DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD,CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA,LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA ● REG.NO. MCS/067/2018-20RNI REGN. NO. 1543/57 JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 2021, MUMBAI, LATE CITY, 16 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00, WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM HEARING IN SUPREME COURT ON MONDAY DAYAFTER AZHARWARRANT Noheadway,GovtwantsustogotoSCorform 15 years’jail for panel:farmerunions;nextroundoftalksJan15 26/11 planner Lakhvi, India Soughtoption otherthan repeal,courthearing did comeupduringtalks: Tomar to sitacross the tableagain on who along with Food Minister tions to tryand resolve theim- points to FATF HARIKISHANSHARMA January15, all eyes arenow on Piyush Goyalhavebeen negoti- passe –farmer unions, the ma- &RAAKHIJAGGA the Supreme Courtwherehear- ating with the farmers, said ref- jority from Punjab, have been NEWDELHI,LUDHIANA,JAN8 ing on aclutchofpetitions is erence to the Supreme Court camping at the gatesofDelhi scheduledJanuary11. hearing on January11did come since November 26. Lashkar ops chief TALKSBETWEEN the Centreand Leaders of the unions up during the talks. Twodays ago, athree-judge sentencedin farmer unions opposedtothe claimedtheyweretold by the Lastmonth, the Supreme benchheadedbyChief Justice of newagriculture laws failedto government to go to the Court, while noting that the IndiaSABobde postedthe mat- terror finance case makeheadway Fridayafter the Supreme Court or form acom- Centre’s talkswith farmer tertoJanuary 11 afterAttorney unions insistedonrepeal of the mittee with representativesof groups did notappear to be General KKVenugopal told the laws,onlytobetold by thegov- the twosides. yielding results, had said it courtthat “thereare chances of MZULQUERNAIN Farmer union leaders leave aftertheirmeeting with the ernment to “suggestanalterna- AgricultureMinister would form acommittee com- the parties coming to somesort LAHORE,JANUARY8 government, in NewDelhionFriday. Prem Nath Pandey tive other than repeal”. NarendraSingh Tomar and prising representativesofthe of an understanding”. While the twosides agreed MinisterofState Som Prakash, Centreand farmersorganisa- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 MUMBAI ATTACK mastermind and Lashkar-e-Taiba operations commanderZaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi wassentenced to 15 years Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi BUSINESSASUSUAL in jail FridaybyaPakistani anti- afteracourtappearancein terrorism courthereinaterrorfi- Islamabad in Jan 2015. AP file BY UNNY nancing case,amidstgrowingin- ternationalpressure onIslamabad to bringto justiceterroristsroam- “Indefault of paymentoffine, ` 60 per kilo ingfreeinthe country. hewillhave to undergo animpris- UNproscribedterroristLakhvi, onmentofsix months eachon 61,who wasonbailsince2015in three counts. He has been sent to ` 88 per kilo the Mumbaiattackcase,was ar- prisonto servethesentences,”the rested by the Counter-Terrorism official said. Department (CTD)ofPunjab (ENS reports from New ` 106 per kilo provincelastSaturday. “TheAnti- Delhi: The MinistryofExternal TerrorismCourt(ATC)Lahorecon- Affairs, in itsremarks on Lakhvi’s ` 68 per Dozen victed Lakhvi forcommissionof sentencing, said: “The timing of offencesofterrorismfinancing in these actions clearly suggestthe acaseregisteredby theCTDfor15 intention of conveying asense of THE CITY years under different sections of compliance ahead of the APJG EXPRESS NETWORK the Anti-Terrorism Act1997,”a (Asia-Pacific Joint Group) meet- court official told PTI. ing, and the next FATF (Financial JudgeEjazAhmadButtarsen- Action Task Force) plenarymeet- PMTODISCUSS tencedLakhvi to five years of rig- ing in February2021. It has be- VACCINEROLLOUT orous imprisonment eachon comeroutineforPakistantocome WITHCMS ONJAN11 three countswithafine of PKR upwithsuchfarcicalactions,prior PAGE 8 100,000 (approximatelyUSD to important meetings.” SMOOTHVACCINE 620) eachonthree counts. CONTINUEDONPAGE2 TRIALRUN,BARRING CO-WINGLITCHES Across farm communities, growth silver PAGE 3 Workersinstall heavy-dutysecurity fencingaround the US Capitol aday afterPresident Donald Trump’s supporters stormed the building, in Washington DC on Thursday. Reuters lining but food inflation may be dark cloud Aurangzeb not HARISHDAMODARAN FAO FOOD PRICE INDEX secular, says As Democratspushtoimpeachhim, NEWDELHI,JANUARY8 (2014-2016=100) 120 107.5 Uddhav, spars FIRST,ITwas theReserveBank of 110 93.3102.5 India (RBI)that, on December4, 91.0 Trumpsays won’t be at inauguration 100 reviseddownwards itsGDP de- with Cong over growth projection for2020-21 90 asked,Iwill notbegoingtothe 150yearsago.Democrat from 9.5% to 7.5%. On Thursday, 80 Aurangabad PETERBAKER, Inauguration on January20th,” Andrew Johnson sat out the the NationalStatisticalOffice 19 20 MAGGIEHABERMAN, he said on Friday. 