Index to Natalia Vols 1-30 Volume numbers appear in bold fvpe AL'TIIORS AND TITLES Absentee landowners, by John Lambel1 23/24:119-120 Adcock, ~eil Derrick John ('Jaekie') MeGlew, 1929-1998 (obituary) 28:72-74 Alan Paton: often admired. sometimes criticised. usually misunderstood [Natal Society lecture]. by Colin Gardner 18:19-29 The Albany connection: Natal and the Eastern Cape 150 years ago, by Colin de B. Webb 4:5-7 Alice Werner and 'Kisimus' at Bishopstowe, by Aliee Wcrner 26:12- 16 All aboard for Howick!, by William H. Bizlcy 7:24 27 The Anglican Diocese ofNatal : a saga of division and healing, by Ian D. Darby 11 :43-46 Anon. Aurct van Hecrdell, 1918-1997 (obituary) 27:99-100 Cecil Recs, 19:20 1997 (obituary) 26:88 Christophcr Dering Stainbank, 19221997 (obituary) 26:90-91 Cyri1 Nycmbezi, 1919-2000 (obituary) 30:71 Gcrhardus Adriaan ('Horace ') Rail, 1916-1997 (obituary) 27:94-96 Owen Pieter Faure Horwood, I 917-1998 (obituary) 28: 74 Regina1d Bhekum1lZi Hadebe, 1957-199:2 (obituary) 22:76 Thomas George Vernon Inman, 1905 1989 (obituary, reprinted frolll the Bishops' Newslclter) 19:50-51 Architects versus Catholics: the Emmanuel Cathedral controversy, by Peter Spiller 15:89-94 ArgyIe, John Eileen Jensen Krige, 1905-1995 (obituary) 25:9295 Bainbridge, Bill Lake St Lucia and the eastern shores: the Natal Parks Board's role in the environmental impact report 23/24:4560 Ballard Charles The historical image of King Cetshwayo of Zululand: a centennial comment 13:29-42 On a tough missionary post in Zululand: the life experiences of the missionary Friedrich Volker [editorial note] 9:7-19; 10:7 15 Garnes. PameIa The great flood of 1856 14:33-41 Barracks and hostels: a heritage conservation case tor worker housing in Natal, by Roberl Home 28:45-52 Barrett, A.M. John Wingate Macquanie, 1904-1996 (obituary) 26:86-87 Ronald George MaeMilIan, 1910-1998 (obituary) 28:69-70 William George McConkey, 18981987 (obituary) 17:77-78 Natalia 31 (2001) Copyright © Natal Society Foundation 2010 Index 91 The Battle of Ivuna (or Ndunu Hill), by John P.C. Laband 10: 16-22 The Battle of Talana Hill, as described in the campaign journal of I.t. R. Ernest Reade, DSO 29:16-22 Baudert. ".M. Index to Prof. A.F. I lat1ersley's Porlmit of" city 5:53-58 Baycr. Adolf Joseph Wilhelm Discovering the Natal t10ra 4:42-48 Bell, Brendan Bonakele (Bonie) Ntshalintshali, 1967-1999 (obituary) 29:99 Benyon, John A. Isandhlwana and the passing of a proconsuI 8:38-45 Bertram M itford and the Balllbatha Rebellion. by .I.A. Kearney 25:43-53 Beyond school: some developments in higher education in Durban in the 19205 and thc influence of Mabel Palmer, by Sylvia Vietzen 14:48-58 Bhamjee, Yusuf Ismael Meer, 1918-2000 (obituary) 30:64-65 Bhana. Surendra, ed. '~lake haste mv Lord' Iletter to the Protector of Indian Immigrants]. bv S. John 15:7-9 Bird, John Natal, 1846-1851 [reprint] 1:7-22 Bishop, John Keith Oxlee, 1934-1998 (obituary) 28:66-69 Bizley, WiIliam H. (Bill) All aboard for Howick' 7:24-27 By post cart to I larding: from Mary ~ loorc", diary, 1892, cdited by W. H. Bizley 