May 2020 | Vol. 50 | Issue 5 THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN TAIPEI IN OF COMMERCE THE AMERICAN CHAMBER Taiwan’s AI Expectations 台灣的AI期望 TAIWAN BUSINESS TOPICS TAIWAN May 2020 | Vol. 50 | Issue 5 Vol. 2020 | May INDUSTRY FOCUS 中 華 郵 政 北 台 字 第 FINANCIAL SERVICES TAIWAN BUSINESS 5000 COPING WITH COVID-19 號 執 照 登 記 為 雜 誌 交 寄 ISSUE SPONSOR Published by the American Chamber Of NT$150 NT$150Commerce In Taipei Read TOPICS Online at topics.amcham.com.tw 5_2020_Cover2.indd 1 2020/5/5 下午1:15 壽險業唯一 度獲得 壽險8 成就 • 信賴的典範 保德信人壽第 8 度通過金管會評鑑審核為「模範壽險公司」,是業唯一 感謝客戶和我們一同成就這項殊榮;最大的持續動力除了成為模範,更來自於客戶對我們的信任與支持, 支持著我們堅持帶給無數家庭信賴的那份初心。而在評鑑的 6 項評量指標中,〝〞更 能 反 映 壽險顧問持續以卓越表現彰顯我們是客戶的絕佳選擇,持續服務、堅守承諾,專注保險的核心價值不變。 為提倡健全的國內保險市場, 金管會於「保險商品銷售前程 保障規劃及服務品質 高於法規要求財務穩健 推動良善社會工作卓著 序 作 業 準 則 」第 2 1 條 規 定 中 , 符合保戶需求 設 立 了 6 項 指 標,通 過 該 評 鑑 審核即成為「模範壽險公司」。 專業服務獲客戶肯定 專業把關品質有保證 嚴謹遵循法規模範 保德信國際人壽保險股份有限公司 台北市松山區10570南京東路5段161號10樓 www.prulife.com.tw 客 戶服 務 專 線:0800-015-000 CONTENTS NEWS AND VIEWS 6 President’s View Amid Taiwan’s success in fighting COVID-19, a tinge of bitterness MAY 2020 VOLUME 20, NUMBER 5 By William Foreman 一○九年五月號 7 Editorial Reform, Don’t Undermine, the Publisher WHO William Foreman WHO需要改革,不應被削弱 Editor-in-Chief Don Shapiro 10 Taiwan Briefs Deputy Editor Jeremy Olivier By Jane Rickards Art Director/ / Production Coordinator 14 Issues Katia Chen An Eye on the USTR Agenda; Manager, Publications Sales & Marketing Caroline Lee Budget Coverage for New Drugs; Translation Dealing with Osteoporosis Kevin Chen, Yichun Chen, Charlize Hung, 留意美國貿易代表署關注的議題;健 Andrew Wang 保新藥預算;關於骨質疏鬆症 By Don Shapiro American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei 129 MinSheng East Road, Section 3, 7F, Suite 706, Taipei 10596, Taiwan COVER SECTION P.O. Box 17-277, Taipei, 10419 Taiwan Tel: 2718-8226 Fax: 2718-8182 By Jeremy Olivier 撰文/歐嘉仁 e-mail: [email protected] website: http://www.amcham.com.tw 18 Taiwan Tests the Limits 050 with Artificial Intelligence 2718-8226 2718-8182 台灣測試人工智慧極限 Taiwan Business Topics is a publication of the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei, ROC. Contents are Industry, government, and independent of and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Officers, Board of Governors, Supervisors or members. academia are all working © Copyright 2020 by the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei, ROC. All rights reserved. Permission to reprint together to create a vibrant original material must be requested in writing from AmCham. Production done in-house, Printing by Farn Mei AI ecosystem in Taiwan, while Printing Co., Ltd. recognizing that some major challenges remain. 10866 5000 24 Where Taiwan Can Make ISSN 1818-1961 the Most of AI Much of Taiwan’s industry Chair: C.W. Chin Vice Chairs: Fupei Wang, Timothy Shields is being transformed by Secretary: Seraphim Ma Treasurer: Al Chang the introduction of AI 26 The COVID-19 2019-2020 Governors: technologies, particularly in Al Chang, Albert Chang, Seraphim Ma, Jan-Hendrik Pandemic and Taiwan’s AI Meidinger, Paulus Mok. the areas of manufacturing and health care. Development 2018-2019 Governors: C.W. Chin, Brian Sung, Timothy Shields, Fupei Wang, Roger Yee, Angela Yu. 2020 Supervisors: Mark Horng, Stephen Tan, Terry Tsao. COMMITTEES: Agro-Chemical/ Melody Wang; Asset Management/ Eric Lin, Angela Yang, Derek Yung; Banking/ Paulus Mok; Capital Markets/ Mandy Huang, Eric Jai, C.P. Liu; Chemical Manufacturers/ Charles Liang, Michael Wong; Cosmetics/ Abigail Lin; Defense/ Manohar Thyagaraj, Roger Yee; Digital Economy/ Max Chen, Renee Chou, Tai Chi Chuan; Energy/ Richard Freer, Randy Tsai; Human Resources/ Christine Chen, Carmen Law, David Tsai; Infrastructure/ Wayne Chin, Paul Lee; Insurance/ KT Lim, Mandy Shih, Linda Tsou; Intellectual Property & Licensing/ Jason Chen, Peter Dernbach, Vincent Shih; Marketing & Distribution/ (tba); Medical Devices/ Louis Ko, Jeffrey Wang; Pharmaceutical/ Justin Chin, Rie Nakajima, TAIWAN BUSINESS Shuhei Sekiguchi; Private Equity/ echo Yeh; Public Health/ Joyce Lee, Pongo Peng, Tim Shields; Retail/ 30 Checking Temperatures: How Businesses in Taiwan are Ceasar Chen, Mark Chen, Peggy Liao; Sustainable Development Goals/ Kenny Jeng, Lume Liao, Coping with COVID-19 Cosmas Lu, Fupei Wang; Tax/ Heidi Liu, Cheli Liaw; Technology/ Cynthia Chyn, Stella Lai, Angela Yu; Companies are trying to figure out how best to respond to new and Telecommunications & Media/ Thomas Ee, David Shin, Joanne Tsai; Transportation & Logistics/ (tba); unique challenges, while staying vigilant about the unexpected. Travel & Tourism/ Gina Tsai, Jason Yeh, Fiona Yuan. By Jeremy Olivier 4 TAIWAN BUSINESS TOPICS • MAY 2020 5 contents.indd 4 2020/5/5 下午1:16 MAY • VOLUMEVOLUME 5050 NUMBER NUMBER 5 5 COVER SPONSOR LAW 33 Taiwan’s Personal Data Protection Rules A review of the essential regula- tions, plus some caution on dan- gers for the