HEARING IN SUPREME COURT ON MONDAY DAYAFTER AZHARWARRANT Noheadway,GovtwantsustogotoSCorform 15 years’jail for panel:farmerunions;nextroundoftalksJan15 26/11 planner Lakhvi, Soughtoption otherthan repeal,courthearing did comeupduringtalks: Tomar to sitacross the tableagain on who along with Food Minister tions to tryand resolve theim- points to FATF HARIKISHANSHARMA January15, all eyes arenow on Piyush Goyalhavebeen negoti- passe –farmer unions, the ma- &RAAKHIJAGGA the Supreme Courtwherehear- ating with the farmers, said ref- jority from Punjab, have been NEWDELHI,LUDHIANA,JAN8 ing on aclutchofpetitions is erence to the Supreme Court camping at the gatesofDelhi scheduledJanuary11. hearing on January11did come since November 26. Lashkar ops chief TALKSBETWEEN the Centreand Leaders of the unions up during the talks. Twodays ago, athree-judge sentencedin farmer unions opposedtothe claimedtheyweretold by the Lastmonth, the Supreme benchheadedbyChief Justice of newagriculture laws failedto government to go to the Court, while noting that the IndiaSABobde postedthe mat- terror finance case makeheadway Fridayafter the Supreme Court or form acom- Centre’s talkswith farmer tertoJanuary 11 afterAttorney unions insistedonrepeal of the mittee with representativesof groups did notappear to be General KKVenugopal told the laws,onlytobetold by thegov- the twosides. yielding results, had said it courtthat “thereare chances of MZULQUERNAIN Farmer union leaders leave aftertheirmeeting with the ernment to “suggestanalterna- AgricultureMinister would form acommittee com- the parties coming to somesort LAHORE,JANUARY8 government, in NewDelhionFriday. Prem Nath Pandey tive other than repeal”. NarendraSingh Tomar and prising representativesofthe of an understanding”. While the twosides agreed MinisterofState Som Prakash, Centreand farmersorganisa- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 MUMBAI ATTACK mastermind and Lashkar-e-Taiba operations commanderZaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi wassentenced to 15 years Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi BUSINESSASUSUAL in jail FridaybyaPakistani anti- afteracourtappearancein terrorism courthereinaterrorfi- Islamabad in Jan 2015. AP file BY UNNY nancing case,amidstgrowingin- ternationalpressure onIslamabad to bringto justiceterroristsroam- “Indefault of paymentoffine, ` 60 per kilo ingfreeinthe country. hewillhave to undergo animpris- UNproscribedterroristLakhvi, onmentofsix months eachon 61,who wasonbailsince2015in three counts. He has been sent to ` 88 per kilo the Mumbaiattackcase,was ar- prisonto servethesentences,”the rested by the Counter-Terrorism official said. Department (CTD)ofPunjab (ENS reports from New ` 106 per kilo provincelastSaturday. “TheAnti- Delhi: The MinistryofExternal TerrorismCourt(ATC)Lahorecon- Affairs, in itsremarks on Lakhvi’s ` 68 per Dozen victed Lakhvi forcommissionof sentencing, said: “The timing of offencesofterrorismfinancing in these actions clearly suggestthe acaseregisteredby theCTDfor15 intention of conveying asense of THE CITY years under different sections of compliance ahead of the APJG EXPRESS NETWORK the Anti-Terrorism Act1997,”a (Asia-Pacific Joint Group) meet- court official told PTI. ing, and the next FATF (Financial JudgeEjazAhmadButtarsen- Action Task Force) plenarymeet- PMTODISCUSS tencedLakhvi to five years of rig- ing in February2021. It has be- VACCINEROLLOUT orous imprisonment eachon comeroutineforPakistantocome WITHCMS ONJAN11 three countswithafine of PKR upwithsuchfarcicalactions,prior PAGE 8 100,000 (approximatelyUSD to important meetings.” SMOOTHVACCINE 620) eachonthree counts. CONTINUEDONPAGE2 TRIALRUN,BARRING CO-WINGLITCHES Across farm communities, growth silver PAGE 3 Workersinstall heavy-dutysecurity fencingaround the US Capitol aday afterPresident Donald Trump’s supporters stormed the building, in Washington DC on Thursday. Reuters lining but food inflation may be dark cloud Aurangzeb not HARISHDAMODARAN FAO FOOD PRICE INDEX secular, says As Democratspushtoimpeachhim, NEWDELHI,JANUARY8 (2014-2016=100) 120 107.5 Uddhav, spars FIRST,ITwas theReserveBank of 110 93.3102.5 India (RBI)that, on December4, 91.0 Trumpsays won’t be at inauguration 100 reviseddownwards itsGDP de- with Cong over growth projection for2020-21 90 asked,Iwill notbegoingtothe 150yearsago.Democrat from 9.5% to 7.5%. On Thursday, 80 Aurangabad PETERBAKER, Inauguration on January20th,” Andrew Johnson sat out the the NationalStatisticalOffice 19 20 MAGGIEHABERMAN, he said on Friday. 1869 inauguration afterhewas (NSO) pegged thecurrent fiscal’s 20 Oct-19 Dec-19 Nov-19 Apr- Oct-20 Jan-20 Feb-20 Dec- Nov-20 Mar-20

LUKEBROADWATER The announcement marks replacedbyRepublicanUlysses S GDP growth at minus 7.7%. The Aug-20 July-20 Sept- May-20 Sept-20 VISHWASWAGHMODE &GLENNTHRUSH another break with tradition that Grant;beforethat, John Adams CONTINUEDONPAGE2 June-20 MUMBAI,JANUARY8 WASHINGTON,JANUARY8 underminesthe ceremonial and his son John Quincy Adams demonstrationofacoredemo- skippedthe inaugurations of RULINGALLIES ShivSena and AFTER BEGRUDGINGLYconced- cratic value thatTrumphas viru- 1801 and1829 respectively. Congress sparred Fridayoverthe ingdefeatlessthantwoweeksbe- lentlydisregardedsince the elec- Meanwhile, the Trumpad- name of Aurangabad, where fore he is due to leaveoffice,US tion —the peaceful transfer of ministration plunged deeper civicpolls areslatedtobeheld President DonaldTrumpan- powerbetween administrations. intocrisis as moreofficials re- this year,with Chief Minister nouncedonTwitterthathewould Onlythree presidentsinUS AvideograbofPresident signedinprotest,prominent continuing to notbeattending President-elect history have skippedtheirsuc- DonaldTrump’s address. Republicans brokewith the refertothe city as Sambhaji Joe Biden’s inauguration. cessor’s swearing-in —the last Twitter via Reuters President, and Democratic Nagarand saying that while the “Toall of those who have time it happenedwas morethan CONTINUEDONPAGE2 coalition'sagenda adheresto secularism, Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb “does notfit intoit”. THE EDITORIAL PAGE Responding to theCongress’s US tweaks H1B visa rules again, objection to him referring to Aurangabad as SambhajiNagar ONCEUPONA to honour the higherwage is key factor now FAILEDCOUP Maratha ruler, BY ASHUTOSH VARSHNEY Thackeray told H-1B applicantsfor the newfis- PAGE 10 reporters: AASHISHARYAN ED Indian,US cal year starting April1. “Aurangzeb NEWDELHI,JANUARY8 firmstobe Accordingtothe amended wasnot asec- PLAIN affected rulesreleasedbythe Department WORLD EX E ularperson. ABOUT Afortnight before its ● of HomelandSecurity (DHS), US While our term ends, US President Donald Citizenship and Immigration U.S.TRANSPORT, agenda has the Uddhav Trump's administration has IT COULD impact US tech Services (USCIS) will firstselect EDUCATIONSECYS word secular Thackeray once again amendedits H-1B companieslooking to registrations wherethe “prof- in it, aperson visa regime to give priorityto hirefromthe pool of H- feredwageequals or exceeds” QUITINSTAFF like higher wagesand skills instead 1B visa workers as they the prevailing levelinthatareaof EXODUS Aurangazeb doesnot fitintoit.” of the prevailing lotterysystem areskilledand available employment. JUSTICE DEPT Thackeray's remarksassume forselection of candidateslook- forlowersalaries. Indian “The profferedwageisthe significance with the ShivSena ing to work in the country. companiesare also likely wage that the employerintends OPEN TO CHARGES taking adifferent stance on secu- The newruleswill be effec- to be hit and mayhaveto to paythe beneficiary. Thewage AGAINSTTRUMP larism from itsallies on this issue. tive 60 days afterpublication in shell out moresalaryfor levelranking will occur firstfor FOR INCITINGRIOT When it waspointed outthat the federal registerFriday, mak- on-siteworkers. the regular capselection and PAGE 14 he had referred to Aurangabad ing it likelythat theywill cover CONTINUEDONPAGE2 as SambhajiNagar on his official Twitter handle over thepasttwo days,Thackeray said: “What newthing have Idone? Ihave done what we have been saying Avillage in Uttarakhand dumps foroversomanyyearsand what the ShivSena supremo ()had said.” The Chief Ministerwas tradition,putscurbs on liquor speaking to reporters aftera CONTINUEDONPAGE2 PAGE 1 them liquor instead of money, as ANCHOR peralocal tradition. EXPLAINED Consequently, Singh recalls, at eachofthe three ceremonies, he endedupspendingRs15,000 LALMANIVERMA on liquor forthe guests and all DEHRADUN,JANUARY8 those who helpedout —from door-to-door distribution of in- THIS NOVEMBER, as agesture of vitations to fetching wood for thankstolocal residentswho had fuel, and arranging food and helpedout duringthe wedding serving of meals. functions of his cousin sisterand With labour hardtofind in THERETURNOF twodaughters, primary school remote areas likeRatir Kethi, the BIRDFLU teacher Mahesh Singh of Ratir villagesaw at leastfourother PAGE 9 Kethi villageinUttarakhand's wedding ceremonies that Ratir Kethi passedaresolution to ban liquor at weddings Bageshwardistrict promised CONTINUEDONPAGE2 WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 2 THE SECOND PAGE THEINDIANEXPRESS,SATURDAY,JANUARY9,2021





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Lakhvi salarypaidto USworkers,thereby same daythe UN Food and moresuccessfulthanthefirstone, undercutting jobs from them. AgricultureOrganizationreleased in whichhewas acquitted by the “UN proscribed entities and des- In November the same year, itslatestFood Price Index(FPI) Govt wants us to go to SC or form panel: farmers Senatelastyear in the Ukraine ignatedterroristsactasproxiesfor the US House Judiciary numberforDecember.Thisindex pressurescheme, advocates ar- thePakistaniestablishmentto ful- Committee had, in abid to deter –reflectinginternationalpricesof Emergingfromthemeeting, (of hearing).The government is Discussions did nottakeplace Kisan Sabha, arerespondentsin guedthat the merethreat of it filitsanti-Indiaagenda.Itisforthe Indian and Chinese companies, abasket of food commodities Tomarsaid:“Thediscussionsto- committedto anydecisionof the very well. The government side the matter.Our lawyers will be could serve as adeterrent forthe internationalcommunityto hold voted to pass legislation to in- againstabase year (2014-16) daywererelated to the three Supreme Court, whicheverdi- gave twosuggestions--go to the going to courtonMonday, letus remaining days of his tenure. Pakistantoaccount and ensure crease the minimum annual value of 100–averaged107.5 laws,but no decision could be rection it maybein,” he said. Supreme Courtorform asmall see whathappens. However, if Itremainsunclearif Pencewill that it takescredible actions salaryofH-1B visa holders to pointsfor the month. It wasthe reached. The government re- Asked whether the govern- committee, which we have al- anydirection is againstus, we attend Biden's inauguration. He againstterrorgroups,terrorinfra- $90,000from $60,000. highest since November 2014. peatedly requestedthe unions ment wasreadytoformanin- readyrejected.Wewillnotgoto willprotest,” he said. has in the past signalledhis will- structure, and individual terror- The latestrules markthe What is significant is howthe to suggestanalternative other formal groupoffarmerunions the court… We have told the Kulwant Singh, president of ingness to attend, an administra- ists,” it said.) fourthpolicychangeoftheUSad- FPI has soared since May2020 thantherepeal,andthegovern- and the government, Tomar government that our agitation Jamhoori Kisan Sabha, said: “I tion source said, but added that Lakhvi pleaded before the ministration over the lastyear.In (see chart).Fromfallingtoafour- mentwouldconsiderit.Buteven said: “Manysuchmatters are will continue,”Nihalgarhsaid. wonder whythe government is the VicePresident had yettore- courtthat he was“falselyimpli- April, the Trumpadministration year lowof91points then,ithas afteralong discussion, no alter- discussedatmeetings, but this KulwantSinghBhangu,pres- so keen to wait until the ceive aformal invitation. cated”inthis case. He wasac- had suspendedapprovals forim- hit amorethan six-year high in native waspresented.Therefore, has notyet happened.” ident of All India Kisan Supreme Court hearing… They THENEWYORKTIMES cusedofrunning adispensary migrant and non-immigrant December. thediscussionwasadjournedto- To another queryon Federation, said: “As expected, even suggestedthatweap- and usingfundscollectedfor ter- work visa, including H-1B, for60 This extreme global price day.”“They(farmerleaders)will whetherthegovernmentwould today’smeetingtoodidnotyield proachthe courtfor repeal, and Curbs on liquor rorismfinancing.Lakhviwaspre- days.InJune, the 60-dayban was volatility can be seenacross farm discussamong themselves. We consider aproposal to letstates anyresult.At theJanuary4meet- withday-to-dayhearing,we can month wherethe samepromise sented before the LahoreATC on extendedtillthe end of 2020.On commodities. willalso discuss among our- decide the implementation of ing, we were told that talkswill getaquick decision. Theysaid wasmade. Fridayand wasconvicted the August5,Trump, throughanex- ■ Wheat, cornand soyabean selves. Ihope we will be able to thelaws,Tomarsaidnosuchpro- startonthe repealprocedure, theycan’trepealthe laws as it But on December 29, driven sameday in the terror financing ecutive order,also barredfederal prices at the ChicagoBoardof find asolution at the next meet- posal has been made by any buttheAgriculture Ministertold willset awrong precedent.” as muchbythe moneyspent on caseregisteredagainsthimsome agencies from hiring H-1B visa Trade exchange(forthe mostac- ing on 15th,” he said. farmer leader,but if suchasug- us again that the laws arevery Jagmohan Singh Patiala, this tradition as complaintsof time ago. holders and other foreign work- tively-tradedfutures contracts Respondingto questions,Tomar gestion does come, the govern- good and we should go for workingcommitteememberof drunkenbrawlsanddomesticvi- Lakhvi wasdesignated as a ersinplaceof UScitizensorgreen there) areruling at $6.42, $4.94 said while the government did ment willtakeacall then. amendments.Theyalso told us the All India Kisan Sangharsh olence, Ratir Kethipassed areso- global terroristbythe UN in cardholders. and $13.55 per bushel, respec- nottell the farmer unionsto MinisterofState SomPrakash to wait forthe Supreme Court Coordination Committee, said: lution banning the sale, distribu- December2008forbeingassoci- Lessthanaweeklater, thead- tively,asagainsttheircorrespon- leave thematterto theSupreme toosaid the January11hearing hearing on January 11 as it is a “Itwasbacktosquareonetoday. tion and serving of liquor at ated with LeT and al-Qaeda and ministration altered itsposition ding year-agolevels of $5.50, Court,theJanuary11hearingdid intheSupremeCourtwasmen- constitutionalmatterandfarm- Besides asking us to approach wedding ceremonies,and reli- for“participatinginthefinancing, and allowedsome of the H-1B $3.84and $9.44. comeupduring the talks. tionedduringthe talks.“Itcame ers toocan approachthe court the SupremeCourt, theyalso gious as well as social gatherings planning,facilitating,preparingor work visaholdersto returnto the ■ The price of rawsugar fu- “Weare citizens of ademo- upduringdiscussions…We dis- with theirdemands. But when toldusto formaninformalcom- likefairs. perpetratingofactsby, in con- US forcontinuedemployment tures tradedatthe craticcountryandinourdemoc- cussedseveral things. Farmers theycontinuedtospeakonben- mitteeinwhichrepresentatives The women of Ratir Kethi junctionwith,underthenameof, with the same employer. In Intercontinental Exchangehas racy,ifalawispassedbyLok were adamantonthe demand efitsofthe laws,wetold them of government, farmers will be drovethechange,withtheresolu- on behalf or in supportof” both October,theDHSpublishedanin- similarly gone up from 13.59 SabhaandRajyaSabha,thenthe forrepeal of laws,” he said. that we arenot keen to discuss theretodecide on the laws.But tionpassedinthe presence of at the entities. terimfinalrule,aprecursorto the centsto15.60centsapoundinthe HonourableSupremeCourt,nat- BaldevSingh Nihalgarh, this subject.” we have rejected both propos- leastone member from eachof The global terror financing final rules published on January lastone year.Sohas crude palm urally, hastherightto analyse.Be Punjab general secretaryofthe “Regarding the Supreme als.” Darshan PalofKrantikari the 80 households of the village, watchdog Financial Action Task 8. oil from 3,042 to 3,817 ringgit per it acitizen or the government, All India Kisan Sabha,described Courthearing, eight unions,in- Kisan Union said: “Weare not said pradhanSurendraSingh Force(FATF)isinstrumental in On December31, the Trump tonne at Kuala Lumpur’s Bursa thereiscommitment to the thetalksas“verydisappointing”. cluding BKU Dakaunda, BKU keento move theSupremeCourt Mehta.No oneraisedaprotest,he pushingPakistantotakemeas- administration againchanged its Malaysia Derivativesexchange. Supreme Court. So, this topic “I have been partofall eight Rajewal, BKU Lakhowal, BKU forthe repeal of the three laws, added. Acopyofthe resolution ures againstterroristsroaming stanceand extendedthe ban on ■ Exportprices of rice (Thai came up because theSupreme meetings,but today's meeting Tikait,AllIndiaKisanFederation, and want this mattertobedis- waslaterhandedovertothelocal freely inPakistanandusingitster- immigrant and non-immigrant whitegrain with 5% broken con- Courthas fixed11th as thedate wasverydisappointing. Jamhoori Kisan Sabha,Doaba cussedacross the table.” police station and authorities, ritorytocarryout attacksin India work visas till March 31.The tent) and cotton (the benchmark seeking their supportinexecut- and elsewhere. Indian government responded CotlookAindexofFarEast landed ing the move. The Paris-basedFATFplaced that it was“engaged with theUS rates) arealsohighercompared oneworthtrackinginthemonths functionsonpublic sentiment,” tion.” ningoutaroundthecityandsome Apartfrombanning liquorat Pakistanonthe Grey ListinJune government forincreasedpre- to ayear back: $512 versus $418 ahead.. saidRaut.Rautclaimedthateven Trumpinitiallyresistedtaping of the participantsinthe attack ceremoniesorgatherings,theres- 2018 and asked Islamabadtoim- dictability in the visa regime,and per tonne and 86.55 centsversus theCongressleaderswhoareop- the video, agreeing to do it only were arrested.Amidscrutinyover olution says that if apersonina plement aplan of action to curb to minimizeinconvenience to 78.75 centsper pound, respec- Sena vs Cong posingthe renaming of the afteraidespressedhimandheap- the security breakdown,the drunken statemisbehaves with moneylaundering and terror fi- IndiannationalsintheUSorthose tively. function to welcomeVasantGite Aurangabadare followers of peared to suddenlyrealizehe CapitolPolicechief andtheSenate familymembers or indulges in nancing by theend of 2019 but proposing to travel to the US for ■Skim milk powder prices at andSunilBagulbackintotheShiv ChhatrapatiSambhajiMaharaj “at could face legal risk forprodding sergeant-at-armsresigned. domesticviolence,thepanchayat the deadline wasextendedlater bonafide reasons,including the GlobalDairyTrade,thefortnightly SenafromtheBJP,whichtheyhad heart”. themob,comingshortlyafterthe Themainfocus,however, was will take the mattertothe police. due to the Covid-19pandemic. movement of Indian profession- auction platform of New joined sometime ago. chief federal prosecutor for on Trump. Pelosi and Senator Villagerscan also approachthe On Thursday, an anti-terror- als”. Zealand’s Fonterra Cooperative, On Wednesday,Thackeray Trump Washingtonleftopen the possi- ChuckSchumerofNew York,the police if anypersoncreates a ismcourtinGujranwalaissuedan “ThereisrecognitionintheUS averaged $3,044 pertonne on had referred to Sambhaji Nagar congressionalleadersthreatened bility of investigatingthe Democratic leader,calledon ruckusorenters intoascuffle at a arrest warrant forbannedJaish- of thatfactthatIndianskilledpro- January5.That is asteep jump whileannouncingaCabinetdeci- to impeach himfor encouraging President forillegallyincitingthe Pence and the cabinettoinvoke public place or agathering in a e-Mohammad (JeM) chief fessionalshave contributedto the from $2,373 eight months ago. sion on Twitter aboutadding 165 amobthatstormedtheCapitolon attackbytellingsupporters to the 25th Amendment. Afterthe drunken state. Masood Azhar on the chargesof growth of the US economy, and Thereare three main reasons bedsand creating 360 posts in January 6. march on the Capitol andshow Vice President refusedtotake Mehtapointed out that terror financing. helpedthe US economyretain its forinternationalagri-commodity Aurangabad's government med- Representative Katherine strength. their telephone calls, Pelosi told womenatthereceivingendof do- The LeT,led by Jamaat-ud- competitive edge,andinnovation prices firming up in the pastfew ical collegeand cancer hospital. ClarkofMassachusetts, the No.4 PatACipollone, the White reporters that she would pursue mesticviolenceusuallydonot ap- Dawa (JuD) chief Hafiz Saeed, is advantage,” the Ministryof months. The tweettagged Medical Democrat, said on Fridaythat if House counsel, had warned impeachmentifhedid notact. proachauthorities, and said the responsiblefor carrying out the External Affairs had said. The firstisasteady normali- Education Ministerand Congress VicePresidentMikePencewould Trumpofjustthatdanger on “While it’sonly13daysleft, resolutionwillbeenoughof ade- 2008 Mumbaiattackthat killed TheconstantchangesinH-1B sation of demand as mostcoun- leader Amit Deshmukh. On notinvokethe25thAmendment Wednesdayasaides frantically anyday canbeahorrorshowfor terrent. 166people, includingsix visa approval systems hasbeen tries, including India, have un- Thursday, the Chief Minister’s to forciblyrelieve Trumpofhisdu- triedtoget thePresident to inter- America,”she said, calling Located at the borderof Americans. The UN has named opposedbyleadersof technology lockedtheireconomiesafterMay. Twitterhandleputouttwotweets ties,Democratswerepreparedto vene and publiclycall offrioters, Trump’sactionsonWednesdaya Pithorgarh and Bageshwar dis- SaeedasaSpeciallyDesignated giantssuchasGoogle, Microsoft, Evenasdemandhasgraduallyre- referring to Sambhaji Nagar. act by the middle of next week to whichhedid onlybelatedly,re- “seditious act”. trictsataheight of about 4,000 GlobalTerrorist,andtheUS,since Facebookand Twitter.Though covered, restoration of supply Asked about the reference to impeach him forasecond time. luctantly,and half-heartedly. “This President should not feet,Ratir Kethi is about81km 2012,hasofferedaUSD10 million Indiancompanieshavegradually chains post-Covid is taking time. SambhajiNagar, Congress leader, SpeakerNancyPelosiplanned “Weare looking at all actors, hold office one daylonger,” said from the district headquarters. rewardfor information that reducedtheir dependencyon Dryweather in major producing formerchief ministerandcurrent to gatherDemocratsbytelephone notonlythe people who went Schumer,who will become ma- Thenearestliquorshopisover20 bringsSaeedtojustice. PTI these work permits, manygiant countriessuchasThailand,Brazil, Public WorksMinister Ashok later on Fridaytodiscuss the ef- intothe building,”Michael R jorityleader with the seating of km away in Saama sub-town, tech corporationsstilllooktohire Argentina and Ukraine, plus a Chavansaid that changing the fort.However, despitearupture Sherwin, the US attorneyin twoDemocratselected to the whichiswheremobile connec- H1B visa rules from thepool of H-1B workers. shortage of shipping containers, name of Aurangabadwas nota withTrump,VicePresidentPence Washington,toldreporters.Asked SenateinGeorgia this week,and tivity ends as well. Liquor is thenfor the advanceddegree ex- has onlyaggravated the supply- priority forhis party."This is a privately ruledout invoking the if that includedMr. Trump, he re- the inauguration of Vice sourcedfromhereandsoldinvil- emption,”the DHS said. Food inflation demand imbalances. three-party government, the is- disability clause of the 25th peated:“We’relooking at all ac- President-electKamala Harris as lages by local retailers. Everyyear,theUSadministra- figurewas even better,atminus Thesecondreasonisstockpil- sueswhichare notaprioritycan Amendmenttosidelinethe tors. If the evidence fits the ele- the tiebreaker. Bageshwar SP Manikant tionissues85,000H-1Bworkper- 7.2%, afternetting out taxesand ing by China, whichhas stepped be discussed in the coordination President, accordingtoofficials. mentsofacrime,they’regoing to President-elect Biden would Mishrasaid: “The villagers have mits.Of these,65,000areforpeo- subsidies on products. up imports of everything –from committeebetweentheparties," The highlychargeddebate be charged.” notaddresswhether Trump requestedustoensure that the ple with specialty occupations, These official estimates — corn,wheat,soyabeanandbarley he said. aboutTrump’scapacityto govern The President’s video state- shouldremaininofficebutcalled saleandconsumptionofliquordo whiletherest arereservedforfor- along with datapertaining to the to sugar and milk powder –to Chavanalsoinvoked former even forless than twoweeksun- mentcameafteraday of disarray Wednesday “oneofthe darkest nottakeplace duringmarriage eignworkers who have earneda purchasingmanagers’index,elec- buildstrategicfoodreservesamid primeministerABVajpayeetore- derscoredthedepthof angerand in the West Wing, where officials days in the history of ournation” functions and other events. The Master'sorahigheruniversityde- tricity and fuel consumption, risinggeopolitical tensions and mindthe ShivSenatohonour anxiety afterthe invasion of the soughttokeep morestaff mem- and forcefullylaid blame at the policecannotstopthatlegally, but gree in the US. goodsandservicestaxcollection, pandemic uncertainties. Last coalition sentiments. “I vaguely Capitol that forced lawmakersto bers from marching out the door. President’s feet afteryears of stir- their resolution deservesappre- Until now, theselection of H- Google mobilityindex andother month, the countrypublisheda remembersomethingAtalBihari evacuate, haltedthe counting of Aides hopedthe lateststatement ring the pot. ciation.Iwillvisitthevillagesoon 1B work visas wasdone by aran- high-frequencyindicators—con- newdraftlawtakingintoaccount Vajpayeehad said aboutRam theElectoralCollege votesforsev- would at leaststanchthe bleed- “I wish we could saywe to speaktothe villagers and dis- domised lotterysystem, which firmonething:Theextentof neg- “newsituations and questions” Mandir.Hehad said that while it eral hours and leftpeople dead, ing within Trump’s ownparty. couldn’t see it coming,”Biden cusshow theycan stop this.Aso- did nottakeintoaccount factors ative growthinducedbyCovid-19 posing severe challenges to its wassomethinghewanted to do, including aCapitol Hill police of- Ivanka Trump, his eldestdaugh- said.“Butthatisn’ttrue.Wecould cialevil can bestoppedonlywith suchaswage, experience or any and the lockdownhasn’tbeen as “grainsstockpilesecurity”. hisgovernment did nothavethe ficerwhodiedonThursday night. ter, calledlawmakers before it see it coming.” the cooperation of society.” other requirementsand de- muchaswas initiallyfeared. The thirdreason mayhaveto majoritytodoit," he said. Endingaday of publicsilence, posted, promisingitwould reas- ButPence,severalcabinetsec- Mishraaddedthatliquoristhe mands. Since the number of ap- The NSO’s firstadvance esti- do the ultra-lowglobal interest Congress statepresident and Trumpposteda2½-minutevideo surethem. retariesandotheradministration causeof mostarguments,scuffles plicationsfromIndiancompanies mates suggestthat the Indian ratesand floodgates of liquidity Revenue MinisterBalasaheb on Twitter on Thursdayevening Despitethe talk of healing, officialsconcludedthatthe 25th and crimes in the hills. At least as well as individuals is much economymay even registera opened by major central banks. Thoratsaid: “It is notabout denouncing the mobattackina however, Trumpplans to next Amendment wasanunwieldy four cases of clashes between higherthananyothernationality, small 0.3% year-on-year growth This money, whichhas already Aurangzeb. We also adore waythat he had refusedtodoa weekvisitthesouthwesternbor- mechanism to remove a guestshadbeenreportedinmar- alion'sshareofthesework visasis in the second half (October- flowedintoequitymarkets,could Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj. dayearlier. der to highlight his hardline im- President,accordingto peoplein- riageceremoniesinthe recent cornered by Indians. March), aftercontracting minus well find ahome next in agri- Our opposition is to the politics Readingdutifully fromascript migration policies, accordingtoa formedaboutthediscussions.The season in the district,hesaid. On Forexample, as of April1, 14.9% in the firsthalf (April- commodities –moreso, in asce- being playedoverthe renaming prepared by his staff, he declared personbriefedonthe planning. notion became even lessplausi- their part, the SP said, the police 2020,the USCIS had received September) of 2020-21. nario of tightening worldsup- of cities that creates ariftamong himself “outragedby theviolence, He alsotold advisers he blewhen twocabinetmembers can ensurethereisnoillegal sale about2.5lakhH-1Bwork visaap- But this relative optimism on plies. people.Wewillexplainourstand lawlessness, and mayhem” and wantedto give amediaexitinter- —Elaine LChao, the transporta- of liquorinbulkandfromgrocery plications, according to official growth —economic activity Household inflation expecta- and convince the CM.” toldthosewhobrokethelawthat view, whichtheypresumed tion secretary, and BetsyDeVos, shops aroundthe village. data--Indians had appliedfor seems inching towardsits pre- tions in India have traditionally ShivSena leader and MP “you will pay”. might undercut anyconciliatory the education secretary —re- MaheshSinghrecallsthattilla 1.84 lakh or 67 per cent of these pandemiclevels—istemperedby been shapedbyfood and fuel SanjayRautdefendedThackeray’s While he did notgiveuphis notes. But the firstfamilyhas dis- signedinprotest of thePresident’s decadeago,therewasnocompul- visas. an emerging challenge: food in- prices. Retail prices of petrol and tweets.“Is it acrimetouse the false claims of election fraud, he cussedleavingthe WhiteHouse encouragement of the mob. sion to serveliquor at weddings, Whiletaking charge as flation. dieselinDelhihave,sincelastyear, nameofChhatrapati Sambhaji finallyconceded defeat. “A new forgoodonJanuary19, the day While an impeachment con- or to people helping out with President,Trumphadhintedthat This alsomakes it difficult for movedfromRs75.74 andRs Raje? Thereisnothing wrong in administration will be inaugu- before theinauguration. victionwouldonlystripTrumpof tasks. “It increasesthe financial the work visaregime would be theRBIto furthercutinterestrates 68.79to Rs84.20andRs74.38per using the names of Chhatrapati ratedonJanuary20,”Trumpsaid. Washington remainedon his powerdays earlier than he is burdenbutworseiswhensome- overhauledtoensurethatthesys- or even continue with its litre, respectively.Annual con- Maharaj and Chhatrapati “My focus nowturns to ensuring edge onThursday, andbusinesses settolose it anyway,itcouldalso one in adrunken state starts a temwas no longerusedbycom- accommodative monetarypolicy sumer food price inflation stood SambhajiMaharaj ingovernment asmooth, orderly andseamless and storefrontsremained disqualifyhim from running scuffle," he said. panies thatcontinuedtopay stance. at9.43%inNovember.Thatnum- records and Twitter.Itispublic transitionof power. Thismoment boardedup. Thousands of againin2024.Andevenif another FULLREPORTSON lesser than the annual average TheNSO’sGDPdatacamethe ber, morethanGDPgrowth,isthe sentiment and the government calls forhealing and reconcilia- NationalGuardtroopsbeganfan- impeachment might notbeany www.indianexpress.com

Singhu, near the main stage, par- "Wehavebeengivingfirst-aid Punjab, who startedthe initiative something is better than nothing. at the camp. We arealso paying run the hospital and medicine At Singhu, JIGNASASINHA& ticularly withaneyeontheelderly and over the counter medicines at the Singhuprotest site. We also have nebulisers for them asalary,"hesaid. storeroundthe clock. “Wehave ARANYASHANKAR and heartpatients. from the firstday,but in recent "We’veseenpeople who had asthma patientsand afridgeto Singh, afarmer,said he had to witnessedseveral farmer deaths amini NEWDELHI,JANUARY8 LifeCareFoundation,anNGO days we felttheneedtohaveahos- elevatedblood pressure, one keepinsulininjectionsandtetanus take aRs9lakh loan to help at the dueto thewinter.There arealotof fromPunjab'sDeraBassi,saidthey pital here. Since it's an eight-kilo- seemedto have sufferedaheartat- shots,since both sugar issues and protests.Hehas spent Rs 3.5 lakh old men and women herewho hospital for WITHSEVERALfarmerdeathsand setup“24-hour emergency hos- metrestretch,ittakes time forthe tack.Sowerealiseditisnecessary injuriesare common," he said. so far. have diabetes,bloodpressure and manyprotesters falling ill in the pital” aftertheyfeltthe needto ambulance to come and ferry pa- to have this facilityatthe camp. In "Wewill have three doctors Saadiq Mohammad, avolun- gastric issues. Eachday,wehave harsh weather,atemporary, four- move beyond providing justfirst- tientstohospital,"said Avatar fact, manymoresuchhospitals from different hospitals in Punjab teer,saidheandsevenotherphar- around 12-20 emergency pa- quick relief bed ‘hospital’ has come up at aid. Singh (36) from DeraBassi in needtocomeup.It'snotmuchbut who willworkin10-15days’shift macists and doctors from Mohali tients,” said Saadiq. WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM


