4 F-14 THE EVENING STAR This is the identical sofa we Washington, D. C. CHANNEL CHUCKLES Wednesday, September li, 1959 —•y Oil Kaatta 'Moon Shoot' Special RADIO-TELEVISION s« ». i«, Sell to Furniture and Specialty TODAY'S GOOD Television Today—w«dn#«ioy, P 1959 Moved Up by CBS >.m. woe (Ch. orwffrrccsrwMAi/ (csrTTTwTorrariT M Fiitkw >l*k ” * Stores MUSIC DIAL The Soviet Union's success- qualnted with the difficulties. ¦ Tngto'i JmSfm ft*krlft&rSty iu New York and (Ml ¦ J:1l ClIIMtIMIld) lulitiM Tka iMrtt ItirN , . " " 7:30, (107.3 Me.)— ful moon shoot prompts CBS's WMAL's new 11 to 11:30 Anbicii WMAL-FM * * HttrtNlfll lineup with expensive itt Sin ruts - - Opera Echoes: Highlights Twentieth Century series to , its new Suntm New Eng. Compare at ' settings, the value of which « iSS Tfilfit | from Manon by Massenet. 1 r present special TmSm IliltrlrSta* s^qq] a half-hour eluded me. went, smoothly and Sn Slttßf (rut Sin ¦¦• HIM *Tta limit * * 1:00, WGMS AM-FM (570 Ke.l documenary, “Reaching for ' Bunny will be welcome * StritM Mickiy Unit CM littr" the a addi- 5:11 - • - and 103.5)—Opera | B3|| (6:30 expert ¦SI Sill! IHItIM Sunday . House:! Moon,” next I tion to the team. (Tun H Trovatore by Verdi (com- . Jerry 111 Hi Fifty* Ml Little Him MUltrl Strong, by way. the « * p.m., WTOP-9) Instead of the the it! Swell StatlM dpi 7«f: IT'tSt. SMtili plete) in stereo. 7 Backstage man, added previously scheduled "War In| p.m. 6 :M In; »»!.; Hit (I) Tta lift. U(t it 1:11 Ipatilftl 0:00, WOL AM-FM (1450 Kc. Spain.” a longer show to his schedule ¦4l NICim StMtn liliy ¦ (Own Sni and 98.7 Me.)—Good Music Originally aef for 1, last Sunday night and produced 4b Ttairay Shirty Sim 7 S'Clack Fliti Nov. * " liJST Time: Quartet No. 3 of Opus “Reaching for the Moon” In- ! a timely interview with Charles Start McCtflrty him Sim CmtirS I >** liirtlIf WrtMltay 74 by Haydn and Paganini cludes sequences from t Byrd, Washington's justly cele- 7t» OKMlnla I ScimciFKUm a 1058 ¦4l Aliiitari Ttaitii Playkitsi by . brated guitar ace. *• Variations Brahms. Soviet news documentary r Charlie " 4S Itallf Curt if lymltMU (107.3 showing Is In the current Time 10:00, WMAL-FM Me.)— Russian efforts to i featured HUM Tnta Futon laittaitrt ttNltUry Nocturne: Hungarian Rhap- reach it. and when you add the New 8:11 TMPnci "Till If Inn m Tnctlim cody No. 1 in P Minor by *• * * York Bunday Times’ piece on ¦4l likritl 14) Tta IMI4” Harriet amn Ctly This Is Our Price Liszt and Night in the Gar- Awards Notes: The Emmy n Willis Conover, long-time D. C. M TMIm Rtaf lliitaim taMitm TtalSHmiri awards are being substantially TV-radio personality whose IM* 14) Jikfl WayM IkM " * dens of Spain by Falla. r ' reduced in number to 21 and Voice of America programs on 9:IS lit Miitirm CtM Hlttories MraiacM I’m im t Direct-to-You i I >45 lim liny rMcatim Yin special tierel 1 revised for the 1950-60 season i Jazz and pop music have made ~ ¦x