Description of document: The Evolution and Rationale of the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Word-Spelling Alphabet, July 1959 Requested date: 13-June-2010 Released date: 24-Mar-2011 Posted date: 28-Mar-2011 Source of document: 377 MSG/SCBF (FOIA) 2051 Wyoming Blvd., S.E. Kirtland AFB NM 87117 Email: Here The governmentattic.org web site (“the site”) is noncommercial and free to the public. The site and materials made available on the site, such as this file, are for reference only. The governmentattic.org web site and its principals have made every effort to make this information as complete and as accurate as possible, however, there may be mistakes and omissions, both typographical and in content. 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From: "Evans, Marvin L Civ USAF AFMC 377 MSG/SCBF" <[email protected]> Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 13:48:49 -0600 Cc: "Evans, Marvin L Civ USAF AFMC 377 MSG/SCBF" <[email protected]> Subject: FW: 2010-07640-F This is in response to your 13 June 2010, Freedom of Information Act request for DTIC document AD227630, received by this office on 20 September 2010. The requested document is attached and the fee is waived. Marv Evans FOIA Manager (505) 846-7717 I - . .. - "I .. 1" o··F··rAr··· • :RO-~ARD .· .. · . .. ·.. • . , ..~, •. · · • . CO!fi'ROI, ONLY · by f~. ilrmed Services Jechnicallnformation Ogency ARLINGTON HALL SJ'ATION; AIUJNGTON 12 VIRGINIA FED "NOTICE: When Government .. or ot.her drawings. specifications o other data are used for aily p.urpose other than in conn£:tion a definitelv related. Gov~ro~ent pr~c:urement operation. the U.S. Government thereby inc':lrs ·no res~ns~biUty. nor any obligatior. whatsoever, and the fact that the _G~v~rnment may h~ve formul furnished. or in any way supplied the aaid .drawings. specificatior or other data ic not to be resirded by !mplication or otherwise in any n1anner licensing the. holder or any other person or corr tion, or conveying any rights or pe.rmissio~ to manuf~cture. use . sell any patented inven~ion that may 1n ~n·y way be r~lated the DISCLAIMER NOTICE THIS DOCUMENT. IS a·E-ST QUALITY PRACTICABLE. THE C·OPY F-URNISHED TO OTIC CONTAINED A SI.GNIFICANT NUMBER ·oF PAGES W·HICH DO NOT REPRODUCE .LEGIBLY. RF P.-oiecf 882 The Evolution an.d Ratio~ale.·of ·the JCAO orrJ-Spelling j\lphabet ... ' ... ,. AS 'f I A Technical Repcrt !'b. 52 _..,,. T.sss 4 Coniract No. Af 19(6(W),..CS75. - A1r force Cambridfe RfdCirch CentM Oparr.stional ApplicatioM Laboratory Bedford, Moss. n. Ohio~ U.W..*'f lteteorelt fou~Jdatloft ~e,OhiG '"' ICAO ALPHABET ICAO ALPHABET ··tc,A.O AlPfiABtT ICAO ALPHABET A ALFA A ALFA A ALFA A ALFA 8 BRAVO B BRAVO 8 ·BRAVO 8 BRAVO c CHARLIE c. CHARLIE· .C CHARLIE c CHARLIE 0 DELTA 0 DELTA . D DELTA D DELTA E ECHO E ECHO E· · EC~O E ECHO F FOXTROT F FOXTROT F . FOXTROT F FOXTROT c:; GOLF G GOLF G GOLF G GOLF H HOTEL H HOTEL H ·HOTEL H HOTEL I INDIA I INDIA I INDIA I INDIA J JULIETT J JULIETT J JULIETT J JULIETT K KU.O K KILO K KILO l( lt"ILO L liMA L LIMA L .LIMA l UMA M MIKE M. MIKE· ·M MIKE M MIKE N NOVEMBER N NOVEMBER N "!OVEM6ER N NOVEMBER 0 OSCAR 0 osoo 0 . OSCAR 0 OSCAR p PAPA p PAPA p PAPA p PAPA Q QUEBEC Q QUEBEc· Q QUEBEC Q QUEBEC R ROMEO R ROMEO R -ROMEO R ROMEO s SIERRA s SIEftR,~ s StEllA s SIERRA T TANGO T TANGO T' TANGO T TANGO u UNIFORM u UNIFORM u UNIFORM u UNiFORM v VICTOR v VICTOR V. .VICTOR v VICTOR w WHISKEY w WHISKEY ·w WHISKEY w WHISKEY X X--RAY X X·RAY · X X•RAY X X-RAY y YANKEE y YANKEE y . YANKEE y YANKEE z ZULU z Z~LU .z iULU z ZULU THE EV 0 L U Tl 0 N AND. RAT I 0 t~·fA l E ·0 F. -1 HE I C A 0 WORD-SPElll NG ~LP_H·~·6tT Henry M. Moser. THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY RESeARCH FOUNDATI0N Cohmibus 10, Ohi'o technical_ Report. 