PROCEEDINGS OF THE Societ f Hntiquaneyo f Scotlano s b PROCEEDINGS OF THE Societ f Hntiquarieyo f Scotlano s d SESSION MCMXXXII.-MCMXXXIII. VOL. LXVII. SIXTH SERIES.—VOL. VII. PRINTEE SOCIETTH R NEILY COMPANYB D FO LAN Y LTD, MCMXXXIII. TABL F CONTENTEO S PAGE Laws of the Society, . xiii List of Fellows, ............ xvii Anniversary Meeting, 1932, .........1 . Excavation of a Denuded Cairn, containing Fragments of Steatite Urns and Cremated Human Remains Rousayn i , , Orkney WALTEy B . GRANT. RG , F.S.A.Scot. 24 . / , CollectioA Prehistorif no c Relics fro Stevenstoe mth n Sands, Ayrshire othed an , r Objects in the National Museum. By J. GRAHAM CALLANDER, LL.D., F.S.A.Scot., Director of Nationae th l Museu Antiquitiesf mo , .......6 2 . Notic Shora f eo t Cis t Fragaa t , Scatness, Shetland Professoy B . r THOMA . BRYCESH , M.D., F.R.S., F.S.A.Scot., .........4 3 . Trial Excavation Keid Ol g e Stonth t sa e Circle, Aberdeenshire Professoy B . GORDOV r N CHILDE, B.Litt., F.S.A.Scot, ......... 37 Note on Three Seventeenth-century Shetland Tombstones. By Sir GEORGE MACDONALD, K.C.B., LL.D., D.Litt, F.B.A., F.S.A.Scot., ......3 5 . Primitive Agriculture in Scotland: with Particular Referenc o Unrecordet e d Celtic Lynchet t Torwoodleea s , Galashiels, Selkirkshire . KILBRIDE-JONEE . H y B . d an S M. E. CRICHTON MITCHELL, .......... 70 Accoun Furthef to r Excavatio Prehistorie 193n th i f 2o c Township at Jarlshof, Shetlandn ,o behal H.Mf o f . Offic Worksf eo ALEXANDEy B . CURLERO , C.V.O., F.S.A.Scot., F.S.A.2 8 , Further Note Huntln so y . DOUGLA CastleW y B . S SIMPSON, M.A., D.Litt, F.S.A.Scot.7 13 . , Short Cist Roxburgin s Sutherlandhand Rocand , k Sculpturing Cava Wemyssin seat , Fife. By ARTHUR J. H. EDWARDS, F.S.A.Scot., Assistant Keeper of the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland. With a Report on the Human Remains contained Ciste i Professonth y sb r ALEX. Low, M.A., M.D., F.S.A.Scot., ...4 16 . Two Short Cists at Upper Boyndlie, Tyrie, Aberdeenshire. By Professor ALEX. Low, . .17 . 6 . M.A. , M.D. , F.S.A.Scot . , Observations on Hut-circles near the Eastern Border of Perthshire, North of Blairgowrie. By WALLACE THORNETCROFT, F.S.A.Scot., ......7 18 . Scottise Th h Expeditio Norwan i Reve Th .1612n y i JOH B . N BEVERIDGE, M.B.E., B.D., F.S.A.Scot, ...........9 20 . ShorA t Cist containin gBeakea t Newlandsra , Oyne, Aberdeenshire Sundrd ,an y Archaeo- logica l. J GRAHANotes y B . M CALLANDER, LL.D., F.S.A.Scot., Directoe th f o r National Museum of Antiquities, ......... 228 vi TABL F CONTENTSO E . PAQB RomaNotee th n so n Fort t Rougsa h Castl Westerwoodd ean , wit hPostscripta r Si y B . GEORGE MACDONALD, K.C.B., LL.D., D.Litt., F.B.A. , F.S.A.Scot..24 . 3. , Notes on the Nether Bow Port, Edinburgh. By HENRY F. KERR, A.R.I.B. A., F.S.A.Scot., 297 On Two Bronze Age Cists at Sprouston, Roxburghshire. By J. HEWAT CRAW, Secretary. With Report on the Skeletal Remains by Professor ALEX. Low, M.D., F.S.A.Scot., . 