for International Museum International Vol. 61 No.1-2: 91-94. Studies F.S. Kaplan (2006). Making and Remaking National Identities. In A Companion to Museum Studies, S.
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