DOCUMENT 'RESUME ED 144 317. EC 102365 AUTHOR Vodo,laj Thomas M. f TITLE. Teacher Reiource Manual: State and NationallSources and Services. - , INSTITUTION Ocean To4nship Board of Education, OakhUrSt, N. SPONS AGENCY Bureau of Elementary and Secondary Edication oniwog), Washington, D:C. 0 1 11EPORT Rid< . .7Q-341 PUB DATE 77 . OTE 170p..;,-Thedocument is one of the "Developmental and / - Adapted Physical Education" Series ; Some'parts,may . be marginally' legible due tow small type ..AVAILABLE FROM Township of Ocean School District, Dow Avenue, Oakhurst, New Jersey 07759 06.00) / I EDRS PRICE CI MF-$0.83 HC-$8.69 'Plus POstage. t DESCRIPTORS' *Adapted Physical Education; Eldmentary Secondary Education; Exceptional Child Services; Federal Aid; *Financial Support; *Handicapped Children; *Information Dissemination; Interagency, Cooperation; t *Program Planning; -*Publi'cize; Resource Guides;.state t 4, Aid; *Teaher Role ,', IDENTIFIERS *Project LCTIVE w' ABSTRACT d/. Intended for teachers; the resArce manual presents information on .a nationally validated Title III adapted physical AP education program. An introductory chapter provides an overview of the manual, an explSnatipn of the manual's organization and ' structure, and definitions. 'Chapter II describes Project_ACTIVEls \ (All Children Tbtally Involved Exercising) internal network, 'detailing the interrelationships that Should be establisheA to ensure - viable adoptions and realistic monitoring..' Chapter III discugses/the_ importance of creating a state and national awareness of the ACTIVE program through the formation of an external(network.,Chipter IV includes specific sources of:informati,n and services dealingiwith the needs of the handicapped population in -genetal. The finalchapter - is devoted to grantsmanship with sections on criteria and guidelines for proposal, development and sources of state and federal funds. (Author/Safi) 11 , ,,, .4 .. s '' . ti 9 444***************k*************441********************************### 't 'Documentg'acguiredby,ERIC. include 'many informal unpublished *materialsnet available from other sources. ERIC makesevery effort'* * t obtain the:lest copy avilable. Nevertheless, items ofmarginal * *reproduciblity are often encountered and this affects the quality *, * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ER.IC makes available * * via the- ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible forte the quality .of the original document. Reproductions * . *'supplied' by EDRS are the'best-that can-be.iade from the original. * *********************************************************************** 7 Is 1"--. I ;I reN rI Township of Ocean School District .C=I Dow Avenue Oakhurst, New Jersey 07755 1, U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE NATION/kg:INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RqCEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR OkGANIATION ORIGIN. r ATM° IT' POINTS OF VIEW OR OAINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE aF 4,11e EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY 4rt ,A.C.T.I.V.E. TEACHERRESOURCE MANUAL STATE, AND NATIONAL SOURCESAND SERVICES o . of Thomas N. Vodola, Ed.D. Project Director Project'ACTI VE:. All Children Totally In Volved Exercising "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS c MATERIAL HAS 'BEEN GRANTED BY Project Number: 72-341, Title IVC, E.S.E.A. Thomas 11.Vodola TO THe EDUCATIONAL 1ESCIURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) AND USERS OF THE ERIC SYSTEM ) . A Copyright, Township of Ocean School Disfrict,Oakhurst, New Mr-. sey, 1977 sy k4.) .. Copyright will be claimed only during thperiod of further develop- ment unless copyright of the final mater s is authorizedby tlie New, , Jeaey State Departmenrbf Education.. \. 2 si .1* . i tp, o SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT IN NEW- JERSEY z '9 r e . :; "On behalf of thet Department ofEducation,'State of New,Jersey, I wish to bring Project' ACTIVE to the attention of educatorsthrough! out the nation,. The program-has made a significant contribution to both physical and special educatiojiin New Jersey and "thus will be of interest to both educators and parents." 'Dr. Fred G. Burke Commission& of Education .,New Jersey Dkpartment ofEctucaPhn Sae I t .1 r b.o+'4o, ,Z - D&A COUNCIL TOWNSHIP OF OCEANSCHOOL.DISTRICT1977 Ms. Elizabeth Brown `10 Mr. Anthony Covin Ms. Cecilia.D'AkoFfin BOARD OF EDUCATION -0 SUPERINTENDENT4\ND STAFF Mrs. Ruth Dallam, R N. Dr Joel Shappirio, President II Mr. Robert.J. Mahon Mr. David )=nderly Mr James F. Jeffries, VicePrestdent. Superintendent of Schools klr. Jerry Hauselt Mr. Fr R, Beardsley Mr. Marshall 0.Conkhn Mrs, Helen Liebhardt, R.N. Mr N holas Dohofriq, Jr. ' Business Administrator John Malta, D.O. Mr. JarDes A. Fillippo Mrs. Mary McSpadden Ms Constance Hughes Mr. otten W. Morgan CENTItiL. ADMINISTRATION Dr. Harry-G. Kacandes yr. Thomas Ppgano Mr. §tephen Morse '.Mr Charles Grippaldi Mr. Joseph Palala Dr Carney A. Vetrano Mr. James Hartnett Tittikna4,14, Vodola, Ed D. 