308 The Chi-Rho Crosse Raasayn so : Their Importanc Chronologicad ean l Relationshipsy B . GALBRAITHJ . J , M.D., F.S.A.Scot., .......8 31 . e PrehistoriTh c Antiquitie f Benderloco s d Appinan h y MARGAREB . T B. CRICHTON MITCHELL, F.S.A.Scot., .......... 320 Small Implement Quartf so z from Ward Hill, Dunrossness, LACAILLE. ShetlandD . A y B . , F.S.A.Scot., ...........7 32 . Notes on "Three Bassoons" in the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland. By LYNDESAY G. LANGWILL, C.A., ... ..... 335 Further Burials at Blows, Deerness, Orkney. By W. G. GRANT, F.S.A.Scot. With Notes on the Pottery found there and on the Bronze Age Pottery of Orkney and Shetland by J. GRAHAM CALLANDER, LL.D., F.S.A.Scot., Director of the National Museum . • .34 . 3 . o. f Antiquities . , A Third Short Cis t Rumgallya t . TENNAN,J Fifey B . T GORDON, O.B.B., J.P., F.S.A.Scot. With Notes on the Skeletal Remains by Professor DAVID WATEHSTON, M.D., F.S.A.Scot., ............ 354 Excavations at Castlelaw Fort, Midlothian. By Professor V. GORDON CHILDE, B.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., ...... ...... 362 INDEX, ............9 38 . LIS F ILLUSTRATIONTO S An asterisk (*) denotes that the block was borrowed. Earthenware Pitcher from Loch Leven, Jarlshof, Shetland: View looking north- Kinross-shire, ...... 9 east, showing the extent of the Excava- Stone Axe-hammer2 1 from . Rousay . , tion completed in 1931,..... 84 Socketed Bronze Axe and part of the Hazel —— —— Original Entrance Passage leading Handle, from Boskhill, Dunvegan, 6 Skye1 , inwards froe north-westmth , showing Ruined Cair t Georna Nearsf do , Orkney4 2 . , 5 8 . , it f tho d e closeen e th d t cela lH Pla do.f no , ......5 2 . —— —— Chambe showin, rL situgn i Saddle Enamelled Brooch from Stevenston Sands, 27 Quern with Rubber placed upo , alsnit o Unfinished Bronze Brooch from do., . 27 Lump of Clay and shaped Slab opposite,. 86 Hea Bronzf do fron emPi do., ..8 2 . —— —— Base of Pot found in Chamber L, . 87 Ring of Shale from Yarrow Kirk, . 30 —— —— Cel , showinH l g Back Wald an l Bronze Strap-tags from Stevenston Sands loosely buil8 t 8 wess Walit n t. lo side . , and Glenluce Sands, ..... 31 —— —— e secondar Vieth f wo y Entrance Strap-ta Silvef go r fro2 m3 Talnotrie . , Passage leading into Chamber D, from the Strap-ta Bronzf go e from Rea2 3 y Links . , outside, .......0 9 . Enamelled Bronze Finger-rings froe mth —— —— Sectio Castinf no g Pit, ..2 9 . Culbin Sands, Traprain Law Tentd an , s —— — Outee —Th r Wal f Dwellino l i . gNo Muir, ........ 32 exposed behind Chamber D, ... 93 Sword Pomme f Bronzo l e from Culbin —— —— View into Chambe , showinM r g Sands, ........ 33 the later construction at the south-west Old Keig Stone Circl e: Pla Sectiond 9 n3 an . , end, ......... 94 —— —— Segmen banf o t north-eastn ko 0 4 . , —— —— Bronze Knife foun Chamben d5 i 9 , rM —— —— End of Recumbent Stone, after —— —— Stone Object with serrated edge excavation, from south-west, ... 42 found in M, and Hatchet of Slate from I, 96 —— —— Boulders under Recumbent Stone4 4 , —— —— Rude Stone Implement from I, —— —— Section Potteryf so , ...6 4 . portio perforatef no d Heart-shaped Stone Grave-sla Malcolf bo m Sinclai Quendalef ro 4 5 , fro w , ...mK Sa d froan , 7 mH 9 . Grave-slab of James Sinclair of Quendale, . 