Dhananjayarao GadgiJ Ubrary 11m~1~lnmm~m~ml~1 •!, GIPE-PUNE-OI7816 r ------ - .... BIHAR AND QRISSA DISTRICT QAZETTEERS.. • f":~ H AZ ARIB AG H. Agents for the Sale of Books published by the BIhar and Orissa i) Government. l , . A~enU 10 India (1) Meall1'L Thacker, SpInk &. Co., Calcutta. (3) lI("1sra. M. C. Sircar '" Sonl, 76, Dam"'ft Road, Calcutta. (2) Melsrs. W. Newman & Co., Calcutta. (9) P""Prictor of the N~wal Kilbore l'rel', (3) Me8srs. S. K. Lahiri &. Co., College Streell, Lucknl)w. Ca.lcutta. (10) 'MellTl. M. N. Burman &. Co., Ballkipar. (4) lrI,,88ra. A. M. and J. Ferguson, Ceylon. (11) nahu R"m Dlly.ll Agarwa~, 18·.\, Katr. (5) Messrs. R. CambrllY &: Co., 6 and 8-2, lload, Allahabad. Hastillgs Street, Calcutta. (12) StanJ.trd Liternture Co., Ltd. 13/1, Old (6) Messrs. Thompson & Co., Madr&ll. Court Uonle Stroet, Ca!cutt:l., ('/') Messrs. D. B. 'f"raporevaln., SODS & Co., 103, (13) Manllgor of the Ind'an School SOPP], D.·~t, Meadow !Street, Fort, I'ost BOll No. Ie, ao~~, Bow Bazar Street. Clllcutta. Bombay: (H.) MelITa, Butterworth &'Co., J.d., 6, nltltinga ,street., Calcutta. (15) MesSI's. Ram Krishna and Son., AnarkBli Street, Lahore. AgelJt. III EII'!an4 : (1) }Iessrs. A Con8t1\ble & Co., Ltd., 10, Ol'llngll (7) Mesn •. lI!'nry S. KIng &; Co., 65, CornhiU " Street, Leicester Square, London, W. wndoD, E. C. (2) Messrs. K!'gan, Yaur,-Trench. Trubner.\: Co., 68. \ Rrter Lane. Loudon, E. C. (8) M('8sTI. Grindlay & Co., Ii" Parliament (Orient'll Dppartment) and 25, Museum Street, LondoD, S. W. Street, London, W. C. (3) Mr. n. Quaritch, 11, Grafton Sflr4)et, New' • '(9) Mesm. W. nacier &; Co .. 2. Crete! Bond,street, London. W. Lane, Ludgate Hill, London, E. C. (4) Messrs. P. S. King & Son, 9 and 4. Great (10) Meur•• LozlI.O .\ Co., 'fI, Orca. Rnsell Smith Street, We8 tminster, London,S. W. hIe LOLdon, W. C. (5) Mr. B. U. Blackwell, 50,51, Broad StIeet, (11) }felSI'L OliyP1' and Boyd, Tweedlale Oxford. Court, EdiJlburgh. (6) Messrs. D!'ighton Bell & Co., Ltd., Trinity (12) Meaan. E. POllSODb,. Ud., 116, Onltoa Street, Cambridge. Street. Dublin. (13) T. Filher Unwin, Ltd., 1, Adelphi rerrace, Lor.lou. W. C. # (1) M. Ern"lt Leroux, 2~, Rue Bonaparte'j_ (2) Martin'll Xijbo!, The. g1IfJ Bollana. !'aril, France. n.l BIHAR AND ORISSA DISTRICT GAZETT~EttS HAZARIBAGH :BY E. LISTER, O.I.E., L'f DIU CIVIL BIIlVl~ PAoTNA.: . 6Ul!:EBDTENDUl', GQ.TEB'NDN~- J.»BlN'tL."fG, lJIllAR A.."m OlUS~. PREFACE. TnIS Gazetteer has been clmpile:l on tho basis of the Statistical Account of Hazaribagh, whieh was prepared about 1875 under the sup3rvision of Sir 'Villiam IIunter. It follows closely the form of the corresponding volume on lIan.bhum which was written by Mr. II. Coupland, I.C.S., and much of its matter has heen suggested by the gazetteers of :Uanbhum and Gaya.. In addition to published books, which have been indicat­ ed in the appropriate places, valuable original contribu­ tions havo been received on special subjects from the Rov. S. L. Thompson (Botany), Mr. L. L. Fermor (Gener­ al Geology), lire Thomas H. "\Val'd (Giridih Coal-field), Mr. G. C. Lathbury (Bokaro Colliery), Dr. A. Jowett (Karanpura Valley), lIr.E. Lane (Mica), Mr. C. J. n. ,\Vight Boycott (Emigration), the Rev. J. C. Forrester (Anglican lIission), the Rev. J. A. Dyer (U. F. Church of Scotland Mission), and Habu Bisheshvar Mukharji (Agriculturo). The statistics of the recent years have been compiled by Babu J. C. Datta, Deputy Magistrate and Collector of Hazaribagh. Extracts from or references to the Settlement Report of lIazaribagh appear throughout the book, and I take this opportunity of acknowledging my great indebtedness to its author, Mr. J. D. Sifton, I.C.S'l late Settlement Officer of Chota. Nagpur. E. LISTER. The 151h July 1917. PLAN OF CONTENTS. CnAl'TElL P.