'Enrique eafidon, M.D F A.CIS Mr. JohnasP .4 Mrs. Joanne Ridley, R.N. Mr. Frank Rizzi Mrs. Edith Scgmidt, R.N. / Mrs. Carolyn,Terhune Mrs. Barbara Thompson 8, Mrs. Camille Ttghe , Wt. John Turchyn ,Mr. Donald Vineburg Mr Fred West PARTICIPATINGSCHOOL DISTRICTS AND AGENCIES Mrs. Helen l'oung Mrs Wanda Young, R.N P Thomas M.VodOla, NEWJERS-EY ' COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT ' `COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Atlantic Egg Harbor Mercer . E West Windsor Regional Search Day Margate Middlesex Edison j Township of Ocean Mullica Clew Brunswick Bergen Dumont Wall Township Old Bridge West Long Branch' Region V, Spec. Svc. St. Mary% Rutherford Morris Dover 0' NATIONAL, Burlington Mt. Laurel Morris Hill's Ocean Long peach Island t New Lisbon State Passaic Eastern Christian STATE Willingboro SCHOOL/CIA(' r Children's Fketreat Illinois. Wincy School District Camden. Bellrrfavvr Wayne loWa Briggs /Cardinal Lindenwold Somerset, Branchburg (Midland'1"4 Cape May County Board of Spec. Maquoketa School> Sioux City Community Sertes BridgewaterRaritan Oceanity . School Regional Maine Cumberland Arnerican Institute for Pray School Sussex SussexWantage Regional - Mental Studies Gardiner Vernon esex Livingston Massa chusetts Lanesboro Union( Kean College, Institute Nutley Minnesota Slayton' '' of Child St udy Negraika Iike Orange ' Fairacru Scotch PlainsFanwood South QrangeMaplewood Columba Union COunty Regional Gloucester Glouce4ter County EmersonKibbarti Nish School No. 1 lege Emerson Monmouth Asbury Park New Mexico tHudson B nne Parks & f: Quernado Association for Children Recreation Fleierve with Learning Jersey City SA.S.H. Agency Disabilities Pennsylvania' St. Joseph School for Norristown Associaiton for Retarded L the Blind Upper Merton Childien Rhode Island Hunterdon Hampton Oakland Beach Long Branch Lebanon Township Warwick MonmOuth College*" Texas ' N. Hunterdon Central Texas Wornetys Univ., Red Bank Regional Denton . ACTIVE Satellite Siteivisftations for awareness andtraining sessions are encouraged. Copyright,Nomship of Ocean SchoolDistrict, Oakhurst, NewJersey, 1977 Copyright will be claimed only during the period offurther development unlese copyright of the final materials is authorizedby the New Jersey State Departmqnfof Education, III 4 e e , 1 ' . estate af,New iferarg DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 225 WEST STATE STREET P 0 BOX 2019 ,TREt4ON, NEW JEREEY°08625 p o 'o o I -No FOADVORD .4Ne, have all witnessed the extreme emotional joy of those who havedemonstrated excellence in physical accomplishme . The ex-ultation of a winning perfornkkince uplifts the spectator as well as the partici- . _ . , pant. \-- . N.. _ . This life experience is, all too often, denied the.hendicapped because of the'inherent weakness oftheir bodies and attimes, the reluctance of those who are charged to develop and train their skills. ,. ._. Dr. Vodola, through Projett-ACTIVE, has placed the needs of the handicapped 'beforethosepsPonsible for their physical well being and has dramatized the vast potential of.these students. fig efforts have truly and dramatically altered tg quality of life ofthe.handitapped,indR/idual in New JeNey:. i. .. .. , This Resource document is a compilation of the multitude of resources available ta you in your ques, for quality, training of the handicapped. Those handicapped who willtaste the "sweet smell of suceess" at every level of their individual skills will be the longierrrbreficiaries of this most exemplary project. , i.. ", \, f A. 0 ,, . :Daniel Ringelheim Foimer.Deputy Ais)'sQnt Commissioner . Br'anch of Special 'Education and Pupil Personnel Servic-es r t. .r> 0' irm - i v a I 0 t PREFACE . - The _development of the Project ACTIVE Manual, A.C.T.I.V.E.1Teacher Resource Manual: State and National Sources and Serviceswas a cooperative elfOrt of the township of Ocean Schpol District and the OM& of Program Development, Division ofResearch, Pianning and Evalu;tion, Department.of Education, State of New Jersey. In 1974 and 1976, the ACTIVE PrOgram was validated by the . standards. nd guidelines of the United States Office .of Education as successful, cost effective,and. exportablAs a result, the program is now fund6d a. rough the New Jeriby ESEA Title I VC Pr-Ogrento: -offerin rested educators the training and materialrequired for its replication. This manualwas , prdpafed as part of the program's disSeminationeffort. The purpose *of Title I VC i1toencourage the development and disemination of innovativeprograms whicti_otfer ieriginative; solutions to educational problems. Project ACTIVE achieved thilurkoseby di senxinatingeits innovativerogramto 1,OpO teachers and paraprofessionals
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