PAKISTANI!1g9oSt Public Disclosure Authorized I N'E~~fl NA7 ON1, SBANKFrC).,I RICONSTRUi("YI2ON AND DtWVTQ0kN4N'Nr PAKISTAN I)RAINAGE SECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - NATIONAL DRAINAGE PROGRAMME Public Disclosure Authorized ~~~~~~~~~~~~~* .;- . lh SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS Public Disclosure Authorized JUNE 1993 Public Disclosure Authorized PI ~~NA'riONALIVINGINIARRtNCI, Mulloai - -~~ S1RVICF1SPAKISTAN (PVT) MAliOAI IFIEW LIMITIAD li i ntornallonalLimliod ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN WATER & POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT PAKISTAN DRAINAGE SECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - NATIONAL DRAINAGE PROGRAMME VOLUME 3 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS JUNE 1993 Effi NATIONAL ENGINEERING Mott __ - >SERVICES PAKISTAN (PVT) 1 MacDonald FU _1 LIMITED j J Intcrmational Limitcd PAKISTAN DRAINAGE SECrOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT -NATIONAL DRAINAGE PROGRAMME (LIST OF VOLUMES) VOLUME I - PAKISTAN DRAINAGE SECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT VOLUME 2 - CONCEPT FRAMEWORK NATIONAL DRAINAGE PROGRAMME VOLUME 3 - SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS VOLUME 4 - DATA (WATER, SO'1 & AGRICULTURE) VOLUME 3 SUPPLEMENTARYREPORTS REPORT AUTHOR 1. FORESTRY T. A. ANSARI 2. FISHERIES SECTOR SYEDUDDINKHURSHID 3. BIRDS OF THE WETLANDS OF PAKISTAN DR. ALEEM CH. 4. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ASPECTS (ASSIMILATIVE CAPACITY OF DRAINS) S. A. ZAIDI 5. ROLE FRAMEWORK FOR INSTITUTIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR ACTION (INCLUDING REFERENCE TO SOCIAL ASPECTS P. M. OATES SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT FORESTRY BY T. A. ANSARI DRAINAGE SECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (NATIONAL DRAINAGE PROGRAMMCE) FORESTRY Page No. List of Contents i List of Tables iv Abbreviations v Local Terms ConversionTable vii List of Trees and Plants ix Summary Xii 1. GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN'S FOREST POLICY I 1.1 Governmentof Pakistan Forest Policy 1980 1 1.2 Five Year DevelopmentPlans (1988-93) 1 1.3 Governmentof Pakistan's Forest Strategy 2 1.4 EnvironmentalProfile of Pakistan 2 1.5 National ConservationStrategy 3 1.6 United Nations EnvironmentalProgramme 3 1.7 Forest Types in Pakistan 4 1.8 Forest Production 5 1.9 Forests and the NationalDrainage Programme 5 2. RIVERINE FORESTS 6 2.1 General 6 2.2 Riverine Forests of Sindh 6 2.2.1 Introduction 6 2.2.2 Landuse 6 2.2.3 Present Condition 7 2.2.4 Forest Utilization 8 2.2.5 DevelopmentProjects 8 2.2.6 Break up of Area of Riverine Forests 9 i 2.3 Riverine Forests of the Punjab 10 2.3.1 General 10 2.3.2 Area of Riverine Forests 10 2.3.3 Species Used in Riverine Forests 10 2.3.4 Present Afforestation Progranmnein Punjab 10 2.4 Irrigation and Water Managementin Riverine Forests 11 2.4.1 General 11 2.4.2 High Areas Subjectto OccasionalInundation 12 2.4.3 Long Term Potential of Riverine Forests 12 2.5 Riverine Forests and the National Drainage Programme 13 3. MANGROVES 14 3.1 General 14 3.2 Area under MangroveForest 14 3.2.1 Area Statement 14 3.2.2 Description of Mangroves 15 3.2.3 Flora of Mangroves 16 3.2.4 Dependenceof Mangroves on Freshwater 17 3.3 Mangroves Ecosystem 17 3.4 CommercialProductivity of Mangroves 18 3.4.1 