25:7-20 Further notes on the sinking of U-197, 20 August 1943 27:101-104 John William Bews - a coml11cmorative note 14:1721 'Maritzburg during the siege of Natal', as reflected in The Natal Witness from October 1899 to March 1900 29:61-90 ~lore about the L-Boats 25:81-83 Pictermaritzburg _. thc missing decades 17:25-48 The political carccr of Mr Reid's 'Ten Wheeler' 19:43-49 The Rail conversations 20:50-61 A remarkable survey: the Natal scene at Union 13:22 28 A trip to see the Prince of Wales: interview 25:21-25 U-Boats ofTNatal: the local ocean war, 1942-1944 23124:76--98 BlenduTf. Susan Rabies in Natal 20:43-49 Bou .-twn • .\1. Deux ans aNatal: n:miniscenees of a trmeller Itranslated from the French by Fleur Webb] 18:6-18: 19:6-22; 20:7-23 Bozas, A. The Natal Provincial Council, 1910-1986 16:45-50 Brain, Juy B The centenary of the Augustinian Sisters in Natal 21:54-65 Health and disease in \\hite settlers in colonial Natal 15:64-77 Mariannhill Ce11lCllury: a look at the early years 12:58-70 Paul Carton Sykes, 1903-1983 ( obituary) 17:65-72 125 years - the arrival of Natal's Indians in pictures 15: 18-35 92 Index Brann, R.W. The oldest houses in Pietennaritzburg, by R.W. Brann and Robert F. Haswell 13:6775 A brief history of the t~lrlll • Boseh Hoek·. by ~laryna Fraser 15:95-99 Brooks, Shirley The Natal Society llluseum (1851 19(4): potentialities and problems 18:5969 Brother Nivard Streieher: architect of Mariannhill, 1884- 1922, by Robert Brusse 15:7X88 Brown, Peter Henry Sellly [\Isilllang (obituary) 12:71-73 Brown, R.A. Maps of Natal and Zululand. 1)0\24 -191 () 2:34-J() Natal mission stations (excluding Zululand) [list ofnalllcsJ 3:50-51 Brownell, Frederiek Gordon Heraldry in Natal [Natal Society lecture] 17:15-24 Brusse, Robert Brother N ivard Streicber: architect of \1ariannhill. 1884-1922 15:78-~R Bucklcy, David Closure of O. K. Ba"aars 29:107 IOK J. Gilmour Willialllson, booksellers 23/24: 117 Mary Elizabeth Cooke 23/24: 123- 124 The Natal Society Library. 1975-1995 25:77-80 Royal Logistical Corps and the Dalton Barracks 30:77-78 'We come unto our fathers' God: their rock is our salvation': the story of the Metropolitan Methodist Church. I'ictcrlllaritzburg. 1 X46 1996 26:59 T1 Bundhoo, D. Gandhi honoun:d in Pietermaritzburg 23/24: 117119 Burger Street Gaol, by T.B. Frost 23/24:116-117 Burnett, B.B. !\Iphacus Hamilton Zulu. 1905-1988 (obituary) 18:93 --96 By post cart to Harding. by Mary Moore 25:7 20 Bymc settler commemorations, by Shelagh Spencer 30:75-77 '\ Byrne settler's experiences in early Natal [letters of Archibald Keir 'vlurray Snr] 30:1-13 Byrom, James Reginald Oliver Pearsc. 