Buka hatene Compreender Timor-Leste 2013 Mengerti Understanding Volume II 1 Proceedings of the Understanding Timor-Leste 2013 Conference, Liceu Campus, National University of Timor- Lorosa’e (UNTL), Avenida Cidade de Lisboa, Dili, Timor-Leste, 15 – 16 July 2013. Edited by Hannah Loney, Antero B. da Silva, Nuno Canas Mendes, Alarico da Costa Ximenes and Clinton Fernandes. This collection first published in 2014 by the Timor-Leste Studies Association (www.tlstudies.org) Printed by Swinburne Press. Copyright © 2014 Hannah Loney, Antero B. da Silva, Nuno Canas Mendes, Alarico da Costa Ximenes, Clinton Fernandes and contributors. All papers published in this collection have been peer refereed. All rights reserved. Any reproductions, in whole or in part of this publication must be clearly attributed to the original publication and authors. Cover photo courtesy of Pamela Martin Photography. Design and book layout by Susana Barnes, Hannah Loney and Sarah Smith. ISBN: 978-0-85590-834-8 2 Contents – Volume II Lia Maklokek – Prefácio – Foreword – Prakata 5 Understanding Timor-Leste 2013 7 1. Two journeys in Indonesian-occupied Timor-Leste, 1991 and 1997 8 Steven Farram 2. SESIM: Linking science and mathematics education to students’ reality 13 Curt Gabrielson and Jacinta Barreto 3. Timor-Leste: The political economy of a rentier state 20 Guteriano Nicolau Soares Neves 4. Dengue vectors in a rural area of Timor-Leste: Can small-scale mosquito control have a place in 27 an integrated dengue control program? Esther Anderson 5. Pragmatism or preference? Examining Timorese responses to decentralization 35 Dr Joanne Wallis 6. Timor Leste Unions and the right to strike? 41 Chris White 7. History and future of tourism development in Timor-Leste 49 Denis Tolkach 8. Matak-malirin, Tempu Rai-diak and Halerik: Expressions of what Timorese Longed for in Life 55 Josh Trindade 9. Practical Innovations introduced by the Youth and Employment Promotion Project-GIZ to 60 Increase Vegetable Production in Timor – Leste Adelino Pimentel do Rego 10. Forest reliance as a livelihood strategy in Timor-Leste 66 Merve Hosgelen and Dr Udoy Saikia 11. Water deficit during the reproductive period reduced yields of tomato varieties 74 Marcal Gusmao and Sabino Henrique 12. Identities, territories and agricultural practices: some landmarks for the preservation of local 81 communities’ heritage in East Timor Jean-Christophe Galipaud, Dominique Guillaud and Anne Casile 13. The continuum of women’s activism in Timor-Leste in the context of UN peacebuilding 87 Sarah Smith 14. The case for developing a destination brand for Timor-Leste 94 Sara Currie 15. The impact of the El Niño Southern Oscillation on Rainfall Variability in Timor-Leste 100 Samuel Bacon, Florindo Morais Neto, Isabel Soares Pereira and Robert Williams 16. Perceptions of development in Timorese communities 115 Sophia Close 17. Gender and State-Building: the case for Timor-Leste 121 Terese Geraghty 18. The heterozygosity of corn variety of NAI following half-sib selection compared to one of its 126 parents Claudino Ninas Nabais, Soon-Kwon Kim, Lourenço Borges Fontes, Adalfredo Ferreira and Albertino Jeronimo 19. From activists to managers: learnings about growth, change and challenge in civil society 131 organisations in Timor-Leste Kathryn Robertson and Stacey Sawchuk 20. Adult literacy education in Timor-Leste in recent years: from research to practice 137 Danielle Boon 21. State building and nation building: exploring a complex relationship through the construction of 144 urban citizenship in Dili, Timor Leste Alix Valenti 3 22. Can social capital and a focus on building collection action help coffee growers overcome 152 livelihood challenges in in Timor-Leste? Lisa Walker 23. Promoting Timor-Leste’s local and indigenous knowledge for sustainable development 159 Lisa Hiwasaki 24. Corn breeding for downy mildew resistant in East Timor 165 Claudino Ninas Nabais, Soon-Kwon Kim, Gil Rangel, Manuel Guteres and Paul da Costa 25. The challenges of providing “quality education” in Timor-Leste 176 Marie Quinn and Ritesh Shah 26. Heritage, agro-biodiversity and the local populations: some examples from the use of palm 183 trees in East Timor Dominique Guillaud, Laure Emperaire and Patricia Bustamante 27. The Influence of sex, age and season on child growth in Ossu sub-district, Timor Leste, 2009- 190 2012 Katherine A Sanders, Debra S Judge, Natasha Pauli, Pedro Canisio Amaral and Lincoln H Schmitt 28. How long will the Petroleum Fund carry Timor-Leste? 