Index 11 March Order (Supersemar), 251, Alimin, 157 257, 269 Ali Murtopo, 247, 276–77, 290, 296 17 October 1952 affair, 2, 6, 113, 198, Ali Sastroamijoyo, 171, 199, 238 222, 225–31, 324 Ali Wardhana, 248–49, 280–81 30 September Movement, 243–45, 264, American Republic, 136 269, 286 Amir Syarifuddin, 97, 143, 148, 150, 156, 159, 172, 197, 199 A PKI member, as, 157 Abdul Hakim, 217, 234 Anak Agung, 144, 187, 233, 328 Abs, Hermann, 284 Anderson, Ben, 142, 166, 206 Aceh War, 41 Andi Aziz, 215–16, 222, 231 Achmadi, 251 Antara, 140 Achmad Tirtosudiro, 271 anti-Chinese riots, 97, 171 Adam, Governor Lucien, 99, 103–4, “aristo-democracy”, 33, 87 122, 166, 318 Army Service Association, 223 born, 88 Army Staff Command College, see negotiations with, 69–78 SSKAD Adam Malik, 1, 21–22, 246–47, Army Strategic Reserve (Kostrad), 251–53, 258–59, 270–72, 275–76, 243 278, 280, 283–87, 290, 292, 294, army youth auxiliary (Seinendan), 296, 298, 303, 309–10, 313, 315, 110 323–24 Arnold, Benedict, 214 ADB (Asian Development Bank), 274 asceticism, 65, 185 “administrators”, 5, 113–14, 157, 161, Ashari Danudirjo, 242, 254 218, 224, 256, 286, 309, 314 “Asia for the Asians”, 99 advisory council, see Dewan Asian Development Bank, see ADB Penasihat (advisory council) Asiaweek, 96, 158 Aidit, 241 Atlantic Charter, 140, 149, 164, 188 Alamsyah Prawiranegara, 276–77 Autonomy of the Indonesian Village, Ali Budiarjo, 196, 214, 218, 228, 231, The, thesis, 146 242 auxiliary police (Keibodan), 110 12 A Prince in a Republic.indd 363 12/19/14 4:04 PM 364 Index B black magic, 31 Baay, General, 196, 211 black market, 105, 277 Baharuddin, 223 “blockade system”, 181 Bale Agung (Supreme Council), 32, Boeke, J.H., 41, 43–44, 57, 257 76, 91, 93, 121 BPI (Badan Pusat Inteligens), 216 Bambang Sugeng, 219, 228, 235 BPK (Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan), Bambang Supeno, 219, 221, 225, 227, 241–42, 249, 252, 254, 263, 273, 230, 234, 236 286, 289 Bank Indonesia (central bank), 200, BPK (Badan Pengawas Kerajaan), 100 250, 254 BPUPKI (Badan Penyelidik Usaha2 “bapakism”, 219, 235 Persiapan Kemerdekaan Bapekan (Badan Pengawas Kegiatan Indonesia), 44, 88, 104, 116–18, Aparatur Negara), 241, 262 122, 125, 131, 133, 137 Bappenas (Badan Perencanaan Breda Military Academy, 39 Pembangunan Nasional), 248, Broekman, Mourik, 38 283 “budget chaos”, 30 BB (Barisan Banteng), 147–48 Budi Utomo, 31–32, 116, 131 Bebasa Daeng Malolo, 221, 225 Bukan Karena Ambisi (Not Because of Beel, Louis J.M., 177–78, 182, 187, 191 Ambition), book, 227 “Beel Plan”, 187 BULOG (Badan Urusan Logistik), 271 Berg, C.C., 41 Bureau for Princely Territories, see Berkhuysen, 189, 208 BPK (Badan Pengawas Kerajaan) “Berkeley mafia, the”, 248 Burhanuddin Harahap, 238 BFO (Bijeenkomst voor Federale Burma–Siam railway, 107 Overleg), 144, 187 Bijleveld, Governor, 47, 72, 90 C Bimas agricultural programme, 323 Canadian Resolution, 187 Bintoro, Prince, 44, 69, 116, 120, 142, capitalism, 31, 43, 69, 146 161, 201 Catholic Party, 177, 180 see also Raisulngaskari Central Advisory Council (Chuo biography Sangi-in), 104, 119, 122 advantages of, 307–9 central bank (Bank Indonesia), 200, Asian, 310–11 250, 254 cross-cultural, 5, 16, 19 Central Intelligence Agency, see