Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 9, Number 44, November 16, 1982 Return of the monarchs: the politics of a New Dark Age by Scott Thompson Ruling houses 5. Norway: House of Oldenburg. Head of House, I. Great Britain: House of Guelf; also, House of H.M. King Olav V of Norway. King Olav has nu­ Wettin (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) known as Windsor. merous connections to Great Britain where he trained Head of the House, H. M. Queen Elizabeth II, also at the University of Edinburgh. His House, an elect­ Queen of Canada and Australia, Sovereign of the ed Monarchy, was established in 1905 when Prince ten Commonwealth countries. All members of the Carl, thesecond son of the DanishKing Crown Prince Royal Family play roles in governing oligarchic married Princess Maud, daughter of the Prince of institutions. Edward, the Duke of Kent, runs the Wales, the future King Edward VII. "Grand Mother Lodge" of British Masonry which ordered the execution of Roberto Calvi, head of the Ambrosiano Bank. as part of a war for hegemony between Scottish and York Rites against Grand Orient Masonry. His cousin, Richard, Duke of Gloucester, heads the Most Venerable Order of the Hos­ pital of St. John, which controls those bankers and organized crime 6. Sweden: House of Bernadotte. Head of House, figures who run every aspect from production to dirty money H. M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden. Though laundering for the $200 billion international narcotics cartel--one heavily British-influenced, the Swedish oligarchy of the secret sources of the British Royal Family's wealth. remains fiercely independent in military affairs, en­ couraging heavy industry until the last decade. 2. Belgium: House ofWettin. Head of House, H. M. King Baudouin I of the Belgians. Family wealth is partially based upon the mammoth Societe Generale 7. Spain: House of Bourbon. Head of the House, de Belgigue-a joint property of King Baudouin I H.M. King Juan Carlos I. The only Royal House and the Belgian Hapsburgs-which owns raw ma­ to be returned to power since World War II, King terials subsidiaries in Zaire and other Third World Juan Carlos acceded through a joint agreement of countries, as well as upon Petrofina, a joint property Franco and Opus Dei. Strongly opposed to British of the King and the Belgian Rothschilds. hegemony on the continent, King Juan Carlos is now threatened by the British-dominated Socialist 3. Netherlands: House of Orange-Nassau. Head of International, whose Spanish head, Felipe Gonza­ the House, H. M. Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. lez, was recently elected Prime Minister. The family has a vast fortune as co-owners of Royal Dutch Shell, Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM), and oth­ 8. Luxembourg: House of Nassau. Head of House, er multinationals. Queen Beatrix's father, Prince H.R.H. Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg. Lux­ Bernhard zu Lippe-Beisterfeld, was a member of embourg today functionsas an offshore banking and the Nazi SS in Germany, and he later became a money-laundering facility on the continent. foreign agent of the infamous I. G. Farbenindustrie With the succession of QueenWilhelmina of the which designed the Nazi slave labor camps. Prince Netherlands, the grandmother of Queen Beatrix, the Bernhard founded the Bilderberg Society and the even more im­ Grand Duchy of Luxembourg passed to the senior portant European Foundation of Culture which helped to found the branch of the House of Nassau, then headed by genocidal Club of Rome. Adolphe, Duke of Nassau. 4. Denmark: House of Oldenburg. Head of House, H.M. Margrethe II of Denmark. The Danish oli­ garchy is split between a pro-British wing and a 9. Liechtenstein: House of Liechtenstein. Head of pro-German wing identified with the Schlesswig­ the House, H.S.H. Prince Franz Joseph II of Liech­ Holstein family. Margrethe was trained in archeol­ tenstein. The country was formed in 1712 when Aus­ ogy at Cambridge and in sociology at the London trian Prince Johann Adam of Liechtenstein bought School of Economics , and is a patron of Christiana­ two fiefs of the Holy Roman Empire. Today, the a counterculture youth experiment and center for country is a notorious offshore facility with more drug traffic. registered banks and corporate shells than residents. EIR November 16,1982 Special Report 19 © 1982 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. The Royal Houses of Europe M I; D m the monarchy's new plan for Germany IIthe new Holy Roman Empire 10. Monaco: House of Grimaldi. Head of Hou­ 13. Hanover: House of Guelf. Head of the House, se,H.S.H. Prince Rainier III of Monaco. His wife, H.R.H. Prince Ernst August