CF Item = Barcode Top - Note at Bottom = Page 1 CF_ltem_One_BC5-Top-Sign Date 23-Sep-2003 Time 5:03:23 PM Login uyoung CF/RAD/USAA/DBOl/1997-05727 II Document Register Number [auto] CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/1997-05727 ExRef: Document Series / Year/ Number E/ICEF/1948/W.026 Doc Item Record Title Korea - Report on Special Mission by Dr. Marcel Junod Date Created/On Doc Date Registered Date Closed / Superseeded 21-Oct-1948 OWan-1997 Primary Contact Owner Location Office of the Secretary, Executive Bo = 3024 Home Location Office of the Secretary, Executive Bo = 3024 Current Location Record & Archive Manage Related Functions=80669443 11: In Out Internal, Rec or Conv Copy? Fd2: Language, Orig Pub Dist English, L.Avail: E,f..; L.Orig: E-? Fd3: Doc Type or Format Container File Folder Record Container Record (Title) Nu1: Number of pages Nu2: Doc Year Nu3: Doc Number 0 1948 26 Full GCG File Plan Code Record GCG File Plan Da1: Date Published Da2: Date Received Da3: Date Distributed Priority 21-0ct-1948 Record Type A04 Doc Item: E/ICEF1946 to 1997 Ex Bd DOS File Name Electronic Details No Document Alt Bar code = RAMP-TRIM Record Number CF/RAD/USAA/DB01/1997-05727 Notes Document Format Series/Year/SubSeries/Number/Rev: E/ICEF/1948/W.026; Doc Series/SubSeries/Year/Number/Rev:E/ICEF/W/1948/26 Doc Series: E/ICEF/W; Series Valid date on import: 01-Jan-1947; Doc Year: 1948; Doc Number: 0026; Doc Print Name of Person Submit Images Signature of Person Submit Number of images without cover iy>*L> «-*. *^ vg^/-^l End of Report UNICEF D8 Name CFRAMP01 ECONOMIC CONSEIL j-coTTuOxJiTV**+*f ***^T**WrPv*'1\ e/ie-e? /vs/. .£.£> AND ECONOMIQUE j'./i'*Kr''/w- "". 'J" "**ir> ' ,•;'j. >• ' ' i.', SOCIAL COUNCIL ET SOCIAL ~ I *»crf 0t*-l 11*^ r OF.FVJIfAL.: i IIOLI^H I)\\nl Di-r!; lU^n UT'iirro NATIONS TLH^NATIONAL P'-i; LIEN'S IMOGEN :;Y FUIO "4 FROCrJU.'j.tlS CCIW17TKE • lv-pori iMi '"pncin.1 Mlnnlo:, ;.•) Kcr-'n t\v Dr. yiarc^l Junod ' Chinf of UNT7EF M.!n:!.ion, Chimi 7]v.trn(]fiy \p Auruat l^tfi 'c Do parted Shfinphai by air 1+.30 a.m. nrri^mg Socul 9;00 a.m. R».H'«lvffll f.t. Airfiold hy Mr. M. W. flchc/rnch'»r of Civil Affair.-,) U-.1AF1K V / 1 .I1 r;r. Kr.Tflvc-tl b'^VJonnrn.! Hrrl/'?, Cion'Tnlyf.oir.inMndiri^ U.", I'Orcon. Kcr-^i, vh:> Inmt'd lnl\l.y p\it Dr. JunM in lMU?h vith ropt'os^ritntiv r< :' 'h'i •Vp-vrUiuml cf \Jlvil Al'l'nir:.! -'u'U^/\F IK, I.-,. Col. T. J. Prlc", Mr. JM-k, Xid Mr. Mnr<: VJ. /':'•. •>rb'i"V:r. •; ' ir. Mf-t.liu* vj'h K>ro'iK ^rt'.'t'ir.In/ rr-nr^^":.'1. '.'I ivn of V'.iluiilur.v > •r:\.:i'-.<, IMl.1 R.-!|'r«.::tM'.',.':1.1v«.lN^r U1".Al'.y?f .' J V 1 j! A !'!''i 1 T.'! . I'^r.r. l.I:!l. M i,' .. • hf 'i ) . M'-"t \\n: >M' M VfrrkJiif.' 