Esoteric Buddhism in Mediaeval Maritime Asia

Esoteric Buddhism in Mediaeval Maritime Asia

INDEX Abang, cylindrical stone inscription 334 Aggabodhi V, King 356–57 Abeyadana 20n7; temple 20 Aggabodhi VI, King 353–54, 356, 365n25 Abhayagiri(vihāra) 9n29, 10, 15, 17, 343–44, Agni 56 349–52, 353nn6–7, 355–61, 362n22, 363–69, Agnipurāṇa 47n88, 321, 321n38, 338n63 371–72, 374–76; esoteric doctrines 351; inscrip- Airlaṅga, King 377n52 tion 324, 350, 361, 365, 367, 369; monks 350, Aizen 376n51; subjugation of Īśvara and Nārāyaṇa 323 352, 356–358n16, 361, 362n20, 364, 366–67, 369, Ajaṇṭā 215–16 371–76; prākāra walls of 351; ‘replicas’ in South- Aji Dharma (Aṅliṅ Darma, Aridharma) 275, east Asia 17n56, 359n16; structure 362n22; 278n16, 279n16, 284, 285n25, 289, 290n32, 291, stūpa 366; 294, 296, 298–99, 304n48, 317n64 abhicāra (ābhicāraka, ābhicāruka) 330, 333, 346, 384 *Ājñāgarbha 29, 38, 50; see also Bianhong Abhidharmakoṣa 201n39 Akalāṅka 372n44 Abhidharmakośabhāya 390 ākarṣaṇa 330–34, 336, 336n57, 338n62, 338n64, Abhisamayālaṅkāra 262–63; literature 11, 19 339n66, 342–43, 345 abhiṣeka 4, 7, 17, 29, 39, 43, 193–94, 201, 223, Ākāśagarbha, Bodhisattva 52n115, 90, 135 240, 245, 252, 278, 357, 369; ācārya- 39n60; akṣamālā 353n6 cakravarty- 39; pañca- 39n60; pañcakula- Akṣayamatisūtra 77 39n60; rājya- 29, 39, 43, 47; *saptaratna- 39; Akṣobhya 57, 81, 88–89, 90n64, 91, 149, 192, 198, *Vajradhātu- 33–34 201, 219, 232–33, 234n29, 243, 248, 264, 267, Acala, Bodhisattva 118, 340, 340n72, 376; rites 137; 280n21, 335; head of the vajra family 243 mantra 137 Alan Gua 153 ācārya(s) 7, 34, 40, 57n163, 99, 134n49, 358; three Alaungsitthu 20n67 great ācāryas of mid-Tang period 14 Allinger, E. 171 Account of Activities 131n27 Aluonashun (*Aruṇāśa?) 194 Account of Conduct (T 2056) 132 Amarakośa 110n107 Acri, A. 326n12, 329n24, 345, 378, 393 Amaramālā 110n107 *Adbhutakalpa (*Ekākṣara-adbhutoṣṇīṣakalpa, T Amarāvatī 18n60 953) 37, 43, 46–48n93, 50n102, 51n103 Amitābha 52n113, 88–89, 90n64, 91, 232–33, 178, Adhyardhaśatikāprajñāpāramitāsutra (T 243, APP) 192, 202, 264, 267, 268, 278n9, 280n21, 281n22 69, 71, 90 Amitāyus 57 Ādityavarman, King 8, 20n68, 21, 22n73, 149, 269 amoghapāśa (amogha-chain) 277, 281, 282, 284n24, Ādi-Buddha 19n61, 100, 232, 278n9; see also 292–93, 295, 315n58–59, 319 Vajrasattva Amoghapāśa (Avalokiteśvara/Lokeśvara) 53n129, advaya 76, 375 54n134, 149, 234n32, 244, 268–69, 277–78, 281, Aek Sangkilon inscription 266–68, 270 317, 318n68; inscription of 142, 149; iconogra- Advayavajra 21n69 phy at Candi Jago 277; statue of Jago 278n13; Āgamas (Buddhist) 39 maṇḍala of 280–81 Agastya 363n24 Amoghapāśakalparāja (AKR, T 1092) 43n67, 48n93, Aggabodhi IV, King 354n9, 357 55n144 Index.indd 441 17/7/16 10:23 PM 442 Esoteric Buddhism in Mediaeval Maritime Asia Amoghapāśasādhana 21n73 Asaṅga 77, 83 Amoghasiddhi 57, 88–89, 178, 202, 232–33, 264, Asher, F.M. 195n19 267, 280n21, 316, 338n64, 340n72 Aśoka, Emperor 114, 211; tree 219 Amoghavajra (Bukong) 5n15, 10, 12, 14–15, 17, Aśokakāntā-Mārīcī 219 30–31, 33, 34n27, 37–40, 42–43, 45, 47–48, Aṣṭadikpālas 43n69 51n102–54n141, 56n156, 86, 90, 99, 101, 111, Aṣṭa-mahā-bhaya-kliṅ 85n43, 87 125–28, 125n7, 130–34, 132n32, 136–38, 137n53, Aṣṭamahābhaya Tārā, see Tārā 203–206, 237, 239–41, 242n10, 244, 338, 338n64, Aṣṭamīvrata 277 339, 341n73, 351, 