Buchbesprechungen Gesamtauseinandersetzung. – MN be- Nicht, dass sich das Buch leicht lesen schreibt aufgrund intensiven Aktenstu- liesse: Vielfache Verzahnungen zwischen diums anständig, aber doch auch und den Kapiteln und einige Redundanzen, richtigerweise erbost, wie machtorien- ergänzt um gelegentliche Lektoratsfehl- tiert da seitens der Kirchenleitung Men- leistungen, streuen ein wenig Sand ins schenschach gespielt worden ist: Ich sehe Langstrecken-Leseauge (481 Seiten bis Bauernopfer, kleine und grosse Rocha- zur immer noch umfangreichen Anmer- den zur Sicherung eigener Positionen kung 1420). Andrerseits macht das Buch und den stetigen Drang zur Schachmatt- hellwach, schärft auf historischem setzung des ebenso verteufelten wie Umweg den Verstand für gegenwärtige letztlich wenig bekannten Gegners. Spannungsfragen, lädt mit bemerkens- Mit einer ausführlichen Analyse der werten Beobachtungen und Analysen (späten) theologischen und anthroposo- (die Anthroposophie als Erweckungsbe- phischen Kontroversschriften (7.) und wegung ...) zum Weiterdenken ein und Beobachtungen zum Gesamtverlauf der lässt insbesondere den Konfessions- Auseinandersetzung in Bern (8.) kundler in mir aufmerken: Wem werden schliesst der historische Teil (und die ei- Synodalratspräsidentinnen des Jahres gentliche Dissertation) ab; in einem letz- 2049 die Hand zur Entschuldigung rei- ten (9.) Kapitel werden Fragen zur ge- chen müssen? genwärtigen Spannungslage und einige Handlungsdesiderate ausgesprochen. Marc van Wijnkoop Lüthi, Ligerz Correspondance de Théodore de Bèze, at Basle) and Laurent Dürnhoffer (pastor recueillie par Hippolyte Aubert, publiée at Nuremberg). With these men Beza par Alain Dufour, Béatrice Nicollier, regularly discusses his theological Hervé Genton, tome 22: 1581, Genève: opinions, formulates strategy, and shares Droz 2000, XXXIII, 270 S., ISBN: his fears. Beza also maintains contact 2-600-00401-7 with several high-placed English and Scottish Protestants (William Cecil, Several days before his sixty-second George Buchanan) and receives import- birthday in June 1581, Beza noted that he ant letters from the French historian La was entering the «climactic year» of his Popelinière and the Huguenot chief (and life, the year believed by the ancients to future French king) Henry of Navarre. be especially ill-fated and dangerous. The publication of the Lutheran Formu- However, Christian hope called for a dif- la of Concord (1577) – with its explicit ferent attitude toward the future: «I condemnation of the «sacramentarians» would be the happiest of men if this year – continues to send shockwaves through was for me a stairway into heaven» the Reformed world. Beza’s letters de- (# 1481). Dread and hope – these conflict- scribe final scenes of this tragedy: Au- ing emotions find frequent expression in guste of Saxony has purged moderate the forty-eight letters that comprise Lutherans from the faculty at the Uni- Beza’s published correspondence for versity of Wittenberg. Jacob Andreae, 1581. Nearly two-thirds of these epistol- the champion of the doctrine of ubiquity, ary exchanges are with three long-trusted has now become like a pope for Gnesio- friends, Rudolf Gwalther (antistes of Zu- Lutherans (# 1454). Even in Strasbourg rich), Jean-Jacques Grynaeus (professor the ubiquitarians appear to have won: 188 Zwingliana XXXII, 2005 Buchbesprechungen from their pulpits, city preachers attack prince Navarre, whose moral character Reformed Protestants as worse than appears deficient and military decisions Jews and Muslims; in the streets, people decidedly self-serving (# 1465). In Febru- angrily denounce the names of Calvin ary, Navarre writes a long (clearly defen- and Zwingli. «Poor, miserable Ger- sive) letter to Beza in which he justifies many,» Gwalther mourns, «where those the Peace of Fleix and the behavior of who ought to provide healing for others nobles in his household, and solicits the are themselves sick beyond cure» reformer’s attendance at the General (# 1492). Through much of 1581 Beza Synod of Montauban (convened in and Gwalther attempt to organize a uni- April). Navarre concludes the letter by fied response to the German crisis. The encouraging Beza to write him frequent- Reformed cities of Switzerland apply ly, to speak his mind freely, and «to con- diplomatic pressure on Strasbourg (Ap- tinue your good admonitions as if you pendix I). More significantly, after sev- were my father» (# 1460). In the decade to eral years in discussion, Jean-François come, Beza regularly acts on this invi- Salvard finally completes the Harmonia tation. Confessionum. Beza hopes that this har- Theodore Beza’s health in 1581 has im- mony of thirteen Protestant confessions proved significantly from the previous (including the Second Helvetic Confes- year. The Academy flourishes, with