\G •• S I.-PHYSICAL ASPECTS • 1-2G II.-GEOLOGY AND lIINER.!LS • 27-50 JIl.-HISTORY • o]-GU lV.-TuE PEOPLE • • 70-{)3 V.-PUBLIC HEALTH 94-9J VI.-AGRICULTURE • • 100-113 VII.-N ATURAL OALAMITlES • 114-120 VlII.-RENTS, WAGES AND PRICES . 121-132 IX.-OCCUPATION~, MANUFACTURES AND T.RADE • • 133-137 X.-MEANS OF COMMUNICATION • 133-14G XI.-J.J.A.ND REVENUE ADMINISTRATION • 14·7-163 XlI.-GENERAl, ArMINISTRA'l'ION · 164-178 XIII.-LOCAL SELF·GOVE~NMENT · 179-183 XIV.-EDUCATION • • • 184-189 XV.-GAZETTEER • •.. • ..• • 190-210 INDEX • • • • • · 2il el. 8eg. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER T.. PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Guu.u. DBSCllIPfIQN-OriglD of name-Boundariet-NATUlU.L DIvIsIon AlID 8C:ux:ay-The lower plateau-The higber plateau-The Damodar basin-Scenery of the higher plateau­ lower plateao-Dimodar Ve.Uey-HILLs-RIVBRs-Lakel anel Marahea-FLORA-Destruction of forests - Destructive ageocies­ Fore.t Scenery-Treel outside the jUDgIe-RxSEBVBD.A.BD Pao­ nOTBn FOBB8Ts-FJ.tTlIol-Death. caused by wild animals- Game birds-Fiah-Beptiles-CLI:lun-Rainfall. 1-2$ CHAPTER II.. GEOLOGY AND MINERALS. GUBllolL Accoun-Archrean-Gondwina-BokirO Coal-fieta­ RimglUh-Karanpara-Chope-Itkhori-Boll:l.Bo COLLIBlll'­ GUUDIH CO .... L-FIBLD-KuolNl'UBl VolLLBy-MIO.l- Iron­ Tiu-Copper-Other minerals-Lime and road mett.l-lb!llur. Sl'JI.IlfG8. 27-50 CHAPTER 111. HISTORY. EuL1' HISTO:l'!-N.&.TuB.A.L RouTEs-TaIut. LBGBBD&-Santlil migration 1egenc1-Mundiri migrationlegend-F.... JuLY hADL­ 'l'Ioll'8-Dhanwir-:-Kundii.-Rinfgarb-StTRVIV.lt8 IN 1'1111 r.olND 8YSUll-PLolCB lUlllr8-ABCH..BOLOGIC.lL RUl.lIN8- PJUIUNT RA.CU£ DI81':aIJlUTION--cONCLtTSIOlf-}J17JI.lJUUDU COlUllCTJOlf-RiIDgl.rh-Kendi and Chhai-Kharagdih""'; TBB- EShllLI8B)f.Bl!Il.! 0'1' DBI'!I8l1 AtTTHO.BITY-Kundi­ ltlmgarh- Kharagdihi-ADMlxJ ST.B.lT nB ,UB.... lf GBll.llfTi -DietrlcL of }{imgarh-RilDguh l3attalion-Creation of the South.West Frontier Agency-FormatioD of HUiribigh Dbtrict-Criminal and Civil JUltice under Regulation XUI- •.&1itutiOD ofJaDd-The Mutiny of 1857- Later biatory_ Gl-e~ i1 TULB 0:1 CONTJN'l'S. CHAPTER IV, THE PEOPLE. GROWTH OF POPULATION-DENSITY OF POPULATION-)lIGn:,lTION­ Emigra.ti~n to the tea districts-Towns-and ~ilIages-LANGUAGE -RELIGION-Mixed elements of Rinduism-Muhammadans­ Animists-Clu'istians-DuBLIN UNIVERSITY MISSION-UNITED FREE CHURCH OF SCOrLAND-CA8TBS AND TRIBES-DISTJUBUTION -Goil.las-Functional _ castes-Dusadhs-Santals-Bhuiyas­ :Bhogtas-Other castes-CHARACTRRISTICS- Santals -Bhuiyas- '- and GhatwarB-Bhogt~8-Kurmis-Turis-MnndariB-Bedias­ Karmilis-OriOns-Mahalis-Birhors-Bil.bhanlf-Sokiil.rs-Pat­ was-Bandiwats-VILLAGB onlcuLs-Village social life- Pilglimage - Witchoraft. 70-93 CHAPTER V. PUBLIC HEALTH. BIRTHS AND IlIIATlIS--Reporting ageDcy-Diseases-S.U'fITATlON- VACCINATION-MEDI CAL INSTITUTIONS. 