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In this experiment, endogeneous AR - SV is degraded in vitro in V567es cells . AR Splice Variant 1002 atent Jun . 11 , 2019 Sheet 3 of 34 US 10 ,314 ,797 B2 Figure 2A : Antagonist Mode Transactivation for SARDs 11 and 1002 vre menaonmuina.content imionne comet Cmpd 11 Cmpd 1002 Cmpd 11 * Cmpd 1002 o 11 U . S . Patent Jun . 11, 2019 Sheet 4 of 34 US 10 , 314 , 797 B2 Figure 2B : SARD Activity Retained for R - isomers of 11 (11R ( R - isomer ) ) and 1002 ( 1020 ) LNCap 1002 1020 { R - 1002 ) 01 OM 1881 DI SMR1861 ?????????????????? AR AR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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