rec- sion and the Augsburg Confession) will ord enrollments. So too, Geneva is at demonstrate the broad appeal of Re- peace. But the reformer continues to formed Christianity and its substantial sense danger. Beza hears rumors that the agreement with Lutheran doctrine. The young Duke of Savoy Charles-Emma- preface to the Harmonia (written by nuel is forging an alliance with the pope Beza and Salvard) calls for unity and and the king of Spain to attack Geneva Christian charity. It concludes with the (# 1486). Similarly, he suspects that the words of Psalm 133:1: Ecce quam bonum Catholic princes are plotting to impose et quam jucundum est consentire fratres by force the decrees of Trent on France in unum (Appendix VII). and Protestant Europe (# 1500). As al- Problems also abound in France. The ways, the Genevan church remains as vul- Peace of Fleix, concluded the previous nerable as «a nest of swallows» (# 1479). year between Henry of Navarre and Beza’s pen is active in 1581, highlighting Alençon, the Duke of Anjou (brother of his various roles as polemicist, biblical Henry III), has failed to pacify the king- exegete, and historian. In the summer he dom. Fighting continues in Dauphiné, finishes Pro Corporis Christi Veritate not far from Geneva. As before, the Re- against the Lutheran ubiquitarian Guil- formed churches survive «under the laume Holder. Later in the fall, his cross» (# 1499). In his darkest moments written reflections on seven penitential Beza fears that conflict in France will Psalms are published under the title soon plunge the entire Christian West Chrestienes meditations (see the letter- into chaos. Only repentance and prayer preface, # 1496). At the same time, he is can exorcise this demon of violence busy revising his beloved Annotationes (# 1463). Beza and other Reformed on the New Testament. «I prefer by far leaders remain suspicious not only of the emending these Annotationes to the Catholic Anjou – who is attempting to writing of apologies and rehashing old negotiate a marriage with Elizabeth of arguments,» he insists (# 1475). Beza’s England – but also of the Huguenot most important contribution to biblical Zwingliana XXXII, 2005 189 Buchbesprechungen studies will be of a different sort: in 1581, excellent overview of the salient con- the reformer donates to Cambridge Uni- cerns and primary insights of the volume versity a fifth-century Greek-Latin as a whole. Each letter is prefaced by a manuscript of the Gospels and Acts (see detailed summary in French. The exten- Appendix IX). Known today as Codex sive annotations that follow each letter Bezae (cod. D), this uncial manuscript are rich in historical background and remains one of the earliest and most de- commentary, informed by extensive pendable witnesses available to the text knowledge of relevant primary and sec- of the New Testament. Finally, Beza’s ondary literature. For the first time, the view of historical writing is illustrated in editors have included brief biographical a fascinating epistolary exchange with sketches of Beza’s chief correspondents the French historian Henri Lancelot Voi- at the beginning of the volume to help sin, the sire of La Popelinière (see # 1458, orient the reader. Beza’s premonition of # 1472). While Beza affirms La Popeli- disaster during this «climactic year,» un- nière’s principle of impartiality in the realized in 1581, will be actualized the writing of history, he insists that neutral- following April when the Duke of Savoy ity should never be allowed to obfuscate besieged Geneva, commencing the so- the pure and simple truth of the past. called War of Raconis. But already, the The nascent conception of the historian’s letters included in this present volume craft once championed by La Popelinière capture the acute sense of danger experi- finds mature and impressive expression enced by Beza and other Reformed in this present volume of Beza’s Corre- churchmen as they confronted Catholic spondance. As in previous volumes, edi- – and Lutheran – Europe. tors Dufour, Nicollier, and Genton have produced a critical edition that is «state Scott M. Manetsch, Deerfield, of the art.» The introduction provides an Illinois USA Correspondance de Théodore de Bèze, tested in 1582, however, when Geneva is recueillie par Hippolyte Aubert, publiée besieged by the armies of her bellicose par Alain Dufour, Béatrice Nicollier, neighbor, the duke of Savoy. Beza serves Hervé Genton, tome 23: 1582, Genève: the war effort with his pen, soliciting Droz 2001, XXIX, 301 S., ISBN: 2-600- support from powerful allies and friends. 00487-4 Impressive is the list of these potential benefactors to whom Beza writes: Henry «I am by nature an optimist» – so writes of Navarre, François de Châtillon, Mat- Theodore
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