PP4042 Rev: 5 (0219) 2019 Bus & Coach Catalogue Catalogue Cars et Bus Stadt- und Reisebusse Katalog Catálogo de Autobús y Autocar Catalogo Autobus e Pullman ɄɚɬɚɥɨɝɧɚȺɜɬɨɛɭɫɵ 2WREV.DWDOR÷X تالفاحلا جولاتك Katalog wyrobów do autobusów i autokarów Városi és Távolsági Autóbuszok Katalógus The Power of Excellence OUR COMPANY restolite Electric is a global manufacturer and supplier of alternators, starters, auxiliary electrical Pequipment and services to the transportation, industrial and military industry. Prestolite has a strong heritage dating back to 1911, and includes the Leece-Neville, Motorola, Butec and Lucas CAV brands, resulting in a long history of engineering excellence and innovative products. OUR BRANDS With manufacturing and distribution locations in the United States, United Kingdom, Brazil, China, Canada, India, Mexico, Russia and Hong Kong; Prestolite Electric provides customers with access to their application needs for products and services under the Prestolite Electric and Leece-Neville brand names. OUR PRODUCTS In Europe Prestolite supply to more than 40 OEMs,, in USA we are the dominant supplier to the Bus,, truck, refrigeration and military markets, and inn China Prestolite is the number one supplier to thee domestic bus and coach industry, supplying over 700k units a year. OUR UNIQUE OFFER Remember that the vast majority of a range comes to you BRAND NEW. Of course this RႇHUV\RX2(TXDOLW\OHYHOVQRDYDLODELOLW\ problems due to core shortages but also the advantage of NO CORE SURCHARGES! How many times have you sold an alternator or VWDUWHURQO\WRKDYH\RXUSUR¿WZLSHGRXWEHFDXVH your supplier won’t accept your core? With Prestolite you can simply sell and forget. © 2019 Prestolite Electric Ltd www.prestolite-eu.com The Power of Excellence Table of Contents SECTION TITLE PAGE A How to use this Catalogue ......................................... A-1 A Reference Key ........................................................... A-3 A Glossary of Alternator Terms ...................................... A-3 A Alternator Wiring Diagrams ......................................... A-5 A Alternator Function ..................................................... A-8 A Alternator Troubleshooting Guide ............................... A-8 A Glossary of Starter Motor Terms ................................ A-9 A Starter Motor Wiring Diagram .................................. A-10 A Starter Motor Function ............................................. A-12 A Starter Motor Troubleshooting Guide ......................... A-12 1 Alternator Application Guide .......................................... 2 2 Alternator Buyer’s Guide ............................................. 38 3 Starter Motor Application Guide ................................... 66 4 Starter Motor Buyer’s Guide ....................................... 102 5 Cross Reference Guide ............................................... 