AN ANALYSIS OF STATE CONFLICT THE MOVIE “BLACK HAWK DOWN” A THESIS Submitted to the Adab and Humanity Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Humaniora By: A.NURUL UTAMI Reg. Num. 40300112001 ENGLISH AND LITERATURE DEPARTMENT ADAB AND HUMANITY FACULTY ALAUDDIN STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MAKASSAR 2017 1 v ACKNOWLEDGMENT First of all, the researcher would like to say Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin as the deepest gratitude to Allah SWT, who has given mercy and blessing so the researcher can finish this research. Shalawat and Salam are addressed to the Great Prophet of Muhammad SAW, His family and His followers. As a person who knows own capability, the researcher realizes that this thesis would have never been finished without any help and suggestions from many people. Therefore, the researcher would like to express the deepest thanks and the greatest respect for them. For the first, the researcher gives special gratitude to her parents, A.Hasan (Alm) and Asniar HM, who have given their love, support, sacrifice, care, tears, and sincere pray for her safety, success and happiness during her study. Besides that the researcher also gives thanks to all of her big family, who have given support. Researcher feels nothing without them in her side. Secondly, The researcher addresses her greatest thanks to Dr.H.Barsihannor,M.Ag., the dean of FAH UIN, H. Muh. Nur Akbar Rasyid,S.Pd.,M.Pd.,M.Ed.,Ph.D., the head of English and Literature Department of FAH UIN and also Syahruni Junaid,S.S.,M.Pd,. the secretary of English and Literature Department. Thirdly, the researcher addresses appreciation to first and second supervisors H.Muh. Akbar Rasyid, S.Pd.,M.Pd.,M.Ed.,Ph.D and Hj. Nahdhiyah, S.S.,M.Pd., for vi their guidance, support, advices, and precious time during writing this thesis. Furthermore, the researcher would like to express thank to her examiners Dr. Hj. Nuri Emmiyati, M.Pd and Sardian Maharani Asnur, S.Pd., M.Pd. for their guidance, support and advices. Besides, the researcher does not forget to say a lot of thanks to all lecturers of English and Literature Department for their patience in sharing knowledge to the writer during academic years. A lot of thanks are also addressed to all of the researcher‟s best friends, Dyah Suprobowati, Fia Kurnia Halim, Dewi Mustika,M., Syamsidar, St Nur Awuliah, St.Nur Hikmah, Nurjannah, Abdul Hafid S.Hum and Muh. Nisyarkawi S.Hum who have share their sad and thoughness during those month. Ahmad Adam. Andi Haidir Alamsyah, Erfika Widyasari Amd.Keb, Sri widyastuti S.Pd, and Firgiawan who have given support. All of AG 1&2 the researcher loves you all, and thanks for her brothers and sisters of the students of English and Literature 2012 and also the researcher‟s seniors and juniors. Finally, a lot of thanks for them who had helped the researcher that cannot be mentioned one by one. The researcher hopes the critics and suggestions from all of the readers. Hopefully this thesis will be something useful for everyone. Makassar, 11 Agustus 2017 A.Nurul Utami vii LIST OF CONTENTS COVER ........................................................................................................... i PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI …………………………………. ii PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING ………………………………………… iii PENGESAHAN SKRIPSI ………………………………………………… iv APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................... vi LIST OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... vii ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... ix CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research ................................................................ 1 B. Research Question ................................................................................ 4 C. Objective of the Research .................................................................... 4 D. Significance of the Research ................................................................ 4 E. Scope of the Research .......................................................................... 4 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Previous Findings ................................................................................. 6 B. Description of Conflict and State Conflict ........................................... 7 1. Type of State Conflict.................................................................... 10 2. Causes of State Conflict ................................................................ 12 C. Concept of Movie ................................................................................ 13 D. Synopsis of Ridley Scott‟s movie “Black Hawk Down” .................... 18 E. Biography of Ridley Scott‟s ................................................................ 20 viii CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY OF THE RESEARCH A. Method of the Research ....................................................................... 21 B. Source of Data ..................................................................................... 21 C. Instrument of the Data .......................................................................... 21 D. Data Collection Technique ................................................................... 22 E. Data Analysis Technique ..................................................................... 22 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Findings ................................................................................................ 23 B. Discussion ............................................................................................ 32 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion............................................................................................ 41 B. Suggestion ............................................................................................ 43 BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 44 CURICULUM VITAE .................................................................................. 45 APPENDIX………….……………………………………………………….. 46 ix ABSTRACT Name : A.Nurul Utami Reg. Number : 40300112010 Major : English and Literature Department Faculty : Adab and Humanities Title : An Analysis of State Conflict in the movie “Black Hawk Down” Supervisor I : H. Nur Akbar Rasyid Supervisor II : Hj. Nahdhiyah This research discussed about State conflict in the movie Black Hawk Down. This research aimed to describe State conflict in the movie Black Hawk Down. This research used on Folarin‟s theory. This research was descriptive qualitative method. The data were taken from the movie Black Hawk Down. The writer used note taking as the instrument in order to get the valid data. The findings, the writer found the description of state conflict in the movie which in general could be described into three categories of state conflict. Those are Intra-state conflict, Inter-state conflict and Extra-state conflict. In the movie “Black Hawk Down” the writer found eight data that described Intra-state conflict, one datum that described Extra-state conflict and two data that described Inter-state conflict. Keywords: Conflict, State conflict, Black Hawk Down CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter consists of background, problem statement, objective, significance, and scope of the research. A. Background Nurgiyantoro (2010: 12) says that literature is an activity of expressing, feeling, though, idea, spirit, belief, and other expression that use language as a basic element. Literature is a way of communication, which is very important in our social life. Klarer (2004:1) says that in most cases, literature is referred to as the entirety of written expression, with the restriction that not every written document can be categorized as literature in the more exact sense of the word. So, the writer will conclude that Literature can be said as a creative writing by an author with aesthetic values which makes literature regarded as an art where the author written all their ideas, it is from their own life or their creativity. Movie is a moving image (moving picture). According to Badar (2011; 1) movie is defined as a result of cultural and artistic expression tool, or movie is one kind of literary works which gives entertainment and has unique characteristics than the others because it can be enjoyed by audiences, audio and visually. In this case, movie use moving figures and sound to tell the stories. It does not only give entertainment but also gives information and knowledge to us. Moreover, some movies adapt the story of true events, and contain full of messages about life. Another definition of movie also given in Merriam Webster (2014) who explains movie asrecording of moving images that tells a story and 1 2 people watch on a screen or television or a story or even recorded by a camera as a set of moving images and shown in a theater or on television; a motion picture. So that, every movie is interesting and entertaining, and make the audiences think of it. Every works that exist is unique and interesting, until there are many ways which can be used to convey ideas about the real story in the world. As we know, the types of movie are divided according to the contents of the presentation of the movie, movie which is intended for adults usually containing
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