REGULATORY INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (RIDS) ACCESSION NBR:804130168 0UC.DATE: 81/04/09 NOTARIZED: Nf DOCKET # FACIL:50-3b1 San Onotre .uclear Station, Unit 2, Southern Californ 050003b1 50-362 San Onofre Niuclear Station, Unit 3, Southern Californ 05000362 AUTH.NAME AUTHUR AFFILIATION bASKINK.P. Southern California Edison Co. RECIP.14AME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION MIRAGLIAF. Licensing Branch 3 SUBJECT: Forwards description of util mgt organization conformance w/ NUREG-0731 guidelinesin response to NRC 801120 Itr.Soecial low power tests will oe reneatea as necessary to provide ooerator training Per NUREG-0737,Item IG.7. DISTRIBUTION CODE: 8001S COPIES RECEIVED:LTR I ENCL 7 SIZE: TITLE: PSAi/FSAR AMOTS and Related Correspondence NOTES:Send all FSAR & ER amends to L Chandler. 05000361 1 cy:J Hanchett (Region V).D Scaletti,1 cy of all envir into Send all FSAR & QR amends to L Chandler. 05000362 1 cy:J Hanchett (Region V).D Scalettil cy of all envir into RECTPIENT COPIES RECIPIENT COPIES I) CODE/NAME LTTR ENCL ID CODE/NAME LTTR ENCL ACTION: A/D LICENSNG 1 0 'AIRAGLIAF, 1 0 LEE,J. 1 0 ROOH. 04 1 1 INTERNAL: ACCID EVAL BR26 1 1 6UX SYS BR 07 1 1 CHEM ENG BR 0h 1 1 CONT. SYS 3P 09 1. 1 COkE ,ERF BR 10 1 1 EFF TR SYS BR12 1 1 EMERG PREP 22 1 0 EQUIP QUAL BP13 3 3 GEOSCIENCES 14 1 1 HUM FACT ENG bR 1 1 HYD/GED BR 15 2 2 I&C SYS BR 16 1 1 ISE 06 3 3 LIC GUTD 3R 1 1 LIC QUAL RR 1 1 MATL ENG BR 17 1 1 MECH ENG BR 18 1 1 "PA 1 0 NRC POR 02 1 1 OELD 1 0 0 LIC BR 1 1 POWER SYS BR 19 1 1 PRUC/TST, REV 20 1 1 QA BR 21 1 1 4 ES 8R22 1 1 REAC SYS BR 23 1 1 EG FILE 01 1 1 SIT ANAL BR 24 1 1 B-'R27 1 1 SYS INTERAC BR 1 1 EXTERNAL: ACRS 21 10 16 LPDR 03 1 1 NSIC 05 1 1 TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES rE UIJPED: LTTR ENCL Southern California Edison Company P. 0. BOX 800 2244 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE ROSEMEAD. CALIFORNIA 91770 K. P. BASKIN April 9, 1981 TELEPHONE MANAGER OF NUCLEAR ENGINEERING, (213) 572-1401 SAFETY, AND LICENSING '.0 Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention: Mr. Frank Miraglia, Branch Chief Licensing Branch No. 3 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Gentlemen: 6" 1 Subject: Docket Nos. 50-361 and 50-362 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Units 2 and 3 In the NRC's letter of November 20, 1980 a description of the Southern California Edison Company management organization and how our organization meets the guidelines of NUREG-0731 was requested. In response to this request, enclosed are seven (7) copies of the information provided to your staff during the Management and Technical Resources Audit conducted at the SCE corporate office and the San Onofre Units 2 and 3 site on March 3, 4, and 5, 1981. As agreed between your Mr. R. Benedict and our Mr. F. R. Nandy in a telephone conversation on March 17, 1981, the enclosed information, which was informally provided to the NRC during the recent audit and a revision to Chapter 13 of the San Onofre Units 2 and 3 FSAR reflecting the enclosed information which will be transmitted to the NRC on April 17, 1981 comprise our response to the NUREG-0731 information request and no additional information concerning NUREG-0731 is necessary. In the above referenced letter of November 20, 1980, information was also requested concerning the Special Low Power Test Program. Consistent with that request and the request of the NRC letter of November 14, 1980, which provided "Clarification of TMI-Related Requirements for New Operating License Requirements for Training During Low Power Testing," SCE's response to NUREG-0737, Item I.G.1, "Special Low Power Testing and Training," dated February 2, 1981 committed to a low power testing program (including natural circulation tests) which conforms to the NRC staff position. The tests will be repeated as necessary to provide training to licensed operators, also the ? O0 February 2, 1981 response to NUREG-0737, Item I.C.7, NSSS vendor review of procedures, commits to NSSS vendor review of low-power testing procedures to S further verify their adequacy. A simulator walk-through of selected emergency procedures was conducted at the CE simulator in Windsor, Connecticut on //7 February 14 and 15, 1981. A follow-on San Onofre Units 2 and 3 control room walk-through was completed on February 18, 1981 If you have any questions or comments concerning this information, please contact me. Very truly yours, 810.418O/(?1 . Enclosures INDEX Information Provided to NRC Audit Team Management and Technical Resources Audit February 24, 25, 26, 1981 1. Agenda a. Agenda Items b. Management Inspection Questions 2. Applicant Organization 3. Resumes and Jurisdiction Statements Robert Dietch B. Katz W. B. Jones K. P. Baskin R. V. Warnock R. T. Kirchmier J. G. Haynes W. J. Matter, Jr. R. E. Lemien