MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONALill/Pi AU (A';1.1n1(1.1f,T, lqh; A DOCUMENT RESUME 'ED. 168 954 SO 011 627 TITLE Seventh National 'Conference on Citizenship. INSTITUTION Department. of Justice, Washington, D.C.;, National Education Association, Washington, D.C. - ' PUB DATE Sep 52 NOTE 52p.; For related documents, see SO 011 621-626;Not available in hard copy frbm EDRS due toworn print . type of original document; Proceedings fromthe National Conference on Citizenship of the National. Education Assocition (7th, Washington, D.C.,' September 17-19 1952) EDRS PRICE MFO1 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS., RESCRIPTCRS *American Culture; *Citizen Participation; *CitiZenship; *Citizenship. Responsibility; Civics; Critical Thinking; Democratic Values; *Educational Needs4'Educational Objectives; Elementary Secondary- Education; Global Approach;-GovernmentRole; Higher Eddcation; Leadership Qualities; Leadership Responsibility; Moral Development; peace; Politics; SocialChange; SocioeConomic Influences; *United States History; Values; War ABSTRACT The document presents proceedings from the. seventhin a series of annual national citizenship conferences. Held in Washington, D.C. in September, 1952, theconference served as a forum for more than 1i000'educational, politidal, buSiness,religious, labor; civic, and communications leadersto explore fundtions and duties of AZerican cite enship. The themeof the.conference.was "Rights of the Citizen. nder the Constitution."speakers.focused upon helping citizens exercise theironstitutional rights, encouraging voter turnout, conserving. the A; jricanway of life, fostering.- appreciativn of the privilegeS and dutiesof'American citizenship, improving ti% democratic process, and preServingfreedoms guaranteed by.the Conititution. Eighteen discusSion.groupsfocused on Constitutional rights and identified problemsrelated to the .exercise. of these rights. Rights identifiedas fundamental included fair and speedy trial, equal justice .under law, freedom ofspeech, and the rightto dissent: Civic responsibilities identifiedas attendant to these' rights included voting, 'obeying duly enacted lawS,paying taxes, 'supporting the armed forces, opposing subversivepersons and organizations, and pgtting public interest aheadof private advancement. suggestions for increasing 'constructivecitizenship action included increasing civic participation,improving citizenship education in schools, reducing discrimillation, increasing 'neighborliness, and reducing civic apathy.,(DB) ********************************************************************* Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best thatcan be made 7 * from the original docuient. **********************************************************************# U S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, "PERMISSION TO HEPRODU -THIS EDUCATION &WELFARE' MATERIAL 'HAS BEENGRATED D BY NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE "TO THE EDUCATIONALRESOURCES ;ANT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION 'CENTER(ERIC) AND EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY USERS OF THE ERIC SYSTEM:. k SEVENTH NATIONAL CONFERECE ON CITIZENSHIP Under Auspices of the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENTOF JUSTICE and the NATIONAL EDUGATION ASSOCIATION 3 Stater Hotel AY Washington, D. C. September 17-19, 1952 Published by The Citizenship Committee 1. of the National Education Association 1201 Sixteenth Street, N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Single copies, 50 c nts.Regular NEA discounts. h's Table of Contents - PAGE A Spirit of Unity New Citizens Take Oath 5 Conference Theme and Objectives 6 Honorary Chairman and Sponsor 8 Conference Co-Chairmen Share Gavel - 9. Heads of Sponsoring Organizations Meet 10 Another Milestone 11 The Conference Opens 12 The Happiest Day of My Life -..-.. Good, Smart Men and Women 15 Citizenship Day Pageant 16 The Constitution and the Citizen 19 Youip Shares Spotlight 21 Coming Together on Common Ground 23 Conference Exhibits and Coffee Hours . 26, The People Themselves.. 