353–58, 360, 365n25, 369–70, Aṣṭāṅgahṛdaya 386n33 375–76, 381, 383, 388n45, 389–91; biographies Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā 8, 10n32, 12, 115, 86; journey to the Five Indias 358; meeting 166, 170, 180, 260; Chinese (T 224, T 227) with Vajrabodhi in Java 12, 86n47, 205n58, 358; 54n142 memorial stele inscription 131n27, 132, 137; Astrology, Indian 384n21 travels of 382 Asuras 368n32, 369n33 Amṛtakuṇḍali(n) 46, 54, 337, 337n60, 347, 370n39; Aśvaghoṣa 98 mantra 337n60; Atharvaveda 330 Amṛtakuṇḍalivināyakabandhadhāraṇī 337, 337n60 Atharvavedapariśiṣṭa 333n47 Amṛteśa (Amṛteśvara, Amṛteśabhairava) 332–34 Atikūṭa 14, 39 Ānandagarbha 99n78, 324, 337n60 Atiraṇacaṇḍeśvara inscription 17 Anaṅgavajra 76, 82 Atīśa (a.k.a. Dīpaṅkaraśrījñāna) 11, 19–20, 87n53, Anaṅgavarman 20n68 107, 113, 115–21, 166, 174, 178, 241, 252, 261–63, Angkor 19–20, 244, 248–49, 252, 266, 371n42 265–66, 278n9, 339n66; account of journey to Angkor Thom 20n66 Suvarṇadvīpa 19n63; relics of 120; school 119; Angling Darma (Aridharma) 275n4; see also Aji see also Candragharba Dharma Atwood, C.P. 147–48 Anige 145 Avadānas 110 Aniko 317n67 avaivartaka (Mahāyāna) monks 169n27 An Lushan Rebellions 34n31, 128–31, 131n31, 137 Avalokiteśvara (Lokeśvara) 8, 13, 52, 53n129, An Thai stele 12n38 80–81, 90, 107, 165, 166n11, 171, 173n53, 175–78, Anugaṇṭhipada 391 180–82, 184, 189, 190, 217, 219–22, 225, 227, Anurādhapura 10, 15, 240, 350, 352–53, 354n9, 229–30, 239–40, 242–43, 257, 259, 277, 366, 355n9, 356, 360–61, 366, 373, 375; period 352 370–71; icons from Chaiya, Perak and Wonogiri Anuttarapūjā 105, 107–109, 111 12; images of 211 Anuttarayoga 82, 93n72 āvāsa 215, 218 An Xinggui 133, 133n37 āveśa rites 382, 384 Aparājita 40, 54, 56 Āyurvedic acupuncture 386n33 ārāma 215, 218 Arapacana 88 Bacon, F. 155 Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) 191, 193n5, Bagan 166, 170–71, 183, 187–89; visual culture 194n9, 195n15 linkages with Bengal 166 Ardhanārīśvara 329, 366 Bahal II 268 Aris (or Araññavāsins) 20n67, 166n17 Bajradevī 158, 278 Arjuna 279n16, 289, 291, 293–94, 296, 298–99, Bajradhātu (Subhūti) Tantra, see Subhūti 302–305, 309n53, 315–16 Bajradhātvīśvarī 110 Arjunavivāha 279n16, 296n41, 299, 304, 316, 318 Bajrapāṇi 91 Arjunavijaya 158 Bālaputra(deva), King 18, 176, 207, 213, 265, 345, 393–94 Arthaśāstra 18n59, 345 Balinese ‘Bauddha Brahmins’ 13n40 Āryadeva 75, 98 Bangladesh 172, 175–77, 189, 191n3, 195, 200n37, Āryamañjuśrīmūlakalpa 212 207; and Java 175 Āryapāda (or Ārya tradition) 71 Banteay Chhmar 20n66, 21 Index.indd 442 17/7/16 10:23 PM Index 443 Baosiwei 14 Bhaṭāra Samyaksambuddhāya 93 Baphuon 247 Bhaṭāra Śivabuddha 278n14, 318 Barong 3n10 Bhaṭāra Viśeṣa, (or the Saṅ Hyaṅ Divarūpa) 100 Batanghari, River 19, 83n41, 259–61, 263, 268 Bhattacharya, V. 76, 88n56 Batu Pahat inscription 85 Bhauma-Kara, dynasty 7, 9n25, 217 Batujaya 85 bhāvanā 76, 110 Bauddha-Śaiva dynamics 349, 350n3, 351n3, 366; Bhāvanākrama 77–78, 81, 111 antagonistic paradigm 21; anti-Śaiva Buddhist Bhāvanāyogāvatāra 76 myths 369; anti-Śaiva polemics 323–24, 337, Bhikṣu(s), 113, 250; Mahendra 114 341–45, 347; Buddhaicized Śaiva deities in Bhoja 241; see also Vijaya Sri Lanka 365; divide 9; doctrinal disputes Bhomāntaka 345n81 370; Hindu gods and goddesses in Buddhist Bhṛkuṭī 52, 176, 277 contexts 182–83; problem of syncretism 21; Bhujang Valley 241 subordination of Hindu deities at Candi Sewu Bhūmisambhāra 102 372n43; violence 372n44 Bhūtaḍāmaratantra 119 Bautze-Picron, C. 20, 79, 197, 265n4, 268, 268n6 Bhūtanātha 332–34 Bay of Bengal 195, 205, 211; interaction sphere 211; Bhūtatantras 332, 346, 386n31 as the ‘Kaliṅga Sea’ 212 Bhūvācārya 9n25 Bayon state temple 20n66, 21, 244, 278n15 Bi’an, Dharmācārya Nirvāṇa 83–84 Behera, K.S. 213 Bianhong (Ājñāgarbha?) 