CIA elitist, as, 14, 304, 306–7 Central Intelligence Body, see BPI image and language, 309–10 Central Java federal state, 180 one-dimensional, 19 Central Java, plague in, 31 political, 9 Chaerul Saleh, 218, 249, 251 problems of, 306–7 Chandler, David, 16 subgenres of, 10 Chinese issue, 257 text, as, 12 Chinese support, 155, 170 theory of, 13 Chinese Red Cross, 45 12 A Prince in a Republic.indd 364 12/19/14 4:04 PM Index 365 Chuo Sangi-in (Central Advisory Danurejo, Prince, 104, 119, 125, 132 Council), 104, 119, 122 Darmasetiawan, 195 Churchill, Winston, 15 Darul Islam, 214–15, 218, 233 CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), death lists, 242, 263 216, 243 ‘decentred self’, 13 Cipto Mangunkusumo, 31 Defence Law, 223 Cohen, A.E., 49 “Defender of the Faith”, 66 Colijn, Hendrikus, 33, 49, 67–68 de Graaf, H.J., 41 colonialism, 43, 51, 85, 98, 196, 198, de Jonge, Governor General, 33, 279, 312 46–47, 49, 67 colonial war, 154 de Jong, Josselin, 41 Committee for the Preparation of democracy, and republicanism, 136 Indonesian Independence, see Department of Home Affairs, 134, PPKI 138 Committee to Investigate Depression, of 1930s, 62–63 Preparations for Indonesian de Saussure, Ferdinand, 12 Independence, see BPUPKI “despairing pessimism”, 43 communism, 49, 157, 234 Development Cabinet, 283 communist death squads, 158 Dewan Penasihat (advisory council), Communist Party of Indonesia, see 75–76, 91, 119, 159 PKI Diah, B.M., 221, 272 “concentric circles method”, 21 Diponegoro, Prince, 77, 113, 317, 327, Confrontation, against Malaysia, 247, 330 269 divide-and-rule tactics, 64, 68 constitutional monarchical system, Divine Soul, 65 120 Dorojatun corruption, 217, 252, 255, 266, 274, born, 28–29 289, 299 contacts with Dutch elite, 47–49 Council of Generals, 243 father, 28, 60, 65, 85 Council of the Indies (Raad van mother, 30–31 Indie), 72 school years, 29, 36–45 Council of Youth Leaders, 154 student council, involvement in, 45 coup, 158, 214, 222, 228, 230, 243–46 succession, 72–73 Cribb, Robert, 92, 263 see also Hamengku Buwono IX Critchley, Tom, 173, 204, 208–9 Drees, Prime Minister Willem, 178, cross-border smuggling, 105 180 CSIS, think tank, 276 Dutch attack, 153–56, 160, 173–99 cultural relativism, 18 Dutch colonial army (KNIL), 96, 123, 144, 194, 196, 213–15, 308 D Dutch Colonies Ministry, 150 Daendels, Governor General, 63, 102 Dutch East Indies Company (VOC), Dahler, P.F., 117–18 63, 66 12 A Prince in a Republic.indd 365 12/19/14 4:04 PM 366 Index Dutch rule, paternalism of, 71, 89 Frobel school, 36 dynastic rights, 79 Funabiki, H., 100, 125 “functional groups”, 68, 147 E East Timor, annexation of, 292, 325 G economic dualism, 43 Gadjah Mada University, 152 “economic generals”, 271 Gandhi, biography, 9 Eerste Europese Lagere School B Gapi, nationalist organization, 83 (Lower European Primary), Garebeg celebration, 80 school, 36 Gatot Subroto, 157, 195, 227, 248 elections, 48–49, 75, 227, 239, 284–86, General Offensive (Serangan Umum), 292, 325 6, 183–84, 291, 320 elitism, 14, 306 effect and aftermath, 186–88 Elson, Robert, 16, 207, 210, 244, 263, Gerinda, 34, 239 301–2, 313 Gerindo, 83 Emergency Government, 173 German occupation of the emotionalism, 229, 285 Netherlands, 