RESEPTIO 1/2009 RESEPTIO 1/2009 In this issue The 12th General Assembly of the Conference of the European Churches, heldTässä in numerossaTrondheim July 2003, recommended that the outcome of ecumenical dialogues touched upon the CEC member churches should be assessed more closely. As a result of this, the CEC’s Commission ChurchesSuomen evankelis-luterilaisessain Dialogue launched in kirkossa 2007 an on evaluation 30 vuoden project ajan ontoimi- the dialoguesnut työryhmä, between jonka Orthodox tehtävänä andon ollut other edistää CEC kirkonmember ja juutalaisenchurches. Inseura- the frameworkkunnan vuoropuhelua. of the project, Työryhmä the CiD on organized viime vuosina in June järjestänyt 2008 a consultation lyhyitä ”Ik- inkuna Pullach, juutalaisuuteen” Germany, -kursseja,to collect joilla surveys syvennytään and evaluations kristinuskon from juuriin twelve ja differenttarkastellaan dialogues juutalaista on global, uskoa jaEuropean juutalaisuuden and local historiaa. level. EachTässä dialoguelehdessä wasjulkaistaan observed työryhmän from the valmistelemaa viewpoint of bothaineistoa partners lokakuussa in dialogue. pidetyltä kurs- silta. ThisVuotta issue 2007 contains on vietetty all the myös papers Mikael presented Agricolan at thejuhlavuotena. Pullach consultation, Reformaat- astorin well ja suomenas a general kirjakielen bibliography isän kuolemasta including on documentary kulunut 450 vuotta. and research Resep- materialtio liittyy on juhlaan the dialoguesjulkaisemalla which kaksi were Suomen included ekumeenisen in the evaluationneuvoston projectAgricola-seminaarissa. pidettyä puheenvuoroa. * * * Dialogues between Orthodox and other CEC Member Churches RESEPTIO 1/2009 II CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN CHURCHES: COMMISSION ON CHURCHES IN DIALOGUE CONSULTATION ON DIALOGUES BETWEEN ORTHODOX AND OTHER CEC MEMBER CHURCHES Contents Introductory words / Päätoimittajan esipuhe . 3 Tomi Karttunen Preface . 5 Kaisamari Hintikka and Viorel Ionita Consultation on Dialogues between Orthodox and other Member Churches of CEC Pullach, Germany, 23–25 June 2008 . 9 The dialogue between the Orthodox Churches and the Lutheran World Federation. An Orthodox Evaluation . 12 Viorel Ionita The Lutheran-Orthodox Joint Commission . 21 Risto Saarinen The Theological Bilateral Dialogue between the Orthodox Churches and the World Alliance of Reformed Churches. An Evaluation from an Orthodox Point of View . 31 Dorin Oancea The Dialogue between the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the Orthodox Churches Taking stock from a Reformed point of view . 43 Michael Weinrich Considerations on the Anglican-Orthodox Theological Dialogue . 55 Ioan Mircea Ielciu Anglican – Orthodox Dialogue . 64 Paul Avis Evaluation of the Orthodox-Old Catholic Dialogue (1975–1987) . 76 Urs von Arx The Orthodox-Old Catholic Dialogue. Estimation of the Present Stage . 99 Ioan-Vasile Leb Evaluation of the Dialogue between Representatives of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe and Orthodox Theologians: Orthodox Position . 109 Ciprian Burlacioiu 1 Evaluation of the Dialogue between the CPCE-Churches and the Orthodox Churches of CEC: Consultations of Crete 2002, Wittenberg 2004 and Istanbul 2006 . 121 Friederike Nüssel Theological Dialogue between the Eastern Orthodox Churches and Porvoo Communion . 133 Ionut-Alexandru Tudorie A Brief Review on the Eastern Orthodox-Porvoo Dialogue 2005–2008 . 141 Matti Repo The Dialogues of the Evangelical Church in Germany with the Orthodox Churches: A Preliminary Review . 151 Reinhard Thöle Assessment of the Dialogue between the Romanian Orthodox Church and the Evangelical Church in Germany (1979–2006) . 165 Daniel Benga The Theological Dialogues between the German Evangelical Churches and the Russian Orthodox Church. A General Assessment (1959–2008) . 180 Andrei Eliseev Evaluation and Reception of the Dialogues between the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland and the Russian Orthodox Church . 182 Juhani Forsberg Evaluation on the Dialogue between the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland and the Orthodox Church of Finland . 191 Pekka Metso The Discussions between the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland and the Orthodox Church of Finland, 1989–2007 . 204 Kalevi Toivainen Bibliography on Dialogues between Orthodox and other CEC Member Churches . 