tail ii T4w *“*rtMm \ sna* amity ” Tmih Don't expect to find lavishly displayed array after a week-end . him famous everywhere but In “ JKw hectic meet- 4A <! lid (44H MKtaM lin •f furniture for every room. We're monu- “How about up " lousing U ing of the trustees in Chicago. the U. S. A., you've got to " •• factureri of high-calibar living room furni- j t; admit | U U I Mirtau Official W. InaMaff s #c ont " * permanently.” . tur* for wmo of rha Fa.t'i mart quality- 100% Foamtubbar Madam ROOF REPAIRS Also, the Sylvanla awards, , that our town la Increasingly ¦4l iitairmitM SitKttvi FMtaniFHa Horn and * * furnitur. nothing oltol t. : JP J4.fl.* Sactional Comatato previously reported being with It. ~. There’s one curious >44 Mirkmi;WM Ttartn 11:11 TM rKiouiyou re willing to forego the fancy trim- Now Roofs Guttering as JtirlliM TTMTtfMrt I • a :1S HIM: Wttl: lytl "Waitl Tmr" Hill mingt of o retoil showroom, you con ovoid Asphalt Shingles discontinued, will be distribut- . sentence in the John Wilson 11:14 Lltl Itl# paying n kA Slag or | ;Y4 jMk tan tan tlm Ftrl cm "Ittry the full retail markup. *l4 ft. of wall ed usual I * " I if kA%t as at year's end. story, though: •• " IYI J I¥IOIIty Tin Flat Roots rtl vmi FtttMf** •poce required, jML ** • • (Conover) lull “He would like to " * Mops.. Thursr., ft-9;Tues, Wed., 11 , «*« Cimaiiw Aam ltay enlllial Walk. Boilflhf mgr,J HU. 3-6400—1 Glad Pass It Along Dept.: have domestic program, he Fn.o ls-4; Wheaton. Fall* Church . oaf* CTm Mor*! DANCE to a Fox Trot • Waltz • Swing • Cha Che Ifow.. TunThurt., Fri.. 11-5. Closed Wei. The voice the ' admits, although because ESTIMATE RumLrC • Tango • Samba • Mamba of housewife of After shopping in FREE the phone and his inclinations and his down, of Argot Special Introductory Otter! on was clear I own Tomorrow—Thundoy, sept. 17,1959 DAk| Furniture furnitura ill of Md. 0 C. Vo | crisp: “Will i Television E ini IJ _ stores, I realized I hod you kindly Inform i relationship with the Voice of ¦SC (ta. CO. really struck outstand- Reg. s2l Course e Save sl2 41—1:41. Mil: 1:41, >ira. I:M. Ink M fail Say: T-S. TMay Wltk Sirrniy: Mfff. ECall the agencies and sponsors that : America he will not consider T:». tynsii: IIS. IriSkM WMH (Ck. 7>—7:M, Ntwi; ing value when I sow TkMtktl if Mi I. tall ¦ffP|*MV|HPPIVJ|H 625 "F" St. N.W. what lond hod to C#% I have no Intention, ever, of! the customary disk jockey m an Mil. WTSf tea. im», Mmutni: • » r«t« If Lift: 7. tm Mirim •«- DANCE buying anything from a , presentation." •taw; TiN, laiM Mini, Sirair 7,M. Nm-tittii: 7:11. Maratas tan: I, Nm- KKraimwa mi. s-5470 ,r: Nm; CiyUll rPeat# LESSONS 'friendly' store?” Up until last summer. Con- Mlttilit: 1:11, llratf—Aril 1:15, Inline » Maliert ** * s o WRC 41 ICh; WMAIT(Ch. * •jf STUDENT DANCE PARTIES over highly A.M. <C»». WTTQ Sl 7rWTOP TCh 9i ¦iiiiiji'iiiij'n sl'ftrVf?