~\ 1 * TODAY: NAMIBIA AND THE NAKED TRUTH OF PORNOGRAPHY * CDM H.lTS BACK * HOPE-FOR HORSES * 1 ; i I I , I I Bringing Africa South R1.00 (GST Inc.) Wednesday May 20 1992 I I· I r ivi o n ·the oil I -a I I Govt warns it may send in law enforcement officers I JOSEF MOTlNGA WITH TRIBAL tensions reaching boil­ ing point in the Caprivi, Education Minister Nahas Angula yesterday warned i that the Government might be forced to - i send in law enforcement officers. I The Minister was react­ edly 'expelled' on instruc ~ ing to reports that 13 Mas­ tions, from Mafwe chief, ubia teachers had been Bonfice Mamili, following chased out of Mafwe areas a tribal1l1eeting at Linyanti in west Caprivi. on Sunday which rejected ! Any effort to disturb the all Masubia teachers ap- ~ , wolk of Government offi­ . pointed to schools in Mafwe cials was a breach of law areas. and was a matter for the Mafwe headmen were police, an angry Angula told reportedly instructed to The Namibian. enforce the decision or face The Minister warned that a fine. the Government might be ~Yesterday Angula said forced to send law enforce­ people who wanted to pro­ IN STEP ••. The formal opening of Parliament has become a colourful and established tradition in Namibia even ment officers to the r~gion mote tribal matters through though the country is only two years old. Here the Ser geant-at-arms is seen leading the procession for yesterday's to have 'expelled' teachers education should build their opening followed by the Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr Mose Tjitender o, President Sam Nujoma and First reinstated. continued on page 2 . Lady Kovambo Nujoma. Photograph: Mbatjiua Ngavirue The teachers were report- AIDS shock NaDlibia's Inost critical problent NAMIBIAN President staple crops, he added. But GRAHAM HOPWOOD AT least six Windhoek schoolchildren have been . Sam Nujoma yesterday the drought struck and now , diagnosed IllV positive, with one of them having said the drought is the he explained, all that coun- . ''fullblown AIDS" , NBC·TV reported last night. most critical problem the The President devoted the diplomatic corps, and me­ try could expect were total Quoting a doctor, NBC reported that five of the greater part of his speech to dia who filled the chamber crop failures. youngsters did not want their parents to be in· country has had to face the drought situation which and its galleries that the since independence. Nujoma assured the As- ' formed. he said had more or less country had adopted 100 right sembly that in spite of the The doctor reportedly emphasized that this showed The President was speak­ enveloped the whole coun­ agricultural and develop­ critical nature of the drought the need for more and better school educational ing at the full ceremonial try. Nujoma told the As­ ment policies. Last year the Government had the programmes on the killer disease. opening of the fifth session sembly members along with Namibia was on the way to of the National Assembly. the country's judges, the . achieving self-sufficiency in continued on page 2 Key gem witness flees TWO former CDM employ­ Kooper was arrested ·fir st ees yesterday pleaded not TYAPPA NAMUTEWA and after having told the gUilty to a charge of steal­ police that the diamonds ing, retaining or concealing continue. belonged to Theodor, a trap rough diamonds. According to the charge­ was set which led to the Johannes Kooper, 27, and sheet, Jossop was arrested arrest of Theodor. Pieter Theodor, 23, are at a CDM checkpoint when When the trial started accused of having taken 15 he tried to take the diamonds yesterday, both Kooper and Theodorpleaded not guilty. I rough diamonds valued at . out of the mining area. X­ R32 730 from CDM on rays showed that he had Theodor denied every­ August 23 last year. ' strange objects in his mouth. thing but has not given an I One of the accused, who On further investigation he explanation of, his plea. is regarded as playing im­ spat out a parcel wrapped in Explaining his plea, Kooper I. portant role in the matter, masking tape. The parcel admitted to having had the Johannes Jossop, 22, has contained 15 diamonds with parcel in his possession, but I escaped bail and a warrant a mass of 21,19 carats and sai,d he had not been aware for his arrest was issued valued at R32 730. that it contained gems. yesterday. Howev~r, the After his arrest, Jossop The case continues before State ordered that the trial claimed that Kooper and Justice Bryan O'Linn this of Kooper and Theodor must 1beodor were also involved morning. I j 2 Wednesday May 20 1992 THE NAMIBIAN office with several of tl:J.e 'ex­ pelled' teachers. They asked for protection against the threat of a fine of own private schools. cattle by the chief if they