of Hanover would be • Princess Grace, is believed to have been murdered King of Great Britain according to Salic Law of as part of an effort to consolidate offshore flight inheritance through the male line. Prince Ernst Au­ capital, dirty money laundering, and similar func­ gust is a former SS officer and a member of Haps­ tions on the continent. burg's PanEuropa (PEU), whose members form the I core of his Welfenbund. One son joined the Poona Houses in exile or no longer ruling cult, dying in an accident at their camp. 11. Russia: House of Romanoff. Head of House disputed between the children or grandchildren of 14. Bavaria: House of Wittelsbach. Head of the Czar Nicholas II and Grand Duke Vladimir who is House, H.R.H. Duke Albrecht of Bavaria. Advised supported by the British. The latter's father, Grand by the Thurn und Taxis, Hohenloe, and other me­ Duke Cyril, a first cousin to CzarNicholas II, worked diatized princes of the Holy Roman Empire, the with Henri Dieterding of Royal Dutch Shell, the Wittelsbachs were instrumental in creating the Ba­ Duke of Saxe-Co burg-Gotha, and the Wittelsbach's varian Nazi Party and are part of the "New Hitler" Thule Society to create a White Russian-Bavarian project. The Wittelsbach are heirs of the Stuart claim Nazi Party alliance involving Alfred Rosenberg. to the British throne. 12. Germany: House of Hohenzollern. Head of the 15. Saxony: House of Wettin. Head of the House, House, H.I.R.H. PrinceLouis Ferdinand of Prussia. H.R.H. Prince Maria Emanuel, Margrave of Meis­ The family is involved in complicated restoration sen. Closely linked to the British Royal Family efforts that include the British to whose Royal Fam­ through Prince Albert, Queen Victoria's consort, ily Prince Louis Ferdinand is closely related, the the House of Wettin has founded many other dy­ Wittelsbach of Bavaria and their advisers, and the nasties, such as that of Belgium, Bulgaria, and Soviets. elsewhere. 20 Special Report EIR November 16,1982 16. Wiirttemberg: House ofWiirttemberg. Head of House H. R. H. Duke Carl of Wiirttemberg. Wiirt­ temberg may join Bavaria in a restored Holy Roman 21. Greece: House of Oldenburg. Head of House, Empire. Some believe that Mayor Rommel of Stutt­ H.M. King Constantine II of the Hellenes, who is gart, who was schooled in Britain while his father closely related to the Royal Houses of Denmark and fought the Allies in North Africa, would make an of Great Britain who act as the family's controllers. ideal new Hitler candidate. Rommel has turned King Constantine was deposed in 1973 following Stuttgart into a center for Greens, counterculture, earlier quarrels with the "Colonels" whose 1967 and cults like the Anthroposophists. coup he had promoted. 17. Austria and Hungary: House of Habsburg-Lor­ raine. Head of House, H. I. H. Archduke Otto of 22. Albania: House of Zogu. Head of the House, Austria. Otto von Habsburg is now the frontman H.M. King Leka I of Bulgaria. In their restoration for restoration efforts by agreement of the "north­ efforts, both King Leka and his father have been ern" and "southern" tiers of the oligarchy, and is catspaws of Anglo-Soviet networks associated with advised by the medil/tized princes of the Holy Ro­ KGB Gen. H. "Kim" Philby. An invasion a few man Empire. months ago failed. 23. Bulgaria: House of Wettin. Head of the House, 18. France: Disputed between the House of Bour­ H. M. King Simeon II of the Bulgarians. Dynasty bon and the House of Bonaparte. H. R. H. The Count formed by Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. of Paris, head of the Bourbon pretenders, is de­ King Simeon's father joined the Axis, but was poi� scended from the notorious Duc d'Orleans, a ring­ soned by Hitler when he opposed a Soviet invasion.. leader with the British of the Masonic-linked Ja­ King Simeon was deposed in 1946, joining in exile cobins of the French Revolution. H. I. H. Prince Louis his grandfather, King Victor Emanuel III of Italy, Napoleon is head of the Imperial House of Bonaparte. then studying in the U. S. 19. Italy: House of Savoy. Head of the House, H. M. King Umberto II who f. Jed for a month before being deposed by plebiscite in 1947. His heir, Prince Vic­ tor Emanuel, is a notorious gunrunner and member 24. Romania: House of Hohenzollern. Head of the House, H.M. King Michael of Roumania. Deposed of Licio Gelli's P-2 Masonic Lodge, which staged repeated coup attempts on the Savoys behalf and is in 1947, he now resides in Switzerland and is a a coordinating center for narcotics and "Red" and businessman. "Black" terrorism. 25. Yugoslavia: House of Karadjordjevic. Head of 20. Portugal: House of Braganca. Head of the Hou­ House, H.R.H.
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