Contents Editor's Foreword xxix Introduction Julian Rushton i Parti: Keynote Papers Scholarship, Authenticity, Honesty Bernard Williams 9 The Heritage of Pythagoras: Nineteen to the Dozen Roger Penrose 18 Partii: Round Tables ROUND TABLE I: PERCEPTION AND COGNITION Brain and Music: An Electrophysiological Approach Mireille Besson and Pascaline Regnault 3 3 Perception of Tonal Pitch Space and Tonal Tension Lola L. Cuddy and Nicholas A. Smith 47 The Timing Implications of Musical Structures Bruno H. Repp 6o Listening to a Piece of Music: A Schematization Process Based on Abstracted Surface Cues Irène Deliège 71 Music and Affect: Empirical and Theoretical Contributions from Experimental Psychology Carol L. Krumhansl 88 Strong Experiences of and with Music Alf Gabrielsson and Siv Lindström Wik ioo Contents Response John Sloboda 109 First Response to the Respondent Eleanor Self ridge-Field 111 Second Response to the Respondent Christian Kaden 115 ROUND TABLE 2: LITERARY STUDIES Music and Narrative in Recent Theory Christopher Butler 118 'All Russian Music is So Sad': Two Constructions of the Russian Soul, through Literature and Music Marina Frolova-Walker 129 Drowning in Music: Ophelia's Death and Feminist Hermeneutics Heather Hadlock 139 The Study of Medieval Music: Some Thoughts on Past, Present, and Future Susan Rankin 154 The Music of Rhetoric Elaine Sisman 169 ROUND TABLE 3: DIRECTIONS IN MUSICOLOGY Statement Andrew Dell'Antonio 179 Statement Stefano Castelvecchi 185 Response Margaret Bent 191 Response Suzanne G. Cusick 195 Response Annegret Fauser 205 Response Ralph P. Locke 209 Response Jiirg Stenzl 218 Response Rose Rosengard Subotnik 221 Contents Closing Remarks Andrew Dell'Antonio 2.2.6 Closing Remarks Stefano Castelvecchi 228 ROUND TABLE 4: HISTORIOGRAPHY Music Historiography, Critical Theory, and Other Tales John Deathridge 230 The Problem of the French Revolution in Music Historiography and History Michael Fend 239 Difficoltà della storiografia dell'opera italiana Fabrizio Della Seta 251 Collapsing the Dialectic: The Enlightenment Tradition in Music and its Critics Reinhard Strohm 263 ROUND TABLE 5: SOCIOLOGY Music and Sociology: Perspectives, Horizons Christian Kaden 273 Ethnomusicology and Music Sociology Philip V. Bohlman 288 Musical Practices and Hidden Musicians: A Perspective from Sociology and Anthropology Ruth Finnegan ¿99 Music from an Anthropological Perspective Volker Kaiisch 3°9 From Music-Makers to Virtual Singers: New Musics and Puzzled Scholars Tullía Magrini 32° Music and Cultural Practices Peter J. Martin 331 The Sociology of Music as Self-Critical Musicology Mario Vieira de Carvalho 342 Bibliography 35^ ROUND TABLE 6: PHILOSOPHY New Music and Philosophy Lewis Rowell & Contents 'Absolute Music' and the 'New Musicology' Peter Kivy 378 Signs and Transcendence Eero Tarasti 389 'Authenticity', 'Interpretation', and 'Practice': Probing their Limits Ruth Katz 401 Response: Four Philosophies of Musical Interpretation Naomi Cutntning 409 ROUND TABLE 7: CULTURAL POLITICS Musicology and Sexuality: The Example of Edward J. Dent Philip Brett 418 Beethoven's Ironies Arthur Nestrovski 428 Ethnography, Ethnomusicology, and Post-White Theory Deborah Wong 439 Part III: Reports on Study Sessions 1 Music in Tuscany: Past Research and Future Projects Carolyn Gianturco 457 2 The Circulation of Music in Europe 1700-1850 Rudolf Rasch 460 3 Music and/as Ethics — 463 4 The Dating and Chronology of the Works of Josquin des Prez Eric Jas 464 5 a Musicology, Popular Music Studies, and Political Economy; 5b Musicology, Popular Music Studies, and Cultural Geography; 29 Musicology, Popular Music Studies, and the Interpretative Sciences Dai Griffiths 467 6 Berlioz et autour de Berlioz: Un artiste en son temps Peter Bloom 473 7 Portuguese Musical Outreach: Five Centuries Robert Stevenson 476 8 Research in Music Performance: New Methods and Tools José Bowen 479 viii Contents 9 Feminist Epistemologies in Ethnomusicology Elizabeth Tolbert 481 io Musicology and Biography Philip Olleson 483 ii Opera Orchestras in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Europe Franco Piperno 486 12 The Early Violin Peter Walls 489 13 Auditory Scene Analysis: Future Directions for Musicological Research Maria Anna Harley 491 14 Chant and Liturgy: Compositional Planning in Liturgical Chant Roman Hankeln 493 15 Music Iconography: Transmission and Transformation of Symbolic Images Ann Buckley 496 16 Repertory and Canon: The Dynamics of Canon Formation, 1700-1870 William Weber 498 17 Perspectives on Instrumental Music of the Late Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries John Kmetz and Keith Polk 501 18 Theatrical Dance and Music, 1650-1850 Sarah McCleave 5°4 19 British Music since Britten Alastair Borthwick 5°7 20 Semiotics, Structural Semantics, Rhetoric: Musical Language Sciences in