"--Kr. THE WEATHER NET I*IIESS RUNl Vorccaat hy U. •. Weathac Bureau. AVERAGE DAILY CIRCCTA'ITOX Mew Uavea * OF THE EVENING HERALD fo»- (lie mouth of November, 1027 ,wk \ht and Wednesday. ^ \ 5,057 State --------------- Classified Advertising on Page 12. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1927. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XLIL, NO. 68- \ MEN IN SUNKEN DOOMED POLICE SEEK WOMAN “PLEASE HURRY! THE AIR IS BAD!” GALE DRIVES RESCUERS IN PARKER MURDER <?> ■ ------- A TO HARBOR’S SHELTER NEARLY ALL OF EUROPE Word Goes Out That William IN GRIP OP COLD WAVE •<S> Nearly all Europe, from the Edward Hickman, Slayer British Isles to the Mediterra­ IS THERE HOPE? HIGH WAVES PREVENT nean, is in the grip of a cold wave today. Suspect Had Accomplices; In addition to falling temper­ ature and heavy snow, violent QUERY TRAPPED DIVERS FROM WORKING gales are whipping the British Hickman Seen In City. OOHSt.S Italy reported a 19 degree SAH OK IN SUB drop in temperature in some Los Angeles, Calif.. Dec. 20.— places with a three foot fall of Last Hopes Fade— Six O'clock Tonight as Long as Sailors “ Find the woman!" snow, turning part of the king­ dom into a “ veritable Siberia.” This was the word broadcast by Snowstorms are raging over Hammer Knocks and Oscilla­ Can Remain Alive Without the Aid of Oxygen— Snh* police here today as they sought a the Balkans, hampering railway woman and another suspected ac­ trafiic. tor Used to Exchange marine Sunk Deep in Mnd— 'Still Alive But Slowly complice of William Edward Hick­ Severe cold snaps are report­ man, discharged bank messenger ed also from France and else­ where in Continental Europe. Dying From Lack of Pure Air" Last Message Received and identified as the kidnaper and Messages — What They killer of little Marion Parker. Descriptions of the woman and Said. At 2 O'clock This Morning. tier male companion were flashed to the police in every city in the HEARS! MAKES state in an effort to catch the sus­ Boston, Dec. 20. — Hammer Washington, Dec. 20.— ^The Navy has given up hope of res' pected accomplices in the diabolical crime in the same dragnet that has knocks have revealed the horror of g^jng alive members of the crew of the Submarine S-4. the six brave naval men entombed been cast for the butcher who hacK- REPLY TO SEN. “Everything is against them.” ed ills lielpless captive to death. within the steel hulk of the Sub­ This utterance from an admiral shortly after noon today marine S-4 off Provincetown. SLAVER SEE.N The submarine signalling device, summarized the oflScial attitude after a conference at which re­ Los Angeles. Calif., Dec. 20— NORRIS’ CHARGE known as the oscillator, has been ports of the heroic fight against overwhelming odds had been “ The Fox,” Murderer of little f - used to exchange messages between Marion Parker, still is in Los the S-4 and Submarine S-8, accord­ considered by all the Navy’s highest officers. Angeles! ing to word reaching the local Navy At 4:25 o'clock this morning the Tells Why He Published Mex­ UNDBEGHTO Yard today. The last fragile hope of getting life-giving air to the six en­ kidnaper-slayer, police are positive, “ How are you feeling down was within fifty yards of the Central ican Documents and Why there,” asked the talking hammers tombed men aboard the sunken Submarine S-4, faded before police Station. TA K ECAU ^ noon today when a fresh broadside of frigid northern gales This startling information was of the S-8. “ As good as could be expected swept down over the spot where rescue ships were huddled, supplied by Jack Ward, a filling sta­ He Deleted the Senators' under the circumstances,” came the tion attendant, who supplied “ The UP IN P l A l reply from 102 feet below. sending them into port for shelter at Provincetown, Mass. Fox” with gasoline and then pur­ “ How’s your courage holding, sued him a d zen blocks. Names. It was the final gesture of the futility which navy ofiicials out?” Ward identified the man he had have been reluctant to voice— the impossibility of getting oxy­ I vainly sought to capture as William “ Great.” n “ How’s your air?” Edward Hickman, 18-year-old for­ Mexico's President, General gen tanks to the entrapped men before six o’clock tonigh), the ■ i New York, Dec. 20.— William Air Poor mer bank messenger who the police Randolph Hearst made public to­ “ Not very good. We are troubled limit of their endurance. t earlier had declared to be the with cloride gas from the batteries. Throughout the night and eariy<?