As city receives SmoothvaccinationtrialruninMumbai, unseasonal rain, AQI barringglitchesinCo-Winapplication remains ‘very poor’ “The rainfall is mainlyassociated SANJANABHALERAO with the easterly winds,” said an MUMBAI,JANUARY8 RMC official. TABASSUM An active easterly wind indi- BARNAGARWALA MUMBAI RECEIVED unseasonal catesthatthereisabundantmois- MUMBAI,JANUARY8 rainfall on Friday, making forthe ture broughtinoverthelandfrom second instance of rainfall in the theBayofBengal,leadingto thun- THE TRIAL run forvaccination in month of Januaryinthe past derstorms. Mumbai went offsmoothlybar- decade. Generally, Mumbai does The IMD has forecast cloudy ring glitches in the Co-Winapp, notreceive rain during January, skies and light rainfall till the digitisedplatformfor the however, it did nothelp improve Saturday over interior vaccine rollout whichcontains the city's air quality.With ahazy Maharashtraand under dataofthe health officials who sky,Mumbai’s Air Quality Index the influence of active weather will be thefirst in line to be vac- (AQI) remainedinthe “very systemsoverthe state. Atrough cinated. poor” categoryfor the second running betweencoastal Across three centres in Dr RN consecutive day, at 317. Karnataka and , Cooper hospital, BKCjumbo fa- The one mm of trace rainfall along with anothertroughbe- cility and Rajawadi hospital, 75 that the city witnessedonFriday tween theeastArabian Sea and beneficiaries underwent amock wasonlythe second suchin- north Madhya Maharashtra, vaccination run-in. Meanwhile, stancesince 2010,with the last have together made theweather stateofficials said that theyare instance having been in 2014. conducive forthunderstormsin expecting the firstbatchofthe The city’s AQIat317,worse than January,asper IMD officials. vaccine to be delivered by next Delhi’s AQI, is alsothe worstAQI The districtswhichwill con- week.The rollout, however, recordedinMumbai this year. tinue to experiencelightshow- could take sometime as they Meanwhile, severalparts of ers and lightning till January9 will have to preparethe desired Maharashtra receivedlight to include Palghar,Pune, Thane, logistics fordistribution. moderaterainfall on late Raigad,Sindhudurg, Ratnagiri, Dr VidyaThakur,medical su- Trial run forCovid-19vaccinationdrive underwayatRosa Garden in Thane and BKCjumbo Thursdaynight. Light winter Dhule, Nashik,Ahmednagar, perintendent in Rajawadi hospi- VACCINATIONPROCESS facility (right) in Mumbai,onFriday. Deepak Joshi&AmitChakravarty showers were reportedacross Sangli, Sataraand Kolhapur. tal, said in the Fridaydry run, Mumbai and neighbouringar- Minimum temperatures in theyexperiencedsoftware-re- ■An auto ■ Anurse or eas between lateThursday the city will continuetoremain lated issues. “It wastaking time generated text auxiliarynurse ward office to getthe next date. InstituteofIndia. Thereare 15 boothsfor vacci- evening and early Fridaymorn- above normal and the trend will forthe app to uploaddata, some- messagewill be midwifewill “The Co-WINapp can onlybe “The government has sent nationand sevenregistration ing. The India Meteorological changeafter January14. times the connection to server sent to give an intra managed by registeredvaccina- icedline refrigerators. We have desks. Ahelp centrehas been Department’s (IMD) Santacruz Meanwhile, daytemperatures wasslow. We have reported beneficiarygiving details muscularshot tors. Health workers who miss distributed them in medicalcol- setuptoanswerfrequently observatoryrecordedtrace rain- across the statewill also remain these technical difficulties to their shotcan either approach leges and in Parelhealth office. asked questions about vaccina- fall (less than one mm) on Friday. normal, as per IMD officials. of centre, shifttime and ■ The beneficiarywill be head office,” she said. datefor vaccination kept under observation for their hospital administrations or We have enough vaccinecarri- tion. Aseparateareahas been The IMD has forecastcloudy OnFriday, IMD’sSantacruzob- In Cooper hospital, wherea half an hour local ward,” Fernandes said. ers. We areready to startvacci- demarcated with sevenbeds weather,light rainfall and thun- servatoryrecordedminimum model vaccination centrehas ■ Once at centre, asecurity According to dean Dr Pinakin nation. We have been told the forbeneficiaries who maysuf- derstorms in the city till temperature at 23.4 degrees been setup, thereare three vac- or health worker will ■ Once the firstdose is Gujjar,the hospital can vaccinate vaccines will be transported feradverse reaction following Saturday. OfficialsatRegional Celsius,whichis5.9degreesabove cination rooms with 10 booths, checkbeneficiary’s name given, amessagewill be 2,000 people aday. soon but when we still do not immunisation. Doctors from Meteorological Centre(RMC), normal,whiletheColabaobserva- apostvaccine waiting area to againstaprinted listand generated forthe second Earlier this week central know,”said Dr SheelaJagtap, Asian HeartInstitutehavebeen Mumbai, calledthe rainfall at toryrecordedminimumtemper- house over 50, and aseparate in- facilitateentry dose’s date, time Health SecretaryRajesh BMC vaccination officer. ropedintomanagethem. “We this timeofthe year uncom- atureat23degreesCelsius,which tensive care room to admit those ■ At registration desk, and centre Bhushan said immunisation Once the vaccine stockar- have kept IV fluids, steroids, mon, particularly forMumbai. is 3.4 degrees above normal. with anaphylactic reaction. “We beneficiaryhas to provide ■ Avaccine process is expected to roll out by rives, BMC officials said theywill ventilator,adrenaline shots,sy- willstation an anaesthetistand anyone of the sevenlisted certificatewill January13acrossthe entire activate the Co-WIN app to send ringes and entireICU set-up aphysicianatall timesduring identification proof. The be generated country. Beforethe actual messages and schedule appoint- ready to stabilise patients vaccination here,” said Dr Sunil same willbematched with once the processbegins, random batches ment with beneficiaries. Across here,” adoctor said requesting Gwalani, head of anaesthesia in details on app process is over of vaccines have to be tested for four medical colleges, twolakh anonymity. Cooper hospital. quality checks.Maharashtraof- vaccine doses can be stored.In At entrysecurity guard The temporaryICU has venti- ficials said theyare yettoget a addition,F-South ward health MohamedZafar said once the lator,defibrillator,and emer- shiftthe person to main hospi- rubella we did notrequiresuch confirmeddatefor distribution office and Kanjurmargfacility vaccinationdrive starts only gency kit to give adrenalineshot tal,” Gwalani said. strict monitoring,” asenior doc- of vaccines. StateHealth will be nodal storagecentres. thosewith their names regis- in case of anaphylactic reaction. Doctors from the hospital torsaid. SecretaryDrPradeep Vyas said MayorKishori Pednekar vis- teredonCo-WIN app and with “It is very rare foradverse events said in theinitial days of vacci- Dr Sophia Fernandes, from immunisation proceduremay ited BKCjumbo facility on scheduledappointmentwill be postvaccination. In case thereis nation senior doctorswilltake community medicine depart- startfromJanuary16or17, that Fridaytosee the mockvaccina- allowedtoenter. severe reaction, we needtoact rounds to monitor the process. ment,said in case ahealth is 14 days afterthe central gov- tion drive.The jumbo facility BMC has selected nine hos- immediately. Anaphylactic reac- “It is the firsttime anew vaccine worker misses out on firstorsec- ernment announcedrestricted has dedicated amajor partof pitals forvaccination of health tion could block breathing of is being rolled outfor adult im- ond dose due to unforeseen rea- approval to twovaccines of MMRDAconstructed hangar workers. In aday 8,000-12,000 person. Once stabilisedwemay munisation. Formeasles and sons, he canreachout to local Bharat Biotech and Serum forimmunisation process. peoplewillbevaccinated. EDELWEISS ASSET RECONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED CIN: U67100MH2007PLC174759 Kangana, sister appear before Retail Central Office :1st floor, Edelweiss House, Off CST Road, Kalina, Mumbai 400098 Regd.Office :Edelweiss House, Off CST Road, Kalina, Mumbai 400098 APPENDIX IV [Rule-8(1)] POSSESSION NOTICE (For Immovable property) Whereas that, Edelweiss Housing Finance Ltd., (hereinafter referred as "EHFL"), has assigned the below financial assets to Bandra police in sedition case Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company Limited on its own/acting in its capacity as trustee of EARC TRUST SC 401 (hereinafter referred as “EARC”). Pursuant to the assignment agreement, under Sec.5 of SARFAESI Act, 2002, EARC has stepped into the shoes of the EHFL and all the rights, title and interests of EHFL with respect to the financial assets along with underlying security interests, guarantees, pledges have vested in EARC in respect of the financial assistance availed by the on social media that Ranaut “is con- Borrower and EARC exercises all its rights as the secured creditor. EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE tinuouslydefaming Bollywood film That the Authorized Officer of the EARC under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement MUMBAI,JANUARY8 industryand is portraying people of Security Interest (Act), 2002 and in exercise of powers conferred under Section 13(12) read with (Rule 3) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 issued ademand notice as mentioned below calling upon the borrower(s) to repay the working in Bollywood films as ahub amount mentioned in the notice within 60 days from-the date of receipt of the said notice. ACTORKANGANA Ranaut and her sis- of nepotism, favouritism, drug addicts, The borrower having failed to repay the amount, notice is hereby given to the borrower and the public in general that the undersigned being the Authorised Officer of Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company Limited has taken possession terRangoli Chandel on Fridayap- communally-biasedpeople, murder- of the property described herein below in exercise of powers conferred on him under sub-section (4) of section 13 of Act pearedbeforethe Bandrapolice in con- ers, etc” through her tweets andtele- read with rule 8ofthe Security Interest Enforcement) Rules, 2002 on the mentioned date against each property. nection withanFIR registeredagainst vision interviews.“...(this) is creating The borrower's attention is invited to provisions of sub-section (8) of section 13 of the Act, in respect of time available, to redeem the secured assets. them in October for“allegedlycreat- averybad imageofBollywood in the The borrower in particular and the public in general is hereby cautioned not to deal with the property and any dealings with ing enmity between different groups minds of people and even creating a the property will be subject to the charge of the Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company Limited for the amount mentioned below and interest thereon. of people” through their social media communal divide and riftbetween Loan Account Borrower Name & Amount &Date of Demand Notice Date of Possession posts.The FIR wasregistered at the Kangana Ranaut outside Bandra people of twocommunities and in the Number Co-Borrower(s) Name Possession Status Bandrapolice stationonthe directions policestation, Friday. Amit Chakravarty mind of common man”. LNSKSTH0000 1) Rohit Verma Rs.18,27,317.91 /- (Rupees Eighteen Symbolic of aMetropolitan court hearing apri- He also stated that ariftwas being (Borrower) Lakhs Twenty Seven thousand Three 04.01.2021 075686 hundred Seventeen only)& 28-02-2020 Possession vate complaint againstthe sisters by a created betweenartistesofdifferent 2) Reeta Sinha (Co-borrower) Description Of The Property: All The Part And Parcel Of The FN102 1st Flr Indraprasth Chsl,Plot No 5&6,S.No ��� ��� �� ��������� ���� ���� Bollywood casting director. sections pertaining to committing ma- religions. The complaint referred to 26/1c/1b,Opp Deolali Vyapari Sahakari Bank Ltd(Jail Road Branch) ,Beside Manjula Mangal Karyalaya,Shivaji Nagar Dasak The sisters along with their lawyer licious or deliberateactswith the in- various tweets by Ranaut over the past Shiwar Nsk, Nashik 422101.The Said Plot Is Bounded As Below; North: 40ft Colony Road, South: Open Space & ������ ������������ appeared at the Bandrapolice station tention of outraging religious feelings fewmonths, including atweet where Commercial Shop, East: Flat No 103, West : Flat No 101. LNSKSTH0000 1) Najama Riyazbaig Mirza Rs.16,97,533.80 /- (Rupees Sixteen Symbolic ������������� ����������� ������ ������� ����� amid heavy media presence around 1 of citizens,sedition, promoting enmity she referred to Mumbai as POK (Borrower) 2) Riyazbaig Lakhs Ninety Seven thousand Five hun- 04.01.2021 pm. Ranaut enjoys Ycategorysecurity between different groups on grounds (PakistanOccupiedKashmir). 062301 Yasinbaig Mirza (Co-borrower) dred Thirty Three only) &19-12-2019 Possession ����� ������� ���� ���������� �������������� of CRPF personnel. of religion,race, place of birth, resi- Hours prior to appearing before Description of the Property: All the part and parcel of the property bearing flat no.14 admeasuring 47.86 sq.mtrs. i.e area adm. 515 sq.ft, built up Area on 2nd floor in the scheme known as surbhi cooperative housing society limited constructed on plot no.42,admea- ������ ������ An officer said, “While the time dence or languageand commoninten- the police, Ranaut had tweetedavideo suring 475.00 sq.mtrs out of survey no 866/B/42 out of village nashik, nr.hanuman mandir,vinay ngr ,indir ngr.,wadala pathardi givenbythe court wastoappear at tion of the Indian Penal Code. whereshe said she wasbeing “men- rd.,talika &district Nashik bounded as:North: side margin, South: passage, staircase &duct. East: side margin, West : flat no 09. ��� ���������� �� ��� ��� �� ��������� noon, she reachedataround 1pm. We According to police, the FIR states tally, emotionallyand nowphysically 1) Rakesh Manohar Gondhale Rs.14,30,494.35 /- (Rupees recordedher statement foraround two that through their tweets,the sisters tortured”. LNSKSTL0000 (Borrower) 2) Prabhavati Rakesh Fourteen Lakhs Thirty thousand Symbolic ���� ����� ������ ������������ ��� ������ Four hundred Ninety Four only) & 04-01-2021 hours but could notcomplete the for- triedto“malign the Indian Constitution Afterleaving thepolice station 061030 Gondhale (Co-boprrower) 3) Pranali Possession Rakesh Gondhale (Co-borrower) 03-11-2019 �������� �������� ������� ��������� ������� malities and mayhavetocall her and imageofthe Maharashtragovern- around3pm,theactorwhowasheaded Description of the property : All the part and parcel of the Flat No.4, 1st Floor,Akash Park Apartment, Plot No.1, Sy.No. ��������� ����������� ������� ��� ���������� again.”The statement of Chandel could ment, hurtsentiments of Muslims and to Bhopalforafilmshoottweeted,“If you 35/2b+3/, Near Abhinav Marathi School, Narayan bapu nagar,Jail road, Nasik road, Dasak Shiwar Nasik -422101. total admeasuring built up area 590 sq.ft.,the said plot is bounded as below North: staircase/marginal space, South: colony ��� ������� ������ �� ��� ���������� ���� ������� notberecorded, the officer added. triedtocreatedivision between Hindus areanti India youwillfind alot of sup- road, East: flat no 03, West : flat no 05. The police will be submitting their and Muslims”. port,work/rewards,andappreciation.If Place: Mumbai Sd/- Authorized Officer ����� �� �������� �� ������� �� ����� ��� ���� reporttothe BombayHigh Courtthat The complaint wasfiledby youare anationalist Date: 07-01-2021 Edelweiss Asset Reconstruction Company Limited ��������� ����� ��� ��������� ���� ���������� ���� will hear the matter on January11. Munawwar Ali Sayyed,acasting direc- then youwillhaveto Government of India ���� ��������� ������� �������� ������ �� ��� ���� Ranaut had approachedthe High Court torand fitness trainer.Inhis complaint, stand alone, be your Bhabha Atomic Research Centre forquashing theFIR.The courthad he stated that he had worked with ownsupportsystem Advertisement No.04/2020 (R-V) ���������������� ��� ������� �� ������������ ��� grantedherinterimrelief fromarrest last well-known film directors and had, for and appreciateyour month and directed her to presenther- the pastfew months,been observing ownintegrity.” BRIEF NOTICE ������� ����� ������ �� ����� ��������� ���� self before thepoliceonJanuary8. BARC invites applications for the following training course being conducted at the Radiation ������� �� ����� ������� ��� �� ��� ������ �� Prior to this, the Bandrapolice Medicine Centre, BARC under the aegis of Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI) ����������� �� ��� ������������ �� ��������� �� ��� had issuedthree summons to the NEHRU MEMORIAL MUSEUM AND LIBRARY (a Deemed University), Mumbai actor and her sistertoappear be- Teen Murti House, New Delhi-110011 1) M.Sc. NUCLEAR MEDICINE 2) M.Sc. HOSPITAL RADIOPHARMACY ������ ���� �� ���� �������������� ���� ���������� ��� fore them but she failedtoturn up. (Autonomous Body set up by the Govt. of India) AND MOLECULAR IMAGING (M.Sc. -HRP) ������ ���������� �� ������ ������� ���� ��������� The sisters were booked under The Nehru Memorial Museum &Library (NMML),an TECHNOLOGY (M.Sc. -NMMIT) Duration of Course Twoacademic years (2020-2022) Twoacademic years (2020-2022) ������ �� ��� ���� �� �� ��� ������ ��� ���� �� autonomous organization under the Ministry of Culture, seeks qualified candidates for contractual engagement in the Museum No. of Seats (No. of 5-Non-sponsored, 5-Non-sponsored, �������� ��� ������� ����� ������ �� ����� ��������� seats are provisional 5-Sponsored 5-Sponsored. on Prime Ministers for the post of Chief Executive Officer ���� ������� �� ����� ����� and subject to One seat is reserved for SC/ST/OBC candidate either from sponsored or non- sponsored (CEO).The post is purely on contractual basis for aperiod of variation) category. ����� ���������� ���� ��� ��� ��������� ����� three years with aminimum guaranteed period of one year.If Age Limit Not more than 35 years as on 1st May 2020. Upper age limit can be relaxed in the case of SC/ ��� ����� ���� ���������� �� ������ ���� �� the incumbent wishes to leave before the end of the contract or ST (5 Years), OBC (3 Years), PH category (10 Years) and sponsored candidates (10 Years). the institution so decides, anotice of two months or equivalent Educational B.Sc. with Physics /Chemistry /Maths from a B.Sc. with Chemistry as one of the subjects at ��� ���� ��� ����� ��������� ���� ������� ������� �� salary will be required for immediate release. Qualification recognised University OR B.Sc. in Life Sciences B.Sc level and Physics, Chemistry and Maths / ����� ���� ��� ������ ��������� �� ������ �� �� ����� Interested candidates may send acopy of their updated CV and with Physics as asubject from recognised Biology as subjects at H.S.C. level OR B.Pharm �� �������� �� ����� ���������� ������ �� ��� ����� �� self-attested copies of testimonials on the following email id University OR B.Sc. in Nuclear Medicine from from arecognised University.Candidates bhandari_57(yahoo.co.in latest by 31st January,2021. arecognised University.Candidates should should have scored aminimum of 50% marks in �� ��� �� ������ ��� ���� �� ��� ����� ������� Post: Chief Executive Officer (CEO) have scored aminimum of 50% marks in aggregate in Science Subjects at B.Sc./B.Pharm aggregate in Science Subjects at B.Sc. level. level. ��������� ������ ���������� ���� ������ No. of Post: One (1) Remuneration: 2.5 Lakh per month lumpsum. Higher salary Monthly Stipend Stipend @Rs.15,000/- per month is admissible to the non-sponsored candidates. ���� can be considered for meritorious candidates. BARC reserves the final right to admission to the respective courses. ���������� Eligibility: Fordetails like qualificationand experience Applications will be accepted On-Line ONLY. Last date for receipt of Application: 29/01/2021. Date: 08.01.2021 ����������� required, please visit NMMLwebsite: Facility for On-line application will be available from 09/01/2021 to 29/01/2021. www.nehrumemorial.nic.in. The details of mode and place and time of CATand Counselling Session following CATwill be notified in ��� ��� �� ��������� ���� ����� davp 09142/11/0002/2021 the BARC Website. For further details please visit our website: recruit.barc.gov.in / www.barc.gov.in. ������ ������������ WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM

THEINDIANEXPRESS,SATURDAY,JANUARY9,2021 4 MAHARASHTRA VACCINE DRY RUN 3killed,64hurt Internet ahurdleinrural areas, smooth run in most asovercrowded TABASSUM Healthcare providers below BARNAGARWALA MUMBAI,JANUARY8 55, who died on Covid duty, tempofallsin WHILE URBAN areas of the state can claim insurance under mostlyran asmooth vaccine trial on Friday, some rural and tribal PMGKY: Centre to HC regions reportedconnectivity is- gorgeinRaigad sues with the Co-WINsoftware and possible difficulty in han- wentonto contractthe infection, dling beneficiaries who suffer OMKARGOKHALE leading to his death on June 10, severe adverse effectsafter they MUMBAI,JANUARY8 2020, the plea said. The Raigad district officials areadministeredthe Covid-19 LastAugust, she claimeda SAGARRAJPUT setupadisasterteam to rescue vaccine later in the month. THE UNION government on compensation of Rs 50 lakh from MUMBAI,JANUARY8 the passengers, whichhelpedin Fridaysaw vaccination dry Fridaytold the BombayHigh under PMGKY.However, the in- rushing them to therural hospi- runs being held across the state, Courtthat onlythosehealthcare surance company, next month, THREE PERSONS were killedand talinPoladpur. with 114rural hospitals, primary providers, requisitionedtofight rejectedher claimstating that the 64 sustainedinjuriesafter an Assistant Inspector Prashant health centres(PHC)and sub- Covid-19,under the ageof55 doctorwasnot servinginanyhos- overcrowdedtempo carrying JadhavofPoladpur policestation district hospitals participating. At Navi Mumbaimunicipal hospitalinNerul on Friday. NarendraVaskar years and who diedonduty pital or government healthcare peoplereturningfromawed- said, “Two menweredeclared Dr Archana Patil, Director were coveredunder the Pradhan centreand thus, wasnot eligible ding fell in agorge at Kudpan in brought dead on arrivalwhile (FamilyWelfare) in the Mantri Garib KalyanYojana under the scheme. Following this, taluka of Raigad dis- another diedduringtreatment. DirectorateofHealth Services Covid-19vaccination pro- officialssaid thatthe dryruns (PMGKY)insurance packageof the petitioner movedHC. trictonFriday. Of theremaining 64passengers, (DHS), said that Maharashtra gramme across the country. were smooth. “Wechose centres Rs 50 lakh. Advocate Sandesh Patil, ap- The deceasedhavebeeniden- 35 arecriticallyinjured.Others will approachthe Centrewith In Osmanabad, therewas no 19.61lakh in Nashik,Pune, Ahmednagar It wasrespondingto adivision pearing forthe Centre, told the tifiedasVidoba Jore, Tukaram Jore have sustainedminor injuries.” the recommendation to upload Internetconnectionfor half-an- TOTALPOSITIVECASES and Dhule whereInternetcon- benchofJustice SJKathawalla courtthatthe insurance policy and HarishchandraHogade. “Wehavereferredcritical pa- dataofall beneficiaries offline hour at aPHC in Loharablock. INMAHARASHTRA nectivity wasgood,” said Dr MR and Justice RIChagla, whichwas covers doctors, aged less than 55 Officials said the incident took tientstodistrict hospitals in during the actual immunisation “People will notstayfor long in Active Cases 51,838 Pattanshetti, DeputyDirector hearing aplea filedbyNavi years, requisitionedfor Covid-19 place around 7pmwhen the peo- Alibaug, Kamothe and MGM in processinremote areas, where the waiting area if we delay im- (DHS) in Nashik.InSolapur,DHO Mumbai resident Kiran Surgade, duty. ple in the tempowerereturning Vashi,” said Choudhari. thereisnoInternetconnectivity. munisation.Weneedtodevise New Cases 3,693 Dr Shitalkumar Jadhavsaid, “We seeking adirection to the New “He was56years old. It is not to their hometown in Ratnagiri At the time of going to the “Or we could selectcentres ways to makethe processfast,” TotalDeaths49,970 were able to assess the time a India Assurance Company applicable at all. Also, therewas afterattending awedding in press, the Poladpur police wasin where mobile rangeworks,” she said DHODrHVWadgave. New Deaths73 beneficiarywill requiretoregis- Limitedto immediatelydisburse no pleading that he had been re- Satara. The vehicle fell down 50 the process of registering an FIR. added. This is,however,possible Osmanabad has 8,000 terhimself and getthe shot. Each her claim of Rs 50 lakh under questionedbyahospitaland con- feet intothe gorge, said police. Raigad SP AshokDhudesaid, onlyincase of healthcarework- healthcareworkers registered Quarantined2.72lakh beneficiarytook five to seven PMGKY. tractedCovid-19there,” he added. Raigad District Collector “Weare trying to ascertainthe ers who receive shots in the first forthe firstphaseofimmunisa- Tested 1.32 crore minutes forthis.” Thewoman, in her plea filed However, Surgade’s lawyer Nidhi Choudhari said, “The vehi- cause of the accident. It had phaseofthe vaccination drive tion. On Friday, the LoharaPHC through advocateAjit Karwande, submitted that the scheme did cle carriedmorethan permitted rainedinRaigad... we believe the and notwhen large scale immu- conducted amockexercise to re- 2,97,639 Ink those vaccinated, said that her husband, late notdifferentiatebetween "pub- passengers and due to over- tyres of the tempomay have nisation starts,requiring more ferabeneficiary, who suffered Govt tells Centre Bhaskar Surgade, an Ayurveda lic" or private doctors. crowding, it fell in the gorge. slipped...” centres in everyblock. adverse effectsafter vaccination, TOTALPOSITIVE doctor,usedtopractice in Navi Afterhearing submissions, Within an hour afterthe inci- Officials said thatasthe road In Gadchiroli, poor Internet to the nearestrural hospital. A CASESINMUMBAI StateHealthMinisterRajesh Mumbai. Duringthe early days of thebenchaskedtheCentretoob- dent, we managed to take every- wasslippery, the driverofthe connectivity remainedapersist- doctor said it took half-an-hour New Cases 654 Tope on Fridaysaid arecom- the lockdown, on March 31,last tain datafrominsurance compa- one to thehospital.” “Wehave tempomusthavelostcontrol of ent issue in PHCs. “It took some forthe 108tollfreeambulance TotalDeaths11,173 mendation has been made to the year,hehad receivedanotice niesonhow manyclaims were notstoppedour rescue opera- the vehicle at asharp turn in time to access the Co-WIN soft- to arrive at the PHC. “If it wasa Union government to ink afin- from the Navi MumbaiMunicipal receivedfromthe relativesofpri- tion, as we arestill trying to ver- Dhangarwadi near Kudpan and ware and the beneficiarylist. We real case, the delaycould have New Deaths11 gerofthose vaccinated, justlike Corporation commissionerask- vate doctors, who had opened ify whether therewereonly67 the tempofell in the gorge. had selected centres with decent ledtocomplications forthe ben- during elections, to identify ing him to keep his dispensary their clinicsduring the pandemic, passengers... We arechecking “Wewill seekhelp from the connectivity but even there, eficiary,”the doctor added. them. “If the Centre refuses, the open and warningthat he will be treated patients andthen suc- with everypassenger whether RTO(Regional TransportOffice) Internetwas achallenge,” said Wadgavesaid theyare going other major urban cities, vacci- stategovernment can take acall prosecuted if he did notcomply. cumbed to Covid-19. the personseated next to them to ascertain the cause of the inci- Dr Shashikant Shambharkar, to propose to the statethat vac- nation centres have been posi- on this,” he said. Tope said the Kiran Surgade claimed that Seeking ashortaffidavit in re- has been found,” she added. dent, as thereare chances that District Health Officer (DHO). cinationcentres be setupclose tionedinoraround hospitals. Centre has also been requested herhusbandhadto openhisclinic plyfromthe Centre by January11, According to primaryinfor- the vehicle mayhavefalleninto The Co-WIN softwarehas to secondaryortertiarycarehos- In Beed, Solapur,Nashik, to vaccinatethe economically and treat patients, including the courtpostedthe matter for mation receivedbythe district the gorgedue to atechnical been designed to monitor the pitals. In Mumbai, Pune, and Dhule, Ahmednagar and Pune, poor peoplefor free. those infected by Covid-19. He hearing on January13. administration, the tempo glitch,” said Inspector Jadhav. startedits journeyfrom In July2018, abus with pas- Kondoshi villageinSatara. The sengers had plunged into PROCUREMENT OF MEDICINES, DISINFECTANTS passengers were on wayto Ambenali Ghat in Poladpur,re- Khavati villageatKhedin sulting in the death of 30 people. Ratnagiri. “The incident took (WITHINPUTS HC directs BMC to respond to plea filed by BJP MLA Shelar place at the and FROMTABASSUM Raigad border,” said Choudhari. BARNAGARWALA) by thecivic body on August21, Adivision benchofChief well as patientsadmitted in civic mon people, particularly the complain? None of the firms ap- OMKARGOKHALE 2020 forprocuring medicines Justice Dipankar Dattaand hospitals in Mumbai. economicallydisadvantaged plying forthe tender have any MUMBAI,JANUARY8 and disinfectantsfor civic-run Justice Girish SKulkarni on The plea claimedthat one of sections of the society,was com- problems.” “The concern ex- FYJCadmissions:FCFSsystemback hospitals wasnot as per stan- Fridaywas hearing the PIL seek- the reasons forincrease in HAI promised, the plea said. pressedinthis PIL petition re- THE BOMBAY High Court on dardsofWorld Health ing astayonthe tender process. wasthe faulty public procure- Afterhearingsubmissions,the quires examination afterthe Pune: Class XI admissionsfor the syllabus in limited rounds, the Fridaydirected the Organisation (WHO)and central Advocate DeepaChavanrepre- ment process, whichisaimedat benchsaid, “It is notadvisablefor pleadingsarecomplete,”itadded. academic year 2020-21 arestill stategovernmenthas nowan- Brihanmumbai Municipal health authorities. The PIL also al- senting Shelar submitted that ‘favouring’ certain manufactur- judicial review in tendermatters. The court directedthe BMC to continuing as the second week nouncedthe returnofthe first- Corporation (BMC) to respond to leged that the quality standards the fight to control Covid-19 and ers by compromising with the The government is the masteras respond to the allegations made of Januarybegins. Considering come, first-served (FCFS) admis- allegations made in aPIL filedby of therequireditems in the ten- treatingpatients had increased eligibilityorpre-qualifying cri- theyare awareofrequirements by the petitionerwithin two the delayinthe admission sionrounds forall remaining BJP MLAAshishShelar.He der wascompromisedtobenefit Hospital Acquired Infections teria. Due to askewedprocess, andhenceknowtheconditionsto weeksand askedShelar to file re- process and the challenges be- FYJC seats. claimedthatthe tender floated vested interests of bidders. (HAI) among hospital staffas the health and safetyofthe com- laydown.Whoareyou(Shelar)to joinder in aweek thereafter. fore junior collegestocomplete ENS MARATHA QUOTA Govt’sstand inconsistent on Over300 birds Ahead of SC hearing,Maharashtra found dead Maratha quota issue: MKM PARTHASARATHIBISWAS demands formation of larger bench PUNE,JANUARY8 RajendraKondharesaid,“We are Marathas, the government came EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE confrontedwith aconfusionas up with another announcement THE DEATH of over 300birds in whichwererolledout in 2018 by 50 per cent. “A five-judgebench takesastance in favour of the MUMBAI,JANUARY8 the stategovernment is notcon- saying, “Wewill ensurethat the abackyardpoultryfirm in EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE the previous BJP-ShivSena gov- won’t be able to overturn the reservations,” he added. sistentinitsstand.Inthepastfour SEBC quotafor Maratha candi- Parbhani has setout alarm bells MUMBAI,JANUARY8 ernment in the state. 1993 order,” Chavansaid.Healso While prodding BJP MPs and THE MARATHA Kranti Morcha months, the MaharashtraVikas dates arekeptaside. Once court across the state. While experts The statelegislature,in2018, calledfor areviewofthe 50 per leaders from Maharashtrato (MKM) has expressedits disap- Aghadi (MVA) government came givesits decision,thequotawillbe from the CollegeofVeterinary THE MAHARASHTRA govern- had unanimouslypassedthe cent cap. “The decision was draw Prime MinisterNarendra pointment over acircular issued up withfour newdecisions.” filledup.” and Animal Sciences have attrib- ment on Fridaysought the for- Socially and Educationally takenthree decades ago. It Modi’s attention, Chavansaid fortheMaharashtra PublicService “On January4,the MPSC cir- The fourth statement reads, uted thedeath to Ranikhet(vir- mation of alargerSupreme BackwardClasses(SEBC)Act, should be reviewed,” he added. that Chief MinisterUddhav Commission (MPSC) examina- cular wasissued asking students, “Wewill go ahead with recruit- ulent New Castle Disease), the Courtbenchfor hearing the 2018,extending reservations to Ahead of the SC hearing, the Thackeray would be writing to tion. The circular states that eligible underthe SEBC category, ment without the SEBC. If candi- animal husbandrycommission- Maratha reservationissue. the youth from the politically- government also tossedthe ball thePMoverthe issue. He added Marathasseekingreservationun- to applyunderthe open or EWS dates want theyshouldchoose eratehas dispatchedthe sam- While afive-judge dominant Maratha community. in the Centre’s court. thatthe state chief secretarywas dertheSociallyandEconomically categories.ThedeadlineisJanuary open or EWS.” ples to Bhopal-basedNational Constitution benchheadedby Introducing anew SEBC category Observing that the SC had is- also in consultation with officials BackwardClass (SEBC) category 15,” Kondhareadded.Alot of stu- The MKM has urgedthe gov- InstituteofHigh SecurityAnimal Justice Ashok Bhushan had said forreservations,the statehad ex- suedanotice to the Attorney in the Union lawministry. should apply under open or the dents,who were keen to avail of ernment nottoremove theSEBC Diseases to rule out chances of it willhear the matter on aday- tended12per cent and 13 per General of India, Chavansaid Moreover, Chavanmade a Economically Weaker Section. benefitsundertheSEBCcategory, options as suchdecisionswould birdflu in the animal carcasses. to-daybasisfromJanuary25, cent reservations to theMarathas that the Union government case forthe inclusion of the The MPSC examination, whichis areeagerly waiting forthe be detrimental forthe Marathas. Sachindrapratap Singh, ani- PWDMinisterAshok Chavan, in education and jobs, respec- mustintervene in the case in stayed SEBC Actinthe Ninth conducted to recruit workers in Supreme Court’s decision. The RulingpartyMLARohitPawar mal husbandrycommissioner of who heads the state’s ministerial tively.The matterhas nowbeen supportofthe state’s case. Schedule of the Constitution, various government depart- hearing willbeginonJanuary25. has also expressedstrong reser- Maharashtra, said, “Our local sub-committee formedoverthe referred to the five-judgebench. “This is notanissueofany whichessentiallydeals with ments, willbeheld in March.It The firststatement from the vationagainsttheMPSCexamcir- team had takensamples and af- quotastrife, on Fridaydemanded Facing flak overits handling government or aparty,” said central and statelawsthat can- waspostponedlastyeardueto the statewas reassuringwhen it told cular. In alettertodeputy Chief tercollating samples from Beed that anine-judge or a11-judge of the Maratha quotaissue in the Chavan, pleading assistance from notbechallenged in courts. pandemic. the apexcourt: “Weare notgoing MinisterAjit Pawar, Rohit de- and Ratnagiri, theyweredis- benchshould hear the issue. SC,the UddhavThackeraygov- the Centre to ensurethatthe Chavansaid he would visit The MKM believesbygiving to recruit candidates in govern- mandedthe circular to be with- patchedtothe Bhopal-based On September 9lastyear,a ernment, however, feels that a state’s legislation regarding the Delhi on January 11,along with option between open and EWS ment jobsdue to Covid-19.” After drawn.Healsoopinedthattheop- laboratoryfor ruling out of the three-judgebenchofthe SC, largerbenchisnecessaryto SEBC quotastands legal scrutiny. other ministers in his sub-com- categories, the government has amonth it announced, “Wewill tion of appearing in the exam dreadedbirdflu.” headedbyJustice LNRao, had overturn the landmarkorder by “The Centrehas an opportunity.It mittee, to hold deliberations closedthe possibilityfor reserva- recruit 12,000 candidates forpo- throughmultipleattempts,intro- Singh addedthat the stayed the Maratha quotained- anine-judgebenchin1993that mustensure that the Attorney withsenior lawyers represent- tionof Marathacandidatesunder licedepartment.” ducedfor open category, should Parbhani-basedinstitutehas al- ucation and government jobs, had cappedtotal reservation at General appears personallyand ing that stateinthe SC. the SEBC. MKM chief coordinator Following protests from the be revoked. ready ruledout avian influenza.

