TYNWALD COURT, APRIL 9, 1952 413 for a year. We are doing all we can to member that, as far as the Board of help the. fishermen, but I am perfectly Agriculture is concerned, thcy will do willing to meet them, and Mr Coaole can their best to see that it is paid up to come along too if he wishes, and we date as soon as possible. I have great can have a friendly chat and see if any- pleasure in moving this vote. thing else can be done. Mr Kelly has spoken about the Milk Recording' The Governor: We will take Mr Scheme, and so did Mr Bolton. This Kelly's amendment to reduce the began with half-a-crown grant, but we amount by £750 (the grant for Knock- have raised it to lOs with a minimuni aloe) first. of £4. for any farmer. On a devision, the amendment was Mr Kelly: I raised the matter at the carried in the Council (Messrs Canister, Board; it is unfair to raise it in public._ Kneen, Crellin and Teare voting for), . Mr Cannell: Well, the matter is on but lost by 14 to 7 in the Keys. The the agenda for next week's meeting of voting in the Keys was:— the Board. I have also had a note For: Messrs Crowe, T. Q. Cannel], passed to me in connection with the Coole, Kelly, Bolton, Cowin, and Milk Special Designation Scheme. As the Speaker. I pointed out, this scheme was run by the Local Government Board, and Against: Messrs Corkhill, Corlett, through a misunderstanding between Gerrard, R. C. Cannel!, Farrant, the two boards this scheme elapsed Kerruish, Mrs 13ridson, Messrs from July, 1951, to January, 1952, but Nivison, Brownsdon, Moore, McFee, the payment, I t.Inderstand, by the Cottier, Quine and Taggart. Local Government Board has now been The resolution was carried. made up to the end of 1951. Mr Crellin: That was explained at The Governor: 'The Court will now the last :Court, Your Excellency. stand adjourned until to-morrow, Thurs- day, at 11 am. Mi Cannell: But I have had a note Sent to me, and I can•promiSe the hon. The Court adjourned. 7■=0-0.111...ed1.■ REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS OF TYNWALD COURT. Douglas, Thursday, April 10, 1952. Present : The Governor (Air Vice- Speaker (Mr S. D Qualtrough, C.B.E.), Marshal Sir Geoffrey R. Bromet, K.B.E., Messrs T. F. Corkhill, H. K. Corlett, C.B., D.S.0.). In the Council : Deem- L. Gerrard, F. H. Crowe, R. C. Cannel-1i ster Cowley, C.B.E., Deemster Johnson, E. B. C. Fprrant, H. C Kerruish, Mrs A. 0.B.E., the Attorney-General (Mr S. J. Bridson, Messrs J. A. C. K. Nivison, Kneale, 0.B.E.), Messrs J. F. Crellin, T. E. Brown sdon, A. Moore, T A. Coole, MC., R. Kneen, G. Higgins, A. J Teare, C. C. McFee, A. S. Kelly, G. P. Quine, M.B.E., and J. Canister, with Mr J. N. J. B. Bolton,- W. C. Craine, and G. Tag- Panes, M.A., Government Secretary and gart, with -- Mr F. B. Johnson, M,A., Clerk to the Council. In the Keys: The Secretary and Clerk to Tynwald. Isle of Man Board of Agriculture and Fisheries—Estimates for Administration Received. 414 TYNWALD . COURT, APRIL 10, 1952 LETTER OF SYMPATHY WITH handled through Government Office. H.M. THE QUEEN.—REPLY. Some members of the Board have ex- The Governor: I have received the pressed the view that we ought to following .:etter handle all our money, but I am perfectly happy to let the system remain as it is; Home Office, it works very well. We have to certify Whttehall, on many of these applications when they •,• 8th April, 1952. come to us, and naturally there is a time lag, and the farmer or person concerned I have had the honour to lay before sometimes wonders how his money has The Qu,-,:en the Loyal and Dutiful not been handed over. Sometimes the Address of the Lieutenant Governor, delay is in our office, and sometimes it Council, Deemsters and Keys of the is in Government Office; but I would say Isle of Man on the occasion of the that it chiefly arises in our own office, lamented death of His late Majesty because we have to make inspections King George the Sixth and have and to certify that the payments are received The Queen's Commands to suitable. That is the reason why there convey to ycitr, and to the Council, is sometimes a delay in these payments. • D:,-einsters and Keys Her Majesty's I hope Mr MeFee will accept my grateful Thanks for the assurances apology. I had such a shower of ques- of sympathy and devotion to which tions to answer; I had questions sent to it gives expression. me, I had various members to reply to I have the honour to be, in the debate, and I really forgot about his question. Sir, , Your Excellency's obedient Servant, Mr McFee: Thank you. DAVID MAXWELL FYFE. Mr R. C. Cannell: As all these items His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor are concerned with food production, I would like to read a paragraph which of the Isle of Man. appeared in the "Isle of Man Daily Times" on Tuesday, headed "Britain BOARD OF AGRICULTURE AND Must Produce More Food." It is the FISHERIES.