dis­ Anguli! described the Mafwe obeyed his orders. They said action as unfair as it was the they were not opposed to the schoolchildren 'who suffered. teachers but did notknow what He said further that his t-o do about the fine. Ministry had no- intention of Sinvulb. said the trouble replacing 'expelled teachers'. started when the regional edu­ 1he Minister emphasized that cational office sent teachers to .' the Government would not east and west Caprivi-. They . permit "one tribal chief to were not chosen according to destabilise the whole country's tribal affiliation. Those with education system". the highest qualifications were Yesterday Regional Educa­ given priority in the region tion Director at Katima Mu­ which has 103 vacancies. lilo, Charles Sinvula, told The Teachers, both Mafwe and Nanubian that en Monday some Masubia personnel, sent to the Mafwe headmen arrived at his . Masubia region. were still in place, Sin~la said, but teach­ USED CARS & SPARES . ers in the Mafwe area had been All Makes told to vacate their houses. ''WE look to the local people for conservation" deputy Wildlife, Conservation and Tourism minister Ben Ulenga The teachers were report­ Large .<o<:kI, includlog: (left) tells senior induna Gabriel Kakambi of east Caprivi and other senior councillors who were touring edly ordered to leave qn Thurs­ community conservation. • Trailcn day, May 14. Although the • Tn:.::k bodie., clh. md cab puu • Reconditioned engine.. gearix>xCl, regional education office sent diffet<Otiw them back, each tinte they were • Starter motou. altem.aton aDd ,eneraton. again told to leave. • CI'lIlklhafU Regional Commissioner of Khuta men's conservation tour the Caprivi, Zebalt Uazenga, D&O SAlJlS (PTY) L1']) • Cnr. le< PodrIY oIdwjn Rdo, WitfieJd, slrid there were no disturbances Bobburg. PO Box 13377, Witfield 1467. when the teachers were ordered effective control of world trade. the price of rough diamonds TOMMINNEY Tel: (011) 826·5011/2/3/4 Fu (011) 823- has ensured that prices never has not risen for two years al­ 2424 • 31-33 Main Reef Rd, PrimJo.. , . to leave but they were now GennillOn. Tel (Oil) 825-5~/4/5 afraid to return. fall back. though input costs are up. The A TEAM of community At the heart of the issue CSO has honoured its prom­ elders from the councils sible practice to link wages seems to be the question of ise to keep buying, increas-· Of two of the Caprivi's rival directly with profit. CDMhas whether shareholders are the ing its London stockpile to tribes were set yesterday ARTS ASSOCIATION always taken a long-tetm view only ones to get a right to $2,97 billion from $2,62 bil­ to end a ground-breakiDg KUNSTVEREINIGUNG of its wage policy, with the profits when these exist or lion the year before. joint tour of conservation objective of paying wages at whether workers too should Taxation paid by diamond in other parts of Namibia. KUNSVERENIGING a level which ensures ade­ benefit. mines dropped from R73 The trip was organised by NAMIBIA quate manning levels, which 'This would trean that work­ million in 1990/91 to zero in the Ministry of Wildlife, Con­ meets its employees' reason­ ers should lose out at times of 1991/92 mainly because of servation and Tourism as part NOTICE able aspirations and needs, low profitability and one en­ welcOl;ne extra investment in of a bid to encourage local and .which will not compro­ trepreneur hoping to invest in promising new mining opera­ communities to take a role in mise the Namibian economy. a copper mine has suggested tions. conserving their wildlife and The 45th Annual General Meeting of the "The ·disclosure of details linking wages and electricity Duty on diamond exports environment. regarding the company's tariffs to fluctuating world cop­ rose from R65 million to a The members of the Linyati Namibian Arts Association will be held on Wednes­ profitability becomes irrele­ per prices. revised R85 million, accord­ and Bukalo khutas (traditional day, 3rd June 1992 at 20hOO at the Namibian Arts vant," says CDM. The com­ It is not clear exactly what ing to budget figures. chiefs' councils) are from the Association (corner of Leutwein I John Meinert pany goes on to make the the profitability of the Na­ Last year the annual talks ) Mafwe and Masubia tribes suprising statement that "the mibian arm of CDMhas been . went to a conciliation board.. J 'YPQse rivaln' has been.-wiQel;If-~~ Streets) Windhoek. diamond industry, more so in the past year. Overall group and were settled in October at reported in media Both groups All members of the Arts Association are than others, is cyclical in diamond profits for 1991 were 14 per cent, compared to 21 have been approached to set up nature".
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