52· · RF Project 882 Contract No • AF 19 (60-4) 4575 July 1959 Prepared for OPERAliONAL APPUCATIONS·LA80RATORY AIR FOICE CAMBRIDGE RESEARCH CENTER AIR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPME.Ni' COMMAND UNITED STATES AIR. FORCE. BEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS ·SUMMARY The development of-the word-spellin~ aiP.hc#et is traced, and re~orch methods and findings 'Nhich led to the r~cotMlendation of the ICAO alphabet as on optimum list for inte.mational convnunicotioM ore summarized. Que~tion$ regardi.ns.t~ casirobility ond effiCiency of the new ::lphobet are discussed, wi~h the view to presen~ing ~hot the alpha­ bet intends to accomplish. S:-~ne 200 word alph~ts of' the.world are appended. u TA~LE OF CONTENTS Page Summary ii List of Figures iv List of PI ates iv Foreword " I. INTRODUCTION A. Word-Spelling Alphabet D!fined l 8. Origin of Word-:Spelling .Alphabet 1 C. Hi~tory of Alphabets .ih the U\ited States 2 D. History of fntemati~al Alphabets · 8 II. COMPARISON OF ICAO AND U.S-UK AI.PHABErs. 12 Ill. MODIFICATIONS TOWARD IMPROVEMENT OF ICAO ALPHABET 13 IV. PROBLEMS RELATED TO WORo-.SPELLING ALPHABETS 18 V. PROSLEMS OF SECLIRJ.NG ACCEPTANCE 21 VI. SUMMAR'/ AND CONCLUSION~ 29 ~R~NaS ~ APPENDIX- ALPHA~ET~ Of THE WORLD A. Alphabets of tM World 8. Compolite Listing of Equivalenf1 ill LIST OF FIGURES p~ US-UK Alphabet 15 2 Originol ICAO .Alph~t 16 3 Modified ICAO Alph<Jbet 17 LIST OF PLATES Early UM of the word alphabet 3 2 An early VM of the Ak Force ulphcabet 23 3 Annex 10 recom.Mndotion of p-cia~iOn for ICAO alphabet 28 · FOREWO'RD This report, campl_etea under Cont:oct A_F .19 (604) 4575, inclu~s a summary of work occomplh~ed unde; previous contracts ori$inoted by Operational Applications Laboratory, AFCRC, AROC, with Dr~ Karl D. Kryter, Dr. Irwin Pcllock and Dr. Herbert Rubenstein. serving as project monitors during the period covered by this re~orch · During the ~riod of alp~abet evoluotii')O, Dr. John J Dr~her served as princ!pol invest~gat~r. ?'nd f;)r. Hons Sperber as foreign lunguoge consul tont· for the project Individuals ond organization\ too n•.•meroiJ\ to list individually hove assisted in supplying t~ ")l.o":'PI~' ~!)llected in. the Appendix, and to them we e)(press our gratitude. tn port_icular, we ocknowol~dge_the.oswstance of member! of The Foreign S.rvi ce of the United S~ates o.,d of fo~ign embouies in Wamington. 1M number of ofphobets cOmpiled to date-has p<Wed beyond the original expectation of howo m\ll'ly might be included in this report. lnasriluch as all promising sources .kn~n to vs hOve now been investigated, it is ho,A.:l that this publication wHf pr0fr4>t those w.ith knowledge- of addit~onal. alp~abets to di n!ct them to our attention v THE EVOLUTION AND RATIONALE OF THF. ICAO WORD-SPELLING ALPHASET INTRODUCT.ION .. · . "fh~ comPilation of word-spe!"ling alphabets wos begur. d .. rirg World W-:1r II with •he ideo of~rodng the evol~tioo of the 1ystem! ~.~sed by civil orgol"izations and in the military· services. in the United States, and possibly discovering ·he original word alphabet. The coll .. rt'"" was extended durirg the ~riod of stud) and resea'"ch on on international alphabet to include those of other countries These alphabets proved of v~lue to indicate working pri,ciples, ;me! to provide a iorge vocabula!'f of likely words fre>m wbich. possibl~ alternatives migh~ be drown. Since th~n additional .alphabets havebeen discover~d and a iotal of 203 different Iitts are rejlroduced _i~ the Appendix." An intensive search has been mode of the published literature, old records ond files, and infervi_evn iaa-ve been he1'd with pe!1on5 having some knowletjge of oth,r. work i~. this field. lnqui ries havo been mode of foreign embassies in WCAhington, a$ well as. of member1 of the foreign diplom'J~ic services of the Lnited States. It is Sllrprising, c~siderif'g the number of olphabeh reForted and the research that must ha·;.oe been involved in their preparation, that so little is known. No mention of this communicatiOn d.tvic.o has b...-en found in ony of the nurnerO\#s histories thc;at have been wri.tten on radio, telephone, and other communi ... cation operations. Jt see:r~ strange, too, that no consideratiCK1 of this basic communicatioo tool·i$ eo~toined in any textbooli.on :;peech. A. Word-Spelli~ .Afphabet·O.fine'd A word-spelling alphabet "is a. convenHOf!~1 code of highly intelligible ond non-confusable words for ute in identifying letters of the alphabet.
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