94-99 CHAPTER VI. AGRICULTUl~E. STATISTICS-PJONJ:EBIN G-Classification-of telTaced land-- Privileges of pioneers-Causes of failure-Classification of upland­ CROP S'l'ATEMERT-FA.CTORS IN PnODUCTIVITY-Rainfall­ Irrigation-The soil-Msnures-Seed - Implements-Cattle­ .AGRICt'LTURAL CALBNDAR-DAILY ROUTINE-Character of tbe Oultivator-Improvement ot Agriculture-DIsTRICT , STATJSTICS. 100-113 CHAPTER VII. NATURAL CALAMITIES. INCOllll o:r THE DISTRICT-Mahua-Lac-Hides and Skins­ Jungle produce-Serdee abroad-Local Mines and Manu­ faetules-Importance of terraced rice-Ideal Programme of rains-Causes of crop failure-FAMIRJI AND SCABCITf-1908- 1897-1874-Present conditions--Programme of famine works-}'loods-Other Calamities. 11'-120 TaBLB Ol CONTBNTS. CllAPT"ER VIlI. RENTS, WAGES AND PRICES. PAGE RBns-Abwab and begari-Prohibition of new predial condi­ tions-Danger of illicit restoration of begirt-Crop.cutting experimentl!-Relative- outtJrn of the six .classeS-CA.llll RUTs-Method of distribution of lump rents-Unit rate­ THANA. BATEs-Rates for land acquisitiun-KHANDWAT O~ KOllKAlil-Ra.tes of reub for such lands--PBODUCE RENTB­ CUSTOMA.RY RI<WTS--Transfer of holdings-LANDLBSS LAB· OUIuBs-Maju1's-Kamias-PBlcH OF FOOD-GIlA.I:NS- W AOBS-MuBllUL CONDITION OF T1{ll PEOPLB. 121.-13a CHAPTER IX. OCCUPATIOSS. MAXUFACTURES AND TRADE. OCCUPATIONS -MANUFACTU&ES-Lac- Cutch-MINBSI- TUDJl:- CurrcllIlY-WEIGHTS AND ]lEAoURRS. 133-137 CHAPTER X. ME.ANS OF COM~mNIC.ATION. EULl' BOADs-Rennell's maps-Ro:J.ds in 1837-The old Benares Road-The Grand Trank Road -Other provincjal roa.ds-District Board roads-Urgent needs-RULw.l.YS-River oommunications -Ferries-Staging and Inspection Bu.ngalows-PoST..I.L dou:· )oICNICATIONS. 138-146 CHAPTER XI. LAND REVENUE ADMINISTRATION. }\UJlDB& 011 BSTA.TBS-Amount of revenne-Original number of EBtates-Kundil-Kendi-Rimgarh-Skamilat talu.ks-Kharag­ dihi-The mukarraries of Kharllg:liha. - DhanWii.r-Kharagdiha. Kha. mahal-Kodarwa-Sarkal'i Hata.-Partabpur Transferred Estates-RBVENUB FREE EST.ATES-Amnii.ri-Prim'1geniture­ Ercumbered E,;ta'es Act -Subordina.te tenur~s-Khorposh­ Digwii.ri- Jigirs-Kh',irats-M uTcarrari istimrari-Tempol'al'Y tenures-Cultiva.ting teninoies-Khu.ntkf.\tti --Doa.:ni tlJi kala.. s -M.undiriKhun.ika.tli-R'liyats-Unde~·raiJats. l4.1-163 'U8LlI 0' CO'ST1U'T5. CITAI)TER XII. GENERAL ADlIINlSTltATIOY. Tn B NoN·REGULATION DI8TRIC'l'-SubdiviaiQna-Revenue work­ Hent iuitll-RBvENUB-L.ND RBVBNUB-ExClBJ-Counlry epiritq- Drura - Toddy-SuJll'&-bc01U TAx-CllBa-RBGIs· TR4TION-ADlflNJ8TJUTJON 01' CIVIL JUSTJca-C&lJ1IN.lL JUET,cR-SlatisticlI-CllJu-l'oLIcs-Liability of Zamindar. -Ol'iginul thBna~-Alterati(lns iQ If.3-i·1838-AbolitioD 0' ~ami.,dili Police-1872-1891-1901-Present distribution of thanlls and I'lIlice·St.:.ioUI- Digwirs-VILL.OI CU ... VIUDU ..... JAILS. lc.i-17S CHAPTER XIII. LOCAL SELll'-GOVERN}lE~T. DISTRICT EonD-Duties of the Eoard-lDcome-ExpenditurG­ Giridih Local Htard-MoIUCIP.lLITJI8-Haziribigh-ChaLra- Giridih. 179-183 CHAPTER XIV. EDUCATIOY. ,Education in 1837-1872-1915-16-Inspecting Staf£-ColloS' of St. Ccllumba-High ~choc,ls-llidd18 Scbools-Primary Schools --Gm'u Training ~cboo18 -Tecblllco.l Schools-Female Educa­ tion-Reformatory sCbl}Ol-San.krit tol,-Bantu eduratio'D-:- East Indian RQilway Schools-Expenditure.
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