&M conducted a suc- " (Ltd Hwy.) our new JOHNS-MANVILLE New §ltk JE. 4*6155 sectional. For Fun, Proctice, Friends On the Run: cessful "Speaking of 41 ttSki last lartmlM taSTita MsmM show. * " - Csrtiflsd Coairgetor Bunny mi i tafia an mi * TeleVue's Wneck Jazz," on WGMB, which • * - Gdoraig Av« Mrt Oorothu Carter did 1 “would :» " " 11244 tot Maihie Drive 1834 Wisconsin Avo N W Mr. 44m Bin tail Jim* thought, . 9:15 a fine Job, I • • * ¦VIVVfiCKffB AL on her love to have him back.” . LOckwood 5-3140 Vienna, Va. 41 Mlta Icknl Saafir Sal: Ml Tlai Over 30 000 Satisfied Cuotomaro first late-night Backstage atint ; My guess Is that Willis is angl- Mambai of MAGIC ALBERT 41 Til S’Cliak TrMkll WHS iftaTta • Monday (WMAL-7) " " 502 13th ST. N.W. EX. 3-0500 : and having : lng for a network or New York 4A ll Mttli Fittar nek UHtletter ¦¦¦^^| been through that particular outlet—and more power to him. M Tmuri Snt "Mirry My Little iMUrwe ¦ IU " " mill, I am not exactly unac- B.H. :4I Frifkl" Mtifil Ski* 41 fkaMca H St|k Nirtart fiyyar licntiryNirtir ¦ i li|k« AlllfIlkM * - S N.lMrill n:ls:14 CuciitritlM Cirtm PHylt’i Tiy IHla >45 Huik Inn Pliytiai Ckiici TV KFY P.M WRC (Cb. 4) WTTO (Ch. 5» WMAITTCh77) WTOP (Ch. 9) :N TlaTaaStnk Injirlioa kerns tta Im iflift ¦ * ' PREVIEWS ' ” ” Tonight’s" top shows as previewed by TV Key’s staff, 41:15 Burl who attend rehearsals, I L ’• It Cull tnyii lata Putiaiaa Inrck ta liairrn watch screenings analyze " ’ and >«5 Si Tm tali Tta (film scripts in New York, Hollywood and Their mu elsewhere. M It's A Smt Tta in Marti Unit Sliit Ttattir if Stan opinions are as « ¦ offered a guide to area viewers. Lill ltl*I. Till, Hut 1:15111 IISir Tin Mi"TM lickit" I Merrill Is tta Wall Wagon Train—“The Ella Lindstrom Story” (a repeat). Bette :4S (Cilir) llnkitk Sent im Tim Davis stars as the resolute woman a :H ImiFai liSiftMltctaa SayliCiart Wi*m in tale that should " appeal to women who ertjoy soap operas, tiy IHirtsyn * Eitker Willtmi and to Bette :54 limn TV Riiler'i liltStan Wian 2:15 “ " ” " Davis fans. Her story concerns the plight of a lady with :45 Biftlt tin seven children (one of whom Is deaf and dumb), who 4S Tarn Sf! l>rs. ». liltlta TM lil /lyaTT learns after MllHt Blfll Brlii flick IClPlifi Just her husband has died that her antici- 31 Im Tim Inti CriMfi't WMSiTn TtaVirlict pated eighth child is really a malignant growth. 7:30 p.m., 3:15¦45 " " Plict Trait UTitn WRC—4. 41 Traftia Pick Tiayn 1 latrim Srifktiilay CMlMmcMlll tuck IlNttm Secret ttaa Khrushchev Visit—For a recap and an evaluation of the :5k CmtyFMr * * taericn Elsi cl Niftt 4:15 * * " visit thus far, CBS has scheduled a half-hour program ns San Peru inHtm ¦ with Howard K. Smith at the helm at 8 p.m., WTOP—9, m IHla Tta Milt Aairlcaa Tkitirirtkn Ah satin trait Skn imitm “Sllgfctly and ABC has arranged one with Don Goddard and Quincy Itrai m * * llmy'k Batfirm” 5:11 * * Howe for 9:30 p.m., WMAL—7.
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