'c'lwHt »NI c%(;iv^orf:Uruf IT]'IK r pdr'illon.'i Ii. v i••'', T with Dr. Y. r,. T,o«,' Pr.A^nV MJ.:t;i ilt»«j, j/.. c^l.'lrlCM, Mr. - . Hrirw f:.n.l Mr. X. Ichor1 ichoJ/ X "jin'inf'. thl;1" n«-Ml Ir.cynr. .luurxl r\]uo.''.-r.»l r.'-nhor.i o!' (}\<^ World:'.'. iVrjnUi«:' i t, pi-fip:jyv lor hJ:n f: 1 JAlvii'crs1..1!'.io:i crnC'^ri In;.', I'ubl'/ H.-'il'h tuiil WollVuy in rp(Viru ' o 'no '"hllclruiu pt'o»>vuit wcm^ri r.:id viur.ilmr mr'thorn r\ Koro't. < "• i .-i V I.-iltlr./:," Ch-"- r/Tnlop;i' . Dr. r;(yn,_v^j i K^!:'-,'. I.'r. ]<h--«' in virv In' f>iy-.vt ( • i:i/ponniMr 'JC:1:!'' '• j. ,IM ;, If n.'-V'n hJ ; ^antr.v. ''•" ' a '-n 1 'h':i, );•'•• o-.v/rj.nicvl] d^ 'v*r(v!'.}rl::;: V-n:; M lc '.o mipprr *. "I " !• 1 T M! . I'.-:?./ !'r. !?}„.. .•:]•• nyp,-',. -.-...'l •••;\'l.«.ip r.,...r,,t ihnr. j;:: K'\ -i ,!d :'''• I'!'.'-) "r/.-:' •;.' r.-:' [•[':• !:i ;,-.)">•• t Wl v/<-l(.:' i::o ! t ho !",,>•' !, nr<-:'-n'yt iv <!' i}., T!',;ir-,! K-.;[.•;• j;. -, .•;,». i ioiv.) ''iiilar^ii' 1 !'\.'!]', vin\v'Vi(,..l ' ,; ,.y :i.c lo'hlM '"''li: V.Y . Tic. ,Tlil"'d (h'-.'-W; 1\'\< »nt'; -in ri1' • 1-r- IS-., i HI.ii •• !<: '^r- <-!!«?« UNITED NATIONS EJTONATIONAL PHIIDKEN'S EMEH'JENOY FUND FEOGR/U-Mli: COMMITTEE • Koport on Special Mio.iion ta Koivu Vy Dr. Marcel Junod A ' Chinf of UNT.TEF Kinnlon, China Thursday 10 Aupaat 1QJ*8 u 1 i Departed Shanghai by air I*.30 a.m. arriving Seoul 9;00 a.m. f • • •• • I RflCflivVd at- Airfield by Mr. M. W. Schorbachtr of Civil Affair.3, ;- U3AFIK •* 1.1'' yn Received by Gonoral Hodf;?, General Commanding U.3, Forcoo, Korea, who Inmodlately put Dr. Junod In touch with representative of the s> Department1 cf Civil Affair.<j of U3AFIK, L%. Col. 3. J. Price, 5? Mr. Jnck Hhcw, und Mr. Mnro V/. nc'-orba^hnr. ^x • .:.3-» pin Meeting with Korean M'fieicln, ropr«n«iritativcn of Voluntary A.-snclos, ¥ and Ronronpntfitlvin el* Ur.AFIK Civil* Affairn. (3oo liat nt.tu'jhed). •4 ,. ^.+.. ,,..^.-.v4.. ^.^^4fei^^^ """'"' frld^.v. go Auffini. 19'iC ————-«-1»«*-^-M*i^WMM«^«MM«Mfta«^M«M«WMMMl» » f Mnoi.ine of t\ Vfrrkinf? ncnvnltUo concornin« IC-1W oporationo in Keren, with Dr. Y. G. Lo*/ Dr. Hong, Minn Leo, Lt. Ccl. Price, Mr. J. Hncw and Mr. M • SchorV icher,(. During this nwetin^ l>r. Junod raquontod m^mbpra of th^ Working Ccinmitteo tc i'or him all Information ccnC'arning Public Honlth mid Welfnrn in rp^ord to tho chlldrun, pro^itmt wcm^n ind nurninn mc'thore in Kor<»a. •'..^0 pn Viniting'^hV Proaldpnt, Dr. GyntT"X.n R&co. Dr. Rhee is very intorentcd in posnibl^ ICEF '?pur.itirnr< jn hln country. He .?tatoa that hifl Oovornmont will do -ivorything praoiblo '10 support ICIJ1 ustlvit.lfl.i. Dr. RhG» nlnr nxprMnrj"d hla dflep ro^gret that UlCRRA did net. hivo tiny relief ."