Division 44 Water, Energy and Transport Cycling-Inclusive Policy Development: A Handbook April 2009 interface for cycling expertise Cycling-Inclusive Policy Development: A Handbook IMPR I NT Co-authors (alphabetical, by first name) André Pettinga Anke Rouwette Bas Braakman Carlosfelipe Pardo Dirk Kuijper Hans de Jong Ineke Spapé Mark Zuidgeest Roelof Wittink Roland Kager Steven Schepel Tom Godefrooij Coordinators Roelof Wittink, Tom Godefrooij Interface for Cycling Expertise Trans 3 3512 JJ Utrecht The Netherlands Tel: +31-30.2304521 Fax: +31-30.2312384 email: [email protected] http://www.i-ce.nl NGO registration KvK41265203 Editors Tom Godefrooij, Carlosfelipe Pardo, Lake Sagaris Cover photo Beijing, China Photo by Carlosfelipe Pardo Back cover photo Bicycle user in Ghana, September 2006 Photo by Hossam Aziz, I-CE Layout: Klaus Neumann, SDS, G. C. Utrecht, April 2009 i Table of contents Foreword iii Introduction to readers v Acknowledgments vi 1. Introduction: learning from others’ successes and failures 1 2. From car-based to people-centred cities 6 3. Ideas that shape urban form — and how urban form shapes us 32 4. Getting organised: managing and implementing the policy-making process 47 5. Five main requirements for cycling-inclusive infrastructure 57 6. Identifying bicycle networks for better cities 66 7. Design: making choices that fit local conditions 76 8. Designing for cycling makes residential and central business district streets better — for all 88 9. Designing for cycling along main roads and highways 101 10. Bicycle parking: tools for success 110 11. Building a multimodal transport system: integrating cycling and public transportation 124 12. Cycling-friendly regulations for sustainable cities 141 13. Social marketing and citizens’ participation: good relationships build better cycling facilities 163 14. Education, awareness building and advocacy 176 15. Researching cycling needs and possibilities 183 Glossary 211 Main references used to compile this glossary 232 Co-authors biographies 233 ii Foreword Cycling and walking, together with high- quality public transport, form a sustainable traffic and transport system, which will influ- ence poverty control, cost management, quality of life in cities, health and the environment. As a Dutch Minister I am proud that our coun- try is a role model for developing sustainable urban traffic and transport with an integral system of traffic amenities encompassing all modes of transport. The high share of bicycles should not necessar- ily have to remain typically Dutch. Anywhere in the world, half of all urban commutes are relatively short, within cycling distance, iding a bicycle is common practice in regardless of the size of the urban area. That The Netherlands. A bicycle is a very is the reason why a plan that includes cycles handy means of transport, especially in could also play an important and useful part Rcities, but also outside urban areas. The Nether- in metropolitan cities. However, knowledge lands is a densely populated country so Dutch about relevant policy developments and about people make good use of bicycles. Cycling is planning and designing a ‘cycling-friendly’ cheap, environmentally friendly and does not infrastructure is virtually non-existent in devel- cause parking problems. This way, we keep our oping countries. cities livable and our problems manageable. I-CE’s Bicycle Partnership Program provides There is increasing international interest in the knowledge transfer about this subject. I-CE Dutch transport policy, because of the key role compiled this training manual with a group of assigned to the bicycle and the management of experts who have made knowledge from the car traffic in the cities. A transport policy pri- Dutch experiences applicable to development marily focused on cars will make cycling and processes in Asia, Africa and Latin America. walking too dangerous. Especially in develop- I trust this book will contribute to an integral ing countries this will lead to isolation and it vision on urban transport, where the limited will block the majority of the population’s way focus on cars will be replaced by a cycling to jobs, amenities and social activities. Addi- inclusive approach. Especially poor people will tionally, traffic will become completely jammed benefit from this. up and this will have a dramatic effect on the environment. Bert Koenders The importance of good amenities for walking Minister for Development Cooperation and cycling is being recognized more and more. The Netherlands iii iv Introduction to readers inclusive urban transport. We consider this as an advantage as it enables the reader to develop his or This handbook provides detailed information her own views on the subject. on how to develop cycling-friendly policies and facilities. It