126 Catalogue Ref No: PP4042 Issue no: 5 (10/19) DISCLAIMER While every care has been taken in compiling the information in this document, Prestolite / Leece-Neville cannot accept legal liability for any inaccuracies, omissions, or consequential damage resulting there from. 3UHVWROLWH/HHFH1HYLOOHKDVDQH[WHQVLYHGHVLJQDQGGHYHORSPHQWWHDPZKLFKPD\DOWHUSURGXFWVSHFL¿FDWLRQ 3UHVWROLWH/HHFH1HYLOOHUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRDOWHUVSHFL¿FDWLRQVZLWKRXWQRWLFHDQGZKHQHYHUQHFHVVDU\WRHQGXUH optimum performance from its product range. © 2019 Prestolite Electric Ltd www.prestolite-eu.com The Power of Excellence How to use this Catalogue SECTION A This section gives a basic understanding of the operation of the Alternator and Starter Motor within the Bus & Coach enviroment, and includes Alternator and Starter Motor function, general wiring diagrams and a Troubleshooting guide. If you have any queries that are not covered by this guide, please contact the Technical Helpline on +44 (0) 20 8231 1137. BUS & COACH APPLICATION GUIDE 2015 ALTERNATORS OUTPUT NOTES / NOTAS / V / A ANMERKUNG SCANIA CR 112 1989.09 1992.12 D11, DS 11.01, 14, 11.15 11,0ltr 860157 24V / 55A CR 112 1989.09 1992.12 D11, DS 11.01, 14, 11.15 11,0ltr 860560 24V / 80A F 112 1981.1 1989.08 DN11.07, DS11.15 11,0ltr 858882 24V / 55A F 112 1989.09 1995.01 DN11.07, DS11.15 11,0ltr 860157 24V / 55A Vehicle F 112 1989.09 1995.01 DN11.07, DS11.15 11,0ltr 860560 24V / 80A Manufacturer Date Engine / Chassis Alternator Additional valid Date info output Notes Vehicle from valid Prestolite Model to Alternator part no. BUS & COACH APPLICATION GUIDE 2015 STARTER MOTORS OUTPUT NOTES / NOTAS / V / KW ANMERKUNG MERCEDES-BENZ Citaro O 530 GNG3 2000.04 476.930HLAG, .932HLAG 860506GB 24V / 6.6kW Vehicle 522018/02 UESTRA, N3, N3 UESTRA Cito O 520 1999.01 OM904LA 4,3ltr 860321 24V / 4.0kW upgrade M93R3066SE Engine / Chassis Vehicle Date Starter Additional info Manufacturer valid output Notes from Date Vehicle valid Prestolite Model to Starter motor part no. - 2019 Prestolite Electric Ltd www.prestolite-eu.com The Power of Excellence How to use this Catalogue Insulated Output or Earth Shaft Pulley Application Voltage Rotation Prestolite Current return size info listings Part no. BUS & COACH BUYER’S GUIDE ALTERNATORS 1277640 24V 140A IR 29.99mm Bi-directional None APPLICATION Alternator MERCEDES-BENZ - Citaro, Conecto, images Intouro, Integro, Tourismo Series MERCEDES-BENZ - 15, 301, 303, 305, 307, 402, 404, 405, 407, 408 NEOPLAN - Skyliner OTOMARSAN - 302 SCANIA - K, BK Series Direct drive / Pinion Insulated Gear-reduced diameter Output or Earth Full travel Application Voltage No. of Pinion Prestolite Power return Rotation position listings Part no. teeth at rest BUS & COACH BUYER’S GUIDE STARTER MOTORS MS1-341A 24V 7.5kW IR CW DD 11 57.15 47.8 69.7 APPLICATION Starter Motor DENNIS - Enviro 500, R Series images Alternative manufacturer Prestolite Alternative manufacturer / supplier Part no. Part no. / supplier BUS & COACH CROSS-REFERENCE GUIDE Original Prestolite Original Prestolite Original Prestolite Original Prestolite DENNIS 659718--X * 1277730 260-62129 35259940 300.029.092 35259940 615304 * Z860608 659772--X MS4-401 260-67108 35259380 300.039.112 35258730 651997 MS4-400 660070--X MS3-503 260-67202 35261450 311.071.092 20513047 651998 * Z860608 DENSO 260-67203 860111Z 311.072.092 20513055 652063 * 880637Z 0763114014 20510188 260-67206 858317 311.097.092 20513056 © 2019 Prestolite Electric Ltd www.prestolite-eu.com - The Power of Excellence Reference Key Starter Motor & Alternator Sections >>ch... Up to chassis no..... gr Gear reduced a/c Air conditioning inj. Injection a/t Automatic transmission int.fan Internal fan B+ Battery positive terminal m/t Manual transmission B- Battery negative terminal o.c.p Overrunning clutch pulley c.c Cold climate p petrol c.s Cold start p.m Permanent magnets cat Catalyst ps Power steering ch. Chassis no. td Turbo diesel ch...