![Congressional Record—House H5534](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
H5534 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 12, 2017 H. RES. 439 Mr. Chairman, I am proud to bring But what we can guarantee is, if we Resolved, That the following named Mem- before the House H.R. 2810, the Na- don’t fund these things now, they will ber be and is hereby elected to the following tional Defense Authorization Act for not be available when we need them, so standing committee of the House of Rep- Fiscal Year 2018. It was reported favor- that is the priority given to this bill. resentatives: ably by the House Armed Services Mr. Chairman, exactly 1 month ago, (1) COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES.—Mr. Committee at 11:59 p.m. on June 28, on June 12, Secretary Mattis and Panetta. 2017, by a vote of 60–1. Now, that vote Chairman Dunford testified before our The resolution was agreed to. is an indication of the bipartisan sup- committee. And I would like to read A motion to reconsider was laid on port that exists to support our troops just one paragraph of the Secretary’s the table. and to fulfill our obligations placed on testimony where he was comparing f us by the Constitution. what the military was like when he left GENERAL LEAVE Mr. Chairman, I think it is always it and when he came back as Secretary. helpful for us to remind ourselves of Secretary Mattis testified: ‘‘Four Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I the authority by which we undertake years later, I returned to the Depart- ask unanimous consent that all Mem- our responsibilities. Article I, Section 8 ment and I have been shocked by what bers have 5 legislative days in which to of the Constitution says that Congress I have seen with our readiness to fight. revise and extend their remarks and in- has the power and the responsibility For all the heartache caused by the sert extraneous material on H.R. 2810. ‘‘to raise and support Armies. To loss of our troops during these wars, no The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there provide and maintain a Navy; To make enemy in the field has done more harm objection to the request of the gen- Rules for the Government and Regula- to the readiness of our military than tleman from Texas? tion of land and naval Forces,’’ and, of sequestration. We have sustained our There was no objection. course, ‘‘To make all Laws which shall ability to meet America’s commit- f be necessary and proper for carrying ments abroad because our troops have stoically shouldered a much greater PERMISSION TO CONSIDER into Execution the foregoing Powers.’’ The members of our committee and burden.’’ AMENDMENT NO. 88 PRINTED IN our staff take those responsibilities Four years later, shocked, more PART B OF HOUSE REPORT 115– very seriously. This year, we seek to harm by sequestration than the en- 212 OUT OF SEQUENCE carry them out in a world which is as emies in the field, and it is only be- Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I dangerous and complex as any of us cause our folks are so incredible that ask unanimous consent that during have ever seen. One example from the they have born an increasing burden. consideration of H.R. 2810, pursuant to news of the day is the alarming That is what the Secretary testified. House Resolution 431, amendment No. progress North Korea is making to- Mr. Chairman, we have, indisputably, 88 printed in part B of House Report wards having an intercontinental bal- the finest military in the world, but it 115–212 may be considered out of se- listic missile that can carry nuclear is also indisputable that it has been se- quence. weapons to our homeland. verely damaged by continuing resolu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Now, we have, of course, a number of tions, by sequestration, and by failure objection to the request of the gen- tools to use, including diplomacy and of the executive and legislative tleman from Texas? sanctions, but there is no substitute for branches to adequately support the There was no objection. military power, and I believe we must men and women out there on the front f develop and deploy more of it to be lines. We have an urgent need to begin ready to deal with these growing to repair and rebuild our military. NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- threats. And I also believe, Mr. Chairman, it TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018 So the bill before us today substan- is fundamentally wrong to send men The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tially increases money for missile de- and women out on dangerous missions ant to House Resolution 431 and rule fense so we are more capable of pro- without providing them the best equip- XVIII, the Chair declares the House in tecting our homeland against those ment, in the best shape, with the best the Committee of the Whole House on ballistic missiles. It also increases training that our country can possibly the state of the Union for the consider- funding for key munitions and for in- provide. This bill, if followed by match- ation of the bill, H.R. 2810. telligence surveillance and reconnais- ing appropriation, takes a significant The Chair appoints the gentleman sance so we can have better visibility step toward meeting that objective, to from Michigan (Mr. MITCHELL) to pre- on what adversary is doing. support those troops. side over the Committee of the Whole. It increases the end strength for the It also makes major reforms in the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force, way the Pentagon does business. b 1920 just as they requested. And it funds Among other reforms, it enables the IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE more joint exercises with key allies in military to buy commercial products Accordingly, the House resolved the Pacific. It boosts our shipbuilding through online sites such as Amazon, itself into the Committee of the Whole budget to get more ships into the water Staples, and Grainger. We require life House on the state of the Union for the faster, and also cheaper. cycle maintenance costs to be consid- consideration of the bill (H.R. 2810) to So, just as an example, Mr. Chair- ered at the beginning of a program, as authorize appropriations for fiscal year man, each of those items is important must intellectual property rights, to 2018 for military activities of the De- for dealing with this growing threat maximize competition in the mainte- partment of Defense and for military coming from North Korea, and we nance and repairs. Oversight into serv- construction, to prescribe military per- could sit here and go through a similar ice contracts has increased, and there sonnel strengths for such fiscal year, sort of discussion when it comes to is much more, of course, in the bill. and for other purposes, with Mr. Iran, or the provocative actions of Rus- Mr. Chairman, this bill is the vehicle MITCHELL in the chair. sia and China, or the terrorist organi- by which we usually, for 55 years, at The Clerk read the title of the bill. zations of various shades. least, fulfill our responsibilities under The CHAIR. Pursuant to the rule, the Of course, we cannot guarantee that the Constitution that I mentioned, to bill is considered read the first time. the capabilities that we will vote on in provide for the common defense. I be- The gentleman from Texas (Mr. this bill will be available by the time lieve that is the first job of the Federal THORNBERRY) and the gentleman from the crisis comes for, unfortunately, Mr. Government. Washington (Mr. SMITH) each will con- Chairman, we are still dealing with de- I want to just express my apprecia- trol 30 minutes. fense budgets that were cut by more tion to each of the members of our The Chair recognizes the gentleman than 20 percent at a time when the committee. Each of them has contrib- from Texas. threats around the world were growing. uted to the product before us. Each of Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Chairman, I So we can’t guarantee that these capa- them takes their responsibilities under yield myself such time as I may con- bilities will be available when we need the Constitution very seriously; no one sume. them. more so than the Ranking Member, Mr. VerDate Sep 11 2014 17:30 Jul 13, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00098 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12JY7.053 H12JYPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE July 12, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5535 SMITH of Washington. We don’t always Again, I do want to compliment the bust the budget caps. Here we have a agree on the judgment calls about work that has been done on this bill. bill that does that, but this House has issues, but I have no doubt that he and Particularly, I focus a lot on unconven- to step up and take that vote if this de- all the members of the committee try tional threats. I think that is the fense authorizing bill is going to go for- to do what is right for the country and changing nature of the world. I used to ward. put the interests of our troops first. chair what is now called the Emerging The second and final point, we still That is exactly the attitude that we Threats Committee. I want to thank don’t have a national security strategy must follow, I think, on the floor over Congresswoman STEFANIK and Ranking from the White House. Now, we have a the next 3 days as we go through the Member LANGEVIN for their work and very complex threat environment, as I amendments which we will consider.
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