Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1948 Campus Comment, October 15, 1948 Bridgewater State Teachers College Volume 22 Number 1 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State Teachers College. (1948). Campus Comment, October 15, 1948. 22(1). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/163 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. \'OL. }"'"XII, NO, 1 STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE AT BRIDGE\VATER, MASSACHUSETTS OCTOBER 15, 1948 Mr. Meier BackAt BTC Miss Kendall New Member After Year1s Absence Of The Art Department Campus Comment To Sponso~ The Mr. Frederick A. :Meier, popular Dean The staff would like to extend greet­ of Men, has returned from a year's ab­ ings to 11is5 Eleanor L. Kendall, new Penthouse Party, Semi-Formal Dance sence during \vhich he took advantage member of the Art Department. She Sponsored by Campus Comment, of a fellowship offered him, at the received her B. S. in Ed. and Ed. M. The Penthouse Party, a semi-formal University of Indiana. Teaching si'{ from the B. U. Art Department and Social Calendar dance, will be held in the Albert B. U. School of Education. Before com­ hours a week, studying twelve, he passed Gardner Boyden G)l1masium, Saturday ing to Bridgewater, 11iss Kendall taught 1948-1949 all his exams and completed his work cYening, October 30, from 8 until 12 for his Ph. D. in Health Education. He Art and Mechanical Drawing at Briscoe \Ycd., Oct. 20 - Day Student Party o'clock. is now in the process of writing his Junior High School in her home town, Fri., Oct. 22 - Plymouth County The gym will be transformed into a Beverly; Arts and Crafts at the Beverly thesis, hoping to complete it by Feb­ Convention. glamorous penthouse for the evening ruary, when it is to be submitted to a School for Adult Education; Arts and \V cd., Oct. 7..7 - Freshman Party and dancers will have the feeling they committee of five Ph. D:s for approval. Crafts at Farn1ington State Teachers Sat., Oct. 30 - Campus Comment are ,,;altzing high above Park Avenue 'Vhile at Indiana, 11r. Meier also College, Farmington, 11aine; and was Dance as they look out and see a Manhattan studied under Nobel Prize \vinner in director of Art in Cape Elizabeth, Sun., Oct. 31 - Open House skyline. Maine. She is now furthering her studies Fri., Nov.' 5 - End of First Quarter medicine and physi'alogy, Dr. Herman A popular orchestra will supply the J. 11uller, one of the chief reasons :Mr. to\vard a doctorate. ~Ion., Nov. 8 - Beginning of Second music and couples should wea.r their Meier made this university his choice. Quarter most sophisticated attire if they are to Party For Commuter Thurs., Nov. 11 - Armistice Day feel at home amid the lush surroundings B,arn Dance Coming Up rI Observance of one of New York's most exclusive rIBig-Little Sisters Fri., Nov. 12 - \V. A. A. and M. A.A. Do you like to barn dance? If you do, night spots. Bam Dance come to the annual barn dance spon­ The commuters will hold their an­ Among the faculty guests who have Fri. and Sat., Nov. 19-20 - Alumni sored by the 11en's and \Vomen's Ath­ nual "Big-Little Sister" Acquaintance been invited are Dr. and Mrs. John J. \Veekend letic Associations of Bridgewater Teach­ Party in the Commuters Room on Wed­ Kelly, Miss S. Elizabeth Pope, Mr. and Thurs. - Sun., Nov. 25-28 - Thanks- ers College, Friday evening, November nesday, October 20at 5:30 p.m. A lunch­ 1hs. Frederick C. I\.1eier, and Miss giving Recess 12, in the Albert Gardner Boyden Gym­ eon and entertainment is planned. Olive H. Lovett. Sat., Dec. 11 - S. C. A. Dance nasium. Chairmen of the committees are (continued on page 6) Thurs., Dec. 16 - Christmas Banquet -,,,"-, "'This dance is an annual affair at the Claire Murphy, decorations; Lois Sim­ Fri. - Bun., Dcc. 17 - Jan. 3 - Christ. college and has come to be regarded as mons, entertainment; Beverly Bradford, mas Vacation one of the highlights of the social ac­ refreshments; Ruth Staupas, hospitality; Freshmen Claim S07Yrs. Rosemary \Velch, tickets; Virginia Dan­ Mon. - Fri., Jan. 17-21 - Mid-Year tivities on camp~s. General dancing as Examinations Of Language Background well as barn dancing will be held. James iels, publicity; Carol Chaplain, clean-up; Mon., Jan. 24 - Beginning of Second Five hundred and seven years of lan­ Fox and Rita Laughlin are co-chairmen. and Peggy Leonard, equipment. Semester guage is the total background of one hundred and eighteen freshmen accord­ Full Program Of Activities Planned ing to a poll made by Miss Olive Lovett, New Policy Followed English professor. This averages about For Alumni Weekend in November In The Dining Room four years per person. French, Latin, Alumni, who have been invited to re­ German, Portuguese, Greek, and Span­ Something nev,' has been added to the ish comprise this huge total. Teachers College ASSIn turn to