1869 inauguration afterhewas (NSO) pegged thecurrent fiscal’s 20 Oct-19 Dec-19 Nov-19 Apr- Oct-20 Jan-20 Feb-20 Dec- Nov-20 Mar-20 LUKEBROADWATER The announcement marks replacedbyRepublicanUlysses S GDP growth at minus 7.7%. The Aug-20 July-20 Sept- May-20 Sept-20 VISHWASWAGHMODE &GLENNTHRUSH another break with tradition that Grant;beforethat, John Adams CONTINUEDONPAGE2 June-20 MUMBAI,JANUARY8 WASHINGTON,JANUARY8 underminesthe ceremonial and his son John Quincy Adams demonstrationofacoredemo- skippedthe inaugurations of RULINGALLIES ShivSena and AFTER BEGRUDGINGLYconced- cratic value thatTrumphas viru- 1801 and1829 respectively. Congress sparred Fridayoverthe ingdefeatlessthantwoweeksbe- lentlydisregardedsince the elec- Meanwhile, the Trumpad- name of Aurangabad, where fore he is due to leaveoffice,US tion —the peaceful transfer of ministration plunged deeper civicpolls areslatedtobeheld President DonaldTrumpan- powerbetween administrations. intocrisis as moreofficials re- this year,with Chief Minister nouncedonTwitterthathewould Onlythree presidentsinUS AvideograbofPresident signedinprotest,prominent Uddhav Thackeray continuing to notbeattending President-elect history have skippedtheirsuc- DonaldTrump’s address. Republicans brokewith the refertothe city as Sambhaji Joe Biden’s inauguration. cessor’s swearing-in —the last Twitter via Reuters President, and Democratic Nagarand saying that while the “Toall of those who have time it happenedwas morethan CONTINUEDONPAGE2 coalition'sagenda adheresto secularism, Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb “does notfit intoit”. THE EDITORIAL PAGE Responding to theCongress’s US tweaks H1B visa rules again, objection to him referring to Aurangabad as SambhajiNagar ONCEUPONA to honour the higherwage is key factor now FAILEDCOUP Maratha ruler, BY ASHUTOSH VARSHNEY Thackeray told H-1B applicantsfor the newfis- PAGE 10 reporters: AASHISHARYAN ED Indian,US cal year starting April1. “Aurangzeb NEWDELHI,JANUARY8 firmstobe Accordingtothe amended wasnot asec- PLAIN affected rulesreleasedbythe Department WORLD EX E ularperson. ABOUT Afortnight before its ● of HomelandSecurity (DHS), US While our term ends, US President Donald Citizenship and Immigration U.S.TRANSPORT, agenda has the Uddhav Trump's administration has IT COULD impact US tech Services (USCIS) will firstselect EDUCATIONSECYS word secular Thackeray once again amendedits H-1B companieslooking to registrations wherethe “prof- in it, aperson visa regime to give priorityto hirefromthe pool of H- feredwageequals or exceeds” QUITINSTAFF like higher wagesand skills instead 1B visa workers as they the prevailing levelinthatareaof EXODUS Aurangazeb doesnot fitintoit.” of the prevailing lotterysystem areskilledand available employment. JUSTICE DEPT Thackeray's remarksassume forselection of candidateslook- forlowersalaries. Indian “The profferedwageisthe significance with the ShivSena ing to work in the country. companiesare also likely wage that the employerintends OPEN TO CHARGES taking adifferent stance on secu- The newruleswill be effec- to be hit and mayhaveto to paythe beneficiary. Thewage AGAINSTTRUMP larism from itsallies on this issue. tive 60 days afterpublication in shell out moresalaryfor levelranking will occur firstfor FOR INCITINGRIOT When it waspointed outthat the federal registerFriday, mak- on-siteworkers. the regular capselection and PAGE 14 he had referred to Aurangabad ing it likelythat theywill cover CONTINUEDONPAGE2 as SambhajiNagar on his official Twitter handle over thepasttwo days,Thackeray said: “What newthing have Idone? Ihave done what we have been saying Avillage in Uttarakhand dumps foroversomanyyearsand what the ShivSena supremo (Bal Thackeray)had said.” The Chief Ministerwas tradition,putscurbs on liquor speaking to reporters aftera CONTINUEDONPAGE2 PAGE 1 them liquor instead of money, as ANCHOR peralocal tradition. EXPLAINED Consequently, Singh recalls, at eachofthe three ceremonies, he endedupspendingRs15,000 LALMANIVERMA on liquor forthe guests and all DEHRADUN,JANUARY8 those who helpedout —from door-to-door distribution of in- THIS NOVEMBER, as agesture of vitations to fetching wood for thankstolocal residentswho had fuel, and arranging food and helpedout duringthe wedding serving of meals. functions of his cousin sisterand With labour hardtofind in THERETURNOF twodaughters, primary school remote areas likeRatir Kethi, the BIRDFLU teacher Mahesh Singh of Ratir villagesaw at leastfourother PAGE 9 Kethi villageinUttarakhand's wedding ceremonies that Ratir Kethi passedaresolution to ban liquor at weddings Bageshwardistrict promised CONTINUEDONPAGE2 WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 2 THE SECOND PAGE THEINDIANEXPRESS,SATURDAY,JANUARY9,2021 DOWNLOADAPP WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM ■ VISUALSTORIES ■ DAILY BRIEFING ■ PODCASTS INEUROPEANCEMETERIESACROSSINDIA,CLUESTOTOUGHLIVES,RELIGIOUS ■ CUSTOMIZABLE POLITICSANDASHAREDHISTORY
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