/p^rni,L-n^ In K^)"1.':., imd wolccmorl tho fir.;4. T 5 r%rprbnnnl./it JV(? of tho In.ltr«d Narl'-nr-i Ini< A':iat:lonnJ. Children'.-: Wr.or,'onny ]'>ii.d l.o to' hh? i-'iun^r.v. Dr. Junod dv'W l.hc M!,i.uni.'i.on o.!' Ujn rroMldon' i.o ' h^ banic ol1 TCfT5 pol'!<•;/ - •'.'I.) C5ov»-r:,!i!"ni'»l u./i! ")i ••:,•;; . lO Dlii' fll M ! ton i !' .ni ppj'.--.•! viLhuu- (I 1,'T-rJinlnMi 'on bo'Nr\;iM of 1 !•'•••(;, "n.fd,! :/ i'-'Mtu: , ••>• pt;l. it 1'*Ml bwli'il'; 1 v»'y Tin; i'l>.l l;'.'il.|. !; ui '.];•)•(,: i I'i'.'M' 'ii.'Vci'!i:n<i!!l t« li'iy tho loord '•• '. "^Vi. i M 111': '!*''.!' . ptH'-Ml 1.;ui' ':t:ii; i •;.,>. ju'-V iflr b !') lo ' I.'!;', .'md :uibi«1..".'-;;!n:o f'vM* !•;•.(! tt»i."'(fnl M ' !v..'j "!' liM'ii1'. Tn*. Juni-t'. /VIYI- ?j«. Pl-.m* u r.-"\v i]' ')-•• i\.'»i'»'Mi:!";i(. M-'jifvt1 h.'ivi-^r. !}i. (J.jvtn'MWMit of iho K«ipub3. |.^ rT O.lnu «M-d UN'TffW-', E/ICEP/W96 PPW ? to be used as a model for any agreement to be signed botroon the Government of Koroa and ICEF. Saturday. 20 August 19Ag Visit to a refugee camp located in a former Japanese Tonplo, Housing conditions aro extremely bad, espacj-ally In the caves undor tho Toiuplo, whore families with up to fivo children are occupying a space of approximately 50 oq. foot, Some families aro living in former air raid shelters, dug Into tho rock, without- ventilation from any source except tho entrance* Those people are vory short of clothes, and have to secure their own foodj they do not receive any sub- oiclieo from tho Governmontt The same mornim; another visit was made to a refugee camp in the suburbs of Seoul. This camp gives sholtor to 500 families* Housing is in tho form of American Army pyramidal tents, some of which have boon top^r 100 f_cu:iilioo»vNo-.aubsidioo are granted by tho Govornmont to those .people, Soire of tho men have found work In factories! others who are jobless are obliged tc Bell their own belongings in order to live* Sanitary conditions are rather good* «•« Afternoon Visit to an -Orphanage run by tho City of Seoul, in which boys and ipirls who have lost their parents and aro found abandoned in the streets by the police are placed for a certain time. Later they aro sent to other orphanages, they can receive' some education and professional training, Tho work done 'in these orphanages is ex- cellent, and they are vory woll organized, Dr., Junod oaw acme croupo of children arrivinc in tho C:u:.j3 at tho time of -his visit. Thoco children looked v..i7 bad, umlcrn'.'Urich'jd, rn'iny of tho chowinij oif^is of aufj'oriru- fros-, l"jri-bori (loi;:i uwollun, cr.icte fit the ci-riitr of tho mouth). Hun'"-y4 22 19Afl s Trip.,by joep with, 3now andi>!f.
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