83 Ethical Policy, 46, 67, 71–72 Geyl, Pieter, 19 Evans, Richard J., 12 Giyanti Agreement, 63 executive monarch, 120 Goldman, J., 49 Golkar, 151, 247, 284–89, 325 F gotong royong (cooperation), 146–47 family principle, 68–69 government, concepts of, 67–69 fascism, 49 “Great Man” biography, 8, 11 “fascist Republic”, 149 guerrilla, 97, 160, 174, 176, 178–79, Federal Consultative Assembly, see 181–83 199, 217 BFO Guided Democracy, 1, 68, 146–47, 198, Federal currency, 181 239, 241, 275–76, 309–10, 325 feudalism, 113, 132, 172, 295, 305 “fiefdom”, status of, 79 H First World War, 31, 49, 82 Haarlem Lyceum, 38 Five Year Development Plan, see Hadikusumo, Prince, 200 Repelita “half-coup”, 222, 230 “floating mass”, doctrine of the, 325 Hafas, T.D., 315 Foreign Assistance Act, 272 Halifax, Lord, 2, 231 Foreign Investment Law, 275–76, 279 Hamengku Buwono I, 51, 119 “Four Princes Letter”, 200 Hamengku Buwono II, 63, 182 Frans Seda, 242, 248–49, 254, 258, 265, Hamengku Buwono VII, 28, 36, 52, 271–73, 280, 282, 287, 295, 299, 79 303 Hamengku Buwono VIII, 28–30, 32, freedom of speech, 48, 194, 270 36, 47, 49–51, 59–60, 70–71, 78–79, free-market approach, 257 111, 121 12 A Prince in a Republic.indd 366 12/19/14 4:04 PM Index 367 Hamengku Buwono IX Hamid II, Sultan, 36, 39, 47, 144, 175, business interests, 239, 253, 289, 178, 189, 208, 213–15, 233, 272 313, 317, 330 Hangabehi, Prince, 35, 48, 52 children, 84 see also Pakubuwono XI Coordinator of Internal Security, as, Harada, General, 100 157–59, 171, 191–92 Harian Rakjat, newspaper, 221 coronation, 80–82 Hatta Kikan, 98 “democrat”, as, 2, 48, 325–26 Hatta, Mohammad, 40, 47–48, 51, economy, and, 286–87 97, 98, 106, 113, 116, 133, 135, characterizations of, 3 137, 145–46, 156–59, 162, 173–74, Deputy Supreme Commander for 177–80, 189–91, 194, 196–97, 199, Economic Affairs, as, 246 213, 216–18, 220–21, 225–26, 228, Dutch, under the, 82–84 234, 240–41, 287, 299, 323 incognito, travelling, 142–43, 166 Hatta, Rahmi, 201 Indonesian, as, 320–21 Hayam Wuruk, 65–66 Javanese leader, as, 317–19 Hazelett, Samuel, 182, 205 militia and the army, and, 141–44 Hermani, 189, 208 Military Governor, as, 155 Hertog, 46–47 ministerial role, 150–51, 156, 191– Hill, David, 17 92, 195, 198, 216–17, 219–20, history theory, 13 231, 238, 241, 250–52, 272–73, Ho Chi Minh, 266 283–84, 316 Hokokai, see Jawa Hokokai national government, role in, holy war (perang sabil), 154, 181 150–56 Honggowongso, 141, 161, 173, 175, political contract, issues with, 73–78 201 political-economic statement, and, Hoogere Burger School (HBS), 37–38 254–58 Hurgronje, Snouck, 41, 67 politician, as, 319–20 “hyper-relativism”, 12 private life, 5, 84, 129–30 relations with the nationalists, I 112–15 Ibnu Sutowo, 271 republic state, and, 133–38 IBRD (International Bank resignation, 175–76, 178–79, 203, for Reconstruction and 225, 232, 250, 292, 294, 313, 320 Development), see World Bank rift with Suharto, 289–93 Idenburg, P.J.A., 153, 155, 314, 318 tours, 111–12 Idham Chalid, 251, 287, 292 Vice President, as, 287–89 IGGI (Inter-Governmental Group on wives, 84, 130, 284 Indonesia), 248 see also Dorojatun Imamura, Commander in Chief, 101, Hamengku
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