Public Document Pack Friday, 18 January 2008 MEETING OF TOWN PLANNING COMMITTEE Dear Councillor The above-named Committee will meet in the Council Chamber, 3rd Floor, Adelaide Exchange on Thursday, 24th January, 2008 at 4.30 pm, for the transaction of the business noted below. You are requested to attend. Yours faithfully PETER McNANEY Chief Executive AGENDA: Routine Matters a Apologies b Minutes (Pages 1 - 6) Minutes of the meeting of 10 th January, 2008 2 Routine Correspondence (Page 7) 3 Requests for Deputations 4 Applications Approved under Delegated Authority at Previous Meeting (Pages 8 - 53) 5 New Applications (Pages 54 - 61) 6 Schedule of Applications a Applications Deferred from Previous Meeting (Pages 62 - 64) b Applications for Planning Permission (Pages 65 - 101) c Applications still under consideration (Pages 102 - 116) Page 1 Agenda Item 1b G 103 Town Planning Committee Thursday, 10th January, 2008 MEETING OF TOWN PLANNING COMMITTEE Members present: Councillor Lavery (Chairman); the Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Kelly); and Councillors Cobain, Empey, Hendron, Maginness, McCarthy, Moore, O’Neill, Patterson, Rodway, Smyth and Wilson. In attendance: Mr. R. Boyd, Members’ Support Officer; Mr. J. Heaney, Committee Administrator; and Mr. P. Montgomery ) Divisional Mr. J. King ) Planning Office. Apologies Apologies for inability to attend were reported from Councillors Long, C. Maskey and McClenaghan. Minutes The minutes of the meeting of the 6th December were taken as read and signed as correct. It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 7th January, subject to the omission of the matters in respect of which the Council had delegated its powers to the Committee. Routine Correspondence It was reported that correspondence had been received from various statutory bodies in connection with the undernoted items: Notification from the Roads Service of the making of an Abandonment Order in relation to Devonshire Way. Notification from the Roads Service of its intention to make an Abandonment Order in respect of lands at Portmore Hill. Notification from the Roads Service of its intention to create disabled parking bays at 19 Hillsborough Parade and 69 Glencairn Crescent. Notification of the removal of parking bays at 14 Sefton Park, 20 Redcar Street and 76 Tildarg Street. Notification of the introduction of traffic calming schemes at the Ballymagarry Lane area and Coolnasilla Park area. A copy of the Road Service’s Traffic and Travel Information Journal 2006. Page 2 G Town Planning Committee, 104 Thursday, 10th January, 2008 Copies of the Orders, letters and maps relating to the above matters were displayed at the meeting for the information of the Members. The Committee noted the information provided. Request for Deputations The Committee was informed that no requests for deputations had been received. Revenue Estimates 2008/2009 (Mr. T. Salmon, Director of Corporate Services, attended in connection with this Item.) The Director of Corporate Services informed the Committee that the estimated total of all Council expenditure, based on the draft estimates which had been prepared by the Chief Officers, had been considered by the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee at its meeting on 8th January. He reminded the Members that, in previous years, it had been necessary to make funds available to enable the Committee to engage consultants or obtain legal advice in connection with the preparation of submissions to public enquiries. The Director reported that provision for such eventualities had been included in the total estimates for the Committee in the sum of £31,400. Accordingly, it was Resolved - That the estimate of revenue expenditure as submitted for the Town Planning Committee for the year 2008/2009 be approved. THE COMMITTEE DEALT WITH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS IN PURSUANCE OF THE POWERS DELEGATED TO IT BY THE COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING ON 1st NOVEMBER, 1973. Planning Applications Revised Opinion The Committee considered the undernoted planning application in respect of which the Divisional Planning Manager had issued a revised opinion. Site and Applicant Description Divisional Planning Manager’s Opinion 2a Arizona Street, Change of use from Permission Mr. M. Smith commercial building to residential dwelling Page 3 Town Planning Committee, G Thursday, 10th January, 2008 105 Reconsidered Items The Committee considered further the undernoted planning applications and after discussion, agreed with the Divisional Planning Manager’s opinion thereon: Site and Applicant Description Divisional Planning Manager’s Opinion 5 Cadogan Street, Two-storey extension Permission Mr. J. White to rear of existing house in multiple occupation 67-75 Victoria Road, Proposed change of Permission Victoria Estates use of dwelling to two (Northern Ireland) apartment units Limited (retaining existing facades) and construction of forty-two new build apartments. 