Biographical Index Compiled by the Author For subject headings, see under the index entry for Churchill, Winston S. Aberconway, Baron: 1278 and Churchill's view offear, 638; and Adeney, Bernard: 1053 n. 2 the Rubber Restriction Scheme, 683; Adly Pasha: 724 n. I and the General Strike, 691, 692 n. I, 'Admiral Collard': the turkey cock, 1254 719; and Irish unemployment, 734, Ahmad Ziwar Pasha: 317 1390; and the Coal negotiations, 844; Ahmed Fuad Pasha: 318 and Trade Union legislation, 892 n. I; Aitken, Jane: dies, 1041 war service of, 947 n. I; and China, Alexander, Major A. C. B.: 182 949, 971; and Churchill's third Aley (the chauffeur): 144 budget, 983-4; and Palestine, 995; Alfonso XIII, King of Spain: 57 his Empire tour, 1030; and Churchill's Alington, Dr Cyril: 211, 1232-3, 1416- de-rating plans, 1215, 1219, 1243, 17 1266; finds Churchill in 'a naughty Alington, Mrs (Hester Margaret Lyttel­ mood', 1302; 'bubbling over with ton): 1232 excitement', 1302; and the proposed Allan, D. H.: and Churchill's de-rating Milk Tax, 1224-5; and Churchill's plans, 1149-50 fourth budget, 1274; and the proposed Allenby, Field-Marshal Viscount: in Zionist loan, 1304; and Tariffs, 1315 Egypt, 255, 256, 257, 275, 276-7, 390 n. I, 1333; describes Churchill at Altham, Captain Edward: 150-1 work, 1316-17; and the coming Amanullah Khan: loses his 'precarious General Election (of 1929), 1396; and throne', 1429 The World Crisis, 1418, 1434 n. I; and Amery, L. S.: 124, 125, 143 n. 3, 234, Churchill's political future, 1432-3, 239, 241- 2, 287-8, 289, 294-5, 31I, 1442-3, 1444-5, 1469; and Churohill's 315, 357, 370 n. I, 371, 397, 401, fifth budget, 1456 417 n. 1,430,431,432-3, 508, 1375; Anderson, Sir Alan: 540 and Iraq, 544 n. I, 545-6; and the Anderson, John (later Viscount Waver­ Iron industry, 556; and agricultural ley): his national insurance scheme, policy, 557; and the Loan Embargo, 263-4, 309, 314, 322, 401 , 408, 439, 564; and Empire Food Products, 461-2; and the Irish negotiations of 589-90; and the Irish negotiations of December 1925,603 n. 1,608 n. 1,612 December 1925, 615 n. I, 616-17; n. I; and the 1926 budget, 663; and and Middle East expenditure, 63 I ; Churchill's de-rating plans, 1253, 1257 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX Annaly, 3rd Baron: dies, 9 Churchill's oil commISSIOn, 68-g; in Arnold (at Chartwell): 1055, 1063, 1082, opposition (1923-4), 75, 77, 90, 93, 1321, 1324-5 99-100, 106, 107; and Churchill's 'Artful Dodger': Churchill described as, return to Conservatism, 113-14, 114- 687 16, 118, 119, 120, 122-3, 132, 135, Arthur, Sir George: 32 136, 138-40, 143 n. 3, 147, 152, 156, Ashley, Colonel W. W. (later Baron 161, 163-6,168,170,177,180,229-30; Mount Temple): 1204 and Churchill's entry into his Cabinet, Asquith, H. H. (later Earl of Oxford and 230,234,235,237,241-2; and National Asquith): 25, 35, 38, 41, 44, 67, 87-8, Insurance, 261 n. I, 271-3, 278, 327, 89,91,92, 97-8, 99, 100, 104-5, 105, 381,461-2; and Tariffs, 288-g0, 293- 190, 199,204,218,224,236,371,561, 4, 325-7, 490-3, 495-6, 683, 13 15, 644, 843 n. I, 934-5, 971 n. I, 979, 1317, 1318-19, 1322; reports to King 1060, 1199 n. I; dies, 1208; mentioned, George V on Churchill's parliamentary 1233, 1236, 1392 speeches, 299, 310-1 I, 458, 472-3, Asquith, Margot (later Countess of 476-8, 47g--80, 480-2, 484-5, 487-8, Oxford and Asquith): 46-7, 935, 499, 525-6, 661-2, 686-7, 688-9, 701, 1434 n. I 717-18, 723-4, 735, 739-40, 741- 2, Asquith, Raymond: his death in action, 893, 984-6, 1026-7, 1272-3, 1463-4; 1208 and the Navy Estimates crisis (of Aston, Brigadier-General Sir G. G.: 886 1924-5),303-7,355, 357-8, 376, 379, Astor, J. J. (later Baron): ll2, 713, 714 488-g, 495,508-10,512,514-15,517, n. I, 1469 519-21,549-50; and subsequent Navy Astor, Viscountess (Nancy Astor): 962, Estimates, 10.28, 1044, 1045, 1062-3, 1210, 1269 II 06, I ll6, ll.24, ll82, ll98-g; and Astor, 2nd Viscount (Waldorf Astor) : 126 an 'absurd' situation, 380; and the Atholl, 8th Duke of: 206 Trade Union Political Levy, 409-ll, Atholl, Duchess of (Katharine Ramsay) : 424 n. 1,428; Churchill impressed by, 206, 207, 210, 502 424, 426; Beaverbrook angered by, Atkins, J. B.: 629-30 430; and Foreign Affairs, 430-2, 450; Attlee, Major Clement: 489 n. 2, 1431 and Churchill's first budget (of 1925), Auriol, Vincent: 928 469, 483; and Churchill's Unemploy­ Avory, Sir H. E. (Judge Avory) : 83 