—IMPROVEMENT OF report of a speech by Mr R. A. Hamilton, LIVESTOCK ESTIMATES RE- formerly an officer of the Northern CEIVED. Ireland Ministry of Agriculture, who is Mr R. C. Cannell: I beg to move :— now responsible for farm enterprises in Whereas the Board of Agriculture and Durham, Cheshire, Somerset, and Kirk- Fisheries have submitted their estimate of cudbrightshire. He said at the 'Monthly. £3,000 for the proposed improvement of live- discussion meeting of the Farmers' Club, stock (£1,500) and the purchase of bulls in London, that "in the new world con- (11,500) in the ,financial year ended 31st March, 1953. ditions we shall have to produce in Resolved,—that Tynwald requests His Ex- future at least two-thirds of our food cellency to consider the same in framing his and- import not more than one-third, Estimates for the year ending 31st March, unless millions are to go hungry. The 1953. major need was for more meat, which (The amount of the estimate for the year could be produced if the British.farmer 1951-52 was X3,000.) _ could feel assured of a continuing Before proceeding With these resolu- demand for his output at a price giving tions, I have to apologise to the hon. him a reasonable return." That is what member for Rushen, Mr McFee, for the Manx farmer asks for—a guaran-._ omitting to answer a question he asked teed outlet for his produce, at a price me yesterday. I am sincerely sorry that which will give him a reasonable Are- I omitted to reply to him, and I assure turn. The amount of this vote is the him it was not 'done intentionally. The same as that which was requested from, last resolution, item .16 on the _agenda, and voted by, the Court last. year. It covers all .the Board's administrative is used to finance the Board's schemes expenses... Items 17, 18, 19, 20, 21; 23, for the improvement of livestock, in- 24 and 25 relate to moneys which the cluding (a) the importation of high Board does not handle; they 'are quality stock bulls; (b) the purchase Letter of Sympathy with H.M. the Queejt—Reply.—Board of Agriculture and - - ---Fisheries-Improvement of eLivestock Estimates Received. !TYNWALl? COURT, , APRIL- 10, 1 1952 -415 and maintenance of bulls for artificial ally in the late summer and autumn, insemination; (c) premiums for bulls that haven't yet been faced squarely by 'presented at the annual spring show of the farmers, by the meat trade, or by the the Royal Manx Agricultural Society; Government." I think that if we in- (d) hire of stallions; (e) grants to crease out stocks in the Island, the same shows; and (f) the destruction of problems will arise. Fattening on sum- rabbits and other vermin. It has been mer grass is the easiest and most econo- the policy of the Board for many mical method, and this will, I think, give years to purchase bulls at sales in Eng- ' weight to inquiries which are being made land in the spring of the year, and then about cold storage. I have great plea- resell these bulls to farmers. By this sure in supporting the resolution. means the Island's livestock has been maintained and improved by the use of Mr Nivison: Each year now,-we have high-quality sires. The policy of im- a vote of some £3,000, chiefly for the porting bulls for resale was discon- importation of bulls, and I Wonder if continued in the spring of last year. the Board of Agriculture can give the The Board has concentrated on the im- Court some information on whether this portation of outstanding bulls for arti- policy has been a success, and if they ficial insemination purposes, and this intend to continue to import bulls each service is progressing to such an ex- year. If I read correctly, the judge at tent that almost half of the cow and the recent spring show of the Agri- heifer population in Manx herds are Cultural Society seemed to state that all being dealt with in this way. One was not well with the livestock of the thousand five hundred pounds of the Island.
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