53 Sandhurst Gardens, Change of use from Refusal Mr. R. Mulholland private dwelling to house in multiple 1. The proposal is contrary to occupation with Policy HMO 1 in the draft Houses two-storey extension in Multiple Occupancy subject to the rear plan as it would be detrimental to neighbourhood amenity and would, if approved, along with other similar proposals, be prejudicial to the outcome of the plan process which should properly be taken through the development plan process Land adjacent to Erection of Refusal 177 Brooke Drive, two-storey dwelling Miss D. Ginley 1. The proposal is contrary to Policy QD 1 of the Department’s Planning Policy Statement 7: Quality Residential Environments, in that the application proposes an unacceptable form of development in that the development does not respect the surrounding context and the site is unsuitable to sustain a dwelling of sufficient size with adequate provision of private amenity space Page 4 G Town Planning Committee, 106 Thursday, 10th January, 2008 Site and Applicant Description Divisional Planning Manager’s Opinion 25 Combe Hill Park, Proposed attached Permission Mr D. Khan dwelling with minor alterations to existing dwelling to accommodate construction 27 Clonallon Park, Retention of two-storey Permission S., S. and C. Jones extension and roof-space extension (including dormer windows) to dwelling house Applications Withdrawn The Committee was informed that the undernoted planning applications had been withdrawn by the applicants. Applicant Proposal 148 Connsbrook Avenue, Change of use from dwelling to MKR Developments Limited three self-contained apartments with three-storey extension to rear and associated alterations including the demolition of existing two-storey return 43 Glen Road, Demolition of detached dwelling Bailey Management and the construction of eighteen two-bedroom apartments in two blocks Site adjacent to 2 Harland Park, Construction of two-storey Mr. M. Colton detached dwelling 220 Springfield Road, Change of use from vacant RGM Developments Limited office/store to seven apartments with a three-storey extension to the rear of property Schedule of Applications The Committee considered the schedule of applications which had been submitted by the Divisional Planning Manager in respect of the Belfast City Council area and agreed to adopt the recommendations submitted in relation to the applications therein, with the exception of those referred to below: Page 5 Town Planning Committee, G Thursday, 10th January, 2008 107 Location Proposal 68-74A Ligoniel Road Demolition of warehouses and erection of forty-eight residential units [Deferred at the request of Councillor McCausland to enable an office meeting to take place] 1 Henderson Avenue Erection of two commercial units and four apartments [Deferred at the request of Councillor McCausland to enable an office meeting to take place] 58-80 (even numbers Erection of fifty-one apartments and one only) Peter’s Hill, retail unit with associated site-works and 77 Brown’s Square and parking 19-25 Gardener Place [Deferred at the request of Councillor D. Dodds to enable an office meeting to take place] 38 Wellington Park Extension to form new entrance hall and disabled ramp [Deferred at the request of the Right Honourable The Lord Mayor (Councillor Rodgers) to enable an office meeting to take place] 12A Knocklofty Park Erection of a detached two-storey dwelling in the side garden of 12 Knocklofty Park [Deferred at the request of Councillor Rodway to enable an office meeting to take place] 733, 733A, 733B and Erection of three apartment buildings 735 Antrim Road comprising fifty-five units with communal garden, basement car-parking for sixty-one spaces and sixteen surface car-parking spaces [Deferred at the request of Councillor Smyth to enable an office meeting to take place] 21 Eglantine Avenue Conversion from ten-bedroom guesthouse to one two-bedroom and four one-bedroom flats including alterations/extension and replacement of store [Deferred at the request of Councillor McCarthy to enable an office meeting to take place] Page 6 G Town Planning Committee, 108 Thursday, 10th January, 2008 Location Proposal 1-5 Belmont Road Mixed use development consisting of ground-floor retail and residential above, with car-parking and associated works and access [Deferred at the request of Councillor Rodway to enable an office meeting to take place] 697 Lisburn Road Change of use to hot food bar/sandwich bar/café with sit-in facilities [Deferred at the request of Councillor Patterson to enable an office meeting to take place] 113 Bloomfield Avenue Demolition
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