jUlt’EU^ANEOUH. MAINE Sheep and lamb skins 26c each. niaciLLAiKKOua. THE PRESS, TOWNS. FINANCIAL COMMERCIAL, Working Oxen—None in market. AND_ Sheep and Lambs—There was a lair supply |Q market, ad owned by butchers; none offered on THURSDAY MORNING. JULY 26. REVIEW OF POBTLAND WHOLESALE MARKET the market for sale. FOR THE WEEK ENDING July 24. Veal calves 2f<e6c p lb live weight. A Bridgton Man Who will Be Care- Swine—Small Pies at prices ranging Irom SI to Headache THE Transactions continue fair with lew changes of PRE88. ful About IB. Blowing Fires. to note in the wholesale be “Stained at of N Interest market, with gink Uie Periodical Depot* Makert. from many suffer Fessenden, Horse Railroad Station: Marauls a fairly steady tone to values. There has been Chicago Cattle q comPlaiQt 7hich £; we «• cause Exchange SI,: Chisholm Bros.’, Union De- a marked In the By Telegraph.l few free; very Improvement tone of the I £nd ®u«relfa jot; Hodgson. 06Vi l’ortland St.; John Cox, 660 CHICAGO, 24 1889—The Cattle market- 81111 hver- the HATSSACRTFTCED Flour market; prices are firmer and millers are July i* indigcst'oa 8,U,gglfh St.l Costello, 7 Exchange St.: Holden, The Benefits of Protection as Expe- Recelpts 14,000; shipments 4800jstrongfor is readdy found in advance on all good; which the 27 JeWl‘tt, 604 Congress St.; Peter- asking 10 to 16c Winter Wheat commou dull; beeves at 3 40.®4 46; Stockers and lure for “*.change St.; and rienced by Daniel McKechnle. FU1 Goold, corner Congress grades: milling Wheat scarce for old, and new Is feeders 2 C0®3 00; cows bulls and mixed 1 40@ use of Ay®^8 Bt8- l6o St.: 2 bnlk 2 40: cattle 1 66. that for sick Uhlsliolm, Congress Hop- to use. The 80; Oik®2 Texas 60.®* ,, found kms, Commercial, corner Paik; 848 Cou- little soft English markets to-day I have headache, Stiff Straw for and Morrill, Hogs—receipts 1,160; shipments 6600; strong a disordered condition of Hats, Children, and *J*v, thew Hats, Men, closed strong higher for Wheat and Corn. hy Light Boys Congress St.; and 10c mixed 4 60: at Light Hf-lMliHH'dla Beardswortb, 6® higher; 86(5,4 heavy caused pilla aro the St.; Abbott, 243 Spring St.; Barter, 100 Corn and Meal 4 4054 3 57Brackett News and Notes of In Maine We quote very stiff and about lc 4:20®4 55; light 76; Skips 6P@4 60. C. St.; Elliott, 243 York St.: and of Chis- Doings 6.000: shipments Bradburt holm on better. Oats have been steady and in Sheep-receipts 100U:steady; Bros.’agents all trains running out ol Towns and unchanged natives at 8 60,® 4 80; Western 3 60B4 Tex- !SeMrem®^w;-8amUelMass. Soft Hats and Tennis Color. tnecltv. Villages. 20; Worthington, in price. Hog products have been rather easy and ans 4 20@4 30; lambs 4 50@5 76. the use of Ayer's Pill* Caps Every Haskell “After ,or Auburn, & Reynolds. prices exhibit a downward tendency; Western in my practice and Bath, J. O. Shaw. mniwvcars, family packing returns aggregate ;210,000 hogs for tha Domestic Markets- We do this on account of the season being so and will sell them at cost and in H4d<toford, F. M. Burnham. anf liver cool, less, A. L. Jellerson. Bridgton. week against 220,000 last week, and 146,000 (or By Telegraph. ’medicine- to NEW YORK. July 24. 1889.-FI«r market ex^l^nt'cathartic keeping them until next summer. Boothbay, C. F. Kcnnieton. CHOPS IN THE HAY FIELD the corresponding week last year. From March preference AND GARDEN. packages; exports 8618 bbls and Boston, Mass., American House, 1 the total is receipts 20,696 In spite of 4,245,000 hogs against 3,426,000 a 6902 sacks; stronger and active forborne and ex- uruuswick, B. 1.. Dennison. frequent rains, many if not ^efSfflLttg^&sss;w. Railway Co., Burnet, Texas. Cumberland Mills. K. 8. Raymond. most farmers have year ago; increase, season, 820,000. Dry flsh port; sales 24,260 bbls. & already finished lmying Flour extras 2 Pills at® *h« best Dauiariscotta, K. W. Dunbar. steady with a Imoderate business at unchanged quotations-low 75®3 26; 'city “Ayer's medicine C. M. and a fine crop has been in most m ils extra at 4;40®4 60; city mills 5 00 me for regulating the {leering, Record. secured, figures. The receipts of Mackerel have been patents Vnown to bowels, Freeport, W. A. Mitchell. cases but little ®6 25; winter wheat, low grades at 2 76®3 25; all diseases caused by a dis^ damaged by rain. With the not over 126 for the to and for Frveburg, J. c. Gerry, light, bbls week; prices