211 Kaisamari Hintikka ISSN 1235-8878 RESEPTIO/kirkkohallituksen ulkoasiain osasto, teologiset asiat osoite: PL 185, 00161 Helsinki, p. 09-1802287, kotisivu: http://www.evl.fi/kkh/kuo/ toimitus: TT Tomi Karttunen, TM Tapani Saarinen (toimitussihteeri) Takakannen kuva: Matti Repo Logon suunnittelu: Juha Silvo Paino ja taitto: Hakapaino Oy 2 Introductory words In the Christian life of Finland, you can to publish this documentary of the re- quite clearly notice the influence of both search project of the Dialogue commis- the eastern and the western heritage. We sion concerning the theological dia- have two traditional folk churches: the logues between the Orthodox and the Evangelical Lutheran and the Orthodox other member churches of CEC. You Church. In its response to the working can find this bulletin also from our papers of CEC for Lyon 2009 the Evan- website: http://www.evl.fi/kkh/kuo/ gelical Lutheran Church of Finland reseptio.shtml. underlined that “the mandate of CEC covers the whole Europe and its voca- tion is to gather the churches of Europe, The Revd. Dr. Tomi Karttunen [...]. It is the pleasure and honor of the Executive Secretary for Theology Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland Department for International Relations 3 Päätoimittajan esipuhe Kahden kansankirkon maana sekä län- nen saavuttaminen, kuten ekumeenisen tisen ja itäisen kirkon perinteen kohtaus- metodologian kehittäminen, edellyttää paikkana meillä Suomen luterilaisilla on kuitenkin työn jatkamista edelleen. Jo erityinen intressi edistää reformaation nyt on saatu kokoon arvokasta tietoa ja kirkkojen ja ortodoksien välistä ekume- kokoavia näköaloja, joita voidaan käyt- niaa. Vastauksessaan Euroopan kirkko- tää tulevissa dialogeissa hyödyksi. jen konferenssin (EKK) Lyonin työpa- pereihin kirkkomme korostikin, että Suomalaisille lukijoille haluaisin erityi- ”EKK:n mandaatti kattaa koko Euroo- sesti huomauttaa, että Reseptio on 1/08- pan ja sen kutsumus on koota Euroopan numerosta alkaen luettavissa myös ul- kirkot, mukaan lukien EKPK [Euroo- koasiain osaston internet-sivuilla osoit- pan katolisten piispainkokousten ko- teessa: http://www.evl.fi/kkh/kuo/ kous], yhteen”. Niinpä KUO:n teologis- reseptio.shtml. Tarkoituksena on panos- ten asiain yksikön ilo ja kunnia on jul- taa tulevaisuudessa internetin kautta ta- kaista tiedotuslehdessään EKK:n orto- pahtuvaan tiedonvälitykseen entistä doksisten ja muiden jäsenkirkkojen vä- enemmän. Tähän liittyvää palautetta voi listen dialogien tutkimusprojektin satoa. toimittaa allekirjoittaneelle ([email protected]) Työalasihteeri, TT Kaisamari Hintikka tai kirjeenvaihtaja-sihteeri Minna Väli- on toiminut EKK:n dialogikomission aholle ([email protected]). projektitutkijana 2007–2009. Pullachin konsultaation (2008) nyt julkaistava do- kumentaatio on ikään kuin projektin vä- Tomi Karttunen, litilinpäätös. Tavoitteiden täysimääräi- teologisten asiain sihteeri 4 Preface Kaisamari Hintikka Viorel Ionita Less than fifteen years after the Second last two decades. Even though in the World War, the first steps were taken framework of these dialogues the in theological dialogue between the churches were able and willing to con- Russian Orthodox Church and the centrate mostly on theological issues the Evangelical Church in Germany dialogues were also affected by the (EKD). Even though also theologically historical and political context in which motivated, the cooperation between the the discussions took place. two churches – living in counties which were still seen by many as enemies of Some of these dialogues, like the pro- war – can be understood as part of the cess between the Russian Orthodox joint effort of the European churches to Church with the EKD on one side and heal the wounds of the war. In the same with the Evangelical Lutheran Church year 1959, the Conference of European of Finland on the other side, discussed Churches (CEC) was founded in order at length in the course of the 1970s and to bring together churches of the conti- 1980s such contemporary issues as nent divided now by a very different peace or reconciliation. These issues kind of war. The Cold War was the were nevertheless approached theologi- context in which a variety of other dia- cally, although they were at least sup- logues, both at the national and inter- ported by the political climate of that national levels, were launched between period of time. After the fall of Com- the Orthodox Churches and the Churches munism, in the process of European of the Reformation. Each dialogue has integration, new social challenges, such taken place within a specific historical as common witness of the churches in and political context, many of which contemporary societies, were taken into have changed dramatically during the the agenda of the dialogues. It was not 5 only the discussion on socio-ethical theological factors affecting the respec- issues that was affected by the time and tive dialogues as well as to the process place, but also the work on classical of reception of these dialogues. theological topics which was in inter- play with the cultural and political back- In July 2003, the Trondheim General grounds of the partners in dialogue. Assembly of CEC recommended that the outcome of both bilateral and multi-
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