1900--1995 (obituary) 25:99-100 Calpin, G.H. The eentenarv of Pietermaritzburg [reprint] 17:914 Call(l~, George Italians in I'ieterlllaritzburg 18:70-79 Captain Alien F. uardiner. by Elizabeth (iardiner 4:28-41 Captain Alien Francis uardiner: first missionary to the Zulu, by Colin de B. Webb 3:5-7 Catherine Portsmouth's letter to her family in England 27:6 -18 The centenary of Pietermaritzburg [reprint], by G.H. Calpin 17:9 14 The centenary of the l\ugllstinian Sisters in /\'atal. by Joy B. Br,lin 21 :54 -65 Changing the Church guard. by T.B. Frost 30:73 Chctty, Sam Interview with ?vir Sam Chctty. by \1oray Comrie 15:10-17 Christopher, A.J. The Natal Land and Colonization Company in colonial times 4:4954 Civic honours, by J.M. Deane 30:73-74 Index 93 Clancey, P.A. A one-time Mecca for ornithologists 5:29-35 Clark,John Alexander Petrie, I RR 1-1979 (obituary) 10:4X-50 Colenso's greatest sermon 6: 12-14 A curiosity of Natal settler literature: Viator, by John Coventry 6:28-.13 The historian of Victorian Natal: Alan Frederiek Hattersley 6:5R-() I Closure of the O.K. l1a7aars, by David Bucklcy 29: I07-IOR Coan, Step hen King Solomon's Mines at Otlo's B1utT 30:17-23 'When I was concerned with great men and great events': Sir Henry Rider Haggard in Natal 26:17-58 Coghlan, Mark The Horticulturists, Freedom Radio and the Erase Erasmus Society: Pietermaritzburg-based protest against the Nationalist Government in the 1950s and early 1960s 25:54-64 Colenso, Frances EIIen Colenso letters 21:17-30 Colenso, Harriettc Emily Colenso letters 21: 17-30 Colenso, John William, Bishop o.fNatal Ekukanyeni in 1R57 13: 14-21 Praying for rain: a sermon preached by Bishop Colenso [reprint] 13:7-13 'What doth the Lord require of us'!' A sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of St Peter's, Maritzburg, on Wednesday, March 12, 1879 [reprint] 6:15-23 The C:olenso cases: a perspective oflaw in nineteenth century Natal, by P.R. Spiller 13:76-84 Colcnso letters 21:17-30 Colcnso's greatest sermon [editorial note] by John Clark 6:12-14 C:olin de Berri Webb, 1930-1992: an historian's tribute, by John Laband 22:7-10 Colin de Berri Webb, 1930 1992: speech at the naming of the Colin Webb Hall. 27th August 1992, by Colin Gardner 22: I 0--14 Colonial Coalopolis: the establishment and growth of Dundee, by Sheila Henderson 12: 14 2() Commercial coal-mining in Natal: a centennial appraisal, by W.R. Guest 18:41-5R Commons, Hector Norman Wynne Bowden (obituary) 14:98-100 Comrades of a particular type: an alternative history of the Marathon, 1921-1983, by Christopher Merrett 25:65-76 Comrie, Moray Interview with Mr Sam Chetty 15:10-17 Jennifer Chew, O.B.E. 30:74-75 A new monument at Isandlwana 29:108-109 Vryhof AnIon (Home) Van der Hmen, 1921-1993 (obituary) 23/24: 114115 A contemporary docllment: Durban, Feb. 1X79 [instructions given by R. Jameson regarding the defence of his house in the event of a Zulu attack] 8:71 Cope, A.T. Harry Camp Lugg. 1XR2 197X (obituary) 9:43 46 Cross, Robert N. Geoffrey Sutherland, 1941-1992 (obituary) 22:71-73 94 Index A curiosity ofNatal settler literature ..., by John Clark 6:28-33 Dale, George Natal Training College, 1903-1987 (obituary) 17:85-87 Daly, Michael Alexander John Milne, 1929-1993 (obituary) 23/24: 107-109 Alexander Milne, 1899-1987 (obituary) 17:80-82 Allan Carlyle Mitchell (obituary) 14:103-105 Neville James, 1911-1991 (obituary) 21:66-68 Pamela Ann Reid, 1925-1996 (obituary) 26:89-90 Darby, lan D.
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