unwary. By John Eastwood, Wendy Chu, and Nathan Snyder INDUSTRY Fubon Financial Holdings Overview F CUS A Report on the Financial Committed to becoming one of Asia’s first-class financial Services Sector institutions, Fubon Financial Holdings has built a strong lineup 38 Japan’s LINE banks on of financial service companies. Its major subsidiaries include Fintech in Taiwan Fubon Life, Taipei Fubon Bank, Fubon Bank (Hong Kong), Success as a virtual bank in Fubon Bank (China), Fubon Insurance, Fubon Securities, and Taiwan would bring the Japanese Fubon Asset Management. As of the end of 2019, Fubon messaging app closer to super app status. Financial Holdings had total assets of US$283.9 billion, rank- By Matthew Fulco ing second among Taiwan’s financial holding companies, and it 41 Enhanced Anti-money has been the most profitable company in the industry in terms Laundering Controls Pay Off of earnings per share (EPS) for eleven consecutive years. The for Taiwan company was named to the Fortune Global 500 for the second Taiwan’s ranking by a money-laun- consecutive year in 2019. dering watchdog has risen over the past year, but future efforts Fubon Financial Holdings’ subsidiaries rank among the top will need to address challenges emerging from digitization of the performers in their respective sectors. Fubon Insurance has financial sector. consistently led all P&C insurers with an over 23% market share. By Matthew Fulco Taipei Fubon Bank is one of Taiwan’s biggest privately owned 43 The Life Insurer Exodus banks; Fubon Securities ranks among Taiwan’s top three securi- Companies have needed to be ties houses; and Fubon Life ranks second in total premium. in the right niche to survive in the Taiwan market. Fubon Financial Holdings is now the only Taiwanese financial By Don Shapiro institution with banking subsidiaries in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, and the company continues to expand its Asian network EXECUTIVE SUITE and deepen its presence in Greater China. 46 Meet Veronica Acurio of 3M By Jeremy Olivier Looking ahead, Fubon Financial Holdings will continue to strengthen our presence in Taiwan and pursue stable growth. At SPONSORED CONTENT the same time, Fubon Financial Holdings will continue to search 8 Pfizer Outlines Five-Point for suitable M&A opportunities in order to develop a foothold in Plan to Battle COVID-19 the regional market and move closer to the goal of becoming a 48 Seeing Taiwan first-class business group in Asia. Go East for a Wonderful Taiwan Adventure TAIWAN BUSINESS TOPICS • MAY 2019 5 5 contents.indd 5 2020/5/5 下午1:16 PRESIDENT'S VIEW Amid Taiwan’s success in fighting COVID-19, a tinge of bitterness recently posted a photo on Insta- extremely sensitive and politically When he returned to Taiwan, he dis- gram of my family celebrating my charged. covered two things: 1) His employees Iyoungest daughter’s birthday at one One AmCham member con- already had enough masks, and they of her favorite restaurants, Saffron 46, tacted me to express frustration with thought the P95s were too heavy-duty to enjoying crispy samosas and scallops in not being allowed to send face masks wear all day. And 2) Taiwan was success- curry while the Taipei 101 skyscraper to his brother in the U.S. Only Tai- fully containing COVID-19 and ramping was twinkling in the background. wanese could send a limited number up the production of masks, so protec- A friend in New York commented: of masks overseas, and then only to tive gear was becoming less of an issue. “Wow, you get to go out to eat in their Taiwanese relatives. So not even So the boxes of masks sat in his Taiwan? Or is this a memory? Sitting in this AmCham member’s Taiwanese office, and he didn’t think much of a restaurant seems like such an exotic wife could send masks to her American them until COVID-19 began blowing activity right now.” brother-in-law in the Midwest. up in the U.S. In horror, he watched Once again, I felt a deep privi- “It appears the Taiwan government TV scenes from his hometown of New lege for being able to live and work in doesn't consider foreign marriages and York, where doctors and nurses were Taiwan. I seized the opportunity to pro- family to be as real as those between caring for patients without the neces- mote Taiwan, explaining how it has Taiwan nationals,” the member told sary protective gear. done better than any other country me. “My brother is my wife’s brother- His new mission became finding a fighting the virus. Now, the Taiwanese in-law. Her family, too, is my family, way to send the masks he brought to are helping the world by donating mil- and if they needed masks while I was Taiwan back to his family and friends lions of masks to the U.S., Europe, and in the U.S., I would have no problem working in the medical sector in New its diplomatic allies.
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