WTU Herbarium Specimen Label Data

WTU Herbarium Specimen Label Data

WTU Herbarium Specimen Label Data Generated from the WTU Herbarium Database September 27, 2021 at 5:22 pm http://biology.burke.washington.edu/herbarium/collections/search.php Specimen records: 184 Images: 22 Search Parameters: Label Query: Genus = "Veratrum" Melanthiaceae Melanthiaceae Veratrum viride Aiton Veratrum californicum Durand U.S.A., WASHINGTON, CHELAN COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY: North Cascades National Park; Creek bottom in Horseshoe Basin. Copalis Bog Preserve. Elev. 4755 ft. T21N R10W S20 SE 1/4; T21N R10W S29 NE 1/4; NAD 27, 48° 28' 59" N, 121° 1' 24" W; UTM Zone 10, 646069.847E, uncertainty: 500 m., Source: Georeferenced, Georef'd by WTU 5371660.111N; Source: Field notes, UTM calculated from Lat-Lon. Staff With Alnus sinuata, Rubus spectabilis, Valeriana sitchensis, Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. Veratrum sp. (just coming up), Viola glabella, Thalictrum sp., Actea rubra, and Mitella pentandra. Flowers green; just begining to bloom; Eliza Habegger s.n. 17 Jun 1998 common in valley bottom. Phenology: Flowers. Origin: Native. with P. Dunwiddie Alison Colwell 02-24 10 Aug 2002 WTU-338293 Herbarium: NOCA, NPS accession 632, catalog 22272 Melanthiaceae Veratrum californicum Durand var. californicum Melanthiaceae U.S.A., WASHINGTON, CHELAN COUNTY: Veratrum grandiflorum (Maxim. ex Baker) Loes. fil. Peshastin. Elev. 1300 ft. RUSSIAN FEDERATION, SAKHALIN REGION: 47.57083°, -120.60278°; WGS84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: Sakhalin Island; on southern part of island along the Nayba River GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff circa 5 kilometers north-northwest of town of Bykov. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. Elev. 98 ft. 47° 59' 54.48" N, 142° 53' 56.52" E James D. Currie 126 29 Jun 1948 Along banks of river; substrate of gravel and silt; with Salix, Alnus, Crataegus, Carex. Petals white, to 1 cm long; stems to 1.5 meters; WTU-189333 growing in fields. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. Ben Legler 697 17 Jul 2003 Melanthiaceae WTU-358955 Veratrum californicum Durand var. californicum U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KITTITAS COUNTY: Melanthiaceae Table Mountain, Wenatchee Mountains. Elev. 6000 ft. Veratrum californicum Durand 47.2525°, -120.593056°; NAD 27, uncertainty: 2000 m., Source: Georeferenced, Georef'd by WTU Staff U.S.A., OREGON, WALLOWA COUNTY: Alpine meadows and open rocky slopes. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. Lick Creek Campground, Native. campsite #1. Elev. 5433 ft. J. William Thompson 9802 9 Aug 1933 45° 9.698' N, 117° 2.119' W Lush meadow interspersed with Picea engelmannii, Abies WTU-18716JWT lasiocarpa, Pinus contorta. 3-4' tall. Phenology: Flowers. Origin: Native. Melanthiaceae Jessie Johanson 02-91 19 Jul 2002 with Tracey Fuentes, Sarah Gage, Ken Davis, Joe Johanson. Veratrum californicum Durand var. californicum WTU-360459 U.S.A., WASHINGTON, WHITMAN COUNTY: 4 miles N of Pullman. Melanthiaceae 46.789297°, -117.17861°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 1000 m., Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Veratrum viride Aiton Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, SKAGIT COUNTY: Nellie M. Cook s.n. 30 Jun 1929 Okanogan National Forest. North Cascades Highway 20. Easy Pass Trail Boardwalk. WTU-32439 Elev. 3756 ft. 48° 35.27' N, 120° 48.144' W; T36N R16E S25; uncertainty: 9 m. Bottomland with: Mountain Hemlock, Western Red Cedar, Abies Melanthiaceae amabilis, Thuja heterophylla, Tsuga heterophylla, Trisetum spicatum, Viburnum edule, Athyrium filix-femina, Rubus spectabilis, Veratrum californicum Durand var. caudatum (A. Heller) Rubus parviflora, Epilobium latifolium, Vaccinium, Glyceria, Viola, C.L. Hitchc. Trillium, Clintonia, and Dryopteris. (GPS 3-4 sat.); Accuracy 26-30'. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, CHELAN COUNTY: Mission Peak, Ellensburg Ranger District., Wenatchee National Ken Davis 03-49 27 Jul 2003 Forest. with Richard Robohm, Sarah Gage, Robert Goff, Margarite Goff, Elev. 6600 ft. Dale Blum T21N R19E S27 NE 1/4; NAD 27, uncertainty: 500 m., Source: Georeferenced, Georef'd by WTU Staff WTU-362414 Subalpine vegetation, moist loam. Slope N 5 %. Growing with Bromus marginatus. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. R. Gibbons 93-56 26 Jul 1956 WTU-322143 Melanthiaceae Melanthiaceae Veratrum californicum Durand var. caudatum (A. Heller) Veratrum californicum Durand var. caudatum (A. Heller) C.L. Hitchc. C.L. Hitchc. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, CLARK COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, PIERCE COUNTY: Camas. Longmire. 45.58722°, -122.39833°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: 46.75°, -121.81139°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Damp ground. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. Swamp. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. D. B. s.n. Jun 1927 Earl G. Danner s.n. Aug 1931 WTU-18722 WTU-30866 Melanthiaceae Melanthiaceae Veratrum californicum Durand var. caudatum (A. Heller) Veratrum californicum Durand var. caudatum (A. Heller) C.L. Hitchc. C.L. Hitchc. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KING COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, SKAMANIA COUNTY: Seattle. Chiquash Mts. 47.613617°, -122.310098°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 15750 m., 46.02331°, -121.84207°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 50000 m., Source: Source: Digital Map, Georef'd by Joseph Stormer GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. Wet ground. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. C. V. Piper 1101 Jun 1891 Wilhelm N. Suksdorf 3925 7 Aug 1899 WTU-5148 WTU-81123 Melanthiaceae Melanthiaceae Veratrum californicum Durand var. caudatum (A. Heller) Veratrum californicum Durand var. caudatum (A. Heller) C.L. Hitchc. C.L. Hitchc. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KLICKITAT COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, YAKIMA COUNTY: Bingen Mountain. Piscoe Meadows at 20 miles West White Swan, Yakima Indian 45.715°, -121.46333°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: Reservation. GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Elev. 4707 ft. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. 46.382292°, -121.149748°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 500 m., Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Wilhelm N. Suksdorf s.n. 16 Jul 1907 Uppor canadian open riverine area in P. ponderosa woodland. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. WTU-119497 E. Hunn 585 2 Jul 1977 Melanthiaceae WTU-270782 Veratrum californicum Durand var. caudatum (A. Heller) C.L. Hitchc. Melanthiaceae U.S.A., WASHINGTON, LEWIS COUNTY: Veratrum insolitum Jeps. Base of Storm King Mountain. 46.650833°, -122.186389°; NAD 27, uncertainty: 5000 m., Source: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KLICKITAT COUNTY: Georeferenced, Georef'd by WTU Staff [locality and coordinates withheld; status in Washington: G3/S1 Wet meadow. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. (Endangered; WANHP)] Elev. 1300 ft. Harold E. Helmrich 56 28 Jun 1932 Semi-open dry hillside. Seed capsules 11 Sep 1982. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. WTU-306040 Lois M. Kemp 82077 31 Jul 1982 Melanthiaceae WTU-286955 Veratrum californicum Durand var. caudatum (A. Heller) C.L. Hitchc. Melanthiaceae U.S.A., WASHINGTON, MASON COUNTY: Veratrum viride Aiton var. eschscholzianum (Roem. & Shelton-Matlock Road. Schult.) Breitung 47.23806°, -123.40667°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff U.S.A., WASHINGTON, CHELAN COUNTY: Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. Ice Creek. Elev. 5000-6000 ft. Phillips B. Freer 255 18 Jun 1950 48.105535°, -120.737582°; WGS84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff WTU-135021 Below forks at 6000 ft. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. G. E. Morrill 363 23 Aug 1933 WTU-27902 Melanthiaceae Melanthiaceae Veratrum viride Aiton var. eschscholzianum (Roem. & Veratrum viride Aiton var. eschscholzianum (Roem. & Schult.) Breitung Schult.) Breitung U.S.A., WASHINGTON, CLALLAM COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, OKANOGAN COUNTY: Deer Lake, Mt. Olympus National Forest. Near Omak. Elev. 3500 ft. Elev. 6000 ft. 47.92667°, -123.82222°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: 48.41111°, -119.52639°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 5000 m., Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Wet meadow, Hudsonian zone. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. Around springs. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. George Neville Jones 8339 23 Aug 1935 Charles B. Fiker 1102 31 Jul 1932 WTU-30277 WTU-18718 Melanthiaceae Melanthiaceae Veratrum viride Aiton var. eschscholzianum (Roem. & Veratrum viride Aiton var. eschscholzianum (Roem. & Schult.) Breitung Schult.) Breitung U.S.A., WASHINGTON, JEFFERSON COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, SNOHOMISH COUNTY: Marmot Pass; Olympic Mountains. Mt. Dickerman. Elev. 5000 ft. 48.06829°, -121.47068°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 3000 m., Source: 47.81833°, -123.13222°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. Alpine meadows. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. R. P. Owen s.n. 7 Sep 1947 J. William Thompson 9906 18 Aug 1933 WTU-120725 WTU-18715JWT Melanthiaceae Melanthiaceae Veratrum viride Aiton Veratrum viride Aiton var. eschscholzianum (Roem. & Schult.) Breitung U.S.A., WASHINGTON, PIERCE COUNTY: Cowlitz Ridge, Mount Rainier. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KITTITAS COUNTY: Elev. 5000 ft. Head of Beverly Creek, Mount Stuart region. 46.799722°, -121.694722°; NAD 27, uncertainty: 3000 m., Source: Elev. 5000 ft. Georeferenced, Georef'd by WTU Staff 47.372454°, -120.877017°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Alpine slopes and meadows. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Alpine meadow. Phenology: Fertile. Origin: Native. J. William Thompson 12708 27 Aug 1935 J. William Thompson 7734 27 Jul

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