12n35, 13n41, 15, 29, Bell, Sir C. 120 31–37, 39–41, 43, 45, 47–50, 59, 86–87, 99–100, Bena, King 194 101n84, 206–208 Benedict, A. 151–52 Biaro Bahal 21 Bengal 165–90, 200–201, 207; copperplate inscrip- Biaro Bahal II 218 tions 167–69, 167n21, 168n28; Muslim conquest Bidor 243 374; relations with Bagan 170, 190; relations Bihar 165–91, 193–95, 200–207; copperplate with Tibet 167, 175, 190, 188n113; see also inscriptions 167; Muslim conquest 374 Gauḍīdvīpa bījas 88n61 Benisti, M. 213 Bisa Sāgar, stūpa 195 Berg, C.C. 141–43, 151, 158 Blandongan, gold leaf inscriptions of 85n45 Bernet Kempers, A. J. 285n26, 318 Blue Annals 19n63 Beyer, S. 87, 119 Bodh Gayā 1, 116, 164–66, 170, 178, 183, 185, Bhadracarī 87, 107, 109–11, 265 187–89, 213, 262; images 184, 188, 165n6, 197, Bhadreśvara 87–88 204; inscriptions of 194n14 Bhagavatavyākhyātantra 75 Bodhi (tree/temple) 37, 40, 185, 229, 239; see also Bhairava/Mahākāla 4, 134n48, 268, 332–33, 345; Mahābodhi rituals 150–51n14 Bodhicaryāvatāra 21n69 Bhairavika Priest 21n71 bodhicitta (vodhicitta) 77, 82, 242 bhairab naach 3n10 Bodhigarbhālaṅkāralaksa 216n12 Bhaiṣajyaguruvaiḍūryaprabhasūtra 107 Bodhipathapradīpa 107 Bhaiṣajyarāja 370 Bodhiruci (Dharmaruci) 14, 36, 48n92, 50n101, Bhaiṣajyasamudgata 370 54n135, 56n158 Bhairava 184 Bodhisattva(s) 4, 8n23, 13, 21n73, 29, 41, 43, 106, Bhājā 215 124, 134–35, 193n7, 197, 211, 216–17, 220–21 bhakti 110 232, 234, 239, 242, 244, 248, 257, 275, 277–78, Bharāla 76 281n22, 291, 353n7, 370, 371n42; cult in Mon– Bhartṛhari 81n36 Khmer land 250; group of six 80–81; Eight Bhāskaravarman, King 202 Great Bodhisattvas (aṣṭamahābodhisattvas) 41, Bhaṭāra Divarūpa 90–91 52n115, 78–79; maṇḍala of eight 270; medicine Bhaṭāra Hyaṅ Buddha 110 kings 370; path 227; Svastika 38 Index.indd 443 17/7/16 10:23 PM 444 Esoteric Buddhism in Mediaeval Maritime Asia Bodhisattvahood 216 Events of Buddha’s life (Aṣṭamahāpratiharya) Bodhisattvayāna 250 187–88, 189n121; footprint 356; gem-eyed 373; bodhyagrī-mudrā 338–39, 339n67 images at Kesariya 199; in Brahmanical images Boechari 264 184; of Bhadrakālpa 202; of Borobudur 238; Borobudur 11–12, 21n69, 67, 71, 79, 82, 87, 101, pentad of 242, 245, 252 (see also Jina-Buddhas, 103–105, 107, 109–12, 191–92, 193n5, 195–202, Pañcatathāgatas); nāga-enthroned 244; of the 204, 206, 208, 233, 238, 242, 253, 262, 265, present and future 78–79; oneness with Śiva 278, 279–80, 281n22, 291n36, 293, 306, 314, 317, 349, 318; of Sambor Prei Kuk 250; of the past 78–79; 371, 378; art and architecture of 176, 191–92, Supreme 278n15; see also Śākyamuni (Buddha), 196–202, 206–207; Buddhism of 11, 101–102; Tathāgata(s) iconography of 102; lead-bronze inscription, see Buddhabhadra 87 Mahāraudranāmahdaya Buddhacarita (Vuddhacarita) 98, 110 Bosch, F.D.K. 87–88, 258, 266–68, 270 buddhacārya 110–11 Bourdieu, P.

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