can help you, as a planner, engineer, The first two chapters provide the background and community leader or advocate to enrich your own challenges of urban transport in contemporary ideas about the future traffic and transport system cities (primarily those in the developing world). where you live and work. Chapter 3 focuses on the relationship between land use and transport. Chapter 4 describes how The key ideas behind this document are based to get started on the policy-making process and on the creation of an integral plan, by offering involving key stakeholders in transport policies you a revealing look at the crucial relationship and projects. Chapters 5 through 10 provide between town planning and traffic and transport details on the requirements and design issues policy. Along the way, authors offer specific tools, inherent in a cycling-inclusive project. Chapter methods, and related information. Above all, this 11 provides an overview of different options for handbook is written to inspire and empower you integrating bicycles and public transport. Chapter to achieve these objectives. 12 analyses different issues related to regulation This handbook focuses on policy development of bicycles and their use, and Chapters 13 and 14 rather than detailed design issues. It will teach provide guidelines on how to include the popula- you how to develop cycling-inclusive policies and tion in terms of social marketing, citizen participa- develop a cycle plan for your city or town. It is tion and education. Finally, Chapter 15 describes designed to provide additional support for the different methods of collecting information for a training courses and workshops provided by its cycling-inclusive project. Thus, readers can “dip authors and the organisations involved and to into” the chapters of their choice depending on accompany other manuals that focus on bicycle their needs. The document also includes a detailed infrastructure planning and design, particularly glossary with terms that are used throughout. the CROW manual (2007) on cycling-friendly This handbook was initially based on a previous urban design. “Training Course on Non-motorized Transport’’ So this is not a design manual!! This handbook document, developed by GTZ and supported by focuses on how to create the policies and the other GTZ SUTP materials. Today, this project environment necessary to achieve the most in offers an expanding set of resources on sustain- this field. Design manuals answer what can be able urban transport, including: a Sourcebook on developed. From the authors’ perspective, such Sustainable Urban Transport for Policymakers in manuals should be embedded in local practices Developing Cities, a set of training documents (on and legal frameworks. This is why the Bicycle Bus Rapid Transit Planning, Mass Transit, Bus Partnership Program from Interface for Cycling Regulation and Planning, Public Awareness and Expertise (I-CE) is working with local actors to Behaviour Change and Non-motorized Trans- draft regional manuals in Asia, Latin America port), and other resources which are constantly and Africa. This document should enable policy being updated and published in www.sutp.org. makers to communicate better with planners, This publication has also been made possible by designers and citizens about how to set priorities financial support from the Bicycle Partnership when making difficult choices, and guide plan- Program BPP (from I-CE) and from the SUMA ners and engineers on how to think about policies program (a partnership with the Clean Air Initia- and planning, when designing cycling-inclusive tives for Asian Cities). The BPP is supported by the environments. Dutch Minister for Development Cooperation, We intend you to use this handbook as a conven- the SUMA program is supported by the Asian ient and authoritative reference on specific topics, Development Bank through a grant from Sida. which you probably will not read from cover to We hope you enjoy reading this handbook and that cover. Because of this and the contributions from it will inspire you in your daily work. If you have several authors, there is some occasional repetition any comment, criticism or suggestions for improve- of arguments and information. The participation ments to this handbook, please let us know. of different authors also provides readers with sometimes slightly different views on cycling- The editors v Acknowledgments The authors and editors would like to express our gratitude to the many individuals and organisations worldwide that contributed their work and knowledge to this handbook, which was initially based on the NMT training docu- ment by Walter Hook, issued and published by GTZ. Special thanks go to our expert review-
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