/~ II urderer of the Parker girl. day his reply to an open letter from Ohregon and Ambassador We would like something to neu­ today the rescue ships had tossed NAMES OF THE SIX Driving a high-powered car, the Senator George W. Norris of and pitched over the spot where the Nebraska. The Senator attacked the tralize it” RELIEVED TO BE ALIVE killer tossed a challenge in the Morrow Also to Take the “ How long before you will be S-4 lies ip a hundred feet of icy very teeth of the police by roaring publisher bitterly for his action in water, awaiting the slightest bi'eak publishing Mexican documents to able to get us,” queried the stac­ Provincetown, Mass., Dec. 20. ;it sixty miles an hour almost past cato blows from the S-4. in the storm that would permit div­ — The names of the six men be­ the door of headquarters. show money had been withdrawn | Trip Today. ' “ We are doing everything possi­ ers to go below. lieved to be living in the tor­ Ward, attendant at T:he Stand from the Mexican treasury, ostensi­ Had that break been theirs, the bly for payment to United States ble.” pedo room of the stricken Sub- ’ lining station, told police that “ How many of. you left?” asked rescuers were prepared to descend shortly after four o’clock, a blue Senators, among them Senator Nor­ marine S-4 were listed today by j Mexico City. Dec. 20.— A good the S-8. into the ooze of the ocean floor, United States Navy ofiicials as ' Cadilluc coupe rolled into the gaso­ ris. there to clear out the mud-choked In his detailed reply, Mr. Hearst will flight to South America to fos­ “ Six.” follows: 1 line station. “ What became of the others?” torpedo tube and attempt the haz­ Wore No Hat recites the history of the documents ter better relations between tho ardous task of forcing oxygen, food Lieutenant Graham Newell The machine wds driven by a his newspapers have been printing, South American Republics and the “ All dead.” and gas neutralizers to the six men Fitch, of Washington, D. C. “ Is There Hope'.'" young man, wearing no hat and the efforts made to establish their gasping out their lives in the bit­ Russell A. Crabb, torpedo United States will be proposed to “ Is there hope?” beat another man, of San Diego, Calif., and i with his street clothing covered by authenticity, and the conclusion State Departmoiu ofiicials by Col. terly cold darkness of the torpedo Mr. Hearst reached that the Sena­ message from the crushed undersea room. Fall River, Mass. (Continued on Page 2) tors mentioned never received any Charles A. Lindbergh when he re­ boat. And the foiling sea and the The Last Message Joseph L. Stevens, seaman, of money from Mexico. Mr. Hearst de­ turns to Washington. high wind gave as answer; “ No.” . “ Is there any hope?” was tlie last Providence, R. I. Col. Lindbergh said tpday that Used primarily for depth finding message tapped out by those within Roger L^ Short, torpedo man cided, therefore, not to publish the he could not extend his present names of the Senators, but to print and distance finding the oscillator the room. of Booneville, Mo. KING TO RECEIVE journey to South America, hut he is being used in this emergency as The surrender of the men above Frank Snizek, torpedo man. ’ the documents with the names de­ holies to undertake the southern leted. a means of communication. them who were compelled to seek of Ridgefield Park, N. J. flight in 1928. When fixed to receivei the device the harbor today before the fury of George Pelnar, seaman of He continues: Not only has the hold young air CAMERA FOR XMAS “ The question may here proper­ is marvelously sensitive and has the storm, stands in mute reply. Omaha, Neb. navigator* “ captured” Mexico, hut been known to pick up the sound Even should the elements subside ly be discussed as to whether this Mexico City has captured^ the flyer. later in the day, the work ahead of was the right course to pursue or of the breathing of a whale. Enjoying Himself Transmission of messages is ac­ the divers only too willing to risk whether any other course would “ This is one of the finest places their lives will take precious hours prisoners to open the inner door ot have been a wiser course to pur­ complished by the play of terrific the tube. The divers could open Little Michael Wants One, I have ever seen,” Lindbergh said. electrical current across a specially — and if the divers succeed in get­ sue. “ I have had a wonderful reception ting the life-sustaining supplies into the outside doors. It is a question, “ I might have, in the first place, here and I have enjoyed myself im­ constructed daphragm arrange­ according to naval experts, whether ment which produces a sound under the torp.edo tube, the suffocating six His Father Hears, So He refrained from publishing any of mensely.
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