PQTVJGCUV"HNQTKFC‚U"QNFGUV."NCTIGUV."OQUV"TGCF"CHTKECP"COGTKECP"QYPGF"PGYURCRGT Vjg"Hnqtkfc"Uvct Rtguqtvgf"Uvcpfctf Ugg" Kpukfg OKUUKPI"EJKNFTGP Vjg"Hnqtkfc"Uvct. R0"Q0"Dqz"6284; W0U0"Rquvcig"Rckf Lcemuqpxknng."HN"54425 Lcemuqpxknng."HN Ejwtej" Vjg"Igqtikc"Uvct# Rgtokv""Pq0"5839 Vcnm"qh"vjg"Vqyp *;26+"988/::56 Nqecn Uvknn"Vjg"Rgqrng‚u Can’t Get to the Store Hnqtkfc/Igqtikc Urqtvu Ejqkeg# Have The Star Delivered Eqoowpkv{ STRIVING TO MAKE Denzel and Pauletta married for UGG" 29 years, 4 children. Etkog"("Lwuvkeg A DIFFERENCE! Cp"Cyctf Tgcf"Vjg"Hnqtkfc cpf"Igqtikc"Uvct Ykppkpi Pgyurcrgtu0 Rwdnkecvkqp vjghnqtkfcuvct0eqo Nkuvgp"vq"KORCEV ugtxkpi"{qw"ukpeg"3;730 Tcfkq"Vcnm"Ujqy0 The people’s choice Tcvgf"›C-fi"d{"vjg Dgvvgt"Dwukpguu"Dwtgcw yyy0vjghnqtkfcuvct0eqo AUGUST 3 - AUGUST 9, 2013 XQN0"85""""PQ0" 16 STILL ONLY 50 CENTS IQNFGP"EQTTCN Fcpkgn"Ikduqp"Vwtpu Rcwnc"Rcvvqp"Vqrnguu"kp KPUKFG<"ECTKDDGCP"WRFCVG UJQQVKPI"WRFCVG )4"Iwpu)<")Kv"Ycu"O{"Kfgc) Ugg"Rcig" Jkougnh"kp"vq"Rqnkeg ;."Urqtvu< Daniel Gibson, 27, sur rendered himself at the New Orleans Police De- partment's 8th District headquarters in the French Quarter. He was processed at Orleans Parish Prison a "2 Guns" may be an action comedy, but \KOOGTOCP"ECWIJV"YKVJ"C"IWP The Duval County Grand short time later and posted it's not the first place we'd expect to find The spotlight seems to continue Jury indicted Jallil DeQuan bond for his release before noon. a lengthy topless scene. finding George Zimmerman, the Graves (right) and Avery Gibson attended the Essence Festival with Of course, we're pretty sure no one will be man acquitted in the death of 17 Wood (left) for the July 14 his wife, R&B singer Keyshia Cole, who complaining when they see an intimate year-old Trayvon Martin. double murder at Golden performed at the concert series. scene between Paula Patton and Denzel This time, Zimmerman was Corral on Normandy pulled over near Dallas, Texas for "Earlier this month during the Essence Washington where their characters, DEA speeding. When approached by Boulevard. Music Festival, I was involved in an inci- agents Deb and Bobby, are discussing the officer, Zimmerman reportedly Graves, 19, and Wood, 19, dent with other individuals while I was out their romantic relationship following a lit- said that he was armed. He was were indicted on two with my wife." tle roll in the hay. As Deb asks if Bobby told to put the gun in the glove counts of murder in the first He continues, "It's unfortunate that some ever loved her, Patton's breasts are out for compartment of his car and told to go on his way if he had no criminal degree and one count of issues, according to the station. The incident was caught on the of- see opportunity in taking advantage of all the world to see. Robin Thicke and ficer’s dashcam. At some point, Zimmerman asked the officer if he armed robbery. people who work hard for what they have Pauletta Washington had no problem with recognized him from tv, to which the officer said he did not. As for Dead in the drug-related achieved." It will be alright. the scene. where Zimmerman was headed, his response was “no place in par- fatal shooting were broth- ticular”. ers Andrew Bohannon, 24, ECOFGP"EQWPV["UEJQNCTU"EGNGDTCVG “WHATS LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT?” and Matthew Bohannon, The Florida and Georgia Star brings you the exclusive on the Ralph J Bunche Camden County TINA AND BEAU TIE THE KNOT AFTER 27 YEARS 19. Training School 2013 Homecoming and RTB/CCTS Alumni Association. SEE PAGES 7 & 8 Tina Turner turned heads in WIC"Cnnqyu"Yjkvg Switzerland last week when Uvwfgpv"Wpkqp she said “I do” to Erwin Citing “wanting equality” as Bach while wearing a coture the reason it was formed, black and green gown. Female guests like Oprah president of University of Winfrey attended the cere- Georgia’s White Student mony at the couple’s home Union Freshman Patrick in white while the men were Sharp says he started the club asked to wear black. so that students of European The stunning 73 year-old and Euro-American descent had been dating Bach, a can celebrate their shared his- music producer for the past tory and culture. 'Why is it 27 years. when a white person say he is D0"Vqff"Lqpgu"Eqphktogf"Cu"Hktuv" Turner became a Swiss citi- proud to be white he’s zen earlier this year. "It's that happiness that peo- shunned as a racist?' Chtkecp/Cogtkecp"CVH"Fktgevqt ple talk about, when you He would work with other wish for nothing, when you clubs, such as the Black Stu- By a vote of 53 to 42, the United ing director on Jan. 24, 2013. can finally take a deep dent Alliance, on common is- States Senate confirmed B. Todd While serving as acting director, breath and say, 'Everything sues. Jones as director of the Bureau of he also was the U.S. attorney for is good,'" she told Hello! 