are fair fancy at 8 30 ®6 00; patents at 4 60®5 06; stomach and liver I suffered h improved machinery now owned Minnesota clear 3 60B4 60; straights do at 4 36® nnlered airfield, E. H. Evans. by nearly about |5 above last jear at this season, and still three years from in- H. C. White St Co. 6 66; do patents at 4 86® 6 35; do rye mixtures for over headache, Faimlngton, every farmer, all the pleasant weather Is ful may be looked we No Is constipation. I 282 MIDDT .FI Palmer St Co. higher figures for; quote 8 60®4 30; superfine at 2 36®3 06; fine 2 and had no STREET. Gardiner, 00® digestion, was weak and Gorham, Jas. H. Irish St Co. ly utilized. Garden crops and potatoes are at *25@*27 and 2s $2l(g$23 60. Fresh Mackerel 2 85; Southern flour quiet; common to fair extra anoetite and nervous St Estes. 2 8' i®3 35; to choice do at 8 46®6 60. Lewiston, chandler looking finely in consequence of recent at retail 17c aud icarce. Sugar has dropped 54c; good ltye Island, T. M. Glendennlug. Flour Is dull and steady; superfine at 2 66®3 16. Lour demand quiet; the total stocks In all the One Price Hatter. : : : : Mechanic Falls, Merttll A Denning. showers and a fine and early crop of sweet principal Buckwheat 53c. Corumeal dull and unchanged. One Price Hatter. A. O. cable Norway, 8. L. Crockett, Noyes. corn seems to be assured. W. W. Cross & countries, by advices, are 623,e43 tons Whent—receipts 495 bush; exports 44.166 bu; Old Orchard, Geo. E. Fogg. against 926,621 tons at the same time last sales 118.000 busli ;weakcr and moderately active ISLAND STEADIED*. RXCl’BNIONR. RAILROAD*. Son have a of sweet year; for I KAII.KUAUN. Richmond, G. A. Beale. piece corn, which they for export and mllliug: No 2 Red at 87% c store. << T was troubled years with indi- stock ia the (our ports at latest dates was Rockland, 0.8. Andrews, R. II. Burnham & A think will be to 39,- 89%®8P 14C afloat. 8B%®90i/4c fob; No 8 Red and headache. A ready pieK by August 15th, 791 tons gestion constipation, J. Huston. against 109,276 tons in 1888, and 176,- at 81c; No 1 Red at 1 00®l|0OV4; No 1 White at Pills, used in small SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. W. B. and other lots promise to await the Red is few toies of Ayer’s CENTRAL R. NEW Saccarappa, Boothby. packers 323 tons ill 1887. Molasses dull; stock In the 96c; ungraded 76®88V4c. Rye steady; restored me to health. JERSEY. m\[) TRIM RAILWAY OF CASAliA H. B. Kendrick & Co., Wm. Stackpole. State Barley nominal. receipts daily doses, DAILY EXCURSIONS. R„J)F Saco, as early as this. At this rate they may four at latest dates 6163 52®64c. and effective.”—W. So. Parts, A. M. Gerry. ports hogsheads against 19.000 bush; exports 140,762 hush, sales 118,- They are prompt H. Portland and Steamboat Co. NEW ROUTE TO Ukowhegan—Bixby St Buck., Geo. Cushing. avoid the nimble bustler, Jack Frost. 8348 hogsheads in 1888 and 9338 In 000 bush; less weak with offerings; Meadvxlie, Pa. Boothbay and after July 23d, the llarpswell Steam- IWMER arkanaeni \t. hogsheads active, light Strout, will make to Thomaston, E. Walsh. No 2 at 43Mi®43t4c In olev, 44V* a46c afloat: ONboat Company dally excursions Baltimore, and the A painful and quite serious accident hap- 1837, Coffee lower for Rlo and Java. Raisins STEAMER ENTERPRISE. Philadelphia. Washington Weal °® alter Vlnalhaven, A. B. Vinal. No 2 White 42Vi ®50VaC; No 8 nominal; ungrad- and On's non DAY, April U», Isbis, Waldoboro, G. Bliss. pened last week to Ira D. hi'j her for Ondura Layers. Teas dull but without ed Mixed bush, Harpswell, Bailey's Islands. Shortest and Quickest Route, ria •rala> will raw aa fellow,, Martin, proprietor 42V4®46c. 4»bi»—receipts 7,000 and after steamer will leave C. H. In In 2341 sales April 30,1889, Steamer Merryeoneag will leave Portland at 9.00 of Waterville, Hayes. of the Bridgton steam He was build change price. Naval Stores we note a firm exports bush; 101,000 bush; fairly Central Railroad New Jersey, Phila- nKPAHTVKKe. Woodford*. II. A. laundry. 3 Pills, ON Franklin Wnarf, Portland, every Tuesday a. m. and 2.00 p. m. Fare—round trip— Harps- active and firmer, No at 27c; do White and *®r Leighton. market on Tar at 3 76. is 3254® Ayer’s an<< at 8 a. m., for delphia Reading Railraad, and Ankara aad 7.10 Mid Q.UO a fire his 60@3 Turpentine up BY Saturday Squirrel Island, well 60c: and Orr’s Island 00c.
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