AFTER 10 MONTHS Rescued in Mumbaibeforelockdown, boy fromNepal reunited with father

stateand across the countrypre- whereabouts. But theretoo,the various reasonshavetobemade from the complaint, theycalled During the lockdown, over 40 SADAFMODAK vented effortstolocatehis par- effortstotracehimwere impeded comfortable. We askedfor small him. An officialsaid that theyalso children from various states and MUMBAI,JANUARY8 ents forthe next fewmonths. by the lockdown in thatcountry. clues such as the terrain near his learnt that the boy, theonlyson countries including Bangladesh Authorities at the Home said Home authorities said that house, whether therewere of hisparents, had losthis mother and Nepal were stranded await- TEN MONTHS aftera14-year-old that afterbeing brought to the during the lockdown, theydid not mountains, waterbodies, during these tenmonths. And the ing repatriationtotheir home boyfromNepallefthis home, children's home, the boysaid have much success in getting whether public buses pliednear father did nothaveenough countries and reintegration with took multiple busesand trains to that he could notrecall his home clues from him about his resi- his home. Basedonthe descrip- moneytotraveltoMumbai to be their families in other states. The reachMumbai where he was address or the phone numbers dence. The breakthrough came tions, the group reachedout to reunitedwith his son. process, whichiscarriedout rescuedbypolice and sent to a of his parents. He told officials afterthe lockdown waslifted, peopleliving in places in Nepal An NGOhelpedtoraise through special juvenile police children's home, authorities that he had lefthome and man- when Omprakash Jadhav, apro- near the border as he had man- moneyand coordinated with of- units, had cometoastandstillex- managed to reunite him withhis aged to getpublic transport bation officer at the Home, along aged to find his wayintoIndia ficials on both sidestobring the ceptinsomecases whereparents father on Friday. through whichhecrossedthe withother officials reachedoutto with ease," an official said. boy's father to the city."The boy's took privatetransport and The boy, aClass VII student, border and reachedIndia. From aNepal citizens'group in the city. The search ledthem to the father came on Fridayand we reachedthe city to take their chil- wasrescuedbypolice at there, he came to Mumbai, acity Amemberofthe group came missing complaint filedbythe handedoverthe boy's custody to dren backhome. Churchgate and brought to the he had heardof, by changing to the Home lastmonth and boy's parentsinSurkhetdistrict him," said Rahul Kanthikar,the Since the easing of restric- Children Aid Society's Home in multiple trains. spoketothe boy. "Sometimes, of Nepal, afour-hour ride from Home's superintendent, adding tions, mostchildren have been DongrionMarch 10 lastyear. Meanwhile, his familyhad children who find it difficult to Nepalgunj on the border with thatthe reunion wasfilledwith repatriated,but six children from Within four days of this, the alsoapproachedthe police in recall their home address or are The 14 year old with his father. Uttar Pradesh. Officials said that tears with both unable to speak Bangladesh await completion of Covid-inducedlockdown in the Nepal afterfailing to trace his reluctant about returning due to once theboy's father wastraced muchonseeing eachother. procedures to return home. WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM THEINDIANEXPRESS,SATURDAY,JANUARY9,2021 THECITY 5

KHARMURDER Developer,contractorbooked for hacking Crime scene to be reconstructed today; down five trees meant for transplantation

22-yr-oldaccused discharged fromhospital December28, it wasfound that der Maharashtra(UrbanAreas) SAGARRAJPUT Acomplaint wasfiled of the seventrees that were Protection and Preservationof has also been arrested.Both also help us confirm if the state- 22-year-old youth –who is big- MUMBAI,JANUARY8 by the BMC against meant fortransplantation, five Trees Act. EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE were friends of the deceased and ment givenbythe 19-year-old ac- gerinsize than the victim –sus- have been completely hacked. “Both the developer and the MUMBAI,JANUARY8 had attended the party. cusedistrueornot,”anofficersaid. tainedfractures. This, along with THE MUMBAI Police has booked Romell Real Estate Pvt Following this, Dalvi, along contractor areaccusedinthe Meanwhile, the youth, who While reconstructing the forensic reports on the natureof adeveloper and acontractor for Ltd and apvt contractor with her colleague, went to the case. We willinvestigateand try THE MUMBAI Police will on wasadmitted to Cooper hospi- crime scene, the police will use injuries, whichare awaited and allegedly hacking down five Navghar police station and filed to ascertain the guilty and sub- Saturdayreconstruct the crime talfor the fractures he had sus- dummies of all those present at questioning of the 22 year old trees at Veer Savarkar road in acomplaint against the devel- sequently, submit achargesheet sceneatthe 10-storeybuilding tainedtohis ribs and hands –al- the party.Then the police will fol- will help the police zero in on the Mulund (East), whichwere SonalDalvi,who is postedatT operand the contractor. in thematter,”Suryavanshi said. in Khar wherea19-year-old legedly in aphysical altercation lowthe sequence narratedbythe sequence of events. meant fortransplantation, and Ward in Mulund, BMC had Senior Inspector Pushkraj When contacted,aconsult- woman wasfound dead on the with the deceased–was dis- 19-year-old accused–fromthe Thepolicehave sofarsaidthat flouting terms of the permission granted permission to Romell Suryavanshi of Navghar police ant with Romell Real Estate, ground floor staircase afterat- chargedonFriday. He nowwill fightbetweenthethreeonthefifth the deceasedwas upsetwith the granted by the BMC horticulture Real Estate on December 23 to station said, “Wehad earlier reg- Sunil Deshmukh, said:“The con- tendingaNew Year's party on be questionedbythe police, floorof thebuildingwherethede- proximity betweenthe twoac- department to fell the trees. fell trees. “The developerwas in- isteredthe case as non-cogniz- tractor is at fault and notRomell the building terrace. whichhas the custody of the two ceasedhad allegedly found the cused,leadingto ashowdownbe- Acase wasregisteredon formedthat it is allowedtofell able offence. We asked thecourt Real Estate Private Limited,aswe The reconstruction willbe accusedtill Tuesday. twoaccusedkissing till the time tween the three in the building Tuesdaybasedonacomplaint six trees and transplant seven. It whether we should registeran had giventhe contract of felling carriedout primarilyonthe ba- Therecreationwillhelpthepo- the body wasfound. staircase.Officerssuspectthatthe filedbythe BMC againstRomell wasalso told to keep 12 treesas offence in thematter.After the and transplanting trees to the sis of the statement givenbyone lice determine the sequence of The biggestgap in the inves- accusedsmashed thevictim's Real Estate Private Limited and a theywere,” shehas said in her Mulund metropolitan magis- contractor... he did notcomply of the accusedarrestedinthe eventsthat ledtothe body being tigation so fariswhat had tran- headagainsttherailing,leadingto private contractor. statement to the police. tratecourt granted us permis- with the orders. We have sub- case –a19-year-old woman. found in apool of blood on the spired between the second floor herdeath.Amurdercasehasbeen According to the statement However, during asurvey sion, we registeredacase.” mitted prooftothe police that Besides her,a22-year-old youth groundfloorof thebuilding.“Itwill and ground floorand howthe registeredatKhar police station. of Assistant Junior Tree Officer conducted by BMC officialson The case wasregisteredun- we arenot at fault.”

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PART I: Audited ConsolidatedInterim StatementofFinancial Results (` crore) Audited UnconsolidatedInterim StatementofFinancial Results (` crore) Threemonth period ended Nine month period ended Year ended Threemonth period ended Nine month period ended Year ended December September December December December March December September December December December March 31, 30, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 30, 31, 31, 31, 31, 2020 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2020 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 Revenue 42,015 40,135 39,854 120,472 117,003 156,949 Revenue 34,957 33,365 33,040 99,946 98,084 131,306 Other income 691 914 818 2,203 3,854 4,592 Other income 2,096 1,734 1,206 4,536 6,049 8,082 TOTAL INCOME 42,706 41,049 40,672 122,675 120,857 161,541 TOTAL INCOME 37,053 35,099 34,246 104,482 104,133 139,388 Expenses Expenses Employeebenefit expenses 23,431 22,665 21,622 68,189 63,901 85,952 Employeebenefit expenses 17,779 17,211 16,333 51,627 48,263 64,906 Fees to external consultants 3,230 3,047 3,268 9,340 9,741 12,937 Fees to external consultants 3,548 3,404 3,484 10,339 10,404 13,916 Cost of equipmentand softwarelicences 396 266 460 1,008 1,436 1,905 Cost of equipmentand softwarelicences 331 224 378 839 1,233 1,596 Depreciation and amortisation expense 1,024 998 897 2,998 2,578 3,529 Depreciation and amortisation expense 771 755 677 2,265 1,977 2,701 Other operating expenses 2,750 2,644 3,633 8,190 10,792 14,046 Other operating expenses 2,621 2,440 3,400 7,783 10,084 13,535 TOTAL EXPENSES 30,831 29,620 29,880 89,725 88,448 118,369 TOTAL EXPENSES 25,050 24,034 24,272 72,853 71,961 96,654 PROFIT BEFORE FINANCE COSTS, EXCEPTIONAL ITEM AND TAX11,875 11,429 10,792 32,950 32,409 43,172 PROFIT BEFORE FINANCE COSTS, EXCEPTIONAL ITEM AND TAX12,003 11,065 9,974 31,629 32,172 42,734 Financecosts 183 174 223 499 673 924 Financecosts 159 149 200 426 532 743 PROFIT BEFORE EXCEPTIONAL ITEM AND TAX11,692 11,255 10,569 32,451 31,736 42,248 PROFIT BEFORE EXCEPTIONAL ITEM AND TAX11,844 10,916 9,774 31,203 31,640 41,991 Exceptional item (Refer note2) Exceptional item (Refer note2) Provision towardslegal claim -1,218 -1,218 --Provision towardslegal claim -1,218 -1,218 -- PROFIT BEFORE TAX11,692 10,037 10,569 31,233 31,736 42,248 PROFIT BEFORE TAX11,844 9,698 9,774 29,985 31,640 41,991 Taxexpense TaxExpense Currenttax 3,242 2,849 2,981 8,756 7,702 10,378 Currenttax 2,968 2,522 2,692 7,813 6,765 9,012 Deferred tax (277) (316) (555) (803) (320) (577) Deferred tax (366) (272) (601) (614) (158) (281) TOTAL TAXEXPENSE 2,965 2,533 2,426 7,953 7,382 9,801 TOTAL TAXEXPENSE 2,602 2,250 2,091 7,199 6,607 8,731 PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 8,727 7,504 8,143 23,280 24,354 32,447 PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 9,242 7,448 7,683 22,786 25,033 33,260 Profit forthe period attributable to: OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (OCI) Shareholders of the Company8,701 7,475 8,118 23,184 24,291 32,340 Non-controlling interests 26 29 25 96 63 107 Items thatwill not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss (187) 1(225) (50) (276) (409) Income tax on items thatwill not be reclassified subsequently to 40 -63115886 OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (OCI) profit or loss Items thatwill not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss (184) (62) (228) (110) (367) (449) Items thatwill be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 126 (162) (229) 608 212 812 Income tax on items thatwill not be reclassified subsequently to 39 -63107390Income tax on items thatwill be reclassified subsequently to (71) 73 44 (224) (137) (315) profit or loss profit or loss Items thatwill be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 631 (129) 122 1,397 560 1,138 TOTAL OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME /(LOSSES) (92) (88) (347) 345 (143) 174 Income tax on items thatwill be reclassified subsequently to profit (71) 73 44 (224) (137) (315) or loss TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD 9,150 7,360 7,336 23,131 24,890 33,434 TOTAL OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME /(LOSSES) 415 (118) 11,073 129 464 Paid up equitysharecapital 375 375 375 375 375 375 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD 9,142 7,386 8,144 24,353 24,483 32,911 (FaceValue : `1per share) Total comprehensiveincome forthe period attributable to: Total Reserves73,993 Shareholders of the Company9,109 7,358 8,117 24,248 24,405 32,764 Non-controlling interests 33 28 27 105 78 147 Earnings per equityshare:- Basic and diluted (`) 24.63 19.85 20.47 60.72 66.71 88.64 Paid up equitysharecapital 375 375 375 375 375 375 Dividend per share(Parvalue `1each) (FaceValue : `1per share) Interimdividend on equityshares (`) 6.00 12.00 5.00 23.00 55.00 67.00 Total Reserves(including Non-controlling interests) 84,374 Final dividend on equityshares (`) ---- -6.00 Total dividend on equityshares (`) 6.00 12.00 5.00 23.00 55.00 73.00 Earnings per equityshare:- Basic and diluted (`) 23.19 19.93 21.63 61.79 64.74 86.19 Total equitydividend percentage 6001,200 500 2,300 5,500 7,300 Dividend per share(Parvalue `1each) Selectexplanatory notes to the StatementofAudited UnconsolidatedInterim Financial Results forthe three month and nine month period Interimdividend on equityshares (`) 6.00 12.00 5.00 23.00 55.00 67.00 ended December 31, 2020 Final dividend on equityshares (`) ---- -6.00 Total dividend on equityshares (`) 6.00 12.00 5.00 23.00 55.00 73.00 1. These results have been prepared in accordancewith the Indian Accounting Standard(referred to as “Ind AS”) 34 InterimFinancial Reporting Total equitydividend percentage 600 1,200 500 2,300 5,500 7,300 prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules as amended from time to PART II :ConsolidatedSegmentInformation (` crore) time.These results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the BoardofDirectors at its meeting held on January8,2021. Threemonth period ended Nine month period ended Year ended Thestatutoryauditors have expressed an unmodified audit opinion on these results. December September December December December March 31, 30, 31, 31, 31, 31, 2. Pursuanttoruling at the Appeals CourtonAugust 20, 2020, in the case relating to Epic Systems Corporation (referredtoasEpic) foralleged 2020 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 unauthorised access to and download of Epic’s confidential information and use thereof in the developmentofthe Company’sproduct REVENUE BY INDUSTRYPRACTICE MedMantra, the Companyhad provided `1,218 crore(US $165 million) towardsthis legal claim in its statementofprofit and loss forthe three Banking,Financial Services and Insurance16,655 16,138 15,483 48,075 45,888 61,095 month period ended September 30, 2020. This has been presentedasan“exceptional item”inthe statementofprofit and loss.The Company Manufacturing 4,027 3,826 4,171 11,737 12,251 16,468 filed apetition forre-hearing of the awards forboth compensatory and punitivedamages at the Appeals CourtonSeptember 3, 2020. Epic also Retail and Consumer Business 6,546 6,353 6,709 18,811 19,598 26,280 filed forre-hearing of the Appeals Court’sdecision thatinvalidatedaportion of the awardofpunitivedamages.InNovember 2020, the petitions Communication, Media and Technology 6,980 6,560 6,608 20,035 19,227 25,978 forre-hearing filed by the Companyand Epic,respectively,weredenied by the Appeals Court. Theproceedings forassessing punitivedamages Others 7,807 7,258 6,883 21,814 20,039 27,128 REVENUE FROM OPERATIONS 42,015 40,135 39,854 120,472 117,003 156,949 have been remanded back to the DistrictCourt. TheCompanywill continuetopursue all legal options available in the matter. 3. TheIndian Parliamenthas approved the Code on Social Security, 2020 which would impactthe contributions by the companytowardsProvident SEGMENT RESULTS Fund and Gratuity. TheMinistryofLabour and Employmenthas released draftrules forthe Code on Social Security, 2020 on November 13, 2020, Banking,Financial Services and Insurance4,807 4,773 4,415 13,695 12,774 16,950 Manufacturing 1,188 1,029 1,135 3,203 3,255 4,445 and has invited suggestions from stakeholders which areunder activeconsideration by the Ministry. TheCompanywill assess the impactand Retail and Consumer Business 1,966 1,844 1,797 5,112 5,110 6,870 its evaluation oncethe subjectrules arenotified and will give appropriate impactinits financial statements in the period in which, the Code Communication, Media and Technology 2,066 1,917 1,926 5,869 5,604 7,703 becomes effectiveand the relatedrules to determine the financial impactare published. Others 2,181 1,950 1,597 5,866 4,386 6,141 Total 12,208 11,513 10,870 33,745 31,129 42,109 4. TheBoardofDirectors at its meeting held on October 7, 2020, approved aproposal to buy-back upto5,33,33,333 equityshares of the Company Unallocable expenses* 1,207 2,390 1,119 4,715 3,247 4,453 foranaggregate amountnot exceeding `16,000 crore, being 1.42% of the total paid up equitysharecapital at `3,000 per equityshare. The Operating income 11,001 9,123 9,751 29,030 27,882 37,656 shareholders approvedthe same on November 18, 2020, by wayofaspecial resolution through postal ballot. Theperiod fortendering of shares Other income 691 914 818 2,203 3,854 4,592 forbuy-back wasfromDecember 18, 2020 to January1,2021. Thesettlementofall valid bids wascompleted on January5,2021, and the equity PROFIT BEFORE TAX11,692 10,037 10,569 31,233 31,736 42,248 shares boughtback were extinguished on January6,2021. Pursuanttothe issuanceofLetter of Offer,the Companyhas recorded aliability *Includes the provision forlegal claim of `1,218 crore. Refernote2. towardsbuy-back of equityshares of `16,000 croreand the corresponding tax payable of `3,726 croreasatDecember 31, 2020. Note: Theassets and liabilities of the Group areused interchangeably amongst segments.Allocation of such assets and liabilities is not practicable and anyforcedallocation would not result in anymeaningful segregation. Hence, assets and liabilities have not been identified to anyofthe reportable segments. 5. TheCompanyincorporatedawholly owned subsidiary, Tata ConsultancyServices Ireland Limited in Ireland on December 2, 2020. 6. CMC Americas,Inc., awholly owned subsidiaryofthe Companyincorporated in USA, wasliquidatedw.e.f.December 16, 2020. Selectexplanatory notes to the StatementofAudited ConsolidatedInterim Financial Results forthe three month and nine month period ended December 31, 2020 7. TheBoardofDirectors at its meeting held on January8,2021, has declared an interimdividend of `6.00 per equityshare.

1. These results have been prepared in accordancewith the Indian Accounting Standard(referred to as “Ind AS”) 34 InterimFinancial Reporting 8. Theresults forthe three month and nine month period ended December 31, 2020, areavailable on the BSE Limited website prescribed under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules as amended from time to (URL: www.bseindia.com/corporates), the National Stock Exchange of India Limited website(URL: www.nseindia.com/corporates) and on the time.These results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the BoardofDirectors at its meeting held on January8,2021. Company’swebsite(URL: www.tcs.com/investors). Thestatutoryauditors have expressed an unmodified audit opinion on these results. 2. Pursuanttoruling at the Appeals CourtonAugust 20, 2020, in the case relating to Epic Systems Corporation (referredtoasEpic) foralleged unauthorised access to and download of Epic’s confidential information and use thereof in the developmentofthe Company’sproduct Forand on behalf of the BoardofDirectors MedMantra, the Companyhad provided `1,218 crore(US $165 million) towardsthis legal claim in its statementofprofit and loss forthe three month period ended September 30, 2020. This has been presentedasan“exceptional item”inthe statementofprofit and loss.The Company Mumbai Rajesh Gopinathan filed apetition forre-hearing of the awards forboth compensatory and punitivedamages at the Appeals CourtonSeptember 3, 2020. Epic also January8,2021 CEO and Managing Director filed forre-hearing of the Appeals Court’sdecision thatinvalidatedaportion of the awardofpunitivedamages.InNovember 2020, the petitions forre-hearing filed by the Companyand Epic,respectively,weredenied by the Appeals Court. Theproceedings forassessing punitivedamages have been remanded back to the DistrictCourt. TheCompanywill continue to pursue all legal options available in the matter. 3. TheIndian Parliamenthas approvedthe Code on Social Security, 2020 which would impactthe contributions by the companytowardsProvident Fund and Gratuity. TheMinistryofLabour and Employmenthas released draftrules forthe Code on Social Security, 2020 on November 13, 2020, and has invited suggestions from stakeholders which areunder activeconsideration by the Ministry. TheCompanyand its Indian subsidiaries will assess the impactand its evaluation oncethe subjectrules arenotified and will give appropriate impactinits financial statements in the period in which, the Code becomes effectiveand the relatedrules to determine the financial impactare published. 4. TheBoardofDirectors at its meeting held on October 7, 2020, approved aproposal to buy-back upto5,33,33,333 equityshares of the Company foranaggregate amountnot exceeding `16,000 crore, being 1.42% of the total paid up equitysharecapital at `3,000 per equityshare. The shareholders approved the same on November 18, 2020, by wayofaspecial resolution through postal ballot. Theperiod fortendering of shares forbuy-back wasfromDecember 18, 2020 to January1,2021. Thesettlementofall valid bids wascompleted on January5,2021, and the equity shares boughtback were extinguished on January6,2021. Pursuanttothe issuanceofLetter of Offer,the Companyhas recorded aliability towardsbuy-back of equityshares of `16,000 croreand the corresponding tax payable of `3,726 croreasatDecember 31, 2020. 5. Tata ConsultancyServices Netherlands BV,awholly owned subsidiaryofthe Company, as apartofanoverall arrangement, signed adefinitive agreementonJanuary1,2021, to obtain entireequitystake in Postbank Systems AG (PBS), asubsidiaryofDeutsche Bank AG,atanagreed consideration. 6. TheCompanyincorporated awholly owned subsidiary, Tata ConsultancyServices Ireland Limited in Ireland on December 2, 2020. 7. CMC Americas,Inc., awholly owned subsidiaryofthe CompanyincorporatedinUSA, wasliquidatedw.e.f.December 16, 2020. 8. Equitystake in Technology Outsourcing S.A.C., awholly owned step-downsubsidiaryatPeru,was sold on December 1, 2020, at book value. 9. TheBoardofDirectors at its meeting held on January8,2021, has declared an interimdividend of `6.00 per equityshare. 10. Theresults forthe three month and nine month period ended December 31, 2020, areavailable on the BSE Limited website (URL: www.bseindia.com/corporates), the National Stock Exchange of India Limited website(URL: www.nseindia.com/corporates) and on the Company’swebsite(URL: www.tcs.com/investors).

Forand on behalf of the BoardofDirectors

Mumbai Rajesh Gopinathan January8,2021 CEO and Managing Director WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 6 MAHARASHTRA THEINDIANEXPRESS,SATURDAY,JANUARY9,2021 1-year-old girl abducted in Keen to contest BMC Malad, woman arrested elections, says AAP Wednesdaymorning afterthey EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE woke up, they sawthat their Sena onlyseems to be concerned MUMBAI,JANUARY8 daughter Vaishnaviand the ac- EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE about large contracts. No wonder cusedweremissing. MUMBAI,JANUARY8 itpassed300proposalsinasingle THE MALVANI police on Friday Thetwo tried tracing her sittingof theBMC’sstandingcom- arrested a24-year-old woman but she wasnowheretobe WITH THE Mumbai civic body mittee recently,”said Atishi. forallegedlykidnapping aone- found following whichthey electionsnearly ayearaway,Aam She added, “Weinherited a year-old girlinMalad. approachedthe police. Acase AadmiParty(AAP)announcedits governmentindeficit when we Thewoman, who has been of kidnapping wasregistered. intention to contestthe upcom- firstcame to powerinDelhi but identifiedasSafala Naik,isfrom The police located her with the ing Brihanmumbai Municipal due to Arvind Kejriwal’s lead- Odisha and worksasadomes- help of call datarecords. Corporation elections. ership and global best practices tichelp. “Welocated her in aflat at Speakingatamedia interac- as well as innovative people- According to the police, the Hiranandani complexinThane tion at the Mumbai PressClub, friendlypolicies, we managed incident took place in the wee and brought her to the police Delhi MLAand AAP leader Atishi to turn it around. As per the hours on Wednesday. station.She wasthenarrested,” pointed outthatthere is no op- CAG, Delhi is the onlyrevenue Naik knows the com- said an officer. position in Mumbai, onlyacom- surplus stateinIndia.” plainant Ashok Rathod (34), The girlwas rescuedand bination of ruling parties and Atishi also questionedopen who worksasatailor. handedovertoher parents. AAP willemerge as an option for defecation free claims by the On Tuesdaynight, the ac- Senior policeinspector Jagdev the localresidents of Mumbai. government. cused approachedRathodseek- Kalapad of Malvani policesta- “Mumbai’s budget is much “Former CM Devendra ing shelter. The complainant tion said, “Wearrestedher on morethanthatofDelhi.Aam Fadnavis claimedthatMumbai and his wife allowedher to stay Friday, we aretrying to find out Aadmi Partyispresenting itself is open defecation free but in re- at theirplace. Howeveron the exact reason forthe crime.” as aviable alternative and will ality, Mumbai has 1toiletseat for contestall 227seatsinthe up- 42 males and 34 females. AHEAD OF MAKAR SANKRANTI coming BMC polls in 2022,” Despite awhopping Rs 1,600 said Atishi. croreallocated forthe road im- Aman poses with akite, whichresembles the Rafale fighter jet, at Kamothe in Navi Mumbai on Friday. NarandraVaskar AAP blamedShivSenafor provement budget,Mumbai’s poorfinancialmanagement.“Shiv roads areriddledwith potholes.” Gold ornaments ShivSenaseeks10-yearreservation stolen at Mandai Ganapati temple

ofelectoralwards,eyeschangeinlaw EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE PUNE,JANUARY8

tery should be held every10 wonfromaparticular ward,has should be amendedbeforethe AT LEAST25tolas of gold orna- EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE years. The argumentfor recon- The argument for no guarantee on whether he February2022 BMC polls." mentswerestolen from the MUMBAI,JANUARY8 sidering the existing rule is that reconsidering the would be eligible to re-contest Asenior official from the Sharada Ganapati Temple of the frequent changes in reservation elections from the same ward in BMC said, "Thereare 15 seats re- Akhil Mandai Mandal in the THE is seeking a impact development worksdue existing rule is that thenextelection. served forSC, twofor ST,61for early hours of Friday. Temple changeinthe termof reservation to uncertainty of electoral wards. frequent changes in "Thisprocesscausesconcerns OBC and 74 seatsfor general priestShripad Kulkarni lodged a of electoralwardsfrom the exist- Under the present rules, be- reservation impact among corporators on their fu- women. Everyyear justbefore FirstInformation Reportatthe ing five years to 10 years. Senior fore everyelection, alottery is tureastheydon't knowwhat polls, the stateelection commis- Vishrambag police station. Senacorporator and Standing held to decidewhich of the development works reservation is going to become on sion holds alottery forchangein Police said, an unidentified Committee Chairman Yashwant BMC’s 227wards will be open due to uncertainty of their existing electoral seats. reservation." Corporators said man brokeintothe temple Jadhavhasmovedanoticeofmo- forcandidates from the open Anticipating the rejig, manycor- that in some cases thereare set- through the rear door and took tion, demanding that instead of category and whichwillbere- electoral wards porators startworking in nearby backs forsiting corporators as the gold jewellerykeptoverthe five years the seat reservation lot- served.Inthe 2017 BMC elec- wardsalso and in suchcase there due to changeofseatreserva- Ganpati and escaped. When the tion, of the 227wards, 149were is apossibility that development tion, theyhad to contest from priestarrived in the morning, kept forthe open category, in- worksintheir elected wardsget neighbouringwards and they he noticedthat the gold orna- cluding 74 forwomen and75 affected.Thereisalways uncer- lostthe elections. mentsweremissing. The police formen. As per thesection 5A tainty,” said Jadhav. Earlier,the Congress had also said clues about the burglar's of the Mumbai Municipal He added,"Asdelimitationof writtentoChiefMinister Uddhav identity have been found from Corporation(MMC) Act, 1888, electoral wardstakes place in Thackeray,demandingfresh de- CCTVfootage at the temple. basedontotal electoral seats, every10years, similarly,the limitation of wards. Opposition In 2015,gold ornaments the reservations aredividedinto reservations of wardsshould be leader Ravi Rajhas alleged that worthRs1crorewerestolen ScheduledTribe (ST), Scheduled changed in 10 years rather than before the 2017 elections, the from the temple. Afterwards, Caste (SC), OtherBackward existing five years. This will help BJP-ledstate government had CCTVcameras were installedat Class (OBC) and women. corporatorsdobetterworkin changed the ward boundaries important locations in the tem- The uncertainty of the lottery their wardsastheywill getmore that had benefited theparty. ple and awatchman wasem- means that acorporator,who has time. Forthis, the MMC Act Meanwhile, Jadhavsaid ployedduring night hours. that afterthe notice of motion However, therewas no watch- is cleared in the civic house, it man on duty when the theft The Indian EXPRESS RECRUITMENT will be sent to thestate govern- took place on Fridayashehad ment foramendment in the gone to his home town during SITUATION MMC Act, 1888. the lockdown. VACANT