W. C. Moody J. P. Albers M. Lisitza H. L. Ottoson J. F. Bankovich T. Herring III M. 0. Medford J. M. Baumeister E. S. Medling D. F. Pilmer G. P. Beetz G. R. Mills E. E. Gulbrand J. W. Bellomy A. J. Prosser W. W. Strom R. L. Brown P. J. Rankin E. J. Donovan D. C. Burgeson E. A. Rinard, Jr. W. G. Zintl M. A. Colonnese G. N. Robinson J. L. Willis S. P. Corey N. Santaguida T. S. Lo K. A. Eckman C. M. Seward H. B. Ray V. B. Fisher 7 R. A. Stempien D. E. Nunn J. C. Grimes J. R. Tate P. A. Croy K. N. Hadley M. W. Trillo J. M. Curran G.'F. Harker T. J. Vogt H. E. Morgan T. E. James R. N.Santosuosso 4. Southern California Edison Executive Organization 5. Station Manning and Experience Organization Charts Technical Maintenance Health Physics Operations 6. Training Program Summary Training Memorandum 7. Shift Technical Advisor December 30, 1980 letter to NRC, TMI Action Plan Requirement 8. Shift Supervisor December 8, 1980 corporate policy letter on Shift Supervisor Responsibilities AGENDA MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL RESOURCES AUDIT February 25, 1981 I. Opening Remarks........................R. Benedict II. Introduction ........................... T. D. Mercurio III. Management Structure and Overview.....Robert Dietch IV. Nuclear Engineering, Safety and.......K. P. Baskin Licensing Organization V. Nuclear Operations Organization.......J. G. Haynes BREAK VI. Interviews 011 AGENDA ITEMS February 24-26, 1981 SAN ONOFRE 2 AND 3 1. Describe the current overall San Onofre organization both onsite and offsite. 2. Discuss how the basic objectives of NUREG-0731 "Guidelines for Utility Management Structure and Technical Resources" are met with respect to the offsite organization and resources, including the radiological protection organization. 3. Describe the responsibilities of each offsite organizational element that is related to the management or support of operation of the San Onofre units. 4. Explain the lines of authority and communication between these offsite organizational elements. 5. Explain the lines of authority and communciation between these offsite organizational elements and the organizational elements at the site. 6. Describe the qualification and staffing levels of the offsite managers and technical staff (provide these in writing prior to meeting if possible). 7. Discuss the Independent Safety Engineering Group that is located onsite but reports to offsite management (May 13, 1980 Info. Report SECY-80-242). 8. Describe how the corporate official in overall charge of nuclear plant operations is actively involved in plant operational activities - i.e., what oversight and management responsibility and activities he personally handles. 9. Discuss how operational experience from San Onofre units and other utilities, the NRC, INPO, etc. are obtained, reviewed and disseminated to plant operators. Describe the procedures used to assure that appropriate action is taken based on that information. 10. Describe how outside contractual assistance is relied on as technical or other support to operation of the nuclear plant. 11. Describe the national standards and NRC regulatory guides that you use as criteria for your current offsite management and technical support staff. 12. Describe offsite organization and resources for managing the response to and recovery from an accident. TDMercuri o:wpm MANAGEMENT INSPECTION QUESTIONS TAP I.A.1.1: Shift Technical Advisor (STA) a. What means are used to qualify STA's? b. What directives exist that describe the STA's functional relationship to the operating staff? c. Who does the STA work for or report to? d. What work hours will be assigned to an STA? e. What retraining will STA's be required to complete? f. Does the licensee plan to use the same STA for both SONGS 1 and 2? TAP I.A.1.2: Shift Supervisor Responsibilities TAP I.C.3: Shift Supervisor Responsibilitites a. What management directive has been generated from the "highest level.of corporate management" that emphasizes the primary management responsibility of the shift supervisor? b. What directives have been generated to assure that the duties, responsibilities, and authority of.the shift supervisor and control room operators are properly defined to effect the establishment of a definite line of command? c. What directives exist that specify who can relieve the shift supervisor? d. If the shift supervisor is temporarily relieved, who is authorized to assume the control room command function and where are these duties, responsibilities, and authorities specified? e. Specifically, what management training and retraining exists for Shift Supervisors? f. What administrative duties have been deleted from the Shift Supervisor's responsibility and to whom have they been delegated? Are these duties specified in an administrative directive? g.
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