campus over the weekend of November 19 to 20, will see the pro­ dining room at Bridgewater. Something It is interesting to note that more To Meet In Worcester duction, "Our Town," a play in three so completely new that students had to students (21) have five years of language acts by Thornton \Vilder, which is being tum and take a second look before they than just four (18). Nineteen students The meeting of the Association of presented by .Alpha Psi Omega, honor­ finally convinced themselves that they have a background of six years, twelve Massachusetts State Teachers Colleges ary dramatic society, in the Horace \vere seeing correctly. Yes, it's really true. have seven years to their credit, while will be held tomorrow, October 16, at Mann auditorium, Friday evening, No­ (continued on page 6) only three can claim eight years and two have taken nine years of foreign \Vorcester. vember 19. A reception for alumni and students languages. Mr. George Durgin of the Bridge­ will be held in the recreation room of October 31 Date Latin and French take about equal ,vater mathematics department, is a: \Voodv'!ard dormitory immediately fol­ honors in popularity, totaling 2401;2 proposed candidate for election- as pres­ For Open House lowing the play. The annual tea at which years to 2411/2 years respectively. Ger­ ident of the association. Mr. Durgin was faculty members and their former stu­ Open House, when Bridgewater stu­ man is the most popular of the remain­ elected vice-president last year. Run­ dents gather for an informal social hour dents invite their relatives and friends ing languages. ning against him for the office is Mr. will be held in the Albert Gardner Boy­ to view the campus, dormitories, and One student, Mr. Charles l\.1cDonald, De Merrite Hiscoe of Lowell. den gymnasium, Saturday afternoon, Administration buildings, will be held has the imposing record of twelve years Balloting will take place during the November 20. Sunday, October 31. All buildings on of foreign languages. A resident of morning's session. Votes will be cast for The Varsity basketball team will chal­ the campus are open to public inspec­ Stoughton, Charlie is a graduate of Bos­ the posts of president, vice-president~ lenge former members of their team, tion at this time. ton College High School, class of '48. secretary, and treasurer. who no\v compose the Alumni team, to A reception and tea for parents and At this parochial high school, four years Luncheon will be highlighted by a a game Saturday night in the gymna­ guests of the students 'will be given in of Latin and three years of Greek are talk on "European Trends in Teacher sium. A record dance for alumni and the Albert Gardner Boyden gymnasium required. In their last two years, the Training," by President Roscoe West students will follow this game. This on Sunday, October 31, at 2 p,m. students are given a choice behveen of Trenton, N. J., Teachers College. dance \vill officially close activities of Open House is a tradition at Bridge­ French and German and can take both. Following the luncheon, sectional Alumni weekend which is sponsored by water and one of the few opportunities He participated in. baseball and track meetings will be held after which the the Student Cooperative Association. parents have to meet faculty members and "vas on the staffs of the school meeting will be adjourned. (continued on page 6) informally. (continued on page 3) 2 CAlVIPUS COj\:I~1ENT October 15, 1948 INITIATIONS A new college year always brings new freshmen to Bridgewater and the second week of the college year always brings these same freshmen out of hiding in horrible aspects. Is it really necessary? Must they be made to wear those supposedly original costumes around the college buildings and into the class rooms? Is not the real purpose of initia­ Quite clearly the current controversy confronting campus kings and queens tion being forgotten in an effort to be humorous? concerns initiation. (Repeat ten times to dear the throat of the current common cold.) Copious comment and candid counsel confound, confuse, and confront us. The purpose of initiation is to make the new students feel that (Use only with doctor's advice.) they are a part of the college and to aid them in making acquaintances. Pearls A sideline spectator thinks that this could be accomplished without "I think that sophomores who can conceive such uninhibited· displays of all the spectral appearance of the traditional initiation. If some form childishness should be confined to Bridgewater's other institution." of initiation could be devised whereby the freshmen would be easily -FRED BODWICZ With Malice Towards None recognized yet not be ludicrous, then everyone would -know who was "I think that initiation is traditional and is part of college life if taken and who-.
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