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POULTRY Medical. Call-    (     %" 0070726582-2 8433655659. 0070725687-2 ( !! %"  $'' ! 1BHK for sale @Mahim, S. K. Patel Small: 114/-, ( ! #+ #$&"( $# $)(( '(#& ' # %)! '  $# (  Well maintained Society Big: 90/-. 8082040343/ PERSONAL +' ( $ * )" )#  %! $&%$&( $# ((%'#""$* # and Flat. Close to 24460095/24459098. To # ((%'$&# -( $#'" &' (&#,(%&$)& # subscribetopaper rate Station and Metro, sign/- &purchase rate. CHANGE OF NAME Quiet Neighbourhood.     560 sq.ft. carpet, 3rd 9320460095/ 9930193010.   *#$2422/2021 ( '  '!# "$#"$&"! Floor, W/OLift@2Cr. 0070723300-1 I have changed my name (Nego.) 9833922873. from Miss Veena AMIR Broiler, Small: 0070725845-1 Dattatraya Sawant To Rs. 95/-, Big: Rs. 80/-. Mrs. Veena Rajendra “ANDHERI (EAST)” - Contact: Phone: +91- ChavanAsPer Affidavit ‘Buying/ Selling/ Rental 8828895000/ Dt. 8.1.2021 0070726559-1 of Flats- Offices- 8080432388/ 022- Shops, also PG for Boys 25251901/ 022-23860517. I have changed my name Vandana to Vandana /Girls with Modern 0070722299-1 Amenities’. “Sunny”- Vishwanath Bhilarethat of my Date of Birth is 9930829222 / Alibag Agro.Always 01/06/1957 (1st of June 7045020182. available Fresh Chest Nineteen Fifty Seven) and LegBoneless, 0070726542-1 wide Affidavit Whole Birds, Full Legs, 29/12/2020before Wings, Curcus etc. Tahsilder, Khed. Please contact on VIDYAVIHAR-THANE 9356217008. 0070717329-1 0070726619-1 I have changed my name Fresh Chicken Trading MULUND (West) Near Anita Devi to Anita Big birds 78/-kg., VaVaiisshahalinalinagar,gar, Anant Salunkhe that of Small birds 102/- kg., Underconsnsttruction, 1 my Birth Date is Turbhe Naka, Navi ¸Fba¶FBÊB¸FFS°F Qb÷ À°Fe ½F BHK - 86 Lakhs, 2 BHBHKK - 10/05/1959 (Tenth May Mumbai. Mobile: 1.10 Crores. Shree Nineteen Fifty Nine). 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Purchase/ Sell/ Rent. Suggested Retail Price is Rs.78/-. 0070714961-1 1 SR to RC bldg known Chintamani situated at Dadar 560.00 Padmavati Estate- THANKS GIVING East, Mumbai Repairs to External plaster and 9820553072/ 9322296555. ZORABIAN Today’s Ex- painting F/N Divn 0070726013-2 Farm Live Broiler Rate Thank youSaint Jude, Rs. 68/- Retail Market Sacred Heart of Jesus Blank E-Tender form fee and EMD will be accepted only online through State Rate Rs. 100/-. Mobile: and 9Hail Mary’s for Bank of India or other Bank. BUSINESS PREMISES 8879050887/ 9372663242. Favours and Blessings The details of works such as Name of work, Cost put to Tender etc. and Blank E- Office: 022-26604937/ received. Continue to Tender forms will be availableon13.01.2021from 10.05 AM on website SPSPACEACE for Office is to be 38/ 39. 0070721613-1 help us. 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Macron advisor FARMERS’ PROTEST UNEASEINMAHARASHTRA CONGRESS meets PM Modi, talks Congconductsaudio regional, global issues votewith1,000leaders EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE NEWDELHI,JANUARY8 EMMANUEL BONNE, forPCCchiefpost DiplomaticAdvisor to French President Emmanuel Macron, calledonPrime Minister -members of blockand district these peopletogiveanunbiased NarendraModi on Friday. MANOJCG units and PCC delegates -- about opinion and favour anew per- Duringthemeeting,Modi“ex- PM NarendraModi with NEWDELHI,JANUARY8 the poll.“Youare an important son?”said aleader close to one pressedhis satisfaction on the Emmanuel Bonne. PTI leader of MaharashtraCongress. of the contenders forthe state progress both countrieshave FACINGHECTIClobbyinginits Today, youwill getacall on this party chief’s post. madeonkey aspectsoftheIndia- plans to revamp the number from Delhi. Listencare- Thereisanother apprehen- FranceStrategic Partnership, in- Emmanuel Bonne, Diplomatic Maharashtraparty unit, the cen- fullyand followthe instructions,” sion. “MostMLAsand MLCs had cludingcounter-terrorism,cyber- Advisor to President Macron. tral Congress leadershipon read the SMS sent in Patil’sname. told Patilthat theyare forcon- security,defence and strategic Expressedjoy at the progress in Friday asked 1000-oddparty Once the call is connected,lead- tinuation of Thorat…I don’t cooperation,etc”,thegovernment India-France Strategic leaders from the state--up- ershavetogivethree names in knowwhether the leadership said in astatement.Itmentioned Partnership, aforce forglobal Aprotestagainstthe three farm bills by apensioners’ association and textile and labour wardsfromthe block level--to the next 15 seconds. has someone else in mind and that Bonne briefedModi “on good in the post-COVID world. unionsoutside the mini-secretariat in Ludhiana on Friday. GurmeetSingh suggestthree names forthe post “For the firsttime we arenot this exercise is being carriedout India-France cooperation on var- Reiterated the invitation to my of stateCongress president in a asking forone name. In the case to appoint that person,”anAICC iousregionalandglobalissues,in- friend @EmmanuelMacron to telephonic poll. of the Mumbai Regional leader said. cludingmaritimeandmultilateral visit India.” Bonnewas on atwo- The audio voting resultswill Congress Committee,wehad The Congress leadership de- cooperation”.Modi,itsaid,“fondly dayvisit to India forthe India- BKU to oppose Khattar’s be oneofthe inputsfor selection asked forone name…Every per- fendedthe move.“We aresim- recalledhisrecentexchangeswith France Strategic Dialogue held of anew statepresident or ade- son will be asked to listthree plyseekingthe opinion of block President Macron, and conveyed on January7. cision in favour of letting incum- names in terms of their prefer- committee members,district hisbestwishesforhishealth”and The FrenchEmbassy said bent Balasahab Thorat continue. ence. It is likethe rank choice committeemembers and PCC “reiterated his invitation to that Bonne “held wide-ranging visit to Karnal tomorrow The move comes days after voting system… People can rank level…It will be justone more President MacrontovisitIndia...” talks”, includingwithhis coun- Thorat rushedtoDelhi and con- candidatesbypreference. They important input whichwill help The PM tweeted, “Had apro- terpart, NSAAjit Doval, during veyedhis unease to the high can namewhoevertheywant,” in decision- making…It is an ductive meeting with Mr. the Strategic Dialogue. EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE KHATTARMEETSSHAH, command about the styleof ahigh command leader said. opinion-gathering exercise…. CHANDIGARH,JANUARY8 functioning of AICC Maharashtra Sources said some senior We want to give them amedium SAYSDIALOGUEKEY in-charge HKPatil. Afterhis visit, leaders arenot happywith the wheretheycan be fearless and MEA: India and China have FARMERS IN Haryana arehead- Chandigarh: Haryana Chief Patil reachedMumbai earlier plan and have conveyed theirap- give their opinion. It is notasub- ing toward another confronta- MinisterManoharLal this week to meet MLAs, MLCs prehensions to Congress presi- stitutefor consultation process. tion with the stategovernment Khattar Fridaymet Home and senior leaders to gauge their dent Sonia Gandhi. “Mostdistrict The AICCincharge is talking to maintained communication with the BhartiyaKisan Union MinisterAmit Shah, and mood about the possible reshuf- Congress presidentshad been senior leaders.Weask the opin- Fridayannouncing it will oppose latersaid there washope fle, but cut shorthis stay and re- appointedbyeither Thorat or his ion of people in Tilak Bhawanor links at the ground level a“kisan panchayat”tobead- that asolution will be turnedtoDelhi on Thursday. predecessor Ashok Chavan. And 24,AkbarRoad…why notopen dressedbyChief Minister reachedthrough dialogue. On Friday, theAICC the committees at the district it up andadd some 1000 more nication through diplomatic and Manohar Lal Khattar in Karnal Chief MinisterManohar Lal He said that nowwhen var- Technology and Data Cell headed and blocklevel would have been people in the party who areactu- EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE militarychannels...” district Sunday.The “kisan pan- Khattar in NewDelhi, Friday ious issues arebeing dis- by PraveenChakravartysentout handpickedbythese district allydoing the work on the NEWDELHI,JANUARY8 Srivastava said, “In the mean- chayat” is being organisedin cussed together,the possi- messagestoover1,000leaders - presidents. Howdoyou expect ground,” asenior leader said. time, both sides have maintained Kaimla villagetocreate“aware- bilities of resolving the THE MINISTRYofExternal Affairs communication at the ground ness” among the farmers about Singh Aulakh. matterpertaining to the (MEA) on Fridaysaid that India leveltoavoidanymisunderstand- the “benefitsofthree laws". Farmers nowplantoblock all Acts is stronger. ENS Oppn slams MP RALLIES and China have maintainedcom- ings and misjudgements, even as Khattar,who wasinDelhi to roads leading to thevillageon munication linksatthe ground discussionscontinueforachieving meetUnion Home Minister Sunday. The administration is leveltoavoidanymisunderstand- complete disengagement in all Amit Shah said the meeting will preparing atemporary helipad CHAUTALA:WILLQUIT govt:Show Digvijaya says Muslim ings, even as the twosides are friction areas in accordance with take place as per schedule. near the venue amid apossibility IFDEMANDSNOTMET waiting forthe next round of sen- existingbilateralagreementstore- On Friday, farmers gathered that Khattar mayneedtotake compassion ior commander-leveltalks with storepeace and tranquillity.” at Ghraunda toll plaza on the aerial routetothe village. Chandigarh: IndianNational areas being targeted, respect to the military standoffin When asked about the 39 Ambala-Delhi national highway Karnal SP GangaRam Punia Lok Dal leader AbhaySingh eastern Ladakh. IndiansailorsstrandedinChina, before moving to Kaimla to hold told TheIndianExpress that ade- Chautala Fridayannounced to farmers, During the weeklybriefing, Srivastava said the Indian apanchayat thereagainstthe quatepolice forcewill be de- thathewouldresign from Chouhan hits back MEA spokesperson Anurag Ambassador in China “has again CM's programme. The protest- ployedin the village. Sources said Haryana Assemblyifthe not rules Srivastavasaid the lastround of personallytakenupthisissuewith ers also removedbarricadesin- additional forces from adjoining Centredoesn’t acceptfarm- ingregistered againstpeople diplomatic talksatthe Working theChineseViceForeignMinister, stalledbythe police on the out- districtswill also be calledin. ers’ demands by January26. IRAMSIDDIQUE whose houses were torched, Mechanism forConsultation and and had requestedfor earlyap- skirts of thevillage. However, a Chief MinisterKhattar as well Ellenabad MLAChautala is EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE BHOPAL,JANUARY8 vehicles damaged,and who Coordination took place on proval of crew exchange”. He said group of villagerssaidtheywere legislators of the ruling BJP-JJP al- the lone INLD MLAinthe NEWDELHI,JANUARY8 sustainedbulletwounds. What December 18 “andthe twosides thatinDelhi,theMEAisinregular in favour of the CM’s meeting. liance, including Deputy CM Assembly. He has been visit- SENIOR CONGRESSleader and sortofjustice is this.” have agreedtoholdthenextround contactwiththeChineseembassy. “Wedecidedtoreturn to toll Dushyant Chautala, have been ing sites to supportfarmers AS THE eighth round of talksbe- RajyaSabha member Digvijaya Reacting to Singh's charges, of senior commanders meeting, FULL REPORT ON plaza to avertaconfrontation facing aseries of protests by the since the protests began. ENS tween the government and Singh on Fridaysaid that Muslim Chief MinisterChouhan said in and theyare in constant commu- www.indianexpress.com there,” said BKU leader Jagdip state’s farmers. farmer'sunions endedinconclu- localities in Madhya Pradesh avideo clip to media outlets: sively,theOppositionFridayhitout were being targeted during “Everysociety,community and at the government, accusingitof fund-raising rallies forthe Ram sect is safeand securein Budget session will be as trying to tire out the farmers by Temple in Ayodhya andde- Madhya Pradesh.” Jagan launches reconstruction of 9 holding meeting aftermeeting. mandedanimpartial probeinto “If action has to be taken “Our farmers arefighting for the recent clashes even as Chief againstanyone, it is going to be long as earlier, all issues justice and deservecompassion MinisterShivraj Singh Chouhan againstgoons and mafia. And it temples demolished in Vijayawada and sensitive understanding, not assuredpeoplefromall commu- will take place forsure. No to be discussed: Speaker merelytechnical reading of rules. nities that theyweresafe. powercan stop it... Awrong- The government and the Hon’ble With guns, lathis, swords doer will face the conse- SREENIVASJANYALA Supreme Court mustunderstand and provocative speeches, those quences... All areequal in the LALMANIVERMA HYDERABAD,JANUARY8 that while farmers will survive who have setout to collect do- eyeofthe law,”hesaid. “MP DEHRADUN,JANUARY8 Om Birla in Covid, their satyagrah is fortheir nations forthe construction of government is against goons, Dehradun ANDHRA PRADESH Chief very survival," seniorCongress temple aretargeting Muslimlo- drug peddlers and all types of INDICATINGTHATthe upcom- on Friday MinisterYSJagan Mohan Reddy leader Anand Sharma said. calities,Singh told reporters af- mafia. Whoeverthe stone-pel- ing Budget session of Parliament on Fridaylaid the foundation Congress communication termeeting ChiefSecretary ters maybe... nobody,not even will have aQuestion Hour,Lok stone forthe reconstruction of department head Randeep Iqbal Singh Bainsand DGP Digvijaya,can save them.” Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Democracy’. The event was nine temples thatweredisman- Surjewala said the government VivekJohri along with MLAArif This came twodays aftera Fridaysaid questions of aimedatintroducing panchayat tledordemolishedbythe previ- is trying to tireout thefarmers Masood and adelegationfrom delegation headedbysocial Opposition parties will be an- members to the functioningof ous TDP regimeto widen roads or by holding meeting aftermeet- the three districtsthat wit- activistMedha Patkar visited swered and issues raisedby Parliament and to provide them construct flyoversin Vijayawada. ing."Butthe farmers will neither nessedclasheslastmonth. Indore’s Chandan Khedi vil- them discussedwhen the House with an exposure to democratic The move comes at atime gettired nor bowdown," The former chief ministerde- lage, whereclashes took place meets forthe next session. principles and ethos. the YSRCPgovernment has been Surjewala said. mandedanimpartial probeinto on December 29. The six- Speaking to reporters in Sources said the Budget under fire from the TDP over the At the foundation stone laying ceremony. Express Sharma said that in afree the clashes that brokeout in member delegation submitted Dehradun, Birla said the upcom- Session is likelytobegin on attacks on temples in the state, country, thefarmers would have Ujjain, Mandsaur and Indore areporttoIndore ing Budget session will be of the January29. The session is ex- while BJP leaders have triedto had the right to protestinside the during the rallies. Commissioner PawanKumar same duration as it had been in pected to be held in adherence link Jagan’s Christian faith to the AndhraBrahmin temple, Sri Anjaneyaswamy national capital and notbe “I will oppose these Hindus on Thursday, saying that the pastand therewill be discus- to precautions in viewofCovid- incidentsofvandalism. Corporationchairman and YS- temple, Sri Seethamma Vari stoppedatthe borders. who aretrying to break commu- members of the rallythat was sions on all issues. 19,the sources added. Jagan also laid the foundation RCPleader MalladiVishnu, who Paadaalu, Dakshinamukha Alleging thatthe BJPgovern- nal harmonybetween Hindus passing through the villageon The Lok SabhaSpeaker was Precautionsthat were in stone forother eight develop- attended the foundation stone Anjaneyaswamytemple, ment has crossedall limitsof and Muslims. Hindu-Muslim the dayofthe clash were in Dehradun to address an event place forthe Monsoon Session, ment projectsworth Rs 77 crore ceremony, said the previous TDP SaneeswaraSwamy temple, Sri “cruelty”and “ruthlessness”, unity is the basis of India. They armedwith iron rods, partofanoutreachprogramme whichwas held in September at the Kanakadurga temple atop government had demolished Dasanjaneya SwamyVaari tem- AICC general secretaryPriyanka fought together forthe freedom kerosene and diesel. Theyat- forPanchayati RajInstitutions - but cut shortafter manyMPs the Indrakeeladri hill. He fol- over 40 temples in Vijayawada. ple, BodduBomma, Sri Veera Gandhi Vadrasaid “thecountry struggle and thosewho did tacked theminaret of a -‘Panchayati RajSystem: tested positivefor Covid, will lowedHindu rituals forthe foun- The temples to be recon- BabuSwamy temple,and Gosala has to think whether laws for nothing during the freedom mosque –near whichanalter- Strengthening the Decentralised continue, sources said. dation stone ceremony. structed arethe Rahu-Kethu Krishnatemple. farmers should emerge from struggle aretrying to vitiatethe cation brokeout –with swords their fields or in made the draw- atmosphere,” Singh said. to incitecommunal violence. ing rooms of ahandful of billion- He said he abetterHindu In the report, theyaccusedthe Baghel to visit airefriends of the BJP govern- than all BJP leaders,asheprac- police of inaction. Ministry delays green nod for coal mine ment.” She said the Congress will tises SanatamDharmawhich Afterthe clashes,the police Bastar today, notbackdownfromits demand calls forrespect forall. booked around 23 villagers, but that the laws should berepealed. Holding the district admin- onlytwo out of the three people in Chhattisgarh, pointstoNGT ruling review work Former Congress president istrators responsible, Singh who climbed theminaret were Rahul Gandhi tweetedinHindi: said, “Ministers, IAS and IPS of- arrested –and both securedbail “Those whose intentions arenot ficers arebound by the within twodays,itsaid. has said that no further conver- on health of tribals, the min- ment still wantstolook at the EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE clear,itistheir strategy to give Constitution and arenot slaves “It is shocking that Chief GARGIVERMA sion of underground coal mines istry's ExpertAppraisal capital gains, then we have noth- RAIPUR,JANUARY8 one dateafter another.” of anypolitical party, be it the MinisterShivraj Singh RAIPUR,JANUARY5 to open-cast coal minescan be Committee granted itsapproval ing to say. But to save our lives Condemning the attitude of Congress or BJP.How were the Chouhan, who wasinIndore permitted in Tamnar and to the green clearance forthe and our futuregenerations, for CHHATTISGARH CHIEF Minister the government, CPI generalsec- rallies allowedtobetaken out? immediately afterthe clashes, THE ENVIRONMENT Ministry Gharghoraareas of Raigarh, mine in GarePalma. our rights,wewill keep fighting," Bhupesh Baghel is all setfor a retary DRajasaid the govern- The districtcollectors and SPs didnot feel the needtoappeal has delayedthe green nod fora "keepinginmind the environ- The ministry's letter one of the villagesarpanches two-daytour of the state's Bastar ment mustbesincereinholding of the affected districtsshould forpeace and instead spoke coal mine in Chhattisgarh's mentalcostinterms of forest MahaGenCo states: "Since stage from the blocksaid. division starting Saturday. He talksand sensitivetothe con- be removed,” he said. “It is about creatingalaw against Raigarhdistrict, notingthatthe loss,major non-compliance in IForestClearance (FC) for Despitethe letter,villagers willvisit the Maoist-affected dis- cerns of farmers. strangethat police cases arebe- stone-pelters,” said Patkar. project didn't even have the first pollution control and social cost 214.869ofForestland involved and activists believe their fight trictsof phase of environmental clear- (rehabilitation)". is yettobeobtainedand (sic) EC to getthe project cancelled will Narayanpur and ance and that the proposal sub- The Gare Palma coal blocklo- will notbeissuedtoPPtill stage still continue. Bijapur forthe ‘Independent foreign policy applies to defence acquisitions’ mitted by MaharashtraState cated in Tamnar block,encom- IFCisgranted andsubmitted to “Wewelcome the letter by firsttime in two PowerGeneration Co. Ltd was passing 14 villages, is licensed the Ministry." the ministry. Butwhy should years. NewDelhi:After the outgoing both the US and Russia. He doesnotget alongwithcountryB, different "for whichthe ToR out to MahaGenCo. Tribal resi- However, forForest MahaGenCo, despitenot follow- Baghel re- US Ambassador to India spoke added: “India has always pur- willbelesswillingto selltechnol- [TermsofReference]was given". dentshavebeen protesting min- Clearance, the PP,orProject ing the ToR, getachance to com- Bhupesh centlytoured about“interoperability” issues suedanindependent foreign ogythatcouldpotentiallybecom- The coal mine project is pro- ing activity in the area forsome Proponent, will needthe ap- ment? Severalgovernment re- Baghel the Sarguja and in aveiledreference to India’s policy.This also applies to our promisedtocountryB”. posedtocome up in Gare time now. The Indian Express in proval from theresidentsof14 ports and an NGTorder have Bilaspur divi- procurement of S400air de- defence acquisitions and sup- He said: “Wehaven’t hit that Palma area of Tamnar tehsil in November had reportedthat de- villages, none of whom want to found the area unsuitablefor any sions. He has an- fence systems from Russia, the plies whichare guidedbyour point yet, but thatcould come in the district. spiteaclear order by the budgefromtheir stand against moremining. The tribals living nounceddevelopment projects MEA Fridaymade it clearthat national security interests.” the future... thereare trade-offs AJanuary1letterfromthe National Commission of the coal mines. thereare clear thattheydon't worthseveral hundredcroresin India pursues an independent The remarks come justdays Indiahas to decide (as to)how ministryasked MahaGenCo to ScheduledTribes (NCST) to de- "Wehaveseen the situation want anymoremining. So, the pastthree weeks, since the foreign policythatincludes de- afterKennethIJusterhad said in much it matters to getthe most "provide comments" on a ferpublic hearings,and astudy worsen and nownomoremines should the ecological and envi- Congress-ledgovernmentfin- fence acquisitions. hisfarewellspeech,withoutnam- sophisticatedtechnology,tobeas February 2020 National Green by Indian Council of Medical should be allowed. It will ruin ronmentalcostnot be kept in ishedtwo years. He said he was MEA spokesperson Anurag ingthe S400missilesystem, that interoperableasitcan be within Tribunal order on the same area. Research (ICMR) that pointsto livesfor notonlyusbut also our mind?" an activistworking in touring also to review work of Srivastavasaid India shares “assystems getmoretechnologi- itstechnology and potentially According to theletter, the NGT adverse impactofcoal mining futuregenerations, if the govern- the area said. departmentsinthe district. strategic partnerships with callyadvanced, countryAthat with otherfriendlyforces...” ENS WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM


BRIEFLY Customsmay question ModisettodiscussCovidvaccine Kerala Speaker in rolloutwithallCMsonJanuary11 forex smuggling case Customs officials said they Sabha will discuss with the gov- On November 24,anofficial SHAJUPHILIP have notdecided when they

LIZMATHEW& ED ernment the possibility of pro- communication wassent to all THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, wouldissueanotice to Sreerama- Naveen Patnaik KAUNAINSHERIFF BJPaimsto vidingvaccination formembers stategovernmentstoforma JANUARY8 krishnan to recordhis statement. NEWDELHI,JANUARY8 of Parliament on apriority basis. blocktaskforce,whichwould be “Thereare no legal hurdles for AIN promoteprogramme At astate healthministers' the backbone of the vaccine ad- CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT would questioningtheSpeaker.Wewant ODISHA PRIME MINISTER Narendra PL asgovtachievement meeting on Thursday, Bihar's ministration and would be en- question Kerala Assembly to hearwhattheSpeakerhasto say HomeDeptasks Modi is scheduledtodiscuss the Mangal Pandeyhad suggested trustedwith "monitoring" three Speaker PSreeramakrishnanand about the deposition of the ac-

EX E● Covid-19vaccine roll out with all thatall MPsand MLAs shouldbe important functions--commu- afew other topfunctionaries of cusedpersons,” an official said. policetotighten chief ministers on January11, givenpriority withregards to the nicationplanning, cold chain, the stategovernment in connec- On Friday, the Customs ques- and the ruling BJP is preparing a WHILE THE government is trying to ensurethat the infra- vaccine. and vaccine logistics planning. tion with acase pertaining to tionedthe Speaker’s assistant CM’ssecurity massive campaigninorder to al- structureisinplace foraseamlessand hassle-free vaccine "Thereisademand forsucha Stategovernmentswerealso smuggling foreign exchangeout private secretaryKAyyappan at laythe apprehensionsamong rollout, the BJP wantstochipinbylaunching an intense move.The lawmakers and legis- told to include important stake- of the country, sources told The itsKochi office fornearly nine Bhubaneswar: The Odisha the people and remove thevac- campaign to promote the vaccinationprogramme. With latorsmovearound and meeta holders, including "local influ- IndianExpress on Friday. This hours in connection withthe government has asked cine hesitancy,sources said. the campaign, the party aims to help the government in al- lotofpeople, so their vaccination encers and religious leaders at came aday afterthe Speakerde- case.“Ayyappan had been in the statepolice to tighten Twovaccines -Covaxin, de- laying fears and apprehensions withrespect to thevaccine is important.Itwill also help the Blocklevel". niedany wrongdoing and de- touchwithbothSwapnaand Chief MinisterNaveen velopedbyBharat Biotech along and to projectitasasignificantachievement by the general public to shedfearsabout This wasaclear signal that fendedhis conduct in publiclife. Sarith. He had made calls to both Patnaik’s security cover with the Indian Council of NarendraModi-ledgovernment. the vaccine," said aminister in the Covid-19immunization pro- Whileprobingintoacase re- on certain days,” asource alleged. following an anonymous Medical Research (ICMR), and the Uttar Pradesh government. gramme will be distinctlydiffer- latedtosmuggling of gold But officialssaidquestioning of letter threatening to kill Covishield, avariant of Oxford Whileseniorparty leaders are ent from the universal through diplomatic cargo chan- the Speaker’s personal staffwas him. Instructions have AstraZeneca'sAZD1222 manu- the operational feasibility of the developvaccines...Ourcampaign, awaitingagovernment'sdecision Immunisation programme, and neltothe UAEConsulate, the cen- notveryfruitful as “Ayyappan ap- been issuedtothe police factured under licence by the softwareplatform to identify the whichwill involve everyparty on them getting vaccinated,some that political leaders who arelo- tral agency found that twoofthe pearedtutoredbysomeone else”. to also beef up security at Serum InstituteofIndia -on challenges thatcould be faced leader, will work on allaying the have even written to Union cal influencers will playakey accused–Swapna Suresh and PS “He turnedupfor question- the statesecretariat and January3receivedregulatory duringthe vaccine rollout. fears of the people over vaccine," Health MinisterHarsh Vardhan, role in the implementation of Sarith–allegedlyindulged in ingafter leavinghis mobile across routes which approval forrestricted use in BJP sources said the party is said asenior party leader. volunteering fortrial runs. the government's communica- smuggling US dollars out of the phoneinThiruvananthapuram,” Patnaikmight take in the emergency situation. planning to chalk out extensive However, he added, the party Meanwhile, the govern- tion plan. country, thesources said. The an officialsaid. days to come. The letter Modi, in his virtual meet with programmes foracampaign on leadershipwillbeginplanning for ment's preparation forthe "Maximise use of local influ- Speaker would bequestionedon TheOppositionhasgivenano- wassent to the official theCMs,isexpectedto discussthe the vaccination. "Yes, the BJP will the same onlyafter Sunday. rolling out of the vaccines has encers forcountering misinfor- the basis of statementsthe two tice foraresolution seekingre- residence of the Chief Centre'splanswithregardstothe run amassive nationwide cam- Sources said that with been on the fast track, with the mation," the government stated accusedgavetothe magistrate movaloftheSpeakeroverthecase. MinisteronJanuary5.. mass immunisation programme paign to promote vaccination. It Budget Session expected to be- Health Ministryindicating that in the terms of reference (ToR) courtunder Section 164ofCrPC. But denying anywrongdoing, Special Secretary(Home) againstthe virus. Anational dry is abig achievement by the gov- gin on January29, presiding offi- it would be administeredwithin basedonwhich the blocklevel “Theirstatements contain the Sreeramakrishnan on Thursday Santosh Bala had asked run has recentlybeen held to test ernment that the countrycould cers of both RajyaSabha and Lok tendays afterits approval. task forcewill function. namesofseveral senior govern- told reporters, “I have been apub- the state’s director gen- ment functionaries, including the lic figurefor the past40years. eral of police, director Speaker andafewministers. Throughout these years, Ihaven’t general of intelligence Theyhavementionedillegal ac- facedallegationsofevenasingle and the commissioner of TRACKING INDIA’S COVID CURVE UK air arrivals stranded as Delhi tivities in their statements. But rupee.IamsurethatIhaven’tcom- police, Bhubaneswar,to we arelooking intoonlythose is- mitted anymistake.So, Iamleast inquire. ENS CASES: ACTIVECASES:2,25,449 sues thatcomeunder the afraid about the controversies. I 312 orders quarantine without notice purviewofthe Customs Act,” a don’t think that Iwould be sum- DAYSSINCE 1,04,13,417 DEATHS:1,50,570 source in the agencysaid. monedbythe Customs.” PANDEMIC BEGAN TESTS: 17,93,36,364 | RECOVERIES: 1,00,37,398 highlycontagious variant of the testsfor passengers of this flight CHANDIGARH PRANAVMUKUL coronavirus in that country. arriving from London and ex- CASES DEATHS RECOVERIES TESTS &ASHNABUTANI However, arelative of one of tend everypossible supportto BJP’sRavi JAN7 18,139 23420,539 9,35,369 NEWDELHI,JANUARY8 the affected passengers said, facilitatethem.” KantSharma “therewas chaos” on landing at The neworder issuedby ADAY afterDelhi Chief Minister 10:30 am as none of the passen- DelhiChiefSecretaryVijay Dev electedMayor Arvind Kejriwal urgedthe Centre gers wasprepared forinstitu- stated that “as amatter of abun- to extend itsban on all flights tional quarantine. Gouri Shankar dant precaution,inviewofthe Chandigarh: The BJP on from the UK,his government an- Das, who wasonthe flight, increasedtransmissibility of the Fridayswept the mayoral nouncedstringentconditionsfor tweetedfromthe airport: "... Iam newvariant, it is decidedthat all polls of the Chandigarh passengers arriving from that one of the passengers of flight travellers coming from United Municipal Corporation country, including sevendays of AI112 from London withmy4.5 Kingdom (UK) to India, would be with itscandidateRavi STATESWITHRISINGACTIVECASES institutional quarantine even if months old daughter...Thereis mandatorily subjectedtoRT-PCR Kant Sharma getting ACTIVECASES RISEINLASTWEEK theytestnegative at the airport. no food formydaughter &they testsonarrival at the airport”. elected as the city's new Ladakh 21923 However, the decision,which didn't letmeget my stroller..." “Those who arefound posi- mayor. BJP councillorRavi Daman 36 -6 wasannouncedinanorder is- Another passenger Harprit tive shall be isolatedinaninsti- Kant Sharma defeated Meghalaya138 -11 suedFriday, took the nearly 250 Takkar tweetedvideos of the tutional isolation facility in asep- Congress nominee passengers who arrivedonanAir chaos at Delhi airport. "Justcame arate(isolation) unit as per Devinder Singh Babla, of- STATESWHEREACTIVECASESAREDECLINING India flight (AI 112) in the morn- from London AI112,it's ab- existing laid down protocol. Opposition MLAs stageaprotest outside Kerala Legislative ficials said. Sharma got 17 ACTIVECASES DECLINEINLASTWEEK ing by surpriseastheywere solutelymanic at Delhi Airport. Those who arefound negative AssemblycomplexinThiruvananthapuram on Friday. PTI votes out of 24 polled West Bengal 8,476 3,509 bunchedingroups to be takento Asking us to go forinstitutional shall be kept in compulsoryin- while Bablagot five votes, Chhattisgarh8,859 2,576 twohotels in Aerocity —JW quarantine even with Negative stitutional quarantine forape- theysaid, adding two Uttar Pradesh 11,786 2,474 Marriotand Aloft—forinstitu- PCR test.Didn't mention this on riod of sevendays followedby votes were declared in- tional quarantine. Till 9pm, offi- your SOP," he posted. sevendaysofhome quarantine,” valid. PTI STATESREPORTINGMAXIMUMCASES cial sources told The Indian At 7.26 pm, Air India posted it said. Posting the order on Kerala Governor’s ONJAN7TOTAL Express, about 150ofthem had on Twitter:“Air India had Twitter, Kejriwal wrote: “Topro- KERALA Kerala 5,0517,95,934 been tested,withone positive reachedout to passengers of the tect Delhiites from exposureto addressslamsfarm Maharashtra3,729 19,58,282 case reported.Whenthe flight London-Delhi flight,beforethe virus from UK, Del govttakes Flyoverscam: took offfromLondon at about flight took offfromHeathrow impdecisions.” Chhattisgarh1,010 2,86,596 HCgrantsbail 9.40 pm Thursdaylocal time, the Airportat2139hrs lastnight. Responding to queries from laws, central agencies STATESREPORTINGMAXIMUMDEATHS prevalent rules in Delhi allowed Around 20 passengers optedto The Indian Express on whether to ex-minister ONJAN7TOTAL forarrivingpassengers to exitthe cancel their flight on being in- Delhi's changeofrules without tours.The Centralagenciesare Maharashtra7651,062 airport aftertesting negative.AI formedbyAir India London notice wasadeviation from pro- SHAJUPHILIP impeding the developmentac- Kochi: The Kerala High Kerala 25 3,342 112was thefirstflight from team of this advisory. The an- tocols, the UnionMinistryofCivil THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, tivities and flagshipprogrammes CourtonFridaygranted London following partialresump- nouncementwas repeated dur- Aviation said: "It’s aDelhi gov- JANUARY8 undertaken by thestate.This has Delhi 19 10,644 bail to former statemin- tion of India-UK flightsafter the ing the flight as well. Air India ernment decision.Statescan add had ademoralising effect on hon- isterand IUML MLAVK DataasonJanuary7,releasedbyUnionMinistryofHealthandFamilyWelfare,IndianCouncilofMedical Centretemporarilysuspended hadmobilisedall available re- additional measures as per ex- KERALAGOVERNOR Arif estand hardworking officers...” Researchandstategovernments.Often,thenumbersreleasedeverydaycontaindatafrompreviousdays Ebrahim Kunju, arrested aswell.Assuch,trendsbasedondailynumbersareonlyindicativeandnotdefinitive arrivals to prevent the spreadofa sources to expeditethe RT-PCR isting guidelines." MohammedKhan, in his address On the farm laws,hesaid, by theVigilanceand Anti- to the AssemblyonFriday, “These agrarian laws will under- Corruption Bureauinthe adoptedastand againstfarm mine regulated markets,result in flyoverscam case, consid- laws,the labour code and thecen- eventual demise of minimum ering his ill health.Kunju Covidvaccines to be available in Mamata allows full occupancy in tral government agencies prob- support price and tilt the balance wasarrestedon ing the gold smuggling case. of bargainingpowerdefinitively in November 18 in connec- next few days:Harsh Vardhan Referring to the 2019 Citizenship favour of corporatemiddlemen.’’ tion with alleged corrup- halls screening film fest movies Amendment Act, the address said The address also hailedthe tion in the construction of Chennai: The Covid-19 vaccines also in the near future,weshould thestategovernmentis commit- recent nationwide strikeof aflyover at Palarivattom would be made available in the be able to give this vaccines to Rukh Khan. This overrides the tion of the KIFF. tedtodefending secular values. workers, saying it had been one during the previous next fewdays,giving priority to our countrymen, starting with of EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE Centre’s rules allowing only50 Mamatasaid,“Iwould urge The Opposition UDF legisla- of thelargest of itskind against Congress-ledUDF rule. those at risk suchashealthcare course prioritising those who are KOLKATA,JANUARY8 per cent occupancyoftheatres. cinema hall owners to ensure tors ledbythe Congress boy- the newlabour legislation. The High Courthad on professionals, Union Health mostatrisk,our health profes- “Atpresent, because of the that people wear face masksand cotted the address. Lone BJPleg- Referring to CAA, he said, December 14 dismissed MinisterHarsh Vardhan said sionals, healthcareworkers in CHIEF MINISTER Mamata pandemic, only50per cent oc- use hand sanitisers. Sanitisation islator ORajagopal did notjoin “When apprehensions were Kunju’s bail application hereonFriday. the public and private sectorfol- Banerjee on Fridayallowedfull cupancy in cinema hallsisal- should be done afterevery show. the boycottand sat through it. raisedregardingtheconsequences with the liberty to file a The Centrehas startedanew lowedbyfrontline workers,” he occupancy in cinema halls dur- lowed. Iwould askthe state’s Everyaudience member should Referring to thecentral agen- of the Citizenship (Amendment) fresh application once he Covidplatform to trackparticu- told reporters. ing the week-long Kolkata chief secretarytocomeup carry his or her ownsanitiser or cies’ probeintothe gold smug- Act, 2019,wehavetaken the lead wasdischargedfromthe lars of potential vaccine benefici- Hours later,asked whenthe International Film Festival (KIFF), with anotification todayso atissue paper.Nowadays,you gling case, the Governor said, inalleviatingthefearsamonglarge hospital, whereheisnow aries and also issueelectronic vaccinationdrive shall start, the whichwas inaugurated during that100 per cent seatscan be also getmachines with which “Actionsofcertain Central sections of the society...” undergoing treatment for certificates to them,hesaid. Unionministertold journalists, the dayinanonline eventat- occupied,” Banerjee said at the youcan sanitise the entirehall in Government agencies have over- FULLREPORTON cancer. PTI “Weare in the process of en- “You will gettoknowabout it tendedbyHindi film actor Shah inauguration of the 26th edi- justfiveminutes.” steppedthe constitutional con- www.indianexpress.com suring that in the next fewdays, soon.” PTI UTTARAKHAND FIRagainstRly Took flag because of patriotic fervour, says Kochi officialsin After rap from HC Haridwarmishap and Centre, TN govt man who carried Tricolour to US Capitol protest Dehradun: The fielding calls from journalists in hand, he said. “Wesaw people Uttarakhand Police on RAHELPHILIPOSE an attempt to “clear his name”. climbing the walls with their FridayregisteredanFIR scraps theatre order PANAJI,JANUARY8 On Wednesday, Vincent, claws likeanimals,whichisvery againstunnamedrailway along with agroup of 10 other difficult forregular people to do.” officials in connection AS PEOPLE around the world Indian Americans, joineda Vincentsaid he knew little of with the death of four The order allowing 100per watchedthe clash on TrumprallyinWashington DC to what transpired inside the persons who were run ARUNJANARDHANAN cent occupancy came afteractor Wednesdaybetween amob of protestagainstthe Congress’s cer- Capitol building. “Theinternet over by aspeeding train CHENNAI,JANUARY8 Vijaymet Chief Minister US President Donald Trump’s tification of President-elect Joe wasjammedand we weren’t Thursdayduring its trial Edappadi KPalaniswami with supporters and law-enforce- Biden’s win in the 2020 election. getting anynews.Ihad to call my run on anew railway THE TAMIL Nadu government this requestahead of the January ment authorities at the Capitol Carryingtheflagwastheirwayof wifeand ask her to turn on the trackinHaridwar district. Fridayscrappedits decision to al- 13 release of his much-hyped building, the Indian Tricolour representingthe IndianAmerican news.Itwas onlythen that I “An FIR under IPC section lowfull occupancy in cinemas film Master.Another major Tamil could be seen fluttering in asea community,heclaimed. foundout thattheyhad man- 304(A) (causing death by and restored the centrally-man- film, Silambarasan-starrer of US flags. “Wemarched from the aged to getinside and were de- negligence) has been datedcap of 50 per cent. This Eswaran,isscheduledtorelease The flag-bearer was54-year- WhiteHouse lawn to theCapitol stroying property.” lodgedagainstunidenti- came hours afterthe Madras on January14. Both dates fall old Virginia-basedentrepreneur VincentXavier Palanthigal at the TrumprallyonWednesday. in averydisciplinedway.Initially Severallawmakers, including fied railway officials in High Courttemporarilystayed around the Pongal festiveperiod. Vincent Xavier Palanthigal, who it wasaverycelebratoryevent. members of Republican Party, connection with the inci- the original order,and days after With public health experts movedtothe US from Kochiin Therewas laughing and singing, have blamedTrumpfor the vio- dent on the complaint of the Centrepulled up the statefor questioning the wisdom of al- Kerala in 1992 and is amember Visuals of the Tricolouronso- “Whoever is waving this Indian it waslikeafestival in India,” he lence. alocal resident,” said “diluting” Covid-19protocol. lowingtheatres to run at full ca- of the Virginia Republican Party’s cial media had drawnstrongre- flag should feel ashamed. Don't said. “Trumprallies areusually The US Capitol Police said Pravin Koshywari, SHO, In astatement, the govern- pacity,the Union Home Secretary StateCentral Committee. actions. “WhyisthereanIndian use our tricolor to participatein very fun events. Thereare always theyhad arrested 14 people sus- Chief MinisterTrivendra ment said the reversal wasmade on January5wrotetothe Tamil “It wasbecause of my patri- flag there??? This is one fight we suchviolent &criminal actsin amillion American flags as well pected of involvement in the ri- Singh Rawathad ordered “consideringthe safetyofpeo- Nadu Chief Secretary, reminding otic fervour and love that Itook definitelydon’t needtopartici- another country.” as flags from other countries.” oting, mostchargedwith unlaw- amagisterial probeinto ple”, butalsotriedtojustify its him that the statecannotdilute the Indian flag. Nottodefame it patein,” BJP MP Varun Gandhi Vincent claimedhehad noth- It wasonlyafter theyhad ar- ful entry,whilethe Metropolitan the incident. ENS earlier decision by citing afall in central guidelines issuedunder or give it abad name,” he told The tweeted. ShivSena spokesper- ing to do withthe “miscreants” rivedatthe Capitol building that Police Department has made at Covid-19cases in the state. the Disaster ManagementAct. Indian Express. son Priyanka Chaturvedisaid, and said he has been constantly thingsstarted getting out of least68arrests. WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM

THEINDIANEXPRESS,SATURDAY,JANUARY9,2021 @ieExplained #ExpressExplained 9 If thereare questions of current or contemporaryrelevancethat youwould like E EXPLAINED explained, please [email protected]


262,272 With the novelcoronavirus stillrampant, fear of anew virus —whichcauses birdflu —has spread.This virus does notnormallyspreadfromhuman to human —however,earlier outbreakscausedconsiderable 225,449 losses to thepoultryindustry. Severalstateshavereported deaths of birds, but mostlynon-domesticated 250,000

PARTHASARATHIBISWAS& INCIDENTSACROSSINDIA LAST 10 DAYS ANURADHAMASCARENHAS Dec 29 Jan 7 PUNE,JANUARY8 GUJARAT: 124local birds, including 70 crows, and 6 200,000 migratoryspecies reporteddead AFTER BIRD flu (avian influenza)was con- Note:The Jan 7figure in this graph is basedonthe government updateonJan 8 firmedinKerala, Rajasthan, Madhya ODISHA: 120poultrybirds dead in Pradesh, Haryana, and Himachal Pradesh, Khurda district;government says high alerthas been sounded in Maharashtra. all samples so farhavereturned INDIATOTAL CASES WORLD TOTAL CASES Severalstates, whichhavebeenreporting negative forbirdflu 10,413,417 88,389,886 deaths of birds, including crowsand migra- UTTAR PRADESH: At least10 tory species, arescrambling to have samples crowsfound dead in Sonbhadra Source:MinistryofHealth&Family Source:JohnsHopkinsUniversity, tested forthe virus. district;officials saycold and Welfare,updatedat11pmonJan8 updatedat11pmonJan8 As anxiety spreads, thereisfear of afresh pollution likelycause;samples blow to thepoultry industry —reports have sent fortesting been coming in of people giving up chicken RAJASTHAN: Atotal 2,166birds and eggs, and of prices beginningtofall. dead up to Friday; including 1,706 The infection crowsand 136peacocks Role of agriculture: Why Birdflu or avian influenza is the name CHHATTISGARH: 4crows were usedtodescribeaviral infection that is re- found dead on Thursday; samples portedmostlyinbirds, but has the potential sent fortests.Samples have been this economic slump is to affect humansand other animals. The pickedfromseven government mostcommon strain of the virus that causes poultryfarms too severe respiratorydisease in birds is H5N1; DELHI: Around 20 crowsreported different from past ones various other strains likeH7, H8 too, cause An wildlifedepartment doctor collectsaswabfromaduckatManda parkin dead over the lastfew days in East infection. JammuonThursday. Severalstatesand UTshavesoundedabirdflu alert. AP Delhi; samples sent fortesting The virus wasfirst reportedingeese in China in 1996. Since then, outbreakshave been reportedperiodicallyacross the world. most60per cent —isthe main cause of con- in both domesticated and wild birds. to temperatures over 70 degrees Celsius. India reportedthe presence of the virus in cern about the spread of birdflu. In itspres- This time, mostinfections have been re- UnlikeinSouthEastAsian countries, both Nandurbar,Maharashtra, in 2006,whichled ent form, human-to-human infection is not portedeither in wild birds, crowsormigra- meat and eggs in India areeaten well cooked, to large-scale culling of poultrybirds. known —human infections have been re- tory birds, Dr ASRanade, Dean, Bombay whichsees them being exposedtoover100 Samples from Rajasthan, Madhya portedonlyamong people who have han- VeterinaryCollege, said. Since 2006,the degrees Celsius. Thus the chances of humans Pradesh, and Kerala have tested positive for dledinfected birds or carcasses. poultryindustryhas developedbio safety contractingthe virus from eating chickenand the A(H5N8) strain of the virus, while sam- zones around farms, whichhas stopped eggs is extremelyrare,” he said. ples from Himachal Pradesh have shown the Howcommon is it? commerciallyreared birds from coming in India consumes 30 crorepoultrybirds presence of A(H5N1). Between 2006 and December 31,2018, contact with anyforeign feed or bird,Dr and 900crore eggs per month on average. India reported225 epicenters of birdflu in- Ranade said. At thestart of the Covid-19pandemic, the Human transmission fection, whichled to the culling of 83.49lakh poultryindustrysufferedabody blowafter The H5N1 virus can jumpspecies and birds, with farmers being paid Rs 26.37crore Poultrymeat, eggs unsubstantiated rumours linked the spread infect humans from the infected bird.The in compensation. Dr Ranade pointed outthat the chancesof of the disease with consumption of chicken firstcase of H5N1 infection in humans was Interestingly, Maharashtrawhichwas the the H5N1 virus infecting humansiscompar- and eggs. Within aspan of twomonths, the Agriculture is expected to showgrowth in agloomyyear. Express Archive reportedinHong Kong in 1997,when a firststate to reportthe infection, has notseen atively lowinIndia as compared to South industrysufferedlosses of around $1billion, poultryfarm worker caught the infection an outbreak since 2006.Odisha, Tripura, and EastAsian countries, mainlybecause of the as people kept away from eggs and poultry from infected birds. West Bengal areamong the states that have difference in culinaryhabits. meat. While the industryhas managed to get shrink 7.2%, agriculture andalliedactivi- The high mortality rate in humans —al- reportedrepeatedoutbreaksofthe infection “Thevirus dies immediatelyifexposed backonits feet ,productionremains low. HARISHDAMODARAN ties areset to post 3.4% growth. Farfrom NEWDELHI,JANUARY8 being adrag, ‘Bharat’ kept ‘India’ going during the worstphase of Covid-19and THE 7.2% fall in gross value added(GVA) the nationwide lockdown. Had the farm What’s new in WhatsApp’s privacy policy for2020-21, as per the National Statistical sector notgrown at all, the GVAdecline Office’s firstadvance estimates released would have worked out to 7.7%, not7.2%. on Thursday, would be thesharpestever Incidentally, in 2019-20 as well, agricul- with Facebook,the rest of the worlddoes not ices to WhatsApp, and has addedafeature the platform: content sharedwith abusiness recordedinIndia. tural growth at 4% surpassedthe 3.9% for SHRUTIDHAPOLA have the same choice. calledRooms.The integration has been tak- on WhatsApp will be visibleto“severalpeo- the economyasawhole. CHANDIGARH,JANUARY8 WhatsApp shares the following informa- ing placefor awhile now. ple in that business”. This is important be- Earlier slumps tion with Facebook and itsothercompanies: cause WhatsApp nowhas over 50 million Therehavebeen four earlier occasions Monsoon boost WHATSAPP HAS updated itsprivacy policy, account registration information (phone Does it mean WhatsApp will use your business accounts. ForWhatsApp, thisisapo- whenthecountry’sGVA—whichisGDPnet Agriculture’s relatively better per- and users have until February8toacceptthe number), transaction data(WhatsApp now datafor ads? tentialmonetisation model. of all taxesand subsidies on products and, formance in the lasttwo years is largely a newterms and conditions.The newpolicy has paymentsinIndia), service-relatedinfor- WhatsAppdoesn’t showads yet, andthe The policy says that some “businesses hence, amoreaccuratemeasureofeco- result of consecutive years of good mon- says howuser dataisimpacted when there mation, information on howyou interact reported plans appear to have been shelved. might be working with third-party service nomic activity —has sufferedcontraction. soon (and also post-monsoon) rains. is interactionwithabusiness on the platform, with others (including businesses), mobile If youare worriedthat personal messages will providers (whichmay include Facebook) to The extent of negative growth in Rechargedgroundwater tables and reser- and provides moredetails on integration with device information, and IP address. It is also beusedtotargetads on WhatsApp, that won’t help managetheir communications with those years —1979-80 (minus 5.2%), voirs getting filledtonear capacity—be- Facebook,WhatsApp’s parent company. collecting moreinformation at adevice hard- happen because they areencrypted. their customers”. To understand howthe 1972-73(minus 0.3%), 1965-66(minus sides farming operations being exempted ware levelnow. But the increaseddatasharing with business is handling theinformation you 3.7%) and 1957-58 (minus 1.2%) —was from lockdown restrictions —led to in- WillWhatsApp shareyour messages Facebook will be usedtoimprove ad experi- sharewith them,WhatsApprecommends lowerthanthe 7.2% being projected for crease in crop acreages and higher pro- with Facebook? Whydoes this dataexchangewith ence across other productsofthe company. that users read the “business’ privacy policy the current fiscal. duction. No.The privacy policy does notchange the Facebook matter? or contact the business directly”. But it isn’t justthe bigger declinein wayWhatsApp treatspersonal chats. The policygives reasonsfor thedata-shar- Is WhatsApp storing messages? GVA/GDP this time that is striking. Equally Shareineconomy WhatsApp remains end-to-end encrypted— ing with Facebook: from ensuring better se- No,says WhatsApp. According to the pri- Do you have to acceptthe privacy policy? significant is the fact that in eachofthose If Bharat’s doing well hasn’t prevented no thirdparty can read them. In astatement, curity and fighting spam to improving user vacy policy,once amessageisdelivered, it is Yes, this is standardpractice formostsoft- four previous years, theprimaryculprit the worsteconomic slumpsince inde- WhatsApp said: “Theupdatedoes notchange experience, whichwerethere in theprevious “deleted” from the company’s servers. ware.Ifyou don’t want to,you can delete your wasagriculture. All four were drought pendence, the reason is simple. In 1979- WhatsApp’s datasharingpractices with policy as well. WhatsApp stores amessageonlywhen it account and switch to another service. years —and the farm sector (agriculture, 80, agriculture’s shareinIndia’s GDP at Facebook and does notimpact howpeople But the newpolicyisafurther sign of “cannot be deliveredimmediately” —the forestry andfishing) registeredminus constant prices was33.9%; in 1957-58, it communicateprivately with friends or fam- WhatsApp’s deeperintegration intothe messagecan then stay on itsservers “for up to Alot of people seem to be switching to 12.8% growth in 1979-80, minus 5% in was48.2%. Adrought year in those times ily... WhatsAppremains deeplycommitted Facebook groupofcompanies. CEO Mark 30 days”inanencrypted form as WhatsApp Signal from WhatsApp. 1972-73, minus 11%in1965-66and mi- invariablytranslated intolow/negative to protecting people's privacy.” Zuckerbergin2019talkedabout his cross- continues to trytodeliverit. If undelivered Signal is anothermessaging app, free and nus 4.5% in 1957-58. In effect, the woes of growth rates. platformvision across Facebook Messenger, even after30days,the messageisdeleted. end-to-end encrypted, and whichhas gained ‘Bharat’ impactedthe rest of the economy. It is different today. The shareofagri- What datawill WhatsApp sharewith Instagram and WhatsApp —hecalled it “in- apopularity push in light of the new cultureinreal GVAwas only 14.6% in 2019- Facebook? teroperability”. What does the policy sayabout data WhatsApp policy.WhatsApp uses Signal’s Different this time 20. That is estimatedto go up to 16.3% this Dataexchangewith Facebook is in fact, al- Instagram’s Direct Messages and shared with businesses? protocol forits encryption. But Signal is not This has notbeenthe case in 2020-21. fiscal,but notenough to makeadifferent ready taking place. While usersinthe Facebook Messenger have already been inte- The newpolicyexplains howbusinesses ownedbyany corporation, and is run by a While overall GVAisexpected to even in abountiful monsoon year. European Union can optout of data-sharing grated.Facebook wantstobring moreserv- getdatawhen auser interacts withthemon nonprofit. HowaWNBAteamhelpedaBlackDemocratmakeSenatehistory

The defiance of AtlantaDream found ity.Theysustainedthe movement right up forequal payfor years, and “developedthis SHIVANINAIK raging supportinother WNBA teams. to this week,urging voters to trackonline if backbone”, Birdsaid. MUMBAI,JANUARY8 their votehad been counted. So what exactlydid Loeffler do? Howdid the players’ support help THATPLAYERS of Georgia’s Women’s In July2020, as arenewedwaveofBLM Howdid the league respond? Warnockinthe Senaterunoff? National BasketballAssociation (WNBA) protests ragedacrossthe US and sportsper- AfterLoeffler dubbed BLM “mobrule”, Within three days of the players com- team AtlantaDream —namedafter Dr sons around the worldcame out in solidar- the league distanceditself,clarifyingshe ing out sporting Warnockshirts,his cam- Martin Luther King Jr —campaignedfor a ity,Loeffler wrotetoWNBACommissioner wasn’t partofday-to-dayoperations of the paign raisedmorethan $236,000in online BlackDemocrat in the state’sSenaterunoff CathyEngelberturging her to “remove poli- team. “The WNBAisbasedonthe principle donations, TheNYT reported. race, isn’t surprising. tics from sports”, and to drop the league’s de- of equaland fair treatmentofall people and Warnockwould eventuallywin the What made this lateststatement in the cision to dedicatethe seasontosocial justice. we,along withthe teams and players, will January5Senateracewith 92 percentof months of quiet, persistent protestsfasci- At atime when the delayedseason was continue to use our platforms to vigorously the Blackvote —and also give aleg-up to nating wasthat the Democratic candidate, re-assembling, and the mood of protest was advocatefor socialjustice,” the league said. his fellowSenaterunner,Georgian the Rev. Raphael Warnock, wascontesting front, right and centreonthe playing courts, The views of Loeffler —who has also Democrat Jon Ossof, the son of Jewish im- againstthe co-owner of AtlantaDream, the Loeffler, seekingtopander to pro-Trump takenpositions againstabortion rightswhile migrants, who wonthe second runoff. sittingRepublican Senator KellyLoeffler. Georgia Republicans, denouncedthe owning awomen’s franchise —invitedcalls Warnockdefeated Loeffler in the women players fortheir supporttothe BLM forasanctionfromWNBAsuperstars Bird, What about the basketball team’s January5runoff,becoming the firstBlack and SayHer Name movementstriggered by AtlantaDream players (fromleft) BlakeDietrick, ElizabethWilliams, Betnijah Natasha Cloud of the Washington Mystics, ownership now? Democratic Senator from the US South. the police murders of George Floyd and Laney, GloryJohnson, Chennedy CarterinWarnockshirts. Elizabeth Williams via The NYT and Skylar Diggins-Smith of the Phoenix Loeffler has said she has no plans to sell, Apastorsince 2005 at the Ebenezer Breonna Taylor. Mercury. Dream players nevermentioned even though NBAlegend LeBron James has BaptistChurch in Atlanta, Warnock Loeffler by name or attackedher —theyjust announcedthat he has put together acon- preaches from the same pulpit that Dr King Howdid AtlantaDream players react? At the time, Rev. Warnockwas still not Warnock’s name on their warm-up gear in grew stronger in supportofRev.Warnock. sortium willing to buy. occupiedfrom1960until his assassination Aghastthat their owner would seek to widelyknown. StaceyAbrams, the respected televised games.For awhole week,other The league kickedoff the season with Loeffler —who wasaccusedlastyear of in 1968.The funerals of both Dr King and stifle their voices, the team’s players con- Democratic politicalorganiser who had nar- WNBAteams from New York,Seattle, uniforms bearing names of Floyd and benefitting from privileged Covid-19infor- the civil rightsicon Congressman John sulted lawyers and players unions in August rowlylostthe race forGovernor earlier, Chicago, and Phoenix too, wore “Vote Taylor,aleap from 2016 when blackshirts mation in unfair stocktrades —did an Lewis were held at this historic church. to decide on astrategy. Union president helpedplayers across the league meetwith Warnock” shirtsduring warmups in tele- were fined. WNBA—whichPennState pro- about-turn on plans to challengeBiden’s Loeffler had asked the 67 per cent Black- Nneka Ogwumikeofthe Los Angeles Sparks WarnockoverZoom. Once assured,the visedgames. fessor AmiraRose Davis told TheNew York victoryinthe Senateafter the January6in- majority WNBAtostayawayfromBlackLives and Seattle Storm’schampion playerSue league got behind the Democratic nominee. Dream guardReneeMontgomerysat Times was“codedasyounger,moreurban, vasion of the Capitol by Trump’s mob. Matter (BLM) protests.Appalled, her team Birdsuggestedthe team should checkout out the 2020 WNBAseason to focus on so- morewoke” —had takenupcudgels at least Defeated,and her personal integrity in a respondedbywearing “VoteWarnock” shirts Loeffler’sSenatecompetition in the What did the players actuallydo? cialjustice initiativesand mass voter educa- twoyearsbeforethe NBAstirredtoBLM. shambles,itremains to be seenifshe can at televisedwarm-upsthrough the summer. November elections. From August, the Dream donned tion about the Blackvictims of police brutal- The league has 144players who have fought hold on to theDream. WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM

THEINDIANEXPRESS,SATURDAY,JANUARY9,2021 WORDLY WISE Howdoyou regulateownership of data? This maybethe most important political

10 THE EDITORIAL PAGE question of ourera. —YUVAL NOAH HARARI Once upon afailed coup

§ FOUNDED BY § RAMNATH GOENKA When history is written, US courts maybesingled BECAUSETHE TRUTH INVOLVES US ALL out forprotecting nation’s election integrity

ANTI-SOCIAL MEDIA Ashutosh Va rshney Social media platforms blocking Trumpismereheadline hunting. Theyneedtolook deeper at their complicity THATCOUPS TAKE place in developing coun- Trump’smotivations remain open to spec- proximatereason is simplythatwithnomil- tries hasbeenanarticle of faithofpolitical ulation. Of the twomain hypotheses, one is itarysupportcoming, themob failedtooc- scholarship sincethe 1960s. What happened ideological, another personal. His commit- cupythe Capitol building formorethan afew NNOVEMBER 2016,days afterDonald Trumpwas elected US President, Facebook in Washington on January6wasastriking ment to apolitical order that restores white hours. That is why, without the military’s in- Founder and CEO MarkZuckerbergrejected the idea that contentonthe com- refutation of thisconventional wisdom. supremacy has been repeatedly noted. Many volvement, coups rarely succeed. And in richer pany’s platforms influencedelections. “I think it’s aprettycrazy idea... Voters It wasnot aclassic coupbecausethe mil- in themob were carrying Confederateflags. democracies, the armedforces tend notto makedecisions basedontheir livedexperiences,” he said. On January6,after itarywas notinvolved. Butitwas an execu- Since the Civil War(1861-65), these flags, rep- help theleaderinelectoral disputes. I tive coup, in thatPresidentDonald Trump, the resenting those southern statesthat broke But the deeper question is: Whydid the US Capitol wasstormedbyTrumpsupporters, Facebook, Twitter,Snapchat head of the executive,incited amob of sup- away to preserveslavery,havestood forwhite most Republican politicians in the US and Twitchsuspended the president’s account to prevent him,ostensibly, from inciting porters —manythousand strong, with asub- supremacy and Blacksubjugation. Congress, whileinitiallyquiet, notsupport moreviolence. The move is toolittle, and coming afteramob egged on by the US President stantial proportion belongingtovigilante Asecond hypothesisisthat once out of Trumpinthe end? Here, the role of twoin- laid siegetothe Capitol, it is toolate. In times when “livedexperiences” areincreasingly groups —to“showthe kind of pride and bold- power, Trumpfears prosecution forcrimes. In stitutions is noteworthy. online, the social media giantshavebeen muchtoo slow in acknowledging their respon- ness” that would forcethe twoHousesof addition to thepotentiallycriminal chargesof First, giventhe state-centric nature of US sibility and addressing real-world consequences. Congress to overturn the election, whichhe taxfraud, thereare questions about corrup- presidentialelections,thebehaviourof stateof- Trumphas along recordofsharing falsehoods and bigotry on social media, beginning lostonNovember 3. tion, abuseofpower,and violation of campaign ficials in swing states is critical. Twoofthe five withhis assertions that his predecessor BarackObama wasnot born in the US, to sharing Lacking an independent election commis- financelaws.Ironically, inciting amobto pres- swing states —Arizona and Georgia —have sion, theUShas acomplicatedelectoralad- sure thelegislature, aimedatsolving an im- Republican governments. Yettheir officials did anti-Muslim and Whitesupremacistposts andvideos. As recentlyasthe BlackLives Matter ministration system. Legally, states decide mediateproblem, mightnow lead to the most notbow to the wishesofTrump. Aleaked tape protestslastyear,hetweeted,“when looting starts,shooting starts”. Trumpand hisfalse- who willbepresident. Afterpeople cast their seriouscharge of all:Abetting an insurrection. of Trump’s phone call to Georgia’s Secretaryof hoods, though, areonlyapartofalargerdigital ecosystem thathas devaluedfacts, created votes, states certify election outcomes,form- Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Speaker of the State,revealedthatto flipthestatewonby Biden, “communities” of conspiracy theorists and, at times, even contributedto violence. Long be- inganelectoral college, whosevoteisfinally House of Representatives, and Chuck Trumpaskedthesecretaryto“find11,780votes”. fore thepro-Trumpmob stormedthe Capitol, WhatsApp and Facebookhavebeen usedto acceptedbyUSlegislators on January6.The Schumer,who will soon take over theleader- Despitebeing aRepublican,SecretaryBrad pedal falsehoods and incite mobsincountrieslikeBurma and Sri Lanka. These outcomes vice-president presides over this politically ship of aDemocratic-majoritySenate, have Raffenspergerdeclined,insteaddoingtheright ceremonial but legallynecessarystep, the last already calledfor the invocation of the 25th thing.Legal proprietydefeated partisanship. areanunfortunate consequence of the algorithmsand userexperienceand userinterface Trump’smotivations remain one before apresident can beinauguratedon open to speculation. Of the Constitutional Amendment. If supportedby But the mostimportant role has been that followa“persuasive design”model.Inessence, the algorithm is meant to keep users January20. Mike Pence, Trump’s vice-presi- amajority of the cabinet, the amendmental- playedbyAmerica’s courts. Trump’s cam- gluedtothe screen and getmoreofthe same. Forexample, someone watching “flat earth” dent, refusedtooverturnthe election,infuri- twomain hypotheses, one is lows the vice president to unseat the presi- paign filedmorethan 60 legal challenges — videos, or “the historyofforcedconversion in India” or,morerecently, thebizarre conspir- atinghis boss. AhugemajorityofRepublican ideological, another personal. dent. In case the amendmentisnot invoked, from thestate courtstofederal courts, all the acy theoriesabout afilm star’s suicide, could well be ledtosomething like aQAnon page senators also expressedunwillingness to Hiscommitment to apolitical sayPelosi and Schumer,theywould like to im- wayuptothe US SupremeCourt.Trumplost (a group that believesTrumpissaving the US government from acorporate “deep state”) comply. In the end, the coup failedand Biden peachTrump, even if less than twoweeksre- allcases but one. Thevictorywas very small, wasratified. And as theselines arebeingwrit- order that restores white main in his term. That will, in all likelihood, but the defeatswerehuge. Manyofthe judges or to fake news that whips up prejudice againstminority groups. ten, Trumpseems to have recognised—pub- supremacy has been disqualify him from running again in the 2024 in federal courtswereappointed by Trump, While Big Tech has movedforward from complete denial of itsculpability—under licly—that the violence hashurthim. repeatedly noted. Many in the elections. This is important because aself-par- who oftenboastedthatifnecessary,his judi- pressurefromgovernmentsand the threat of external regulation —and instituted some Whydoscholars believe that developing mob were carrying don might well save Trumpfromcriminal cialappointees would win him the day. But measures forfact-checking and verifying sources, the fundamental structureofits plat- countries have coups,but richer democracies prosecution, at leastfor federal crimes,though instead of displayingpersonalloyalty,theyap- forms remainsunaltered.Companiesmustconfront the challengeand address it at the do not? Twoarguments areoften advanced. Confederate flags. Asecond many legal scholars have serious doubtsabout pliedthe law, tossing out the evidence of elec- levelofthe technology,urgently. But the responsibility forapoliticaldiscourse that respects First, in poorer countriesthe institutions of hypothesisisthat once out of the constitutionality of self-pardon. tion fraudaslegallyflimsy.Inthe end, it be- factsand decency cannotjustbeontechcompanies. Political parties, forinstance, need oversight,beingmuchweaker,crumbleunder power, Trump fears Acoup likethis would be inconceivable came impossiblefor most Republicanstogo the onslaughtsofmighty politicians. Second, in aparliamentarydemocracy.Presidential againstsomanycourt judgments.Courtsde- to be held accountable fortheir leaders’ and members’ conduct. Justastechcompanies prosecution forcrimes. In politicsindevelopingcountriescanhave anall- democraciesare morevulnerable to coups finedthe permissible limitsofpolitics. mustbecalledout forspreading falsehoods and creating mobs because it helps their bot- or-nothing quality.The governmenthas such additiontothe potentially becausethe executiveand the legislatureare When the historyof this period is written, tomline, political parties mustbeheld responsible if theydosointhe name of winning controlovertheeconomyandsocietythatonce criminal charges of tax fraud, independently elected and, if run by differ- America’scourts might be singledout as the elections and appealing to theirbase. Blocking aloudmouth or despotorleader of amob outof power, lossescanbehugeandimprison- there are questionsabout entparties,theycan be arch rivals at the institution that protected thenation’selec- is hardlythe answer. ment maynot be toofar.That generates apo- corruption, abuse of power, polity’sheart. In parliamentarysystems, the tion integrity.But it also says something larger litical tendency to stay in poweratall costs.In twoare intertwinedand aparliamentaryma- about the role of the judiciaryinpreserving richerdemocracies,opportunities beyond the and violation of campaign jority is the prime minister’s source of power, democracy as asystem. If independent and governmentareplentiful.Anelectorallossdoes finance laws.Ironically, making deadlyexecutive-parliament clashes unafraid, courts can clip the wings of maraud- notrob lifeofall enhancements. Company incitingamob to pressure the unlikely. Prime ministers don’tsendmobs, ing politicians. boards, memoirs, consulting and speaking,le- legislature might nowlead to vigilantes or armies to attackparliaments; A MESSAGE TO COLOMBO galpractices and business openings canfetch brazen presidentsdo. The writer is Sol Goldman professor of millions. The governmentdoes nothaveade- the most seriouscharge of all: In the end, of course, the coup failed.So international studies and professor of political MinisterJaishankar’s reminder on the necessity of the cisive control over all sectorsofsociety. Abetting an insurrection. howmight oneunderstand the failure? The science at BrownUniversity 13th Amendment wasmuch-neededand timely

XTERNAL AFFAIRS MINISTER SJaishankar’s three-dayvisit to Sri Lanka was significant notfor anyspecific outcomes but forwhat wasachievedinpolit- ical and diplomatic messagingbybothsides. Jaishankar’sreminder in EColombo that the 13th Amendment is essential to ethnic reconciliation came BASIC INCOMEAND PATRIARCHY at atime when powerful Sri Lankan politicians close to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and his brother,Prime MinisterMahinda Rajapaksa, arecalling forits scrapping. The cancellation of elections to the provincial councils, apparentlydue to aspike in COVID- Asalary to women fordomestic work institutionalises idea of men as ‘providers’ 19 cases, is being viewedasafirststeptowards this end. Jaishankar’smessage, that India still sees the 1987 amendment —the constitutional basis forthe provincial councils —ascen- tralto addressingTamil political aspirationscamewithin days of astatementby the DMK’s ArpanTulsyan TRBalu, justasTamil Nadu hitsits election season, asking Prime MinisterNarendraModi to ensurethat the provincial council system remains intact. Sri Lankan Tamils themselves LAST MONTH, KAMAL Hasan’s party,Makkal Housework demands effort andsacrifice, salaryfor housework, we needtostrengthen Needhi Maiam, promisedsalaries to house- 365 days ayear,24/7.Despite this,ahugepro- awareness,implementation and utilisation of no longer setthat muchstore by India’s or Tamil Nadu’s pronouncements on theirprob- wivesasapartofits electoral campaign in portion of Indian womenaren’t “queens” other existing provisions. Starting from the lems. Delhi’s waning influence in Sri Lanka is an open secret.Yet,itwould be adiplomatic TamilNadu. This week,the idea waswel- reigningovertheirkingdom,thefamily. Alarge right to reside in the marital home, to streed- and political embarrassment forthe NarendraModi government if the 13th Amendment comedbyShashi Tharoor,who tweetedthat numberof womenlive withdomesticviolence hanand haqmeher,tocoparcenaryand inher- wasindeedabolished. this will “monetise the services of women andcrueltybecausetheyare economicallyde- itance rightsasdaughters and to basic serv- Delhi’s other challengeinSri Lanka at this point is to operationalise a2019agreement homemakers in society, enhance theirpower pendent on others, mainlytheir husbands. ices, free legal aid and maintenance in to develop along with Japan acontainer terminal at Colombo Port,whereChina has acon- and autonomyand createnear-universal ba- Time-use datafrom2019gathered by the instances of violence and divorce. sic income”. To this, actor Kangana Ranaut NationalSampleSurveyOrganisationrevealed Our aim cannotbeonlytoensure“basic trollingstakeinthe adjoiningColombo InternationalContainer Terminal.The India-Japan- said, “wedon’t needsalaryfor being the that onlyabout aquarterofmen and boys income” to women.Womenshould be en- Sri Lanka agreement had triggered astrikeatthe portahead of last year’s parliamentary Queens of ourown little kingdom”. Tharoor above six years engaged in unpaid household couragedandhelpedtoreachtheirfullpoten- election, resolvedonlyafter assurances from the Rajapaksa brothers that it would notbe maintainedthat remuneration will lead to a chores,comparedto overfour-fifthsof women. tial through qualityeducation, accessandop- handedovertoforeigndevelopers.During the EAM’svisit, the prime ministerand president recognition of the value of unpaid work. Everyday,anaverageIndian male spends 1.5 portunities of work,gender-sensitive and sent out mixed signals amid calls nottolet the port fall victim to geopolitical rivalries in the Demand forwages againsthousework hours per dayinunpaid domestic work,com- harassment-free workplaces and attitudinal Indian Ocean. wasfirstraisedatthe thirdNational Women’s pared to about five hours by afemale. and behaviour changewithin familiesto make Sri Lanka, forits part, has twomain demands from India at this time. One, it wantssup- Liberation conference in Manchester, England. It is thus important to recognise the value household chores moreparticipative.Once International Wagesfor Housework of unpaid domestic work.However, creating these conditions aremet,working inside the plies of the anti-COVID vaccine. Itsother requestfor a$1bncurrency swap has been pend- More than creating anew Campaign (IWFHC) wasformed by Selma value isn’t always about fair remuneration. home or outside mustbeawoman’s choice, a ing since lastyear.India has already said it will prioritise vaccine supplies to itsneighbours James in 1972.Since then, severalorganisa- provision of salary for Asking men to payfor wives’ domestic work freedom that she can exercise forherself. and should have no problem in accepting Rajapaksa’s requestquicklyonhumanitarian tions, particularly in the UK, US, Canada and housework,weneed to could further enhance their sense of entitle- Justlikewedonot want women to com- grounds —itcan onlyhelp Delhi’s imageinthat country. As forthe currency swap, itsuse Italy, have raisedsimilar requests. strengthen awareness, ment. It mayalso put the additional onus on modifytheir reproductive services becauseof as abargaining chip can lastonlyaslong as Colombo does notlook elsewherefor help. In India, an application by the National implementation and women to perform. Besides the ethics of buy- their inherentlyexploitative nature—wehave, HousewivesAssociation, seekingrecognition ing domestic labour from wifeposes aserious therefore, bannedcommercial surrogacy in as atrade union in 2010,was rejected by the utilisation of other existing risk of formalising the patriarchal Indian fam- the country—letusnot allowcommodifica- deputyregistraroftrade unionson theground provisions. Starting from the ilywheretheposition of menstemsfrom their tion of housework and personalcare. At the A ROOM OF HER OWN that houseworkisnot atrade or an industry. In right to reside in the marital being “providers”inthe relationship.And, de- same time, letusnot ask wivestodowhathus- 2012,the then ministerfor Women andChild home,tostreedhan and haq spitealegal provision,equal inheritancerights bands can and needtodofor themselves, ei- development, Krishna Tirath, announcedthat continue to be elusive foramajority of ther out of love or in lieu of money. Letusalso A‘period room’ in atoiletblockinMumbai stakes aclaim on the government wasconsidering mandating meher,tocoparcenaryand women. So, should dowrybeconvertedto pol- raise our boys to be brothers, sons, husbands, the city —onbehalf of itswomen asalaryfor housework to wives, from hus- inheritance rights as icy,with the rationale being to ensureatleast andfathers whowould obviatethe needfor bands. The purpose, once again, wastoem- daughtersand to basic some gains arereceivedbydaughters from suchdiscussion itself. powerwomen financiallyand help them live the parental property? That would be apol- NE OF THE manyways in whichIndian cities and towns tell women services, free legal aid and with dignity.However, the proposal neverma- icyshort-cut,butperhapsonethatismoreef- The writer is asenior research scholar at thattheyare unwanted in public spacesisbythe absence of awoman’s terialisedand with the changeinthe govern- maintenance in instances of fective than salaryfor housework. theDepartment of Social Work,Delhi toilet. In metropolises likeMumbai and Delhi,the number of toilets for ment in 2014,the idea wasput to rest. violence and divorce. Morethan creating anew provision of University Omen consistentlyoutnumber those forwomen by alarge margin; women’s toilets in large toiletblocks remain locked, especially in the evenings (because what arewomen doing outsidethe home afterdark, anyway?). If they areunlocked, theyare filthy—and sometimes even unsafe—spaces that women venture intoatthe risk of ill-health and violence. The denial of awoman’s body and itsnatural bod- JANUARY 9, 1981, FORTY YEARS AGO ilyurges, then, is notonlyamatter of cultural practices of shame, but it is writtenintothe design of acity itself. Anew “period room” in aMumbai slum, the firstofits kind in apub- PM IN RAJASTHAN The onlyanswer to combat drought wasto Social Instituteand the Jesuit Conference. lic toilet, therefore, suggests arefreshing reimagination of the public space. PRIME MINISTER INDIRA Gandhi warnedof plant moretrees, she said. The Thane Municipal Corporation’s move is an attempt to inculcatemenstrual hy- militaryactivities across the border in neigh- SAILO’SSUGGESTION bouring countries, and said that theywere JESUITS TO THE AID MIZORAM CHIEF MINISTER Brigadier TSailo giene, one that it wantstoreplicatein120 community toilets.The “period room” includes getting arms from other countries. There THE INDIAN SOCIAL Instituteand the Jesuit has asked for ageneral amnestyfor allMizo aurinal, ajet spray,atoiletroll-holder,soap, running water, hookstohang clothes and a wasalso atalk of makinganatombomb, she ConferenceofIndia todayoffered to take care National Front hostiles and to createcondi- dustbin to dispose of menstrual waste—rare amenitiesinpublic toilets.For the women said. “Wehavetostrengthen our country of the victims of theBhagalpur blinding who tions fortalksbetween the Centreand the of the Lokmanya Nagarslum, in whichfew families have the luxuryofaprivate toilet, the and people so that we can meetinternal and arecurrentlysheltered in aMethodist MNF chief Laldenga. Sailo made this sugges- structureofferspreciousspace and privacy.Astudy carriedout by an NGOthat assisted external dangers and remove poverty,”she church.The offercame following areportin tion in meetings withthe home minister with the project found that 56 per cent of girlstudents in the area had no access to clean said. Mrs Gandhi remindedthe people in the this paper that no voluntaryassociation has and prime ministerinDelhi. The purpose of toilets in schools; nor did 18 percent working women at their workplace. border districtsofBarmer and Jaisalmer that come forwardtotakecareofthe blindedin this proposal is two-fold:ToscotchMNF India conducted an atomic test at Pokhran spiteofaSupreme Courtorder that all their propaganda that the Sailo ministryiscreat- A“period room” that does nottry to hide itsfunction as aspace formenstruating but is committed to peaceful use of nuclear expenses will be borne by the Bihar govern- ing hurdles in the wayoftalks and facilitate women might also, hopefully, cutthrough the punishing tabooaround periods. More energy.Onher visit to thetwo drought-hit ment. The details of the rehabilitation pro- the return of MNF rebels from across importantly, it becomes asmall step to stakeclaim on the city—onbehalf of itswomen. districts,she assured people of all support. gramme will be worked out by the Indian the border. WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM

THEINDIANEXPRESS,SATURDAY,JANUARY9,2021 WHATTHE OTHERSSAY “The Capitol violence wasmerely the ultimate and undeniable proofofwhat wasalwaysevident: that this man is not only unfit forhis office,heisalso a 11 THE IDEAS PAGE danger to democracy while he retains it .” —THEGUARDIAN The post-Covidpriority Nourishing

Budget needstorampupspending on health and education.Pandemic has the nation enhancedinequalities, shown up absenceofsafetynets Improving dietoflow-incomehouseholds is only TRENDSINSOCIALSERVICESEXPENDITUREBYGENERALGOVERNMENT waytoaddress chronic malnutrition (COMBINEDCENTREANDSTATES) Item AspercentagetoGDP The firstisthe large dietary deficit among at 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19RE 2019-20BE least40per cent of our population of all age Ofwhich(i)Education 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 3.1 3.1 groups, brought out repeatedly in asucces- sion of reports this decade —the National (ii)Health 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 Nutrition Monitoring Bureau’s ThirdRepeat (iii)Others 2.1 2.5 2.6 2.4 3.0 3.0 SMahendra Dev Survey (2012), NFHS4,2015-16, theNNMB Technical Report Number 27,2017. Clearly, our current interventions arenot being able INDIAISCOMMITTED to achievingthe to bridgethis protein-calorie-micronutrient Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) by VeenaSRao deficit. The NHHS-4 and NFHS-5 surveysre- 2030, and social sector development is im- veal an acutedietary deficit among infants portant in reachingthem.Progress in this belowtwo years, and considerable stunting sector has intrinsic (for itsown sake) and in- IT IS NEARLY amonth since the firstphase and wasting of infants belowsix months strumental (for higher growth) value. It is of the NFHS-5survey waspublished. While (causedbyfoetalmalnutrition/maternal di- neededeventobuild a$5trillion economy we await aresponse from the government etarydeficit). Unless this maternal/infant di- faster.Inequalities in India have been in- or anypolicy-making authority,several ar- etarydeficit is addressed, we will notsee creasing overtime. COVID-19has further ticles by public health/policy expertshave rapid improvement in our nutritional indi- widenedthem. In this context, focus on so- appeared,expressing deep concernatthe cators. This is aseriousproblem whichneeds cial sector spendingand efficiency in deliv- deterioratingnutrition and anaemiaindica- to be acknowledgedand prioritisedinthe erysystems is essential.India has somewhat tors, especially among children. Moredete- public health/public policy agendas. progressed on bijli, sadak and paani, but it is rioration in nutrition indicators following The next is the even bigger information essentialtoinvestinthe social sector.The the COVID-19pandemic is fearedin the next deficit at the household level, especially Union Budgetfor 2021-22 can give medium- phase of NFHS-5, primarilyonaccountof among lower-income families. We do not term directiontothe socialsector by increas- lossoflivelihoods, reducedfood consump- have anational IEC (information, education ing allocations,particularly in health and ed- tion among thepoor and disruption of gov- and communication) programme that ucation and forsocial safetynets. No country ernment nutrition programmes. reaches targeted households to bring about has progressedwithout investing in the so- Mostarticlesemphasise the need for the required behavioural changeregarding cial sector. higher budgetaryallocations forhealthcare, some basicbut criticalfacts—for example, India’sprogress in the social sector has ICDS and monitoringsystems. While these about the importance of balanced diets in been muchslowercomparedtoits GDP arenodoubt necessary, adebate must also low-incomehouseholdbudgets, properma- growth. The twoprimary factors that ad- be initiated on whether the current pro- ternal, child and adolescent nutrition and verselyaffect India’s human development grammesareadequateand effectively target healthcare.IEC and behavioural changehave arelow levels of health attainmentsand ed- therootcausesof malnutritionor if the strate- been highlighted in allour early Five-Year ucation: Indiaranks131 outof189 countries gies requirechange. Plans, but somehow, successive governments on the HumanDevelopment Index. The political executive andpolicymakers have notbeen able to makeithappen. Alook at thesocial sector expenditure mustalso note that unlikeadisease outbreak, The largest deficit, whichisamajor cause over the lastfew years (see table)shows that whichleads to an immediatepublicdemand of dietarydeficiencyand India’s chronic mal- the shareofeducation as apercentageofGDP forgovernment intervention, theremay not nutrition, pertains to inequitable marketcon- has been stagnant around 2.8-3 per cent dur- be anypopular demandtoaddressmalnu- ditions that denyaffordable and energy-for- ing 2014-15to2019-20. In the caseofhealth, trition —the public,byand large,doesnot tifiedfoodtochildren, adolescentsand adults the expenditureasapercentageofGDP in- have adequateinformationabout theirafflic- in lower-incomefamilies. Themarket has creasedfrom1.2 per cent to 1.5per cent. This tion. All theyknowisthat theyare poor,get stacksof expensive fortifiedenergy food and is lowerthanthe required 2-3 per centof tired easily, and their children fall ill often. beveragesfor higher income groups, but GDP.Thereseems to be an increase in expen- Hence, in the Indian context, it becomes the nothing affordable forlow-income groups CRSasikumar ditureon“other” services likesports, artand responsibility of the government/civil soci- exceptnon-nutritive junk that costabout culture,familywelfare,water supplyand fordable diversifiedfood intakeisimportant lessons on safetynets. It is known that mi- etytofirstprovide information andaware- Rs 5. It is perfectlypossible to produce nutri- sanitation, labour and labour welfareetc. forreducing both undernutrition and obe- grant workers were the mostaffected dur- ness to thecommunity about malnutrition tive fortifiedenergy food forchildren within The expenditures areinadequateincom- sity.Thereisaneedtoraise allocations for ingthe pandemic and that theydonot have and itscauses, and then implementpro- Rs 5fromwheat, defatted soya,green gram, parisontothe problems in the sector.India’s ICDS and other nutrition programmes.The anysafetynets. Thereisaneedtohavesafety grammes to address them. and ragi malt, providing around 380 calories social sector in general, and health and ed- determinantsofnutritionare agriculture, nets like an employment guarantee scheme The government could startshowing its from 25 grams.Afeasibility study conducted ucationinparticular,encounter significant health, women’s empowerment, including forthe urban poor andfacilities formigrants. seriousnessbyexamining the current nutri- by KPMG in 2018 underthe Karnataka Multi- regional,social and gender disparities, slow maternal and child practices, social protec- Similarly in rural areas, allocations to MGN- tion-relatedprogrammes,andanalysingwhy sectoral Nutrition Pilot Project reckons that growth in public expenditures and problems tion, nutrition education, sanitation and REGAhavetobeincreasedbecause of the theyare notableto reducemalnutritionfaster. thereisamarketdemand of 42 million in delivery systems. drinking water. The Poshan Abhiyan is a reverse migration. Do theyrequirecomplete overhaul? Should tonnes of low-costenergy food per year,but An increase in healthexpenditureisalso good programme, but has to coverall these The government should give more focus additional interventionsbeintroduced in strangely, no private entrepreneur wantsto important to take careofthe present and fu- determinantswith amulti-pronged ap- to the social sector with better policiesand pockets, identifiedashigh-burden districts? enter this field. One wonders why, in spiteof turepandemics. Giventhe constraints, proachtoreduce undernutrition.The cost implementation.Ithas to work closelywith Surely, thereshould be different norms and themandateofthe NationalNutritionPolicy health workers did exceptional work dur- of ignoring hunger and malnutrition willbe the states in revitalising the social sector as moreintensive interventionswithintheICDS 1983 and the National Plan of Action on ing the pandemic.The experience of COVID- high forthe country. majorexpenditures particularly on health forthese chronicallymalnourishedpockets Nutrition 1995. The feasibility study also has 19 has alsoshown that during pandemics Similarly,quality education is keyfor and education aremet by them. The 15th with thepoorest indicators. firm findingsabout adirect correlation be- we tend to neglect non-pandemic related raising human development. The pandemic Finance Commission also seems to have Howdoes the government plan to ad- tween the high incidence of underweight, patients. Health insurance is an important has enhanced inequalities in educationand We cannot have a society mentionedthat health expenditureshould dress adolescent malnutrition(our futurede- stunting and wasting among children, low component of health coverage.But, thereis has revealed the widening digital gap. with slow progressinhealth be increasedto2.1 per cent of GDP.The mographicdividend)whichisasalarmingas body massindex and stuntingamong ado- no alternative to universal health coverage Equality of opportunity in terms of quality and education. India, Commission mayalso suggestsome incen- child malnutrition, and forwhichwehaveno lescents,and the lackoflow-cost fortifieden- including afocus on primaryhealth centres education is the keyfor raising human de- aspiring to be a global power, tivesfor states to increase healthexpendi- clearstrategyinplaceyet?And, finally, we ergy food in the market. to achieve the goals of the health sector. velopment and forreducing inequalities in ture.BothCentre and states shouldhavea needtoknowifthe National Nutrition Policy Raising the dietofour people from sub- Thereare supply side problemsregarding the labour market.Several committees have should have a harmonious five-year vision on the social sector with 1993 is still operational. If it is, then thereis sistence leveltohigher levels of nourish- the healthinfrastructure. It is essential to recommendedthat public expenditureon and inclusive social sector bold measures. anurgentneedtoupdateit,and prioritise in- ment by overcoming the triple deficit is the have ahugeincrease in public expenditure education should be at 6per cent of GDP. development. This is also We cannothaveasociety with slow terventions in accordancewith the latestsur- onlyway to improvethe nutritional indica- on health and provide accessible, affordable In the lastfew years, the government has progress in healthand education. India, as- veys andresearch findings. If not, it seems tors of our population —amongstchildren, and quality health coverage to all. done well in providing cooking gas(Ujjwala important for achieving the piring to be aglobal power, shouldhavea that we areattempting to addressthis invis- adolescentsand adults. We expect the gov- Another important issueinthe social Yojana) and electricity (SaubhagyaYojana), SDGs, reducing inequalities harmonious and inclusive social sector de- ible scourge without apolicy framework or ernment to showits seriousness and start sector is that of undernutrition. The NFHS- introducing programmessuchasSwachh and achieving a $5 trillion velopment. This is also important forachiev- plan of action. addressing this issueurgentlythrough new 5report shows that malnutrition levelhas Bharat Abhiyan and initiativesfor housing, economy faster. Hopefully, ing the SDGs, reducing inequalities and The discussionshould also includean- ideas and innovations. reducedmarginallyinafew states and has financial inclusion and providing loans to building a$5trillion economyfaster. othervitalquestion: Do the currentinterven- worsenedinsome other states, although the self-employed. These programmes have more attention will be given Hopefully, more attention will be givento tions address theroot causesofmalnutrition The writer is former secretary, some other indicators have improved be- helpedthe vulnerable sections, particularly to the social sector in the the socialsectorinthe forthcomingbudget. in India? Irefer to them as the three deficits. Government of India tween 2015-16and 2019-20. We can’t have women. Another initiative of the govern- forthcoming budget. Higher Higher social sector funding with better im- asociety with35per cent of our children ment wastofacilitate direct benefit trans- social sector funding with plementationand outcomes areneeded. suffering from malnutrition. Apart from un- fers (DBT) forwelfareschemes. Theseinitia- dernutrition, obesity seems to be increasing tiveshavetobecontinued. better implementation and The writer is director and vice-chancellor, in both ruraland urban areas. Access and af- The COVID-19period alsooffers some outcomes are needed. IGIDR, Mumbai. LETTERSTOTHE EDITOR

INTOLERANT INDIA? IDEAS THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘Bolne bhi mat do yaaro’, (IEJanuary 8). Thearrest ONLINE Miscarriage of areform of comedian MunawarFaruqui raises certain questions. First, do we still have ONLYINTHE EXPRESS the fundamentalright to freedom of Flawedunderstandingof tripletalaqlawisleadingto itsmisuse speechand expression in itsreal sense, ● ANINSURRECTIONFROM with “reasonable” restrictions, of THEWHITEHOUSE: course? Second, do we still uphold the RAUNAQJAISWAL Tahir Mahmood principleofrule of lawasguaranteed under Article 14 of the Indian ● DON’T GIVE UP ON “ON APRELIMINARYanalysis it is clear that reconciliation. Instead of nipping in the bud bad in theology should be bad in lawtoo. stood. Manylawyers misbelieve that it over- Constitution? Third, arewenot tolerant PLASMA THERAPY: the appellantasthe mother-in-lawofthe that abominable innovation, lawmen of the Findingthatlegislation required foritwas rides the general provision foranticipatory enough to hear anything that is at even JANANI MURALIDHARAN second respondent (wife) cannotbeac- time calledittalaq-ul-bidat and declaredit nowhereinsight, the apexcourtofthe bailunderSection 438 of the Criminal aslight mismatchwithour ownno- cusedofthe offence of pronouncementof to be “sinful but effective”. This self-contra- country triedinsome cases to indirectly ProcedureCode. Soon afterthe enactment tions? Fourth, areweunder the constant www.indianexpress.com triple talaq underthe Actasthe offence can dictoryconceptremainedinvogue forcen- curb the archaic practice and eventually of the Act, aman accused of committingthe threat of being prosecuted forour onlybecommitted by aMuslim man (hus- turies in Muslimsocieties across the globe. outlaweditinthe Shayara Bano case of offence it hadcreated sought anticipatory words, if these wordsare againstthe band),” aSupreme CourtBench ledby Twentieth centuryreformers in some 2017.The anti-triple talaq Actof2019was bail in the BombayHigh Court. His wife’s dominant beliefsofthe society? Justice DYChandrachudobserved in are- Muslim-dominated lands at lastwokeup theoutcomeofthisjudicial reform. lawyers arguedthat the non-obstante Incidentssuchasthe one in Indoreraise DIVERSITY NEEDED cent case decidedunder the Muslim to the needtosavefamilies from devasta- Section 498A of the IndianPenal Code clause in Section 7ofthe Acthad rendered questions about ourlegal system and THISREFERSTO theeditorial, ‘Businessof Women (Protection of RightsonMarriage) tion anddemanded that what was“sinful” (cruelty to awoman by herhusband or his the CrPC provision inapplicable to cases un- society,whichhas always believedin diversity’ (IE, January8). The German Actof2019, popularlyknown as the anti- by religion mustnot be enforcedbylaw. relatives) is oftenmisused. This undeniable der itsprovisions.Rightlyrejectingthe argu- the principle of tolerance. cabinet’smoveisagreat onetoensure triple talaqlaw.The factsofthe caseshow Countryafter countryinAsia and Africa fact wasonce acknowledged by theapex ment, the courtgranted bail. Sarachana Sisodia, Delhi parity on corporateboards. If, despite that the Actisbeing as gravelymisunder- graduallyabolished by legislation the de- court, thoughithad to withdraw under In contrast, in the case under reference, SEBI’s direction of having at leastone stood as was, and still is, the true Islamic law testable practice of triple talaq. feminist pressurethe measures it had di- the Kerala High Courthad acceptedthe A DARK DAY woman on board, IndianInc doesnot toe on divorce. India took amuchlonger time to follow rected to curb the trend.Likethe said pro- samefaultyargument to refusebail to the the line, the Indian government maybe The background of the anti-triple talaq suit. During British rule, courts accepted vision of the Penal Code, the anti-triple ta- accusedhusband’smother,who then had THIS REFERS TO the editorial,‘January6’ forced to followGermany’s lead. lawneeds to be explained. The blatantly and enforcedthis “sinful but effective”form laq lawof2019isalso pronetomisuse and to knockatthe apexcourt’s doors. (IE, January8). January6willberemem- Bal Govind, Noida anti-women divorcecustoms prevalent in of divorcecalling it aconcept“bad in theol- their dishonestcombination mayplay Explaining the position under the Act, the beredasablackday in the annals of the pre-Islamic Arabia had been givenasevere ogy but good in law.”Inthe early years after havocwithfamilies.Inthe triple talaqcase court emphaticallyheld: “Parliament has historyofthe US,whenthe world’s old- THISREFERSTO theeditorial, ‘Businessof blowbythe teachings of Prophet Independence, some HighCourtjudges — under reference, lawyers of aKerala woman notoverridden the provisions of Section estand mostpowerful democracy al- Diversity’ (IE, January8). Stereotypical Muhammad who was, indeed,agreat so- VR Krishna Iyer of Kerala and Baharul Islam had includedher husband’s mother in the 438 of the CrPC.Thereisnospecific provi- loweditslegislative heart—theUSCapitol notions that women belong in the pri- cialreformer. Demonstratingthe truth of of Assam among them —triedtoawaken FIR filedagainsthim under the 2019 Actby sion in Section 7(c),orelsewhere in the Act, —tobestormed by supporters of vate sphere, or that theyare better offat the saying“old habitsdie hard”, unscrupu- the custodians of stateauthoritytothe need vaguely alluding to thesaid IPC provision. making Section 438 inapplicable to an of- President Donald Trumpasalast-ditch, the lowerpositions in acorporatehierar- lousmen innovated, in the course of time, forits abolition. AMuslim judgeofKerala Forunderstanding the commonsense fact fence punishable under the Act.” The ver- desperateattempt to overturn the Joe chy—as higher up the ladder,onlymen ways andmeanstocircumvent the bemoaned:“Should Muslim wivessuffer that this Actismeant to discipline erring dictisasignificant step towardspreventing Biden victory. TheUShas, forlong, canruntheshow—are factors contribut- Prophet’s nobleteachings. One of thesewas this tyrannyfor all times? Shouldtheir per- husbands only, the learnedlawyers needed the misuse of the anti-tripledivorce law. preachedthevaluesofdemocracyandac- ing to the lownumbers of women in the practice of triple talaq—repeatingthe sonal lawremain so crueltowards these un- alearningsession withthe apexcourt. countability.Itistime to put it in practice. leadership roles in Indian business. word “talaq” thrice —whichwas believed fortunatewives?Can it notbeamended The provision forbail to be granted to The writer is Distinguished JuristChairand SSPaul, Nadia Anamika Priyadarshani, NewDelhi to effect instant dissolution of marriage suitablytoalleviatetheir sufferings?” Social the accusedhusband under Section 7ofthe Professor of Eminence,Institute of leavingnoroom forany reconsideration or reformersalso demandedthat what was 2019 Acthas been particularly misunder- Advanced Legal Studies, AmityUniversity WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 12 THEINDIANEXPRESS,SATURDAY,JANUARY9,2021 ½FÀFBÊ-d½FSFS ¾FWS¸FWF³F¦FS´FFdÕIF ½FFW³F d½F·FF¦F,¸Fb£¹FFÕ¹F, d½FSFS ´Fc½FÊ BÊ-d³Fd½FQFÀFc¨F³FF ½FÀFBÊ-d½FSFS ¾FWS¸FWF³F¦FS´FFdÕIZ ¨¹FF kÀ½F¨L°FF ½F dQ½FF¶FØFe d½F·FF¦FFlÀFFNe JFÕeÕ ´FiI FS¨Fe ½FFW³FZ/ ¹FaÂFÀFF¸F¦Fie AF½F¾¹FI AFWZ°F. ¹FF ½FFW³FFa¨FZ/ ¹FaÂFÀFF¸F¦Fie C°´FFQI /Ad²FIÈ °F d½FIiZ °FF ¹FFa¨¹FFI Oc³F k½FFW³FZ/ ¹FaÂFÀFF¸F¦Fie JSmQel IF¸FFa¨¹FF BÊ-d³Fd½FQF ¸FF¦Fd½F¯¹FF°F ¹FZ°F AFWZ°F. IF¸FF¨FF °F´F¾FeÕ JFÕeÕ´Fi¸FF¯FZ : A.Ii . IF¸FF¨FZ ³FF½F ÀFa£¹FF r tDX (xw WFGÀFÊ ´FFG½FS °FZ zw WFGÀFÊ ´FFG½FS ÃF¸F°FZ¨FF) ¶FGI Wû w³F¦F ÕûOS JSmQe IS¯FZ. s MÑZÕS (MÑIÀFdW°F)(G.V.W. sq M³F°FZ uq M³F) JSmQe IS¯FZ. r³F¦F t ¸FWF´FFdÕIZ ¨¹FF ¸FFÕIe¨¹FF dQ½FF¶FØFe d½F·FF¦FFÀFFNe t³F¦F ¶FûÕZSû d´FI A´F BS-VI PS, r.xT ½FFW³FF½FS rr ¸FeMSCa¨FWF¹FOÑûdÕI ÕGOS ¶FÀFd½F¯FZ. ½FSeÕ IF¸FF¨FZ IûSm d³Fd½FQF RFG¸FÊ https://mahatenders.gov.in ¹FF Ad²FIÈ °F ÀFaIZ °FÀ±FTF½FS dQ. rr.qr.sqsr ´FFÀFc³F C´FÕ¶²F Wû¯FFS AFWZ°F. BÊ- MZÔOdSa¦F¶FF¶F°F Ad²FI ¸FFdW°FeÀFFNeBÊ-d³Fd½FQF IÃF½FÀFBÊ-d½FSFS ¾FWS ¸FWF³F¦FS´FFdÕIF,d½FSFS (¸Fb£¹FFÕ¹F) ½FFW³F d½F·FF¦F ¹FZ±FZ ÀFa´FIÊ ÀFF²FF½FF. ªFF.Ii ./½Fd½F¾F¸F/½FFW³F/vtt/sqsr NESCO UTILITY dQ³FFaI :qy.qr.sqsr Head Office: Januganj, Balasore-756019, [email protected] Please visit our official web site https://mahatenders.gov.in NOTICE INVITING TENDER ÀFWe/- Tender Notice No. NESCO Utility /Line &S/S materials /20 /20-21/ 158 Dt: 07.01.2021 Ad°F. AF¹Fb¢°F For and on behalf of NESCO Utility ,sealed tenders are invited ½FÀFBÊ-d½FSFS ¾FWS¸FWF³F¦FS´FFdÕIF in duplicate in two part bidding system from eligible bidders, who comply with the terms &conditions and specification laid down in the tender documents for ‘Supply of Line &Sub-station materials’ under MR head. ICMR-NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR Last date for submission of Tender : Dt 27.01.2021 up to MADHYAPRADESH POWER GENERATING COMPANY LIMITED 3.00 PM, Date of opening of Tender: Dt.27.01.2021 at 3.30 PM. O/o OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER (GENERATION) For details please visit our website-www.nescoodisha.com. STPS, MPPGCL P.O. SARNI DISTT. BETUL (MP) RESEARCH IN REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH PIN 460447, FAX(07146) 278466/PHONE-278422 Jehangir Merwanji Street, Parel, Mumbai 400 012 Corrigendum if any will be published in the website only. "Through e-tendering process only” (website: www.nirrh.res.in) Sd/- General Manager (C&MM) M. P. PowerGenerating Co.Ltd invites tenders from reputed /established Contractor/Firm only as per details given belowfor STPS,MPPGCL, Sarni. These Tenders are being processed through e-tendering system. Forviewing Advertisement No. 1/NIRRH/Ph.D. 2020-21 detailed NIT and participating in Electronic Tenders, please visit the website Admission to Ph.D. Programme –2020-21 www.mptenders.gov.in TPender articulars Date &Time of Date &time No. Closing of online of E-Opening ICMR-National Institute for Research in Submission of tender Reproductive Health, Mumbai, apremier Institute .WT- 3302/ Award of contract for sale of 28/01/2021 02 /02/2021 TID-2020_ dryfly ash from Ash Silos of Up to 15:00 From 15:30 of the Indian Council of Medical Research conducts MPPGC_ 2x250MW Units of,STPS,rH s. Hrs. 118138 Sarni research in different areas of reproductive health. “Save Energy and forfree Fly Ash supply,Contract No.9425611022” Institute is affiliated to the University of Mumbai 9425611094 &9425611055 (D.K. Kashyap) SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (P&W) for the award of Ph.D. degree in the subject of Life Sciences, Applied Biology and Biochemistry. Institute invites applications from eligible students for enrollement into Ph.D programme through online portal. Online portal will be open from 11th January 2021. Details regarding eligibility,application procedure, last date of online application, selection procedure and format of application are available at NIRRH website (www.nirrh.res.in).

Date : Place :Mumbai Director TAMIL NADU WATER SUPPLYAND DRAINAGE BOARD INVITATION OF BIDS –ITEM WAR(TWO COVER SYSTEM) (TURNKEY -BASIS) IFB No. 16 /VPM &TDM STP /DO/CE/VLR /2021 /Dated: 07.01.2021 IFB No. OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF (CIVIL), ODISHA (2nd call-Short term) NIRMAN SOUDHA, UNIT-V,BHUBANESWAR Design, Construction, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of INVITATIONS FOR BIDS (IFB) 1) 4.56MLD STP on DBO Basis with SBR Technology under UGSS to Added Areas of Villupuram Municipality in Villupuram District –Execution period –24months, Trial run File No-B-I(C)-4/2019 No. 641 Dt. 6th January 2021 B-615 period –6months Operation and maintenance of the scheme –5Years (2nd call-Short Name of Work Invitation for Bids term) Bid Identification No. EIC (B) -08/2020-21 2) 11.44MLD STP on DBO Basis with SBR Technology under UGSS to Tindivanam Municipality in Villupuram District –Execution period –24months, Trial run period –6 1. The Engineer-in-Chief (Buildings) Odisha, Bhubaneswar,onbehalf nd of Governor of Odisha, invites percentage rate bids in double cover months Operation and maintenance of the scheme –5Years (2 call-Short term) 1. Rs.7.00 Lakhs. system in ONLINE MODE only,for the work “Construction of Bid security 2. Rs.12.00 Lakhs. multipurpose cultural complex at Maa Hingula Temple, Talcher, Odisha.” amounting to Rs. 15,30,00,000/- (Approximate )as Eligible class Class –I. detailed below. Tender invitee The Chief Engineer,TWADBoard, Vellore –632006. 2. Nature of work : Building works 12.01.2021 to 27.01.2021 Bid document may be purchased by remitting an amount 3. No. of work : 01 no. Sale of Bid & of Rs. 1000 +GST from the Executive Engineer,TWADBoard, RWSDivision, place of sale No.5/4A, Chairman Govindarajan street ,West Shanmugapuram ,Villupuram– 605 4. Bid Cost. : R 10,000/- (each) 602. If required by post Rs.500/- paid extra. 5. Class of Contractor Super class : website www.tenders.tn.gov.in and www.twadboard.gov.in. (free of cost) 6. Availability of Bid Documents : From dt.15.01.2021 to 17.00 downloading in the website Hours of dt.04.02.2021. 1. Date and time of Pre bid meeting 22.01.2021 at 11.00 AM 7. Date of Opening of Bid : Dt. 05.02.2021 at 11:30 AM. 2. Last date and time of downloading bid documents 27.01.2021 upto 5.45 PM 8. The Bidders have to participate in ONLINE bidding only.Further details can be seen from the website: 3. Last date and time for receipt of bid document 29.01.2021 upto 3.00 PM https://tendersodisha.gov.in.Any addendum /corrigendum / cancellation of tender can also be seen in the said website only. 4. Date and time for opening of Technical bid 29.01.2021 at 3.30 PM Chief Engineer (i/c), Sd/- DIPR /144 /TENDER /2021 SAVE WATER, CONSERVE WATER, EVERYDROP COUNTS TWAD Board, Vellore-6 Engineer-in-Chief (Buildings) Odisha, Bhubaneswar OIPR-34117/11/0012/2021

IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f Ad°fdSX¢°f ¸fb£¹f Ad·f¹f³°ff ªf³fÀ½ffÀ±¹f Ad·f¹ffadÂfIYe d½f·ff¦f, ªf¹f´fbSX ÃûÂf-dõX°fe¹f, ¦ffa²fe³f¦fSX, ªf¹f´fbSX Telephone: 0141 2702700 E-mail: [email protected] Mumbai Housing And Area IiY¸ffIY:-A¸fbA/ªf¹f/ÃüÂf (dõX°fe¹f)/2020-21/7894-905 dQ³ffaIY:31.12.2020 d³fd½fQf Àfc¨f³ff Development Board SfªfÀ±ff³f IZ Sfª¹f´ff»f ¸fWûQ¹f IeAûS ÀfZ d³f¸³fd»fd£f°f If¹fÊ WZ°fb ªf³f À½ffÀ±¹f Ad·f¹ffadÂfI ed½f·ff¦f E½fa Sfª¹f ÀfSIfS/IZ ³Qi (Unit of MHADA) ÀfSIfSIZAd²fIÈ °f ÀfaN¦f³fûÔ/IZ ³Qie¹f »fûI d³f¸ffʯf d½f·ff¦f/OfI E½fa QcSÀfa¨ffS d½f·ff¦f/Sm»f½fZ B°¹ffdQ ¸fZÔ C´f¹fb¢°f ßfZ¯fe ¸fZÔ E-TENDER NOTICE ´faªfeIÈ °f Àfa½fZQI ûÔ ÀfZ d³f²ffÊdS°f ´fi´fÂf ¸fZÔ BÊ-´fiû¢¹fcS¸fZÔM ´fidIi ¹ff õfSf d³fd½fQfEa Af¸fadÂf°f Ieªff°fe W`aÜ S. NIT Nameofwork Estt. Bid Security Tender Tender Last dt. Technical Completion FOURTH CALL No. No. Cost (Rs. Fee (Rs.) document online Bid period DIGITALLY signed &unconditional online, tenders are invited for Running of In Lacs) download submis- Opening various Samaj Mandir Hall at Mumbai by the Executive Engineer,Kurla starting sion of date Division, Mumbai Housing Area Development Board, Room No. 341, Second Date bids Floor,Griha Nirman Bhavan, Kalanagar,Bandra [E], Mumbai-400 051. 1 05/ “Work of Construction of 1836.21 In lieu of 20000 1.1.2021 13.1.2021 15.1.2021 9Months Sr. Name & Proposed Mode of payment Approx. Area Offset 2020-21 OHSRs, CWS, Pump security aBid At 03.00 Up to At 03:00 No. Location of period to in Sq.Mtr. price for House including electro- Security dec- PM 06.00 PM PM the Hall run the Running mechanical works, P/L/J laration shall Hall Samaj of rising main Pipleline be given. The Mandir from Pump House to bid security Hall OHSRs, P/L.J of Pipeline declaration from OHSRs to VTCs, shall be given 1 Samaj Mandir Twoyears In two equal Approximate Rs. 39.23 P/L.J of Internal Village in the pre- Hall at Varun from the installment of quoted built up area of lakhs for distribution network and scribed form Hsg. Society date of amount. 1st Samaj Mandir two years. providing Functional uploaded on Ltd., Near Work installment at time of Hall is 484.90 Household Tap water the Website Bldg. No. 185, Order execution of contract sq.mtrs. connection (FHTCs) http://eproc. Pant Nagar, and 2nd installment including 5years O&M rajasthan.gov. Ghatkopar (E), after completion of on Single point responsi- in http://sppp. Mumbai. one year of contract. bility, Turneky Basis, in rajasthan.gov. 13 villages and Dhanies in with stamp The agency having with minimum 5years experience in this field may download of MLA Constituency duty of Rs. the tender document on following the e-tender portal/ web site from date Dudu of District Jaipur, 50/- +30% 11.01.2021 at 10.00 AM to 17.01.2021 at 05.00 PM. from Pachewar Pump surcharge as Main Portal : http://www.mahatenders.gov.in House, under Jal Jeevan prescribed. Mission (JJM)” The intending tendered shall visit the Hall and make himself thoroughly acquainted with the local site condition, nature &facilities available in Hall & tender should quote accordingly. d³fd½fQf ÀfZ Àf¸¶fad²f°f d½fÀ°fÈ°f d½f½fS¯f d³f¸³fd»fd£f°f ½fZ¶fÀffBM´fS QZ£ûÔ ªff ÀfI °fZ W`aÜ Right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason are (1) www.eproc.rajasthan.gov.in (2) http://sppp.raj.nic.in reserved by the competent authority. UBN: PHE 2021 WLOB 08339 WÀ°ff./- NOTE :Please scan only original document in TECHNICAL ENVELOPE. (¸f³fe¿f ¶fZ³fe½ff»f) (ENVELOPE NO. 1) Sd/- Ad°fdSX¢°f¸fb£¹f Ad·f³°ff Executive Engineer ªf³f À½ffÀ±¹f Ad·f¹ffadÂfIYe d½f·ff¦f Kurla Division/MH &A.D.B. DIPR/C/106/2021 ªf¹f´fbSX ÃûÂf-dõX°fe¹f, ªf¹f´fbSX MHADA -Leading Housing Authority in the Nation CPRO/A/17 WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM


Note:Gold,silverrates at Delhi spotmarket;goldper 10 g, silverper 1kg; Brent crude as of 2200IST SENSEX: 48,782.51 ▲ 689.19 NIFTY: 14,347.25 ▲ 209.90 NIKKEI: 28,139.03 ▲ 648.90 HANGSENG: 27,878.22 ▲ 329.70 FTSE: 6,866.78 ▲ 9.82 DAX: 14,072.91 ▲ 104.67

Internationalmarket data till 1900IST INDUSTRY WATCH 30-SHARE INDEX SOARS 689POINTS TO 48,782 DGCA issues norms STEEL PLANT EXPANSION Bidenconfirmation,FPIinflows for transportation of Mittal’s wish list for propelSensextoall-timepeak Covid-19 vaccines Hazira project: cheap ENSECONOMICBUREAU PACKEDINDRYICE NEWDELHI,JANUARY8 transition of power, have created ■ If vaccines packedin land, fast allotment, ED S&P,Nasdaq at ENSECONOMICBUREAU Global anupbeatmovementinthewest- HIGHLIGHTINGTHE necessary dryice arebeing MUMBAI,JANUARY8 cues ern market.The focus of Indian record highs; precautionsandmodalitiesforair- transportedinthe waivers, subsidies PLAIN E helptoo marketshasshiftedtothirdquar- lines, aviation regulator DGCAon passenger cabin of an ● DOMESTIC STOCKmarketson EX terearnings, ignoringhigh valua- Fridayissuedguidelinesfortrans- aircraft, theflightcrew Fridaystagedastrong rallyamid tions,”Nair said. crude gains 2% portofCovid-19vaccines packed should be properly JAYMAZOOMDAAR DISCUSSIONSON strong global cues in the wake of TRACKINGOPTIMISTIC Tracking optimistic global in dryice across the country. trained on thehazards NEWDELHI,JANUARY8 clarity on the Joe Biden adminis- global cues, the Sensex cues, the benchmarkstarted the If vaccinespackedindryiceare and risksof its ATCM’SOFFICE tration takingoverinthe US by startedthe dayonabuoy- dayonabuoyantnote andsettled REUTERS being transportedinthe passen- transportation, the IN AN elaborate wish listsub- January20,thepathforwhichhas ant note and settledwith withhealthy gains. Almostall the NEWYORK,JANUARY8 gercabin of an aircraft, the flight aviation regulator said mitted to the Chief Minister’s ■In an 8-pagewish beennowclearedby theCongress. healthy gains. Almostall sectoralindicesparticipatedinthe crew shouldbeproperly trained office, ArcelorMittal and Nip- listhandedoverby Withexpectationsof economicre- the sectoral indicespartici- move with IT,autoand oil &gas THE S&P 500and the Nasdaq onthehazardsandrisksofitstran- ponSteel (India) Ltd has sou- AMNS(I) CEO Dilip coveryandgoodcorporateresults pated in the move,with IT, witnessing noticeable traction. scalednew highs on Friday, as sportation,theDirectorateGeneral cargo hold or in the main deck ghtaslewofconcessionsfrom Oommen to the Chief adding to the buoyancy,the auto andoil &gas witness- The broader market toofollowed hopesof moreeconomicstimulus of Civil Aviation (DGCA) noted. (passengercabin)whenapassen- the Gujarat government as Minister’s office on Sensexsoared 689points, or 1.43 ingnoticeable traction. the suit and endedhigher in the to rideoutapandemic-leddown- It addedthat dryice trans- gerversionisdeployedforallcargo “expected assistance” forex- November 9, the per cent, to 48,782.51and the The broader market,too, rangeof0.7-0.9per cent. turn eclipsedconcerns over asig- forms intocarbon dioxide gasat operations,” it added. pansionofitsprojectinHazira, companyhas sought Nifty50jumped210 points,or1.48 followedsuit and ended Asian shares rose to record nificant loss of pace in US labour temperatures higher than minus Thetemperature maintenance Surat. These include land at aslewofconcessions percent,to 14,347.25onsustained higher in the rangeof highs on FridaywithJapan’s market recovery. 78 degrees Celsius under normal requirementforCovid-19vaccines 2006rates,landallotmentwi- from the Gujarat buying support. 0.7-0.9 per cent. Nikkei hitting athree-decade The S&P 500closedabove atmospheric pressureand, there- is reportedtobevarying from mi- thin six months, condonation government to Foreign portfolio investors peak as investors looked beyond 3,800pointsfor the firsttime on fore,itisclassifiedas“dangerous nus8degreeCelsius to minus70 forviolationof allotmentcon- expand itsproject in pumpedinoverRs6,000 crore rising coronavirus cases and po- Thursday. At 11:36 a.m. ET the goods” by theInternational Civil degree Celsius and hence, the use ditions in the past, relaxation Hazira, Surat intodomestic stocks on Friday, markettodiscovernew highs litical unrestinthe US to focuson DowJones Industrial Averagefell Aviation Organization (ICAO). of refrigerant material during the of compensatoryrequire- ■Gujarat Deputy signallingthat inflows areset to whichwasdueto improvedquar- hopes foraneconomic recovery 80.08 points, or 0.26 per cent, to “Adequatenumber of carbon transportationbecomesessential, mentsinlieu of using forest Chief MinisterNitin continueinthe coming weeks. If terly outlook.The expectationsof later in the year.MostAsian equi- 30,961.05,theS&P500gained6.19 dioxide detectors should be avail- the DGCAnoted.Dry ice is most land, single-windowclear- Patelreferredthe list foreign inflows –whichwereat TCSquarterly result —whichwas tieswere settonotch theirbiggest points,or0.16 percent,to 3,809.89 able in the cabin. Suchdetectors commonly usedasarefrigerant ances, specialsubsidies etc. to Additional Chief arecord Rs 1,70,000crorein2020 releasedlaterintheday—helped weekly gains in manymonths on andtheNasdaqCompositegained should be located at locations for materialfortransportationof per- AMNS(I)isa60:40 joint Secretary(Industry —continue at this level, the in cheering investors’ mood. Friday. European marketstraded 78.76 points, or 0.60 per cent, to timelyand reliable detection of ishables by air,itadded. ventureofArcelorMittal and and Mines) in the Sensexislikelytocross the “Supportfromstrong global in- higher, too. 13,146.27. dangerous concentration of car- The country’s apexdrug regu- NipponSteelCorporation,the CMO, for“discussion” 50,000markinthe comingdays, dices alsohelpedinraising do- Meanwhile, the rupee staged Oil prices hit11-month highs bondioxide,”thewatchdogstated. latorhas approved Oxford Covid- world’slargestandthird-larg- said an analyst. mesticmarketsentiments.Theof- asmart recovery from the day’s and were on trackfor aweekly “All operators while engaging 19 vaccineCovishield,beingman- eststeel producers, respectiv- According to Vinod Nair,head ficial certification of Biden’s lowest leveltoend 7paisehigher gain on Friday. Brent crude intransportationof Covid-19vac- ufactured by the Serum Institute, ely. In December 2019,the JV conditionof transferringdou- of research at Geojit Financial presidency by theUSCongress at 73.24againstthe US dollar on climbed1.04cents,or1.9percent, cinespackedwithdryiceshalles- and indigenously developed tookoverEssarSteelunderthe ble the area under the Forest services, the rallyled by IT and and easing of the political unrest Friday, tracking the rallyindo- to $55.42abarrelby11:33a.m.EST, tablish the maximum quantity of Covaxin of Bharat Biotech forre- Insolvency and Bankruptcy Actandallowthesameareaof auto stocks guided thedomestic as Trumppromisedasmooth mestic equities. the highestsince lateFebruary. dryicethatcanbeloadedinagiven strictedemergencyuse. WITHPTI Code (IBC)bypayingits cred- landto betransferredforcom- itors Rs 42,000 croreand in- pensatoryafforestationinlieu jecting Rs 8,000 croreinthe of diverted forest land. VIRTUAL INTERACTION WITH PM bankruptcompany. ■Appointment of asingle AMID COVID The Indian Express hasre- nodalofficerto ensureasingle Economists call for accelerated viewedthe 8-pagewish list point of contact and asingle- handedoverbyAMNS(I)CEO window systemfortimelyap- ‘Electric two-wheeler sales DilipOommenatameeting provalsfromthedepartments held on November 9atthe of industry, finance, revenue tepid despitegovtsubsidy’ privatisation and simpler GST Chief Minister’s office. In a forest &environment, energy hand-writtennote, Gujarat &petroleum, ports &trans- Sales of electric two-wheelers (e-2W) in India remains and service deliveryanywherein To boosttextileproductexports,he DeputyChief MinisterNitin port, watersupply etc. tepid despitenear-term outlook remaining unchanged ENSECONOMICBUREAU the country. Among others, the soughtremovalofdifferentialrates Patelreferredthe listtoMK ■Ageneralnotificationex- and government’s subsidy,IcraRatings said NEWDELHI,JANUARY8 meeting wasattendedbyformer oncotton,manmadefibre,artificial Das,AdditionalChief Secretary pected from the CMO forall NITI Aayogvice chairman Arvind fibre,mixedfabrics,etc.Economists (Industryand Mines) in the departmentstoexpeditesuch 2%oftarget:Underthethree Reasonsforlowresponseto Growth in AHEAD OF the Budget forFY22, a Panagariya, former ReserveBank emphasisedneedfordevelopment CMO, for“discussion”. approvals. The Chief Minister yeartenureofFAME-IIscheme FAME-IIscheme: 21%e-2W sales group of economists on Friday Deputy Governor Rakesh Mohan of acceleration of publicinvest- Oommen did notcomm- is expected to expediteap- —FY20-FY22—e-2Wsales ■ Minimumlocalisation in FY20 over previous asked PrimeMinisterNarendra and former Chief Economic ment in infrastructureand public entonthespecificsof thewish provalsatvarious stages for havebeenonly2percentofthe requirement fiscal, with 1.5 lakh Modi to rationalise direct and in- Adviser Arvind Virmani. goods projects, especially on con- list. “Weare gettingfull supp- proposalsof AMNS(I)forallot- targeted10lakhunitsalesason ■ Exclusionoflead-acidbased unitssold direct taxregimes, undertakefur- “Toreducetaxcompliancebur- struction heavy projectstocreate ortand cooperationfromthe mentof governmentlandand September30,2020halfway e-2W ther bank capitalisation,acceler- den on small entrepreneurs, both jobs.With3/4thof workforceback government of Gujarat.Sofar, transfer of forest department mark ■ Lackofconsumerawareness Year-on- ateprivatisation and boostpublic costofcompliance and the time in labour market, unemployment landacquisitionprocessisalso landsatthe earliest. aboutsubsidy 25%year fall in spending on infrastructureproj- theyspend on worrying about rate has risen recently. on the righttrack.Wedonot ■ Giventhe quantum of <1%:Shareofe-2Wsales ■ Lowacceptabilityledbylack high-speed e-2W sales ectstocreatejobs. these issues should be reducedby Even though the government see anyroadblock or anyma- theinvestment,thestateisex- withintotaltwo-wheelersales ofproductknowledge during first half or FY21 In the video conference, also simplifyingandrationalizingdirect has announcedaseries of meas- jor issue at the moment. We pected to provide subsidies inFY20 ■ After-salesserviceconcerns attended by Finance Minister andindirecttaxsystems,”Virmani ures and packages under arecoordinatingwiththegov- andspecialconcessionsunder NirmalaSitharaman,officialsfrom said. He said the Direct TaxCode Aatmanirbhar Bharat, it will need ernment agencies at the state the industrial policyand any Prime Minister’s Office, Finance with best practices should be to keep expendituremomentum and the Centre. Theyare fully other specialconcessions Why is it important: Demand and volumesofe-2Ws have seen very Ministryand NITI Aayog, econo- brought in. In GST, Virmani batted inFY22toboostconsumptionand awareofourplanfordevelop- available. lackadaisical growth in recent years, despite the Centre’sthrust on adoption of Source: Icra mists also askedfor measuresto forasinglerateregimewithnocess investmentdemandto revive eco- ment,”hetoldthenewspaper The companyalso sought electric vehiclesthrough the Faster Adoptionand Manufacturing of Electric Ratings/PTI bridgethe gapinpoverty allevia- onmorethan 75percentof items. nomic activity. FE in an emailed statement. condonation of non-compli- Vehicles in India (FAME-II) scheme tion programmes by implement- Das is yettorespond to anceorviolationby EssarSteel ingtechnologyforbettertargeting multiple phone calls, mes- of anyprescribedconditions Government of Rajasthan sages and emails. His office in land allotment orders with Commissionerate of Horticulture, said thatthe queries emailed relief to AMNS(I)asaspecial Office of the Chief Engineer (East) cum Addl. Secretary,C.A.D., Jaipur by TheIndianExpresswere for- case forany breachofsuch TCS net rises 7.2% Pant Krishi Bhawan, Jaipur-05 Tel. No. 0141-2227606; E-mail: [email protected] wardedto therelevantofficer. conditions under the Forest Phone 0141-2709487, Email:- [email protected] No.:- F-147/CE(E)CAD/T/NIT/2020-21/3779 dQ³ffaI :- 4.1.2021 No. F1()DH/PMKSY-MI/Reg./2020-21/3689 Dated: 01.01.2021 Thelistof“expectedcoop- Act,1980.AMNS(I)hasindem- E-TENDER NOTICE NO. 02/2020-21 Notice eration”fromthestategovern- nity from the pastcriminal li- ENSECONOMICBUREAU TCSdeclared an interim On behalf of Governor of Rajasthan E-Tenders are invited from “AA” Class category or Offers are invited for online registration from Micro Irrigation System Manufactures ment to “resolve certain diffi- abilities of Essar Steel. MUMBAI,JANUARY8 equivalent contactors/firms registered in CAD/Water Resources Department and State for installation/supply of BIS marked Drip/Sprinkler setstothe cultivators of dividend of `6 per share Government/Other State Government/Authorized organizations of Central Rajasthan under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana- Micro Irrigation for the year cultissues”facingtheplanned InDecember2019,theCe- Government/CPWD/Post and telegraph department/ Railway etc. for the Balance work of 2020-21 to 2022-23, It may be noted that this is not aGovernment purchase. Online investmentof Rs35,000crore ntreamendedthe IBC to ring- OVERCOMINGSEASONAL head- Revamping work of Palayatha Sub Branch &its minors off taking from KM 0.00 to applicationneeds to be performed at RajKisan Saathi Portal/ Application 12.30 KM, RMC Chambal, CAD Kota amounting to Rs. 2651.11Lac. The tender (http://rajkishan.rajasthan.gov.in). This application functionality will open from by AMNS(I) include: fence corporatedebtors from winds, Tata Consultancy Services ful momentum that helpedus documents&other details may be downloaded and uploaded from the following websites:- 11.01.2021 for the registration seeking firms. The details of terms and conditions are ■ Fixthe priceof72.62 criminal proceedings against (TCS), India’s largest softwareex- overcome seasonal headwinds 1 http/www.eproc.rajasthan.gov.in 2 www.dipronline.org available on the website (www.horticulture.rajasthan.gov.in)ofDepartment of hectares land pending with anyoffence committed prior porter, posteda7.2per cent in- and postone of our best perform- 3 http://www.sppp/raj.nic.in Sd/- (Ashim Markandey) Horticulture, Rajasthan. UBN:- CAD 2021 WLOB 00198 Chief Engineer (East) Cum Additional Sd/- the Collector at the ratesof to thecommencement of the creaseinnetprofitatRs8,701 crore ances in aDecember quarter.” DIPR/C/108/2021 Secretary C.A.D. Jaipur (Dr.OmPrakash) 2006 when the application insolvencyresolutionprocess. forthe quarterendedDecember Thesequentialgrowthwasled DIPR/C/149/2021 Commissioner Horticulture wasmovedbyEssarSteel. In the submission, 2020 as againstRs8,118 crorein by North America (3.3 per cent), Allocateanother 35 hectares AMNS(I)saiditsHaziraopera- the sameperiod ayear ago. On a India (18.1per cent), UK (4.5 per at 2008 rates. tionswere “steadilypickingup quarter-on-quarterbasis, the net cent)andContinentalEurope(2.5 V. O. CHIDAMBARANAR PORT TRUST ■Landallotmentordersto speed” following alull during profitroseby 3.2percentfromthe per cent). Other markets grew as CIVIL ENGINEERINGDEPARTMENT be made available within six April-May2020.Theproposed September quarter. well with Asia Pacific growing 2.6 Tuticorin –628 004. months of application. The Rs 35,000-croreinvestment Revenue increasedby5.4 per per cent, MEA 6.7 per cent, and forest departmentneedsto al- would enhance the current cent to Rs 42,015crore from Rs LatinAmerica3.1percent.“Weare No. E(C )57/19 /2020 –EST Dated: 08.01.2021 locateland identifiedfor the production capacity of 8.6 39,854 croreayear ago. entering the newyear on an opti- NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER CUM e-AUCTION No. EST –1/2020 –21 expansion projectlocated in MMTPAto18MMTPAintwo Rajesh Gopinathan, MD and mistic note ... our confidence rein- (only through e-Tendering mode) the vicinity of the plant on a phases, createjobs and “also CEO, said: “Growing demand for forced by the continuedstrength a) Name of Work Allotment of port land for 30 years lease prioritybasis. leadto thedevelopmentof the coretransformation services and in our order bookand deal period on upfront payment basis in ■ Waiver of the existing Haziraarea”, it claimed. strong revenue conversion from pipeline,”hesaid.TCSdeclaredan V.O.Chidambaranar Port for promoting port earlierdealshave drivenapower- interimdividendof Rs6pershare. related industries under Coastal Employment Unit (CEU). b) Period of Lease 30Years BRIEFLY c) Earnest Money Deposit EMD will be 10% of the Reserve Price per After tie-up reports, Hyundai says SQM for 30 years as mentioned in Table –I and Table –IIofAnnexure –“A” to be paid SBIconcession upto Rs.25,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five in early talks with Apple on EV Lakhs Only) through RTGS only in favour of onhomeloans V.O. Chidambaranar Port Trust and balance Mumbai: StateBank of India tomakers as well as Hyundai. throughBank Guarantee from any Nationalized bank /Scheduled bank as per the on Fridayannouncedanin- HEEKYONGYANG In aregulatoryfilingissued format prescribed in Annexure –“D” in favour terest concessionof up to 30 &HYUNJOOJIN later,the automaker said it was of FA&CAO, V.O. Chidambaranar Port Trust basis pointsonhome loans SEOUL,JANUARY8 “getting requests forcooperation payable at Tuticorin. (Bank A/c details given in anda100percentwaiveron on joint development of au- the document clause No.1.14 in Chapter-1). processing fees. The new HYUNDAIMOTOR Co said on tonomous electric vehicles from d) Downloading ofTender From 11-01-2021 to 10-02-2021 home loan interestrates are Fridayitwas in early talkswith various companies”, without document from website linkedto CIBILscoreandstart Apple, afterlocal media reported identifyingany of them. e) Pre-Bid Queries Tenderers may send queries in advance on or from 6.80 per cent forloans thefirmswere discussinganelec- Apple declinedtocomment. before 20-01-2021 upto 17:00 hours to e-mail upto Rs30lakhand6.95per tric car and batterytie-up,send- Apple, which aims to produce The iPhone maker is known to ID :[email protected] centfor loans above Rs 30 ingtheSouthKoreanautomaker’s apassenger vehicle as early as keep product plans under tight f) Pre-Bid Meeting Pre-bid meeting 22-01-2021 at 11:00 hrs lakh,abankreleasesaid. PTI sharessurging 25 per cent. 2024,refusedtocomment. File wraps. An Apple-brandedcar through video conference. The reportcomes weeksafter couldbeabigchallengetoelectric g) Last date &Time of 10.02.2021 at 15:00 Hrs. ReutersreportedApplewasmov- vehicle (EV) leaderTeslaInc. submission of tender Boeingtopay ing forwardwith self-driving car eratedby eitherHyundaioritsaf- Itremainsunclearwhowould online $2.5billion technologyandaimedtoproduce filiateKiaMotorsCorp.Thebroad- assemble suchacar,but analysts h) Opening of Technical 10.02.2021 at 15:30 Hrs. apassenger vehicle that could in- casterdidn’tcitesources. have said theyexpect the com- Bid online Date &Time Washington: Boeing will clude itsown breakthrough bat- “AppleandHyundaiareindis- panytorelyonamanufacturing i) Validity ofTender 180 Days pay$2.5 billion to settle a tery technology as early as 2024. cussion, but as it is early stage, partner. “Wecontinueto strongly The e-tender cum e-auction documents can either be downloaded from Port US Justice Department in- Earlier on Friday, Korea nothinghasbeendecided,”Hyun- believe Apple ultimatelyan- website www.vocport.gov.in and www.tenderwizard.com /VOCPT vestigation and admit that EconomicDailyTVsaidtheiPhone daisaidinastatement.Itdidn’tsay nounces an EV strategicpartner- employees misledregula- makerand Hyundai were in dis- what the talkswereabout and shipin2021thatlays theground- Sd/- tors about the safetyofits cussions to developself-driving omittedareference in an earlier work to enterthe burgeoningEV CHIEF ENGINEER & ESTATE OFFICER 737Max aircraft. AP electric vehicles by 2027and de- statement to Apple being in dis- space,” Wedbush analysts said in V.O. Chidambaranar Port Trust velopbatteriesat US factoriesop- cussions with other globalau- anote. REUTERS WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM


TOPOFTHE CONCERN IN WASHINGTON OVER WHAT THE PRESIDENT WILL DO NEXT WHO’s Swaminathan WORLD expressesconcern over PelosiasksUS’topgeneralabout SAfrican virus variant