Economic Benefits 18 3.4.2 Fishing Industry 18 3.A.3 Tourism 18 3.5 Degradationof the Mangroves 19 3.5.1 Reduced Freshwater Supply 19 3.5.2 Ecological Impacts 20 3.5.3 Preservation of the Mangrove Environment 21 3.5.4 DevelopmentProjects/Plans 21 3.6 Mangroves and the National Drainage Programme 23 3.6.1 Existing Position 23 3.6.2 Existing Outfall Drains 23 3.6.3 Field Observation by the Consultants 24 3.6.4 Positive Impacts 24 4. IRRIGATED PLANTATIONS 25 4.1 Introduction 25 4.2 Irrigated Plantations in the Punjab 25 ii 4.3 Irrigated Plantations in Sindh 26 4.4 Saline and WaterloggedAreas in Reserved Forests 27 4.4.1 In the Punjab 27 4.4.2 In Sindh 27 4.5 Irrigated Plantationsand the National Drainage Programme 29 5. SALINE FORESTRY 30 5.1 General 30 5.2 Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar 30 5.3 Punjab Forestry Research Instiute, Faisalabad 31 5.4 University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 34 5.5 Nuclear Institate for Agriculture and Biology, Faisalabad 35 5.6 Quaid-i-AzamUniversity, Islamabad 37 5.7 University of Karachi, Karachi 38 5.8 Sindh Forest Departnent, Hyderabad 38 5.9 Trees Recommendedfor Saline and Waterlogged Lands 39 5.10 Developing Forestry Potential 40 5.11 Biological Control as an Alternative to Drainage 41 Referees Appendkces Appendix 1 National Conservation Strategy - Developing a Sustainable Forest Resource Appendix2 List of Riverine Forests of Sindh Appendix 3 List of IRiverineForests of the Punjab List of "DiscussionsWith Extenal Agencies". ... LIST OF TABLES Table No. Page No. 1.1 Physical Forestry Targets in the Seventh Five Year Plan 2 1.2 Output of Forests 4 1.3 Pakistan Forest Area by VegetationTypes 5 2.1 Landuse in the Riverine Area of Sindh 6 3.1 Mangrove Area 14 3.2 Designed Discharge of Kotri Surface Drains 23 4.1 Area of Irrigated Plantationsin the Punjab and Sindh by Forest Circles 26 4.2 Saline and WaterloggedAreas in the Punjab Forest Irrigated Plantations 27 4.3 Saline and WaterloggedAreas in Sindh Forest Irrigated Plantations 28 5.1 Survival Percentage of Tree species on Saline Soils 30 5.2 Survival Percentage of Tree species on Saline Soils (in India) 31 5.3 Trial of Salt Tolerant species imported from Australia 32 5.4 Planting Techniques on WaterloggedLands 33 5.5 Planting Techniques fbr Eucalyptuscamaldulensis 33 5.6 Economic Returns from Tree species on Saline Lands 35 5.7 Trial of Australian Woody species on Saline Lands 36 5.8 Growth of Casuarina glauca on different Saline Lands 37 5.9 Growth and Productionof Casurarina glauca on Saline Lands 37 iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS A ACIAR Australian Centre for InternationalAgriculture Research ADB Asian DevelopmentBank C CS[RO CommonwealthScientific and Industrial Research Organisation CIDA Canadian InternationalDevelopment Agency cu Centimeter cu.ft Cubic feet cu.m Cubic meter Cusec Cubic feet per second E EC or Ec Electric Conductivity D DPOD Dhoro Puran Outfall Drain F FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FYP Five Year Plan G g gramme GOP Governmentof Pakistan H ha Hectare I IBRD InternationalBank for Reconstructionand Development IUCN InternationalUnion for Cunservationof Nature and Natural Resources K Kg Kilogramme Km Kilometer L LBOD Left Bank Outfall Drain M m meter MS,ms,mS Micro Semen Mt Million tonnes/tons N NIAB Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology NWFP North West Frontier Province p PAEC Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission PARC Pakistan AgriculturalResearch Council ppm Parts per million R RBOD Right Bank Outfall Drain S SAR Sodium Absorption Ratio SFD Sindh Forest Department Sq.km Square kilometer SUPARCO Pakistan Space and Upper AtmosphereResearch Commission U UN United Nations UNEP United Nations EnvironmentalProgramme vi DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL TERMS Abkalani The rise in the level of the water in the river; The annual flood. Bela Riverine forest. Bund Embankment/Dyke Dhand Water left in a low-lying place after floods. A small pond. Dhora A natural water channel. A creek. A low-lying area. Kachcha/Kachcho Unstable, newly formed land created by a change in the course of the river. Kallar Soil having high concentrationsof salts. PuccalPacco Stable land. Rabi Winter cropping season from October to April. CONVERSION TABLE English Units Metric Units 1 inch (in) = 25.4 millimetres (m) I foot (ft) = 30.5 centimetres (cm) 1 yard (yd) = 0.915 meters (m) 1 mile (mi) = 1.609 kilometres (km) 1 acre (ac) = 0.405 hectares (ha) 1 square mile (sq.mi) = 59 ha 1 pound (lb) = 0.454 kilograms (kg) 1 long ton (1 g ton) = 1.016 metric tons (t) 1 cubic foot/second (cfs) = 0.0283 cubic meters/second (m3/sec) = 28.32 litres/second (1/sec) vii LIST OF TREES AND OTHER PLANTS Scientific Name Local Name Acacia farnesiana Kikri Acacia nilotica Babul/Kikar Acacia senegal Valaiti KikarlKhor Aegiceras corniculatum Chor Albizzia lebbek Safed Siris Albizzia procera Siris Azadirachta indica Neem Avecinnia marina Timur Bruguigera gymmorhiza Casurarina equisetafolia Jaugli SarulJhao Ceriops tagal Chanhr Comocarpus lancepholeus Ethopian teak Dalbergia sisso Shisham Leucacena leucocephala Ipil Ipil Morus alba Mulberry/Shehtut/Toot Parkinsonia aculeata Parkinsonia Phoenix dactylifera Datepalm/Khajoor Phticolibium dulca Jungli Julibi Pongamia glabra sukhchain Poplar/Bahan Populus euphratica Poplar/Bhan Prosopis cineraria Kandi/land Prosopis glandulosa and P. Juliflora Mesquite/Devi Psidium guava Guava/Amrood Rhizophora apiculata Rhizophora decaudra Rhizophora mucronata Kandall Salix spp. SalLx Sesbania aculeata Sonneratia caseolaris Syzgium cummini Jaman Tamarix articulata TamarisklAsro Lai/Lao Tamarix aphylla TamarisklLai Terminalia arjuna Arjun Zizyphus jujuba Ber Zizyphus mauritiana Mallah/lhar ber viii EXOTIC TREES IMPORTEDFOR SALINEAND WATERLOGGED LANDS (No Local Names) Acacia ampliceps Acacia auriculiformis Acacia calcicola Acacia cambagei Acacia holosericea Acacia kempeana Acacia ligulata Acacia maconociana Acacia salicina Acacia saligna Acacia selerosperma Acacia stenophylla Acacia victoria Casuarina cristata Casuarina cunmighamia Casuarina glauca Casuarina obesa Eucalyptus globulus Eucalyptusmicrotheca Eucalyptus occidentalis Eucalyptusrudis Eucalyptustriticornis Melaleuca bracteata Melaleuca halmaturoru Melaleuca leucadendra Sesbania formosa Stylobasiumsbathulatum SHRUBS AND GRASSES Acluropus spp. Sukarr Atriplex spp. Atriplex Calotropis procera Akh Cenchrus spp Gah Cyprus conglomeratus Bakhar ix Diplachne fusca Kallar grass Heliotropuim curassivicum Lathani Heliotropuim undulatum Poenr Halophrum macronatum Batan Heleochloa dura Dhakar Saccharum munja Kana Saccharum sportaneum
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