Contemporary Musicology Marta Grabócz 5°9 21 Interpreting Performance: Chopin-Playing in Perspective John Rink 5^ 22 Theorizing the Transnational Ingrid Monson 515 23 Sense and Sonority in Aquitanian Polyphony and the Conductus — 517 24 The Evolution of Musical Instruments Laurence Libin S1^ Contents 2.5 Der Mensuralcodex St Emmeram (Clm 14274): Eine zentrale Quelle für die Musik Mitteleuropas im 15. Jahrhundert und ihre musikalischen, liturgischen, und theologischen Voraussetzungen Bernhold Schmid 2.6 Opéra et mélodrame en France, 1800-30: Une enquête sur les genres David Charlton 27 Music, Politics, and Patronage in Spanish and Portuguese Dominions in the Early Modern Period Michael Noone 28 Chant and Analysis: Where Are We, and Where Do We Go Now? Barbara Haggh 29 Musicology, Popular Music Studies, and the Interpretative Sciences. See under $a 30 Musical Data and Computer Applications John B. Howard 31 Keyboard Organology: Past, Present, and Future John Koster 32 Kulturelle Traditionen in Mitteleuropa: Musikleben zwischen Zentralismus und regionaler Spezifik am Beispiel der Rolle von Vereinen Cornelia Szabó-Knotik 33 Implications for Mainstream Musicology of Recent Research in Music Cognition Richard Parncutt 34 La vie musicale sous Vichy, 1940—1944 Myriam Chimènes 35 Chant and Palaeography Charles T. Downey 36 Music between East and West: The Work of Lutoslawski, Penderecki, and Górecki in the Context of Culture and History Mieczyslaw Tomaszewski 37 Musicology and Art History Tilman Seebass 38 Theorizing Mixed Media Nicholas Cook 39 'To the Ends of the Earth': Refugee Musicians in East Asia and Latin America, 1933-1945 Horst Weber Contents 40 The History of the Papal Chapel Richard Sherr 557 41 Rapporti tra testo, musica e scena nello spettacolo a Napoli nel Settecento Franco Carmelo Greco 560 4z The Early Sixteenth-Century Organ in England: Its Form, Music, and Place in the Liturgy John Harper 562 43 Contexts for Brass: History, Performance, Culture Jeffrey Nussbaum 565 44 Race and Culture in the Aesthetics of William Grant Still (1895-1978) Catherine Parsons Smith 568 45 Redefining the Low Countries Karl Kugle 571 46 Recent Mozart Research and Der neue Köchel Neal Zaslaw 573 47 Music, Healing, and Culture: Towards a Comparative Perspective Penelope Gouk 575 48 Fascism and Music Karen Painter 578 49 New Methods, New Visions: Computational Initiatives for a New Millennium John B. Howard 580 Part IV: Abstracts of Free Papers SESSION I: LITURGY AND HOMILETICS The Emerging Chant Repertory in Early Roman Sermons and Commentaries (Fifth-Seventh Centuries) Peter Jeffery 585 The Influence of Homiletic and Exegetical Literature on the Fleury Lament of Rachel Susan Boynton 585 Le vocabulaire de la psalmodie dans la Règle de St Benoît, à la lumière des données musicales traditionnelles Olivier Cullin 586 xi Contents How to Build an Alleluia Mitchell P. Brauner History and Liturgy: The Historia of Thomas Becket Kay Brainerd Slocum SESSION Z: THE HISTORIOGRAPHY OF EARLY MUSIC Towards a Theory of Musical Patronage in the Renaissance and Baroque Eras: A Proposal between Anthropology and Semiotics Claudio Annibaldi Inaudible Efforts, Labeur des doigts, and the Monumentalizing Impulse: Towards a Sociology of Musical Auctoritas in Francophone Europe, 12.00-1600 Sebastian Klotz Music in Seventeenth-Century Emblem Books: Mass Manipulation of Cultural Values Linda Phyllis Austern Artusi's Rage: Fear and Loathing in the Prima prattica Vivian S. Ratnalingam 'Enemies of Love': Staging Female Excess in Monteverdi's II ballo delle ingrate Bonnie Gordon A Jungian Perspective on Monteverdi's Late Madrigals Jeffrey Kurtzman SESSION 3: EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY OPERA The Rhetoric of the Enlightened Hero: Gender and Operatic Reforms in Early Eighteenth-Century Italy Wendy Heller Les éditions parisiennes de livrets d'opéras et leur contrefaçon bruxelloise dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle Marie Cornaz Trembley's Polyp and the Natural History of Opera buffa Wye ]. Allanbrook Alfieri and the Transformation of Opera seria Marita P. McClymonds The London Opera of Joseph Haydn: Loss, Lament, and Lieto fine Caryl L. Clark xii Contents SESSION 4: BROADCASTING AND THE MEDIA Opera Studies, Film Studies: Gounod's Faust and the History of Early French Cinema Rose M. Theresa 592 'A Spectre-World Cuts Through our Space': Early German Radio Criticism and the Listening Subject Nathan E. MacBrien 592 Unión Radio: Música, comunicación e ideología Julio Arce Bueno 592 La zarzuela como material ideológico en el cine y la televisión 1940-70 Juan P. Arregui 593 New Music on the New Third: Exploring BBC Music Policies and Practices in the Post-War Decade Jenny Doctor 593 When Teaching Ten Thousand was Not Enough: E. Azalia Hackley
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