'I Speak for Dernocrticy' 29 Pledge Themselves, One to Another 30 'God, We Thank Thee'i 34 "... One of the Most Important Things That Can Happen -35 . Overtone of the Seventh National Coqference 37 Plartning ComMittcc 40 Attorney General's Advisory Committee -litany, People Share 42 Officers of The National Education Association 44 Program 45 A List of Participating' Institutions. Organizatiots, and Agencies 52, The full proceedings of eon fvence sessions afe published in USACitizunshin. available from the United States Department of Jia.tice Pictures by the United States Department of Justice andChase Studio, 0 ' New Citizens Take Oath The Presidential Room at the Studer Hotel tenipo- rights, and that these rights must be respected. rarily became a court room as theMonorable Harry We ask you to join with us in winking to M. Hull. the Clerk of the Court, administered the put into effect our basic ideals of tolerance oath'of allegiance to 54 petitioners. Special arrange- and friendship and equality. We ask you to mentS were made in order'. that this unusual feature help us defend this country against its enemies, could be a part9 of the- Conference program. The and to join in our efforts to create a new clay Honorable F. Dickinson Letts, United States District for the worlda day when there shall be real fudge,' presided.President Harry 5'. Truman earlier iieacepeae based on the ideals of justice and said A° these new citizens:. , human brotherhood: We .are glad you are abalk, to join us. These' are the ideals to which this nation.Jf A immigrants dedicated itself 165 years ago when Here you will be fellow citizens with people cur Constitution was signed.These are the from other lands, some of them from countries ideals which we are still strivingimperfectly which may have been hostile to your oid home- at times, but with increasing successto carry lands. We expect our citizens to put asilile out in this wonderful country of our these old nationalistic or racial feuds. They have no place here.. We welcome you not to -This National Conference on Citizen hip a narrow nationalism but ta'great community has always taken' a deep interest in the ob, bated on a set of universal ideals. lems of those who immigrate to A erica. Today, it is more important than ever to con- We believe that all men have the same tinue this interest. ,,.1: . --1t- ' 4.1.46:r ''t'e44,4.- :,,,,....;, ... tl. ' .91 - '4,--1-L-r: 51-V4?*4..P,.::-...4 . -....-,,-'t. ftt, e. ...,,, 4 ',.. ^:.:".41:.`; "..iFr,,,it.l.4: 2 ;3, -"4-4-- -,...`-, %./. .-.2.,;)7,:,", 'MI t=704-k...-,." "IrgWit-L,+,,, ;AP ... 4.-3,,.....r 4, - z :2f,t72,44. `." ... '' ....,*:''t,t - ' ''''' '.'"_ ...-,." ,,__, ''''irmgVIWA;''''4 l . , . , ... .1ti?...111L theme of the conference THE CONSTITUTION The Rights of the Citizen Under the Constitution UNCEASING STUDY - INTELLIGENT PARTICIPATION ' MUTUAL . RESPECT " Al1/411) THE CITIZEN, The Responsibilities of the Citizen Under the Constitution A objeCtives of the conference To r-examine the functions and duties of Ameri- Van citizenship in today's world. To ast in' the development of moredynaniic proceres for making citizenship more effec- -.. ave. To indicate the ways and means by which various -organizations may contribute concretely to the development of a more active, alert, enlight- ened, conscientious, and progressive citizenry in our country. ° EFFECTIVE CITIZENSHIP t HONORARY CHAIRMAN The Honorable Alben W. -Barkley,'. Vice President the United States HONORARY,SPONSORS. ti Mrs. Oscar AAhlgren, President, General Federation Mrs. Newton P. Leonard, Prerident, National Con- 0 I tromen , Clubs . gress of Parents and Teachers . FlorenceE.Allen, Judge. United States Court of Argyle R. Mackey, Commissioner, Immigration, ang Appeals, Sixth .Circuit Naturalization Service . Ellis Gibbs'A,rnall, Former Governor of Georgia Ross R. Malone, Jr., Deputy Attorney. General; '21?e, . Edwarki Arnord, Actor . partment ofJustice '..- Hugh S. lionar, ;Superintendent and Prerident oi"Abe George Mardikian, Presid6, American Naticoial College, Township. Junior High School rind Junior Committee to Aid Homeless Arnisnians College. Joliet, Illinois Earl James McGrath, United States rtimiisioner of . Mrs. Harold Hitz Burton 4,. Edtication William G. Carr, Executiveecretary, Na rinal I-oward McGrath,, Former Attorney -General cation Association ,. .° John A. McIntire, Special Assistant to he Chaiiman, Tom C. Clark, Associate !Justice, Supreme .g4 y.The Renegotiikion Board the.U:niled States . 1?1,1,-,grilest 0. Merby, Dean, Sc4o1 of Education, New Frank I. Delarly, President,. Federal Bat 4106,4- ?1' l'prk University twit .. v, -,', Aratson B.Miller, Member, Subversive Activitiesili ,.. ... Martha M. E1i4hief. Children's ..Bu'rbau,''" P,e ci=.' pra 1'N',,. ContrqlyBoar,d e ,.. 1 .: - ,,,,, : Secur Agen Joy -timer 'Morgan, Editor, The, Journal of the Na- Phillip Fo , Chief Judge, United Stlites,Distriq ,.. 4tio' nal 'Education. Association. 1' -Court. District of New Jersey 7 <': ' O'Kuse Maurice Morris, Speaker;House o" f Deputies, . Willard E. Givens, Former ExecutiveSecretitry, Na- Intl4inational Bar Associd*n tional EdUcation' ASS dation ° ,- G. Fitderijk Mullen, Director,° Public Information, .Lewis K. Gough,NationsC rten'andi.i,The- Ameri- DePartment of justice can Legion ., . Philip Murray, President, Congress of Industrial Or- Frank P. Giaham, Defense Administration, -ganizations (deceased) Department of Labor
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