56 —— —— Stone Clubs found in I, . 99 Tombstone of Barbara Sinclair, wife of —— —— Heart-shaped Object of Sandstone Hector Bruce of Mouness, .... 58 fragmentd an second,...a f so 1 10 . Cross-slab near Raasay House3 6 , . Skye . , —— —— Objects of Slate with serrated Incised Cross near Raasay House4 ,6 Skye . , edges, ....... 102-104 Cross-slab t Ssa t Donnan's, Eigg,..6 6 . —— — . — Knive104-10 . Slatef 6s. o , Cross-shaft at do., ...... 67 —— —— Stone Disc, ... .106 General Plan of Lynchets and Fort at Tor- —— —— Stone Club 7 Stond 10 san e. Axe . , woodlee, ........ 75 —— —— Adze formed from segment of a View showing remnant Lynchetf so 6 7 t do.sa , stone vessel, . 108 Pla Celtif no c Lynchet t do.sa , ..7 7 . —— —— Oval Object of Slate, . .108 8 7 . Celti . c . Lynchet . do.t . sa , —— —— Vesse f fine-grainelo d Sandstone,8 10 . 9 7 . Sectio . n of . do., . do. , —— —— Scrapers of Quartz, .... 109 Side View of theTwo Lower Lynchets a9 t 7 do., —— —— Bone Chisels, ..... 109 Jarlshof, Shetland: Plan of Dwelling No. i, 83 —— —— Kno Bonf bo e with Bronze Collar0 11 , Vlll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Jarlshof, Shetland: Perforated Sheep's Cup Ring-markd an - Cavn i s t Wemyssea , Vertebra with pin inserted in foramen, . 110 Fife, ........ 172 —— —— Pierce d Objecan r f unknowo t n Sculpturings in Cave at Wemyss, Fife, 173 use, both of bone, ...... 110 Sculpturing (retouched) in do., 173 —— —— Section Potteryf so , ..... Ill Profile view of Skull from Short Cist, West —— —— Pieces of a Mould for casting a Castle Hill, Upper Boyndlie, Tyrie. , 179 Socketed Axe, .....3 11 . Frontal vie do.f w o . , ..... 180 —— —— Fragment f o various s Sword Right hal f Thyroio f d Cartilage (ossified) Moulds, ........ 114 from do., ........ 181 —— —— Portion f Sworso d Moul5 11 d "g, . " X-ray negativ f Righeo t Thigh-bone from —— —— Mould 6 Diska r 11 Gouga fo r . sd fo ean do., ......... 182 —— —— Piece f Mouldo s r cirefo s perdue Short Cist, East Castle Hill, Upper casting; Para Moul f o t d with curved Boyndlie, Tyrie, ...... 184 edg e; Portio Gatea Examplef d no an , f so Beaker from Short Cist, do., .... 185 Outer Casings, .....7 11 . showinp Ma g distributio Hut-circlef no n so —— —— Portion Gatef s8 o Valvesd 11 san . , bordere th Perthshirf so Angusd ean , 188 —— —— Piece f Sworso 9 11 d Moulds, . Typical Hut-circle Easn si t Perthshire, 190 —— —— Gate of Sword Mould, ... 120 Dalrulzion Hut-circle F before excavation, 191 Header or Jet of Bronze from Traprain Law. 122 —— —— Plan and sections of, ... 192 Jarlshof, Shetland: Diagrammatic Sections •Hearth, .....4 19 . of a Clay Mould for casting a Bronze —— —— after excavation, . 195 Socketed Axe, showing the casting —— —— Section f Potterso y from, 197 within, .......3 12 . View of Pass at Kringom, Norway, 217 Huntly Castle : General Plan, ... 137 The Scots Bar t Klomstadna , Norway, 219 Plan Mattesf so t Grimbosa 8 Lewesd 13 qan .
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