ment policy, 494-5; Churchill's general correspondence with, on Cabinet Bacon, Mayor of Mimizan: 105 matters, 432-3, 548-51, 566-7, 588; Bailey, Sir Abe: 9, 15 n. 2,768, 1054 and the Coal crisis of 1925-6, 521-2, Baker, John: Churchill apologizes to, 523, 524, 528-g, 530-1, 540-2, 676; 1023 and the General Strike, 691, 702, Baillie-Hamilton, C. W.: 769 708-g, 7II-12, 713, 715, 716-18, 721, Bakel!, Ray Stannard: 1403-4 736-7; and the Air Estimates, 547, Balaam: Lord Derby compared with, 65 I 550; and War Debts, 553; and the Baldwin, Stanley: 'hated here in France', Budget plans (for 1926), 557 n. I, 19 n. 2; returns 'empty handed' from 619-21, 663, 672-4, 679-80; and the America, 23; and Churchill's possible Irish negotiations (of 1925), 614,617; entry into the Government (May defends Churchill's views of Soviet 1923), 48; Churchill's interview with Russia, 62 I; allows Churchill a day's (August 1923), 54-5, 56; 'no genius', holiday, 642; his relations with 62; and the 1923 election, 66, 67; and Churchill commented on, 650-1; and BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX 1479 the role of Sir Warren Fisher, 690; Conservative election defeat (1929), and the coal negotiations (of 1926), 1473; and the resignation honours list, 728-g, 733-4, 743, 748, 75 1, 759, 761 , 1474-5 763-4, 766-8, 77 1-5, 784, 786, 792, Baldwin, Mrs: 1066 796, 807-8, 808-g, 810, 813-16, 818- Balfour, Alice: 204, 1248-g, 1255 20, 821-2, 829, 834, 836, 837--9, Balfour, 1st Earl: 62-4, 65, 79, 80, 85, 840-3, 845-6, 848--9, 852, 867-70 ; 113, 122-3, 124-5, 127, 138-40, 152, and the preparations for the budget 173, 176, 184, 185, 189; Churchill's OfI927.897-8,911-13,914-15,942-3, report on the political situation to 944, 952-3, 978, 983-4; and China, (I September 1924), 190-3; and 913, 914, 917-18, 932-4; and Female Ireland, 195; and Tariffs, 203, 564; Suffrage, 961, 963-5; and Liverpool and the fall of the first Labour Conservatism, 973-4; 'we have got Government, 203-4, 217-18, 222, 234; on better & better', 974; and and War Debts, 282, 283, 284, 292, Churchill's plan to abolish rates for 340, 341, 342, 377, 505, 507, 1339, industry, 1006--10, 1010, IOII, 1126, 1342 n. 3,1365,1466,1467; Churchill's II 29, II 38, 1149, II 68-72, II 73, 'love' for, 296; and foreign affairs, 394, II 75-6, I181, 1247, 1250-1, 1253, 396--7,412-13,417; ill, 641, 643, 644, 1257-8, I 25g-OO, 1263-6, 1284-5; 65 1, 1247, I 243--g, 1255, 1332; and and Churchill's political future, 1050; the General Strike, 691 n. I; praises and Cabinet plans. 1055, 1056--7, Churchill's work at the Treasury, 742; 1239-40; 'most friendly', 1056; 'much and British naval policy, 1033, 1063; under the influence of Churchill', and Churchill's de-rating plans, 1186, 1060; and Boothby, 1113; and 1274. 1276; and the proposed Zionist Churchill's Treasury responsibilities, Joan (of 1928), 1304 n. 3; and naval 1207; pleased when Churchill praised, disarmament, 14.02-4, 1408--9; attends 1243; and Churchill's growing popu­ the Cabinet, 1423; comments on The larity, 1278; and Churchill's in­ Aftermath, 1438-9 fluenza, 1287-6; and the budget Ball, Ernest: 1286 debates of 1928, 1292-3, 1298-Q; and Balsan, Consuelo: 107 n. 3, 110, 238-9, Churchill's plan for diagnosing the 423 n. I, 428-9, 640 n. 3, 641, 645, economic situation, 1308; his advice 824, 906, 908, 919, 1204, 1226, 1238 to Churchill, 1319, 1326--7; Chur­ n. I chill's report to, 1332-3; and Anglo­ Balsan, Colonel Jacques: 647, 12:16 American relations, 1352; 'green with Baring, Francis Anthony: 22 I envy', 1366; 'almost mute', 1370; Baring, Hugo: 220-1 leaves Churchill 'in chaIge', 1383; Baring, Maurice: 920 n. I 'you are still a child', 1385; 'greedy' Barker, George: 847 for The World Crisis proofs, 1411-12; Barnes, Dr E. W.: 1083 and an emergency Cabinet, 1421; and Barnes, John: quoted, 1044 n. I Churchill's political future, 1430, Barnes, Major-General Sir Reginald: 1433, 1440 n. I, 1442-3, 1444-5, 1452, 226 1461; Conservative faith is said to have Barrie, Sir James: 240-I 'evaporated', 1451; and ChUlchill's Barrymore, Ethel: 336 n. I election ideas, 1453-4; and financial Barrymore, John: 449 policy in Churchill's fifth budget, Barstow, Sir George: 70, 72-3, 241, 1455, 1458; describes Churchill's fifth 248-9; and the Navy Estimates of budget as 'brilliant', 1464; and the 1925, 266-7, 286 n.
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