A p p e n d i x 1 Details of Interviewees A r g e n t i n a (All interviews held in Buenos Aires) • Carlos H. Acu ñ a , Instituto Interdisciplinario de Economí a Pol í tica de Buenos Aires (IIEP), Universidad de Buenos Aires, September 18, 2008; • Ra ú l Alfons í n, president of Argentina (1983–1989), e-mail interview, November 7, 2008; • Asociaci ó n de Ex-Detenidos Desaparecidos , organization of survivors of disappearances, September 22, 2008; • Asociaci ó n Madres de Plaza de Mayo , organization of mothers of victims who disappeared, August 30, 2007; • Buena Memoria Asociaci ó n Civil , human rights organization, August 30, 2007; • Memoria Abierta, human rights organization, August 23, 2007 and September 12, 2008; • Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales , human rights organization, August 30, 2007; • Emilio Crenzel, professor of Sociology at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient í ficas y T é cnicas, CONICET), August 18, 2007; • Andr é s D’Alessio , judge of the 1985 Trial of the Commanders, September 17, 2008; • Familiares de Desaparecidos y Detenidos por Razones Pol í ticas , organiza- tion of relatives of victims who disappeared or were under political deten- tion, September 18, 2008; • Graciela Fern á ndez Meijide, CONADEP Secretariat of Denunciations and Member of the Council of Presidency of APDH, August 17, 2007 and September 12, 2008; 232 Appendix 1 • Equipo Argentino de Antropolog í a Forense , organization of forensic anthropology, August 24, 2007; • Ricardo Gil Lavedra, judge of the 1985 Trial of the Commanders, August 22, 2007; • Hijos por la Identidad y la Justicia contra el Olvido y el Silencio , orga- nization of sons and daughters of victims who disappeared, survivors, political prisoners, and exiles, September 1, 2007, September 16, 2008, and December 3, 2009; • Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo , organization of grandmothers of missing chil- dren, September 3, 2007 and September 11, 2008; • Federico Lorenz , historian and researcher at CONICET, September 8, 2008; • Daniel Lvovich , historian, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento and Researcher at CONICET, September 19, 2008; • Madres de Plaza de Mayo—Linea Fundadora, organization of mothers of victims who disappeared, August 25, 2007 and September 22, 2008; • Jaime Malamud Goti, senior presidential advisor (1983–1987) and law pro- fessor at the Universidad de Palermo, September 3, 2007; • Marcos Novaro , researcher at Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires, September 10, 2008; • Vicente Palermo , principal researcher at CONICET, September 5, 2008; • Catalina Smulovitz , director, Department of Political Science and International Studies, Universidad Torcuato di Tella, September 23, 2008. U r u g u a y (All interviews held in Montevideo) • Amnist í a Internacional Uruguay , human rights organization, September 2, 2008 and March 19, 2012; • Laura B á lsamo, Servicio Paz y Justicia’s Documentation Centre, human rights organization, September 7, 2007 and March 21, 2012; • Gerardo Bleier , journalist, writer, and consultant in strategic communica- tion, August 29, 2008; • Gerardo Caetano , historian, Instituto de Ciencia Pol í tica, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de la Rep ú blica, September 4, 2008 and March 21, 2012; • Jorge O. Chediak, judge of the Suprema Corte de Justicia, November 5, 2009 and March 19, 2012; • Carlos Demasi , historian, Centro de Estudios Interdisciplinarios Uruguayos, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci ó n, Universidad de la Rep ú blica, August 28, 2008, October 30, 2009, and March 15, 2012; • CRYS@L Asociaci ó n de ex Pres@s Pol í tic@s de Uruguay , organization of victims who were former political prisoners, September 11, 2007 and March 20, 2012; Appendix 1 233 • Oscar Destouet , professor of Contemporary History at the Instituto de Profesores Artigas and until 2010 responsible for Memory, Human Rights Directorate, Ministry of Education and Culture, September 17, 2007, November 3, 2009, and March 15, 2012; • Pilar Elhordoy Arregui , human rights lawyer particularly working on trials for state terrorism such as Automotores Orletti (Segundo Vuelo), Nuble Yic, and Amaral Garc í a y Fusilados de Soca (Vuelo Cero), September 11, 2007; • Elbio Ferrario, former political prisoner and director of the Centro Cultural y Museo de la Memoria—MUME, September 2, 2008; • Juli á n Gonz á lez Guyer , Instituto de Ciencia Polí tica, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de la Rep ú blica, August 29, 2008; • Luis Alberto Heber , senator, Blanco party, September 3, 2008; • Alfonso Lessa, political journalist and writer, Tele Doce, September 17, 2007; • Vania Markarian , Archivo General—Universidad de la Rep ú blica, August 27, 2008; • Felipe Michelini , national representative for Montevideo, Frente Amplio party, professor of Human Rights in the Law Faculty, Universidad de la Rep ú blica, September 11, 2007, November 11, 2009, and February 15, 2012 (the 2012 interview took place in Oxford, UK); • Rafael Michelini , senator, Frente Amplio party, September 3, 2008; • Javier Miranda , lawyer, victim relative, member of Madres y Familiares , and currently government’s secretary for human rights (2010 till date), August 29, 2008 and March 15, 2012; • Madres y Familiares de Uruguayos Detenidos Desaparecidos , organiza- tion of relatives of victims who disappeared, September 1, 2008 and March 22, 2012; • Ra ú l Olivera, human rights activist and advisor for the national confedera- tion of trade unions PIT-CNT, August 30, 2008, November 11, 2009, and March 14, 2012; • Roger Rodr í guez , investigative journalist formerly at La Rep ú blica newspa- per and currently at Caras&Caretas magazine, November 4, 2009. • Julio Maria Sanguinetti , president of Uruguay (1985–1990 and 1995– 2000), September 21, 2007; • Servicio de Rehabilitaci ó n Social , human rights organization, September 19, 2007. A p p e n d i x 2 Abbreviations Abuelas Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo (Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo, victims organization, Argentina). Alianza Alianza para el Trabajo, la Justicia y la Educaci ó n (Alliance for Work, Justice and Education, Argentine coalition party). A P D H A s a m b l e a P e r m a n e n t e p o r l o s D e r e c h o s H u m a n o s (Permanent Assembly for Human Rights, human rights organization, Argentina). Asociaci ó n Madres A s o c i a c i ó n M a d r e s d e P l a z a d e M a y o ( M o t h e r s o f M a y Square Association, victims organization, Argentina) Blanco Partido Blanco or Partido Nacional, traditional Uruguayan political party historically linked to rural sectors, farming and the land; it traditionally encompassed various ideo- logical positions, ranging from right to center. CELS Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (Centre for Legal and Social Studies, Argentina). CGT Confederaci ó n General del Trabajo de la Rep ú blica Argentina (General Confederation of Labour of the Argentine Republic). Colorado Partido Colorado, traditional Uruguayan political party, historically a liberal and republican party representing commercial urban sectors, nowadays it encompasses right and center-right groups. C O N A D E P C o m i s i ó n N a c i o n a l s o b r e l a D e s a p a r i c i ó n d e P e r s o n a s (National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons, Argentina). CONADI Comisi ó n Nacional por el Derecho a la Identidad (National Commission for the Right to Identity, Argentina). 236 Appendix 2 C R Y S O L Centro de Relaciones y Soluciones Laborales (Orga- nization of former political prisoners, Uruguay). E A A F E q u i p o A r g e n t i n o d e A n t r o p o l o g í a F o r e n s e ( A r g e n t i n e Forensic Anthropology Team, Argentina). E S M A E s c u e l a d e M e c á n i c a d e l a A r m a d a ( N a v y M e c h a n i c s School, Buenos Aires). Familiares Familiares de Detenidos y Desaparecidos por Razones Pol í ticas (Relatives of Detainees and Disappeared for Political Reasons, victims organization, Argentina). F r e n t e A m p l i o Established in February 1971, a broad coalition of several left-wing parties now encompassing the Communist and Socialist parties, the New Space, and the Popular Participation Movement of the for- mer Tupamaros (Uruguay). F p V Frente para la Victoria (Front for Victory, peronist party political alliance, Argentina). F R E J U L I F r e n t e J u s t i c i a l i s t a d e L i b e r a c i ó n ( J u s t i c i a l i s t Liberation Front, Argentine party). FREPASO Frente Pa í s Solidario (Front for a Country in Solidarity, Argentine coalition party). H.I.J.O.S. Hijos por la Identidad y la Justicia contra el Olvido y el Silencio (Sons and Daughters for Identity and Justice against Forgetting and Silence, Argentine victims organization). HIJOS Uruguay HIJOS de Detenidos Desaparecidos en Uruguay (Sons and Daughters of Disappeared Detainees in Uruguay, victims organization). IACHR Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. I A C t H R I n t e r - A m e r i c a n C o u r t o f H u m a n R i g h t s .
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