>> From chassis no.... w... With... d Diesel wo.... Without.... D+ Warming lamp w/pump Water pump dd Direct drive w/tach with tacho terminal Cross Reference Section * Re-use pulley from old unit NLS No longer serviced (Obsolete) Glossary of Alternator Terms rt retur rou e DOWHUQDWRUVPD\RQO\EH¿WWHGZLWKD% EDWWHU\SRVLWLYH WHUPLQDO7KHQHJDWLYH part of the electrical circuit is normally completed through the body of alternator to the vehicle, ie earthed / grounded. $OVRUHIHUHGWRDVJURXQGUHWXUQ2QFHUWDLQYHKLFOHVD%VWXGLV¿WWHGWRWKHDOWHUQDWRU7KLVLVFRQQHFWHGWRWKHERG\ RIWKHDOWHUQDWRUDQGPXVWEHFRQQHFWHGWRWKHQHJDWLYHHDUWKOHDGZKHUH¿WWHG sul te retur sul te rou alternator have B+ (battery positive) and B- (battery negative) terminals, ie the battery leads at the alternator are insulated from the alternator frame, ie insulated return. termi l is the battery positive connection on the alternator. - termi l is the battery negative terminal on the alternator. is the warning lamp terminal. ( when smartreg is used.) or or is the phase terminal, used for tachometer terminal communicates with the vehicle ECU and controls alternator output depending on load and system conditions. -LV¿HOGLVRODWLRQWHUPLQDO,I¿HOGLVRODWLRQLVQRWUHTXLUHGWKH)PXVWEHFRQQHFWHGWRWKH%WHUPLQDO is the sense lead / terminal. This is normally used where the voltage drop across battery leads are expected to be VLJQL¿FDQWLHORQJEDWWHU\FDEOHUXQVZKHUHPXOWLSOHEDWWHU\EDQNVDQGORDGVSOLWWHUVDUHXVHG7KLVWHUPLQDOPRQLWRUV the voltage at the point of termination not the alternator terminals, and regulated alternator performance accordingly. This terminal is normally connected directly to the positive terminal of the charging system battery. - 2019 Prestolite Electric Ltd www.prestolite-eu.com The Power of Excellence Glossary of Alternator Terms continued... tter less lter torsDUHXVHGWRRSHUDWH¿[HGORDGHTXLSPHQWHJDLUFRQGLWLRQLQJ7KHEDWWHU\OHVVDOWHUQDWRUGRHV not operate in or as part of the charging system. See wiring diagram section. 7KLVW\SHRIDOWHUQDWRULVQRWGHVLJQHGWRFRSHZLWKWKHKLJKGHPDQGRIÀDWEDWWHULHV lter tor rot tio . Alternator rotation is determined by the fan design. By design the alternator is ELGLUHFWLRQDODQGFDQRSHUDWHLQHLWKHU&:RU&&:GLUHFWLRQ6WUDLJKWYDLQIDQVDUHELGLUHFWLRQDOVHH¿J &XUYHGYDLQIDQVDUHGLUHFWLRQVSHFL¿FDQGDURWDWLRQGLUHFWLRQLVLQGLFDWHGRQWKHIDQVHH¿J 'LUHFWLRQDOIDQGHVLJQJHQHUDOO\SURYLGHPRUHHႈFLHQWFRROLQJRIDOWHUQDWRU Fig.1 Fig.2 ,QWHUQDOIDQDOWHUQDWRUVDUHURWDWLRQVSHFL¿FGXHWRWKHIDQVEHLQJSHUPDQHQWO\DWWDFKHGLQWHUQDOO\WRWKHURWRU The direction of rotation on internal fan alternators cannot be changed. &RQVXOWWKHGUDZLQJRU7HFKQLFDO+HOSOLQHIRUVSHFL¿FSDUWQXPEHUURWDWLRQDOGLUHFWLRQ Note: Directional rotation when looking at front of the alternator. 0RXQWLQJFRQ¿JXUDWLRQV9DULRXVRSWLRQVDUHDYDLODEOHVHH¿J¿J
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