ANURADHA restrictingTrump’smilitarypower MASCARENHAS PUNE,JANUARY8

UAEMinisterofState SeekstoensurePresidentcannot VIRUSES KEEP evolving but the forForeign Affairs South African variant of the AnwarGargash initiatehostilitiesororder anuclear novelcoronavirus does pose concerns,WHO chief scientist WHO chief scientist strikeinhis remaining days in office Dr Soumya Swaminathan said. Dr Soumya Swaminathan THE GULF “Preliminaryexperiments UAEtoreopen have shown thatmonoclonalan- REUTERS tibodies that were effective PFIZERSTUDYSAYS allentrypoints WASHINGTON,JANUARY8 againstSARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes Covid-19)are less ef- VACCINEWORKS withQatarafter HOUSE SPEAKER Nancy Pelosi fective againstthe South Africa AGAINSTVARIANT thawindispute spoketothe topUSmilitary variant,” Swaminathan said. commander on Fridayabout tak- The newcoronavirus variant NEW RESEARCHsuggests THEUNITEDArabEmirates ing precautions to ensurethat is driving asecond waveofinfec- thatPfizer’sCovid-19vaccine willreopen allits land, sea Republican President Donald tions in SouthAfrica. It has also can protect againstamuta- and air entrypointswith Trumpcannot initiatehostilities spreadto othercountriesinAfrica tionfoundintwohighlycon- Qatar starting Saturday, or order anuclearstrikeinhis re- Thesituationofthis and Europe, and concerns have tagiousvariantsofthecoron- statenews agencyWAMre- maining 12 days in office. unhingedPresidentcould been raisedabout howitwould avirus that erupted in Britain ported on Friday. Saudi Pelosisaid in aletterto respond to Covid-19 vaccines. and SouthAfrica. Pfizer Arabiaannouncedabreak- Democratic lawmakers that she notbemoredangerous, South Africa namedthe variant teamedwith researchers throughinendingadispute spoketoArmyGeneral Mark andwemustdoeverything 501Y.V2 because of the N501Y from the University of Texas between Gulf Arab states Milley, chairmanof theJointChiefs thatwecantoprotectthe mutation theyfoundinthe spike Medical BranchinGalveston and Qatar at asummit on of Staff, about what measures are Americanpeoplefromhis Aworkmanwalksthrough the Capitol’s Rotunda aftercleaning debris outside the office of protein that the virususes to gain forlaboratory tests to see if Tuesday, with itsforeign available to rein in theRepublican unbalancedassaultonour Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, on the dayafter amob stormed the US Congress. AP entryintocells within the body. themutationaffecteditsvac- ministersayingRiyadhand president.Trump,angryabouthis This mutationwasalsofoundina cine’sefficacy. Thestudy is itsallies would restoreall countryandour electionloss,incitedsupportersin democracy.” differentstrainof thevirusthatthe preliminaryand has notyet ties with Doha severedin the days before an invasion of the UK had notifiedthe WHO about beenreviewedbyexperts. AP mid-2017.SaudiArabia,the US Capitol on Wednesday. NANCY PELOSI US transport, education secys quit in December. UAE,BahrainandEgyptim- “Thesituation of this un- U.S. HOUSE SPEAKER Experts believe that the UK posedthe embargo on hinged Presidentcould notbe variantisnotlikelytoaffecttheef- suggested. Qatar over allegations that moredangerous,andwe mustdo in staff exodus after Capitol chaos ficacyof thevaccinescurrentlybe- According to Swaminathan, it supports terrorism. UAE everything thatwecan to protect ing the process of nuclear com- ing rolledout, but thereisuncer- the serum of persons who have MinisterofState forForeign theAmericanpeoplefromhisun- mand authority.” taintyregardingtheSouthAfrican been administeredCovid vac- Affairs AnwarGargash said balancedassault on our country AUSofficial, speaking on DAVIDSHEPARDSON, TOPAIDESWHOQUITAFTERWEDNESDAY variant. “The mutations in the cines arenow being tested in ArabstatesboycottingQatar andourdemocracy,”Pelosisaidin condition of anonymity,said that MATTSPETALNICK spikeprotein makethis South labs in the UK and South Africa could resume travel and alettertocolleagues. anyuse of nuclear weapons is a &STEVEHOLLAND African variant moreofaconcern to checkwhether the vaccines ■ BetsyDeVos ■ MatthewPottinger trade linkswith Doha WASHINGTON,JANUARY8 as it is less vulnerable to some an- areeffective againstthe South WhilePelosi’s letter highlights highlydeliberative process. EducationSecretary DeputyNSA withinaweek. REUTERS the concern among lawmakers Democratic President-elect tibodies,”anew study published African strain. FULLREPORTON ■ ElaineChao ■ JohnCostello about what Trumpmay trytodo Joe Biden takesoffice on Jan. 20. US TRANSPORTATION Secretary TransportationSecretary DyAssistantCommerceSecy in pre-print database bioRxivhas www.indianexpress.com during his remaining time in of- Trumpsaid earlier on Fridayhe Elaine Chao and Education ■ MickMulvaney ■ StephanieGrisham fice, thereare questions about would notattend the inaugura- SecretaryBetsy DeVos resigned IRAN SpecialenvoytoNorthern FirstLady’sChiefofStaff what Milleyoranyone could ac- tion, breaking withlong-stand- on Thursday,joining agrowing Ireland ■ RickieNiceta WHO: Amid short Revolutionary tuallydotostopaPresident from ing tradition in American presi- listofaides leaving President ■ TylerGoodspeed SocialSecretary using nuclear weapons. dential transitions. Donald Trump’s administration WhiteHouseCouncilof ■ SarahMatthews Guardsunveil “Thereisnolegal waytodo Pelosi, the topDemocrat in in protestatthe storming of the EconomicAdvisers DeputyPressSecretary this. The president has sole,un- Congress, also said she had not US Capitol by his supporters. supplies, vaccine doses underground fettered authority to order the heardbackfromVicePresident Chao, the wifeofSenate missilebase use of nuclear weapons with no MikePence about whether he Republican Leader Mitch aides were already heading for mal certification of DemocratJoe can be six weeks apart ‘second vote’ required,” said wouldagreeto topDemocrats’re- McConnell, said in an email to the door,making some of their Biden’s election victory. IRAN’SELITERevolutionary Jeffrey Lewis, aprofessor at the questthat he invoke the 25th staffthat the mob attack“has resignations symbolic gestures. The WhiteHouse did notre- Guards unveiledanunder- MiddleburyInstituteofAmendment to remove Trump deeplytroubledmeinaway that But the sudden exodus sug- spondtoarequestfor comment ground missile base at an International Studies at from office “for his incitement of Isimplycannotset aside.” She gestedrevulsionamongsomeover on the latest resignations. JAMEYKEATEN LONDONDECLARES undisclosedGulf location Monterey in California. insurrectionandthedangerhestill said her resignation will take ef- Trump’s encouragement of sup- Deputy national security ad- GENEVA,JANUARY8 onFriday, Iranianstate me- Milley’s office said that Pelosi poses.” Shesaid “westill hope to fect on Monday. porterswhobroughtviolentchaos viserMattPottinger,aleadingaide COVIDEMERGENCY dia reported,atatime of had initiatedthe call and Milley hear from him as soon as possible With less than twoweeksleft to theCapitolonWednesdayinan onTrump’sChinapolicy, alsoquit WORLD HEALTH Organisation London: Londondeclareda heightenedtension be- “answeredher questions regard- with apositive answer.” of Trump’s presidency,many ultimatelyfutilebidtopreventfor- abruptlyWednesday. REUTERS expertsonFridayissued recom- major incidentonFridaybe- tween Tehran and the mendationsthat the interval be- causeitshospitalswere atrisk United States. “The base is tween administrationoftwo of being overwhelmedbya one of severalbases hous- doses of the Pfizer-BioNTechvac- highlytransmissible variant ing the Guards’ Navy’s Policeman dies from injuries, security officials quit cine againstthe coronavirus can of thecoronavirusracing“out strategicmissiles,”thestate be extendedtouptosix weeks. of control” in the UK. London media quoted the head of people diedafter “medicalemer- WHO’s Strategic Advisory MayorSadiq Khan said: “We the Guards, Major General LISAMASCARO& Allegationsofdouble standards gencies” related to the breach. Group of Experts on immuniza- aredeclaringamajorincident Hossein Salami, as saying. MATTHEWDALY Sicknickhad returnedtohis tion, known as SAGE, formally becausethe threat this virus Lastyear,the Guardssaid WASHINGTON,JANUARY8 division office afterthe incident publisheditsadviceafterafullre- posestoour city is at crisis Iranhadbuiltunderground SEVERAL ACTIVISTS demonstrations. Police and collapsed,the statement view of that vaccine,whichisthe point.” REUTERS “missile cities” along the APOLICE officer has diedfrom and some lawmakers were,onanumber of said. He wastaken to alocal hos- firsttoget emergency approval Gulf coastline,warningofa injuries sustainedasPresident have pointedout that occasions lastyear,ac- pital wherehediedonThursday. fromtheUNhealthagencyto fight BRITAINAPPROVES “nightmarefor Iran’s ene- Donald Trump’s supporters the response by these- cusedofusing excessive TwoHouse Democratson the Covid-19 pandemic.Itsaid an mies”. REUTERS stormedthe Capitol, aviolent curity apparatustothe forceonpeaceful pro- committees overseeing the The Justice Department interval of 21 to 28 days between MODERNAVACCINE siegethat is forcing hardques- mob of mostly-whiteTrump testers, leading to allegations Capitol police budgetssaid those generallyassertsthat sitting the doses is recommended. London: The UK’s regulatory PAKISTAN tions about the defeated supporters stands in starkcon- that they were following differ- responsible needtobeheld to Presidentscannotbe But theUN health agencyalso authorityonFridayapproved Mainaccusedin President’s remaining days in of- trastwith howanti-racism ent standards in showing great answer forthe “senseless” death. chargedwith acrime notedthat “a numberofcountries athirdCovid-19vaccine for fice and the ability of the Capitol protesters were treated last restraint with Trumpsupport- US CapitolPoliceChief Steven face exceptional circumstances of use in the country,made by Hindutemple Police to securethe area. year during country-wide ers who stormedthe Capitol. Sund, under pressurefromcon- vaccine supplyconstraintscom- Moderna. However, supplies The US Capitol Police said in a gressional leaders,was forced to Justice Dept does binedwith ahigh disease bur- of the newjab arenot ex- vandalismheld statement that Officer Brian D. resign. SenateMajority Leader den,” and said some have been pectedtobeavailableuntilthe PAKISTANI POLICE on Sicknickwas injured “while edge forced the resignations of ing abroader reckoning over MitchMcConnell asked forand not ruleout considering delaying the admin- spring.The UK has pre-or- Fridayclaimedtohave physicallyengaging with pro- threetopCapitolsecurityofficials Trump’stenureinofficeandwhat receivedthe resignationofthe istration of asecond dose as away dered7milliondoses.Intrials, arrested themain testers” during the Wednesday overthefailuretostopthebreach. comes next foratorn nation. Sergeant at Armsofthe Senate, pursuing charges to broaden initial coverage. the Moderna vaccine offered accusedinthe riot. He is the fifthperson to die It ledlawmakers to demand are- One protester, awhite Michael Stenger,effective imme- The agency said this “prag- nearly 95 per cent protection vandalisation of aHindu because of the melee. viewofoperations and an FBI woman, wasshottodeath by diately. PaulIrving, the longtime against Trump matic approach” could beconsid- from severe Covid. PTI temple by amob ledby Therampagethathasshocked briefing over what theycalleda CapitolPolice, and therewere Sergeant at Armsofthe House, eredasaresponseto“exceptional members of aradical the worldand leftthe countryon “terroristattack”.Anditisprompt- dozens of arrests. Three other also resigned. AP over inciting riot epidemiologicalcircumstances.” Islamistparty in Khyber “WHO’s recommendation at data,” it said, adding:“Shouldad- Pakhtunkhwa province. present is that the interval be- ditionaldata becomeavailableon The main accused, KATIEBENNER tweendosesmaybeextendedup longer intervals between doses, identifiedasFaizullah, These are the rioters who stormedthe Capitol WASHINGTON,JANUARY8 to 42 days (6 weeks), on the basis revision of this recommendation wasarrestedfromKarak of currentlyavailable clinical trial will be considered.” AP district, Khyber Mob that rampaged Congress includedwhitesupremacists,conspiracy theorists THE US Justice Department said Pakhtunkhwa policechief on Thursdaythatitwould notrule Sanaullah Abbasisaid on thatTrumpwaselectedto save the out pursuing chargesagainst Friday. Abbasi said SABRINATAVERNISE& US from deep-statebureaucrats President Trumpfor hispossible Indonesian cleric Faizullah instigated the MATTHEWROSENBERG and prominent Democratswho role in inciting the mob that mob to attack the temple. WASHINGTON,JANUARY8 Trump worshipSatanandabusechildren. marched to the Capitol, over- Pakistan’s topcourthas supporters He waspictured sitting in whelmedofficers and stormed linked to bombings in ordered that the temple THERE WERE infamous white confront police Congress in aviking helmet and the building aday earlier. be reconstructed. PTI nationalists and notedconspir- insidethe furs. Angeli, who is knownasthe “Weare lookingatall actors, Bali freed from prison acy theorists who have spread Capitol building “Q Shaman,” has been afixturein notonlythe people who went SOUTH KOREA darkvisions of pedophile Wednesday. NYT thepro-TrumpprotestsinArizona intothe building,” Michael Satanists running the country. since the election. Sherwin, the US attorneyin NINIEKKARMINI CourttellsJapan Others were moreanonymous, Therewerealsoleadersfrom Washington, told reporters. JAKARTA,JANUARY8 tocompensate peoplewho had journeyedfrom tifiedhimself onlyasAaron.He activistfromArkansas who was the Proud Boys,afar-right group Sherwin wasasked whether Indiana and SouthCarolina to declinedtogivehis lastname, pictured sitting in SpeakerNancy whoseparticipantshaveespoused suchtargets would include AFIREBRANDclericwhoinspired ‘comfortwomen’ heedPresident Donald Trump’s saying, “I’m notthat dumb.” Pelosi’s office, men in tactical gear misogynistic and anti-immigrant Trump, who exhortedsupport- bombingsinBaliandotherattacks ASOUTH Korean courtfor call to showtheir support. One As the countrysifts through takingselfiesintheRotundaanda views,suchasNickOchs, afailed ersduring arallynear theWhite walked free from an Indonesian the firsttime on Fridayor- person, aWestVirginia law- the shards of what happenedin woman in the House chamber, Hawaiistatelegislaturecandidate House, telling them that they prisonFridayaftercompletinghis deredJapanto compensate maker,had onlybeen elected to WashingtononWednesday, what carrying aQAnon-inspired sign andmemberofacollective called could never“take backour coun- sentence forfundingthe training 12 women who were office in November. comes intofocus in the storming about children. “Murder the Media.” Chris Hood trywith weakness.” Propelledby of Islamic militants. Abu Bakar Bashir leavesina forced to work in its All of them converged of theCapitolisajumbledconstel- Some of those who had also and members of his National Trump’s baseless claims of elec- Police said theywill monitor vanafter hisrelease from wartimebrothels, aruling Wednesdayonthe grounds of lation of hard-core Trumpsup- surgedforward in the crowd SocialistClub, aneo-Nazi group, tion irregularities, the protesters the activities of Abu BakarBashir, prison in Bogor,WestJava, that drew arebukefrom the US Capitol, wherehundreds porters: alargely whitecrowd, seemedtoshowabewildered postedphotosonTelegram from had gathered to demonstrate who is 82 and ailing. His son said Indonesia, on Friday. AP Tokyoand threatenedto of rioters crashedthrough barri- manyofthem armedwith bats, wonder at what theyweresee- outsidetheCapitolonWednesday. againstCongress’s certification Bashir willavoid activities out- rekindle adiplomatic feud cades, climbed through win- shieldsandchemicalspray;some ing in front of them. Afew re- And the Three Percenters, afar- of Joe Biden’s Electoral College side his home due to thecoron- betweenthetwocountries. dows and walked through doors, carriedConfederateflags and markedonthe opulence of the right armedgroup, were seen victoryand movedontothe avirus pandemic. forhis linkstoamilitant training Remindersof Japan’s1910- wandering around the hallways wore costumesoffur andhorns Capitol building and offices, a gathered in Washington’s Capitol afterthe President’s rally. The slender,white-bearded camp in religiouslyconservative 45 colonial rule of the with asense of gleeful desecra- inspired by QAnon; theywere quality that seemedtoconfirm Freedom Plaza on Tuesdaynight, Sherwin said he stood by his Bashir,anIndonesian of Yemeni Aceh province. He wasconvicted Korean peninsula arecon- tion, because, forafew breath- mostlymen, but therewere their suspicions about the cor- mostwearinghelmetsandKevlar statement.“We’relooking at all descent, wasthe spiritual leader of fundingthemilitary-stylecamp tentiousforbothsides,with taking hours, theybelieved that women, too. ruption of Washington. vestsadornedwith the group’s actors,” he said. “If the evidence of the al-Qaida-linked Jemaah to trainIslamicmilitantsandsen- manysurviving “comfort theyhad displacedthe very Wednesday, theMetropolitan As authorities trytoidentify symbol, aRoman numeral three. fits the elementsofacrime, Islamiyah networkbehindthe tencedto15yearsinjail. women” —aJapaneseeu- elites theysaid theyhated. Policedetained68people,plusthe thoseinthemob,somewillbeless The mob came from the they’regoing to be charged.” 2002 bombings on the touristis- He receivedatotal of 55 phemism forthe sexabuse “Wewantedtoshowthese 14 pickedupbythe Capitol Police hardtopindownthanothers.The broader crowd, tens of thousands The Justice Department gen- land of Bali that killed202 peo- months of sentence reductions, victims —demanding politicians that it’s us who’s in during the unrest. Dozens more groupincludedsomewell-known of Trump’s mostloyal supporters. erallyassertsthatsittingPresidents ple, mostlyforeign tourists,in- whichare oftengrantedto prison- Tokyo’sformalapologyand charge,not them,” said acon- people were still being sought by figures from the conspiratorial Anumber of peopleinterviewed cannotbechargedwith acrime, cluding 88 Australians, leavinga ers on major holidays,said a compensation. REUTERS struction worker from federal authorities. Their number right, including JakeAngeli, who said theyhad neverbeen to but that protectioncovers Trump deep scar in thatcountry. spokesperson forthe Justice Indianapolis, who is 40 and iden- includeda60-year-old gun rights haspushedthefalseQAnonclaims Washington before. NYT foronly13moredays. NYT Bashirwasimprisonedin2011 Ministry. AP WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM THEINDIANEXPRESS,SATURDAY,JANUARY9,2021 SPORT 15 Shubmanthe‘realdeal’ 7nations,16tournaments,numerous tests: NewestGMLeon’s journey 21-year-old opener’s classy fiftyhas everyone raving about hisbatsmanship NIHALKOSHIE NEWDELHI,JANUARY8 SRIRAMVEERA JANUARY8 AFTERCRISS-CROSSINGseven European countries to play in 16 tournaments,under- HAS ONE seen amoreaestheticallypleasing going innumerable Covid-19tests,staying in Test opening pair than Shubman Gilland budget accomodation, dealing with the un- Rohit Sharma? It can be mulledreallylong predictability of changing travel restrictions without aconvincing answer.Aesthetics and curfews,14-year-old Leon Mendonca can’t, of course, be areason to pairuptwo became achessGrandmasterlastfortnight. gorgeous batsmen; runs, talent, and tem- From mid-March till now, Leon, with his perament will decide but it’s anice coat-peg father Lyndon in tow, have been on the road to kickstart conversations and it seems Gill in Europe chasing the covetedFIDE title in is going to trigger morethanafewchatsin the nightmarish pandemic. the days to come. On the morning of March 18,Leon and From ‘real deal, bro!’ to ‘lambi race ka Lyndon had rushedtothe Budapest airportto ghoda, bhai(one forthe longer run)!’ to flytoDelhi via Doha afteratournament the ‘Machi, seme sarakkuiruku(he has the previous day. Butairline stafftold them they goods)’ –the raveshavealready been flow- would notbeabletocomplete the final leg ing across the country. Wiser heads have of their flight before India closedborders just LeonMendonca, 14,withhis father Lyndon in Greece. pleadedfor less hype but suchsane emotions before the lockdown. feel likeakill-joyinthe hereand now. Theywerestuck in an apartment in Acrack of doom, the soundtrackfor ashot Budapestfor twomonths till Leon got alucky From mid-March till now, Leon, etition.Chess can also be approachedasan thatechoedatthe SCGtoasmatteringof break at achess festival nearby. He jumpedat artform. Therehavebeen chess players who maskedfansinparticular has made it to the the opportunity to play over-the-boardwhen with his father Lyndon in tow, have been musicians.Itgoes well together. worldofGIFs. Gillpunched aback-of-length almost everyone wasplaying in front of a have been on the road in Europe He would oftenget intotime trouble because ball from PatCummins on itshead, arasping screen. Leon wonwith around to spare. chasing the covetedFIDE title in of overthinking and trying to playwithout short-arm jab finished with no follow- The father-son duohad registeredwith mistakes,” Prasanna said. through. Thereissomething about acurtailed the Indian high commissioninBudapestfor the nightmarish pandemic. On his return home, he is lookingforward follow-through that thrills the cognoscenti – a‘VandeBharatMission’ flight back home. to seeinghiseldersisterBeverly,againstwhom Tendulkar’s on-the-up punchthat would ric- The Hungarian capital wasnot on the prior- hefirststartedplayingchess,andmotherAnita ochetonimpact, ZaheerAbbas’scheck-drives, ity listofrepatriation flights, so the wait kept tial plan. “I carriedaninductionstove,rice who is adoctor at the Goa Medical College. Damien Martyn’s inside-out coverdrive… prolonged.Fortuitously, tournaments were cooker,pressurecooker and all sorts of pots “MysisterBeverly inspiredmeandIfirstplayed this shotfromGill, and his short-arm pull can returning to theSchengenregion. and pans,” Lyndon said. Dal, rice, rajma, againsther.Myonlyambition wastooutbeat alsomakeittothat list. The teenager and his father decidedto soups,pasta and pizzahas been the staple her in all her endeavours.” Childhoodnostalgiatoo seepedintosome aim forthree Norms neededtobecome a during these months. “Thereisthe costfac- The Mendoncas have ‘scrounged’and of his shots.Atone point, Gill suddenlyarched Grandmaster. torand also it is about health(diet) and hy- dippeddeep intotheir savings to make Leon back to ashortish ball from Cumminstoup- Shubman Gill batted likehebelonged in Test cricket. AP The firsttwo were earned withinthree giene. Right nowinthe apartment in Italy India's 67th Grandmaster. per-cut it up and over the slip cordon.When weeksofeachother by mid-November.On thereisanoven. So Iamable to makebakes DespitesupportfromGeno and he wasaboy,his father wouldhavehis December 30, he finishedsecond at Italy's whichheloves,” the father said. Microsense, theystucktolow-costaccomo- farmhands bounce at him at his village. “Once At one point, Gill suddenly while, his sisterwouldtaunt, “Ab tohteresey Vergani Cup in Bassano del Grappa, to win dation and didn't wasteapenny. However, Violin-chess connect theyrealisedIwasn’t gettingout, theywould arched backtoashortish ball sau bhi nahi ban rahen!” (You arenot even his thirdand final norm. therewereunexpected expenses. bounce at me alot!And Ideveloped the up- abletohit hundredsnow). Until couple of “The firstthing Idid wasplayinthe Because of lugging along all the utensils, “Right from June and July we have been per-cut thereasIdidn’t have the strength as from Cummins to upper-cut it years ago, he couldn’t even remember a snow,”Leon says.Playing chess while taking some things had to be leftbehind, likeLeon's doing nothing but tests. Theworstone (most aboy to pull,” he told this newspaper couple up and over the slip cordon. phase wherehefailedinthree innings in a Covid-19-related precautionswas fraught. violin. Appearing forthe Grade-5 test at expensive)was in Spain wheretheycharged of years ago, when he mentionedthat he al- row. As theastonishment sunk in,and one Wearing amask resulted in the bespectacled Trinity Collegewas put on the backburner. us 145euros eachfor aPCR. This wasinSitges lows himselfachuckleatthe childhood When he wasaboy, his father squeaked out concernabout howhewould youngster's glasses fogging up when sitting He also had to find newwaystounwind be- in the Barcelonaregion when he travelledfor memorywheneverheplays that shot. would have his farmhands handle it when it comes, Gill smiled, “Socha across the board. tween playing. atournament. At some tournaments we Who would have thought that faraway bounce at him at his village. nahin (Not thought about it)! Iwouldhan- “Going through so manyPCR testsand “I could notplaythe violin, so Icompen- were fortunatebecausetheyasked foran Sydneycan trigger nostalgia in aboy who dle it then!” staying away from home forsolong has been sated by listening to alot of westernclassical antigen test,” Lyndon said. grew up in avillageinPunjab and is barely AbhishekNayar,his friendand coachat challenging,” the youngstersaid. Hungary, on my laptop. It (playing the violin) is aform out of his teens? Or aboy who usedtodevour see what Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma and KolkataKnight Riders in the Indian Premier Serbia, Greece,Italy,Slovakia, Germany, of relaxation and de-stressing afteralong ‘Nothing shortofamiracle’ Domino’sPizza (“Pizza mania something”) Cheteshwar Pujaradid at his age. “Especially League, vouches that he has rarely seen atal- CzechRepublicand Spain were coveredby and strenuous game,” Leon said. Lookingback, Lyndon, says the year has before everyage-group matchwith friend Kohli! Yaar,Virat Kohli jab 16 yearstha, tohkya ented youngsterwho is so sortedmentally. rail, with Budapestbeing the base campsince Beingmusicallyinclinedalso helped Leon been nothing shortofamiracle. Abhishek Sharmawill one daybedining on kartatha? Howmanyruns he usedtomake? “He is awarethatheisgoodand that comes March. become moreinstinctive on the board, his “Therewas no question of planningbe- snarlingAussie bowlers? Iwould open up his record and check!” And from confidence and hardwork. He also Havinghis father Lyndon to take care of coachVishnu Prasanna said. The coach, who cause things changed notbythe dayorhour, It’ssomejourneyfor aboy of routine who whatdid he find?“Achcha itna… inseytoh knows that the game is bigger than him. He everything -- from booking train tickets, stays in Chennai,and his ward have been but by thesecond. So therewas unpre- couldn’t find Domino’s in the 2018 U-19 hamarajyaada hai yaar! Matlab sahi ja raha is notsomeone who requires advice around cheap Air bnbs, cooking all meals,checking video-calling eachother. dictability.Evenifwethought of planning to WorldCup in NewZealand and settledfor an hai!” (Ah, Ihavemoreruns than him. It means mental aspects.” pandemic restrictions foreachcity -- made “He plays the violin whichmakes chess go foratournament, we did notknowifthey aural-treat instead, listening to Star Boy by The it’s going well!)” and he brokeinalovelyam- When he wasfive, the price of his wicket, the European stay easier.“Ijustfocus on my morecreative forhim. Instead of sloggingit were going to have thetournament or not Weeknd duringevery bus journeytothe bition-tinged laughter of innocence. laid down by his father to anyone who chess, while he takescareofeverything," out, Itold him to come up with spontaneous because other players also have to travel. grounds. scalpedhim, was100 rupees. The bounty Leon said. ideas. Youhavetoprepareobviously. Ien- Everyone had to test negative.Wehaveal- Forafew years, notthat longback, Gill Amazing consistency kept increasingasheaged, andthe reaction Lyndon, amarine engineer nowonasab- couraged him to bemoreintuitive.Likethey ways gone through that risk of uncertainty. would religiouslycheckthe website Neither Gill nor his familyknowhis crick- of the Aussies at his dismissal suggestedit’s batical (unpaidbreak), wasfully-prepared, sayinmusic, youhavetoplaywith the feel. We would go to the station, book atrain Cricketarchive, ahaven forcrickettragics,to eting failures. If he hasn’t hit ahundred in a nowpriceless. though the extendedstaywas notinthe ini- Same in chess too. He hated mechanical rep- ticketand justgo. God has been kind to us.”


ARIES(Mar 21 -Apr 20) LIBRA (Sept24-Oct 23) If youare to broaden One wayoranother, your supportor you'll soon have to extend your put the collective horizons over the good before private coming months,you'dbetter interest. It's afine time for startnow.Try arousing everyone who is workingto emotionalsympathy, but makethe worldabetterplace, withoutinany wayslipping or is otherwisedabbling in a intoself-pity.Otherpeople are charitable enterprise. hardlylikelytosupportyou if Your reputationfor honesty theydon't thinkyou're will do yougood in the concernedabout them. long run. TAURUS (Apr 21 -May 21) SCORPIO (Oct24-Nov22) It's bound to be a It'sanidealday for little longer before traditional youfully recover occupations, CALVIN &HOBBES by Bill Watterson from lastyear's perhapsbecausethe minorsetbacks. In part,that's a future seems to be so tributetothe powerofyour dangerous. It's also adeeply memory. Today's lunar position significantmoment forfamily offers travel as an escaperoute, relationships, withindications but also advisesyou to check thatthings maynever be quite out the ethical implications: the same again. Make sure that ACROSS DOWN youwant to do the right thing. they're better. 1. Bestpartofacollection of horse 1 Girlinglasses (4) GEMINI(May22-June 21) SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 -Dec 22) nails(5,5) 2 Militarycommand to requisition TheSun and There'll be aminor 6 The money’s right as well (4) weapons (5,4) Mercurycommand clash of interests 10 Unfortunatelythe lady’s upset 3 Penhas the Frenchway of youtosticktohard between homeand (5) writing (5) work today-and work,orprivate ties 11Nogoodatallforuseinariot(9) 4 Theytakethe blowand shakein 12 Youdowhatyou likewith it panic (7) that's an order. Yet, other and public ambitions. In actual (4,4) 5 Lots maybeheld in them (7) planets give completely fact,any difficulties may 13 The very bottom of abroken 7Audiblypermitted (5) contradictory advice,and if be in your imagination. You drain (5) 8 Sweets I’d served up in a you're determinedtoenjoy maycontinue to juggle 15 Variety of redrose seen in grievous condition(10) yourselfthenyou should aim all your commitmentsand church (7) 9 Awing consisting of tenparts (8) forimaginativepursuits, notto keep all balls in the airatthe 17 Record-holders (7) 14 Firstrace Iorganise for mentionthose whichcould sametime. 19 Demandsits sins be found out craftsmen (10) bring in extracash. (7) 16 Give an account of French MARVIN by Tom Armstrong CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20) 21 The case of the diplomat’s aide writer(8) CANCER (June 22 -July23) Family members are (7) 18 Eve’s vicar is upsetwhen the Theart of certainly going to be 22 Fall intopartofthe main order’s changed (4,5) compromisedoesn't stuck fast unless current (5) 20 Servile as EastEuropeans? alwayscome they turn to you for 24 Abit over-developedand notat (7) naturally, whichis help, advice and assistance. all successful (8) 21 One moremetamorphosis on whyyou maynow have aslight But then they may have 27 Found to be less habit-forming earth (7) difficulty fitting in withothers' trouble pinning you down. By (9) 23 She’s out in ayacht (5) plans. However, fitinyou must. all accounts your solar 28 Theremay be afew (5) 25 Everything unqualified Also, be prepared to spend to chart is in a peculiarly 29 Young leader in wild setmakes (5) supportyour romantic dreams. restless, adventurous and painful sight (4) 26 Present her with akey 30 Break away from the craft(5,5) (4) Idon't mean that youshould imaginative phase. wasteyour cash,justutilise whateverisnecessary. AQUARIUS(Jan 21 -Feb 19) SolutionCrossword4322Across:1Ordeals,5Elbow,8Sugarbeet,9Rod, Youmay as well 10Trap,12Adhesion,14Regain,15Strand,17Sunshade,18Pets,21Ski,22Cigarette, 24Sharp,25Overall.Down:1Onset,2Dog,3Airs,4Steady,5Entreaty,6Barricade,7 LEO (July24-Aug 23) forget your Widened,11Argentina,13Nightcap,14Resists,16Adagio,19Swell,20Free,23Tea. The Sun and Jupiter responsibilities and combine to stimulate have fun -but onlyif the extravagant youhaveateam of servants regions of your and stafftomakesurethat horoscope. Thisisawonderful practical mattersare well taken aspect forthoseofyou who careof. As youcan see, it's a JUMBLEDWORDS DifficultyLevel5s imagine that moneygrows on complicated moment. No Instructions trees.The rest of you, take care. If matter what your individual Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, Mars and Neptune mean predilections,don't letothers anything, then it's that you're hold youbackwithout therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 4346 theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe likelytolose control. Don't. good cause. Creativityisallowingyourselfto___mistakes.Artisknowingwhichonesto__-ScottAdams nineverticalcolumns,in VIRGO (Aug 24 -Sept23) PISCES(Feb20-Mar 20) (4,..,4) eachoftheninehorizontal Foronce, youmay surrender You're very free with REDYE AACDMP 4347 rowsandineachofthe yourself to total your ideas, but not nineboxes. enthusiasm and give always with your

SUDOKU yourself over feelings or plans. wholeheartedlytoa Partnerswho imagine you're LMYAE ACHUKK specialventure. If there's a being very straightforward and DifficultyLevel choicebetween over- openmay therefore be

SUDOKU 1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; committingyourselforgoing profoundlymistaken! At the 3s=Medium;4s=Hard; without, youmay go forthe very leastyou should makea

5s=VeryHard;6s= firstoption. Youcan sort out point of beinghonest ams Ad tt co -S ep

ke the details later. withyourself. to ones ch whi ing ow kn is Art s. ke ta mis e mak to lf ourse gy win lo al is ty vi ati re :C er sw An Genius


A UKK CH P, CA MAD Y, AL ME Y, REED SOLUTION: WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 16 SPORT THEINDIANEXPRESS,SATURDAY,JANUARY9,2021 Golden arm stops run machine Jadeja’s (4/62)brilliant run-outofSteve Smith(131) ahighlightduring high-quality dayofTestcricket SCORECARD farfromacracking-up, dust-spewing Jadeja- thatheseemedtohaveasymbiotic bond AUSTRALIA VS INDIA SANDIPG kind of asurface,the sortofwicket on which with the gaps. Butthe newball accounted SYDNEY CRICKET GROUND JANUARY8 he couldbeawild destructive forceofna- forCameron Green and TimPaine, both com- Toss: Australia, chose to bat ture. It wasone where his guiles rather than fortablyset up by Jasprit Bumrah. The usual AUSTRALIA (OVERNIGHT 166/2) AT THEgrand old SydneyCricketGround, a explosiveness mattered. double-bluffofpeppering them with short- MLabuschagnecRahanebJadeja classical dayofTestcricket playedout. Steve Jadejasmartlyassessed the natureofthe of-length balls before slippingafuller, in- 91(196b,11x4) Smith producedagreatness-affirming hun- pitch. It wasprobably where he had to revert ward-bending delivery reapedrewards. SSmithrunout(Jadeja) 131(226b,16x4) dred foragestokeep Australia alive,Ravindra to paceand changeofpace,flight and lackof Unflustered, Smith producedhis best MWadecBumrahbJadeja 13(16b,2x4) Jadeja ascertainedhis all-round value with flight, good lengthand changeoflength. The stroke of the day, whenhestood up tall and CGreenlbwbBumrah 0(21b) afour-wickethauland adevilish directhit to odd ball did kinkand kickoff thesurface, but punchedBumrah through the covers offthe TPaine(c)†bBumrah 1(10b) keep India afloat, Shubman Gill strokeda one couldn’t expect that on aconsistent basis. backfoot. Navdeep Saini wasthenwhip- PCumminsbJadeja 0(13b) graceful half-century, andPat Cummins Thus, his wickets owedmoretosharpness of driventhrough midwicket. At the other end, MStarc cGillbSaini 24(30b,2x4,1x6) bowled robustlytoend asee-sawing dayon mindthan tweaksand twerks of his fingers. PatCummins wasblocking assuredly.Atthat NLyonlbwbJadeja 0(3b) an even keel, with India progressing to 96/2 The left-armspinner struckatuncannymo- precise moment, when it seemedthat the JHazlewoodnotout1(6b) afterAustralia posted338. mentstoo. Labuschagnewas batting freely, pair wasdealing with the newball-armed ■ Extras (b4nb5w1) 10 But forSmith’scaptivating knock, nearing acentury, and the 70-over-old ball pacersefficiently, Rahane re-draftedJadeja, ■ Total(105.4overs) 338 Australia would have faltered;but forJadeja’s wasjustalumpofleatherwhen Jadeja sucked who proved that maybeheshould be trusted ■FoW:1-6(DavidWarner,3.3ov),2-106(Will 4/62 on asluggish surface, India would have him intoaplaying afatal cut shot. He pushed moreoften to wipe offthe tail. He bowled Pucovski,34.2ov),3-206(MarnusLabuschagne, fumbled. Their direct combat barelythrew the batsmanintohis comfortzone,whichis Cummins withafloateddeliverythat dipped 70.5ov),4-232(MatthewWade,76.5ov),5-249 up excitement —Smith dealthim with rou- playing offthe backfoot, before bowling abit and snuckthrough beneath the bat. Afull, (CameronGreen,84.5ov),6-255(TimPaine,88.5 tine assuredness—buthow theylefttheir Jadeja raninfromdeep square-legand hit the stumps withaone-handedpickup fuller. Theballwas short,but notquiteshort fast ball cannonedintoNathan Lyon’s toeand ov),7-278(PatCummins,94.4ov),8-310(Mitchell individual stamponthe game wasthe day’s throw RavindraJadeja raninfromdeep square-leg and hit thestumps with aone- forLabuschagne to cut behind point, as he he wasadjudged LBW. Starc,101.5ov),9-315(NathanLyon,102.4ov),10- movingnarrative.Itwas akin to amovie with handedpickupthrow to run out SteveSmith on DayTwo. Reutersto run out Steve had done earlier in the same over.The edge Forthe secondtimeinthe game, Jadeja 338(StevenSmith,105.4ov) parallel heroes connected by the same plot. Smith on DayTwo. Reuters flewtoAjinkyaRahane at slip. had stampedhis match-swayingquality.But ■Bowling: Smith would remember this knockwith The wicketprecipitated acollapse. Six Smith intervened.Pasthis hundred,with a JBumrah:25.4-7-66-2;MdSiraj:25-4-67-1, fondness, notbecause it washis mostdiffi- overs later,the impetuous MatthewWade thud offhis toes, he unpackedhis full range RAshwin: 24-1-74-0,NSaini:13-0-65-2, cult or sparkling one, but because of his re- terattacked, whenhehad to shiftgears,when Australian batsmen. Ricky Ponting had perishedattempting to chip Jadeja over mid- of strokes. He slog-sweptJadejapastdeep RJadeja18-3-62-4 centslumpinform. But he clarifiedtothe he had to grit out, grind down and guide the MatthewHayden and Michael Clarke,Clarke wicket. Wade had juststraight-driven him square-leg, ramped Bumrah-of all people - INDIA: 96 /2 broadcasters in achat duringthe break: lowerorder,but he donnedeachrole with had MikeHusseyand Smith himself. foraboundary, before he swepthim firmly before swatting him likehewould apesky RSharmac&bHazlewood 26(77b,3x4,1x6) “Being out of runs is notthe same as being consummateperfection. But Smith, often, has justSteve Smith forabrace. But Jadeja senseditwas amatter beethrough midwicket.Adouble-handed SGillcGreenbCummins50 (101b,8x4) out of form.” He, clearly,isjudged by his own As if he has everything hard-wired in his himself.For long David Warner wasatrusted of time before theleft-hander steppedout - forehand to be precise. CPujarabatting 9(53b) lofty standards,and hence the run of 14 in- processor.Throughout the innings, Smith ally, but he wasfound lacking on the last likehehad to Ravichandran Ashwin in But it wasimperative that one of the par- ARahane(c)batting 5(40b) nings without ahundredwas enough to raise wascomposed, methodical and self-aware Ashes tour and is still not100per cent on his -and flung aflatter,fasterone at allel heroes diedatthe other’shand. And ■ Extras (nb1w5) 6 doomsdayalarms. Rubbish, his bat seemed with the bristling confidence of abatsman return from injury; Marnus Labuschagneis him, that wasmiscued. Justbeforethe new thus, withadead-eye throwfromthe deep — ■ Total(45overs) 96/2 to announce with everysplendid stroke that at the peakofhis powers. His innings was growing in stature, but has notyet fully ball wasdue, Australia self-destructed. running,gathering andthrowing in one fluid ■FoW:1-70(RohitSharma,26.6ov),2-85 gushedfromhis bat. It wasaflawless, in- notathingofbeauty —but amasterful dis- ripened. Thus, Smith finds himself thrustinto Soon, Smith grew moreurgent. Nowhad motion, asingle-sequence shot —Jadeja (ShubmanGill,32.1ov) scrutable exhibition of batting. play on aday whennoother batsman hinted the boy-on-the-burning-deckrole, moreof- arrivedthe time to take calculated risks, for endedaglorious hundredbythe modern- ■Bowling: Not at anymicro-point of his 132-run stay at permanency.What sets Smithapartfrom tenthan not. supportatthe other end wasdwindling. He daybatting colossus. And foryears to come, MStarc:7-4-19-0,JHazlewood10-5-23-1,P at his home ground did Smith betray anyhint the heydaybatting heroes of Australia is the As he had witnessedsomanytimes in the grew moreexpansive.Ashwin wasswept be- whenevermemories of this matchare Cummins12-6-19-1,NLyon16-7-35-0 of labour.There were times when he wore team’s over-reliance on him.Not in this cen- lastAshes, Smith sawhis colleagues floun- hindsquare; Jadeja pummelledeitherside dustedup, Smithand Jadeja would be at the caution and shackledhimself, when he coun- turycouldone think of aweaker group of der around him, to the witsofJadeja. It was of the pointfielder. So efficient wasSmith different endsofthe sameconversation. How Smith foiled Siraj’s plans to trap himinfront


IN 136innings, only20times has SteveSmith been trappedleg before wicket, though his early shuffle conveys an impression that he is asure-shotLBW candidatetoballs bending backintohis pads. But that didn’t stop MohammedSiraj from layingand persisting with an LBWtrapwith the second new ball. He wasalmostrewarded. So farinthe series, Indian bowlers have looked to bowl at Smith’s body, the outside-the-off-stump trajectorywas oftenaplan to quietenhim. But as soon as the second newballwas taken, Siraj began to operateinthe fifth-stumpchannel at good length. MohammedSiraj made theball swing back The ball would move away or hold itsline after intoSmith aftermaking it move away or hold pitching. Smith would justkeepleaving, as Siraj kept itsline, but the batsman wasuptothe task. AP getting his line closer to thestumps. Smith, the mas- terbatsman thatheis, read the trap perfectly. The moment Siraj changed his line to the stumps, he even latemovement.One ball creptalong the car- would work theballawaytothe legside, the wrists pet, but that landedonaspotinthe fifth-stumpline. whirring away.Smithisnot someone who falls over Therewerenoundue worries. But that didn’t dis- when playing on the legside though his movements suadeSiraj.Hewas almost takenout of the attack, concede suchanimpression. Afalse im- before he pleaded with his captain for pression rather. one moreover. AjinkyaRahane obliged, But Siraj wasundeterred.After the and with the firstball of his fresh over, lunchbreak,heresumedhis plan but Siraj almostnailedSmith. withminor tweaks. He bowled closer This onewas faster,fuller andswung to the off-stumpand slightly fuller, belatedly to hit his backthigh. Siraj im- inviting Smith to push or drive. mediatelyappealed, but the umpirere- He made one swing backintothe maineddisinterested. He implored batsman, but the Australian managed Rahane to review, but the latter wisely an inside edge ontohis pads.Two overs turnedhim down. Later,the replay thus rolledby, Siraj laying an elaboratetrapand showedthe ball would have flowncomfortablyover Smith foiling it without muchfuss. So far, therehad thestumps, besideshitting thebatsman justoutside been no signs of exaggerated inward movement, or theline of the off-stump. Can’t be certain of Olympic Games: IOC member

tors and health careworkers should be firstinline STEPHENWADE foravaccine, ahead of healthy,young athletes. TOKYO,JANUARY8 “Athletesare important role models, and by taking the vaccine theycan send apowerful messagethat ASENIOR member of the International Olympic vaccination is notonlyabout personal health, but Committee has said he “can’t be certain” the post- also about solidarity and consideration forthe well ponedTokyoOlympics will open in justoversix being of others in their communities,” Pound said. months because of the surging pandemic in Japan Poundwent further in aseparateinterviewwith and elsewhere. The commentsbyCanadian IOC BritishbroadcasterSky News.Hesaid giving ath- member RichardPound to British broadcasterthe letespriority might be “the mostrealisticway of go- BBC came as Japanese Prime MinisterYoshihide ing ahead.” Sugadeclared astate of emergency on Thursdayfor “In Canada wherewemight have 300or400 Tokyoand surrounding prefectures. athletes—totake300 or 400vaccines outofsev- “I can’t be certain because the ongoing elephant eral millioninorder to have Canada represented at in the room would be thesurgesinthe virus,“ Pound international even of this stature, character and level said speaking about the futureofthe TokyoGames. —Idon’t thinktherewould be anykind of public Japan’semergency order,whichislargely vol- outcryabout that,”he said. untary, will be in forceuntil the firstweek of Reportssuggestthatthe vaccine rolloutinJapan February. Tokyoreportedarecordof2,447 new is likelytobeslowedbythe needfor localclinicaltri- cases on Thursday, a50% increase from the previ- als. Some vaccines might notbereadilyavailable un- ous day—whichwas also arecordday.Japan has til May, although Sugasaid some would be readyin attributed over 3,500deaths to COVID-19, relatively February. The Japanese public is becoming skepti- lowfor acountryof126 million. cal.Apoll of 1,200people lastmonth by national It’scrunchtime forTokyo. Organizers saythe broadcaster NHK showed63% favoredanother post- Olympics will take place, but they arenot expected ponement or cancellation. The IOC has said the to reveal concreteplans until spring. That’s about Olympics, firstdelayedbythe coronaviruspandemic the same time the torchrelaybegins on March 25 in 2020,willnot be postponedagain and would be with10,000 runnerscrisscrossingthe countryfor canceledthis time. The budget forthe Tokyo four months leading to the openingceremonyon Olympics is also soaring. The newofficialbudget is July23. Pound also hinted athletes should be ahigh $15.4billion, whichis$2.8 billion above the previ- priorityfor avaccine because theyserve as “role ous budget.The newcosts arefromthe delay. models.” Pound’s commentsseemtocontradictIOC Severalauditsbythe Japanesegovernmenthave President Thomas Bach. said the costs areclosertoatleast$25 billion. The Bachsaid in avisit to TokyoinNovember that University of Oxfordinastudy publishedfour athletesshould be encouraged to getavaccine, but months agosaid these arethe mostexpensive would notberequired to.Healso indicated they SummerOlympicsonrecord.This wasbeforethe should notbeapriority.Bachsaid that nurses, doc- costofthe delaywas added. AP

Vol. LXV No.8Printed forthe proprietors, The Indian Express (P) Ltd by Ms Vaidehi Thakar at The Indian Express Press, PlotNo. EL-208, TTCIndustrial Area, Mahape, Navi Mumbai -400710and publishedfromMafatlal Centre,7th Floor, Ramnath Goenka Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai, 400021.Editorial &Administrative Offices: Mafatlal Centre, 7th Floor,Ramnath Goenka Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai, 400021.Phone: 22022627/67440000.Fax: 022-22835726. Chairman of the Board: Viveck Goenka, Chief Editor:Raj Kamal Jha, Editor:Unni Rajen Shanker,Editor (Mumbai): Nirupama Subramanian.* (*Responsible forselection of News under the PRB Act) Additional air surcharge of `1 .00-Goa. Copyright:The Indian Express (P) Ltd. All rightsreserved.Reproduction in anymanner,electronic or otherwise,inwhole or in part, without prior written permission is prohibited.The Indian Express ®