199 Charles Scheiner 29. Democratic transition and the transformation of combatants in Aceh and Timor-Leste 216 Badrus Sholeh 30. Negotiating a corporeal history: Women’s embodied memories of the Indonesian Occupation 222 Hannah Loney 31. Marriage exchanges, colonial fantasies and the production of East Timor indigenous socialities in 228 the 1970s Dili Kelly Silva 32. Transitional gap of governance: social change and urban vulnerability in post-1999 East Timor 234 Hiroko Inoue 33. Security across the local and national in Dili, Timor-Leste 239 Damian Grenfell and Bronwyn Winch 34. Australian popular fiction and the moral drama of East Timor 246 David Callahan 35. Civil society in transition 251 Janet Hunt and Ann Wigglesworth Festschrift Panel: Celebrating the work of Helen Hill 257 36. “Populist Catholics”: Fretilin 1975 258 Clinton Fernandes 37. Helen Hill’s contribution to the understanding of early East Timorese nationalism 1974-1975 265 Michael Leach 38. How Timor-Leste influenced my academic career: A response to the papers by Michael Leach 271 and Clinton Fernandes Helen M Hill Mengerti Timor-Leste 2013 280 39. Investigasi Dan Identifikasi Kuburan Massal Korban Perang Di TImor-Leste 281 Mouzinho T. Correia 40. Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Budaya Organisasi, Motivasi Dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap 288 Kinerja Karyawan Rumah Sakit Panti Rapih Yogyakarta Domingas de Jesus dos Reis 41. Membangun Hubungan Damai Indonesia dan Timor-Leste: Kerjasama Negara dan Masyarakat 297 Sipil Badrus Sholeh 4 Lia Maklokek – Prefácio – Foreword – Prakata Ensaiu sira ne’ebe tama volume ida ne’e mak sira ne’ebe uluk-liu aprensenta iha Konferensia Timor-Leste Studies Association (TLSA) nian konaba Understanding Timor-Leste 2013, realize iha Universidade Nacional de Timor-Lorosa’e (UNTL), Liceu Campus, Avenida Cidade de Lisboa, Dili, Timor-Leste, 15-16 Jullu 2013. Ida ne’e Konferensia dahat TLSA nian, tuir fali konferensia sira ne’ebe halao ona iha Melbourne (2005) no Dili (2009 e 2011). Timor oan sira liu 150 ho Delagado internasional sira apresenta ensaiu durante loron rua resin. Konferensia ida ne’e organiza iha dalen hat mak Tetum, Portuguese, Indonesia no Inglez. Aproximasaun ida ne’e haktuir diversidade linguistika iha Timor-Leste, no hatudu sukesu boot. Panel homenagen mos organiza hodi selebra servisu Helen Hill nian, hamutuk ho panel especial konaba Estadu, Povu no Hari dame husi base. Ensaiu sira ne’ebe hetan ona revisaun husi kolega sira publika iha koleksaun ida ne’e inklui apresentasaun iha dalen hat hotu no inklui mos ensaiu sira ne’ebe hatoo iha panel homenagen nian. Editores sira hakarak hatoo obrigadu barak ba UNTL,Swinburne University of Technology, no Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa ba parseria ne’ebe halo konferensia ne’e sai posivel. Ami mos hatoo apresiasaun a’as ba Presidencia da Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste no Asia Foundation, tan sira nian apoiu ba konferensia importante ida ne’e. Obrigadu ba Sarah Smith no Susana Barnes, ba sira nian asistensia iha produsaun ba koleksaun ida ne’e, no ba Michael Leach no Sarah Smith tan sira nian asistensia iha organizasaun konferensia nian. Ami partikularmente hato’o obrigadu ba autores sira, no dala ida tan ami hein katak volume ida ne’e sei asiste estudante no akademiku sira iha Timor-Leste, no mos ba sira ne’ebe iha estranjerru ne’ebe hakarak komprende desafiu no oportunidade barak ne’ebe nasaun jovem ne’e hasoru hafoin tinan 12 restaurasaun independensia. * As comunicações incluídas neste volume foram apresentadas na conferência Compreender Timor-Leste 2013, organizada pela Timor-Leste Studies Association (TLSA), a qual decorreu na Universidade Nacional de Timor-Leste (UNTL), no Campus do Liceu, Avenida Cidade de Lisboa, Díli, Timor-Leste, nos dias 15 e 16 de Julho de 2013. Esta foi a 4.ª conferência da TLSA, na sequência das de Melbourne (2005) e das de Díli (2009 e 2011). Mais de 150 conferencistas timorenses e internacionais apresentaram as suas comunicações durante dois dias. A conferência decorreu em quatro línguas, com painéis em Tétum, Português, Bahasa Indonésia e Inglês. Esta escolha reflecte a diversidade linguística de Timor-Leste e tem tido grande êxito. Foi organizada uma sessão de homenagem a Helen Hill pelo seu trabalho com um painel especial sobre 'State, People and Peace-Building'. As comunicações, sujeitas a arbitragem científica, foram seleccionadas de todos os painéis e da sessão de homenagem. Os editores gostariam de agradecer à UNTL, à Swinburne Technology University e à Universidade de Lisboa pelos apoios que tornaram esta conferência possível. Gostariam ainda de agradecer à Presidência da República de Timor-Leste e à Asia Foundation (TAF) pelos respectivos contributos e agradecer igualmente à Sarah Smith e à Susan Barnes pela colaboração na organização deste volume. Um agradecimento especial aos autores das comunicações e votos de que este volume possa ser útil aos estudantes e académicos de Timor-Leste e aqueles que fora do país queiram compreender melhor os muitos desafios e oportunidades que esta nação enfrenta após 12 anos de independência. * The papers included in this volume were first presented at the Timor-Leste Studies Association (TLSA)’s Understanding Timor-Leste 2013 conference, held at the National University of Timor-Lorosa’e (UNTL), Liceu Campus, Avenida Cidade de Lisboa, Dili, Timor-Leste, 15-16 July 2013. This was the 4th TLSA conference, following our conferences in Melbourne (2005) and Dili (2009 and 2011). More than 150 East Timorese and international delegates presented papers over two days.
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