6"[gct"Qnf"Lqkpu Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and the District of Minnesota, a posi- magazine. "It's a wonderful OGPUC Explosives. tion he had held since Aug. 7, place to be." Jones becomes the ATF's first per- 2009. SMITHS ‘SCIENTOLOGY’ SCHOOL manent director in seven years and Prior to government service, Jones the first director confirmed by the was a partner in a national law firm SHUTS DOWN Senate. based in Minneapolis, Minn. The As part of the 2006 reauthorization firm specialized in complex-busi- of The Patriot Act, the Senate was ness litigation. required to confirm the head of the Jones is a 1983 graduate of the ATF. Prior to the change, ATF di- University of Minnesota Law rectors were appointed, which did School, and he earned a bachelor's not require Senate confirmation. degree in 1979 from Macalester College. She may not be old enough to President Obama nominated Jones as the ATF's act- Jones is also a Marine Corps veteran. enter Pre-K according to age requirements, but the OJ GRANTED PAROLE Jax Teen Performs At truth of the matter is 4 year- At 66, former Jacob Latimore Atl Event old Anala Beevers is well be- yond the average high football star and 14 year-old Trey schooler. actor OJ Simpson Haze (left) took his The New Orleans youngster has been granted hip hop name Spitta was invited to join MENSA. parole. Simpson Haze to Atlanta The high IQ society, provides was originally sen- where he performed The New Village Leadership Academy School in Calabasas, Calif., a forum for intellectual ex- tenced to nine to for R&B teen su- which was backed by Hollywood hot couple Will Smith and his wife perstars like Jacob change among its members. 33 years for the Jada has reportedly closed its doors. The Smiths reportedly poured a There are members in more Latimore (right) To- million into the institute. 2007 stick up of two memorabilia dealers, The school came under fire after allegations that its curriculum was than 100 countries around the rian Sellers, Issa Alfred Beardsley and Bruce Fromong. and more at Kenedi Treasure’s Sunset Splash focused on teachings of scientology. While there has been no formal world, each of them in the top Simpson will likely face another four statement citing the true cause of the school’s closure, rumors ran 2% of top IQs. Pool Party. The teen affair also served as a years in jail as he was not pardoned of all rampant. Anala was learning the alpha- fundraiser for NAN spokesperson Mary Pat the charges. Described by the board as a Hector. The power couple’s children were said to have attended the school bet at four months od. At four at some point as well. They had stated in the past that the school does “It was a tremendous opportunity,” he said. years old, she appears to be model prisoner, he said: “I just wish I never not have a religious affiation and denied their own involvement with on the fast track . went to that room.” “I was proud to rep my city with my music.” scientology. Gfkvqtkcn00000000000000000000000000000003 Ykuj"vq"ikxg"wu"c"Pgyu"Uvqt{A K Ejwtej000000000000000000000000004 Nqqmkpi"hqt"ewuvqogtu"vq"rcvtqpk|g"{qwt [qwvj" Pgyu00000000000000000000000000000005 dwukpguu"qt"wvknk|g"{qwt"ugtxkeguA"Kh"{qw Ecnn"*;26+"988/::56"qt"Ugpf"kv"vq< P Vcnm"qh"vjg"Vqyp0000000000000000000000000006 Eqnwopu0000000000000000000000000000007 cpuygtgf"[GU."vjgp"{qw"pggf"vq"rnceg"cp kphqBvjghnqtkfcuvct0eqo U Etkog"cpf"Lwuvkeg0000000000000000000000008 cf"kp"Vjg"Hnqtkfc"qt"Igqtikc"Uvct#""ECNN K Nqecn/Hnqtkfc000000000000000000000000000000009 cfBvjghnqtkfcuvct0eqo Nqecn/Igqtikc000000000000000000000000: ;261988/::56"vq"rnceg"{qwt"cf"VQFC[## F Urqtvu000000000000000000000000; Eqoowpkv{00000000000000000000032 Check, Money Order, G Encuukhkgf00000000000000033 Or Credit Cards Accepted Dwukpguu00000000............................12 PAGE 2 THE STAR AUGUST 3, 2013 CHURCH Faith In The Church Directory Our Community “Come and Worship With Us” Schedule of Events and Services ANNOUNCEMENTS New Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church 1824 Prospect Street * Jacksonville, FL 32208 MT. SINAI MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH - on Sunday School …..............………………..9:30 a.m. Saturday, August 10th from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm the Ne- Sunday Morning hemiah Family Life Center will host a family focused fes- Intercessory Prayer...............…..10:45 a.m. tival with the theme: “Take It To The Community, Stop Morning Worship ......................11:00 a.m. The Violence”. With a focus on fathers and families, the Youth Church festival will feature Back To School supplies, Bounce 2nd & 3rd Sundays (Old Sanctuary) House Fun, Puppets Shows, Face Painting, Food and Tuesday - Pastoral Bible Study ................ 7:00 p.m.
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