d Lilium 25/3/08 11:21 Page 1 PlantsmanThe Lilium eupetes, a new species of lily from Vietnam where it grows epiphytically on large forest trees Additional material examined: Vietnam, Lào Cai province, Nov 2006. BSWJ 11796 (Herb. BSWJ; photo WSY); floral parts from cultivated plant, Crûg Farm Plants, Oct 2007, BSWJ 11722 (WSY). At first glance appearing like Lilium arboricola Stearn which is related to the L. primulinum group, but differing in the maroon-purple petals forming an open stellate-cam- panulate flower instead of the reflex- ed apple-green petals of L. arboricola. The flowers are superficially similar to those of L. souliei and L. taliense, Photographs: Bleddyn Wynn-Jones Photographs: but these species differ in many details, including a lack of axiliary bulbils. Several other little known Lilium species, including L. puerense Three new Y.Y. Qian, L. rockii R.H. Miao and L. pyi H. Léveillé are recorded from adjacent Yunnan, but based on the information given in the account of Crûg Farm Lilium in Flora of China (Songyun & Tamura 2000) they cannot be equa- ted with these collections from Vietnam. Since it has not been introductions possible to find a match for the Vietnamese collections they are A new Lilium species with a curious dispersal referred to a new species. mechanism, a new Ypsilandra variety and a new Origin of name Cardiandra hybrid are described by JULIAN SHAW The specific epithet, eupetes, is from a Greek word meaning ‘flying A NEW LILIUM SPECIES summer of 2007 it became apparent well’. This refers to the mode of Reports of an unusual lily found in that similarities with L. arboricola disseminating the bulbils which Vietnam by Bleddyn and Sue Wynn- were superficial and that this was a form in the leaf axils. The bulbils Jones of Crûg Farm Plants nursery new taxon. It is described and are attached firmly to the base of filtered through early in 2007 (Anon. formally named below. the subtending leaf. As the end of 2007a, b). At the time, it was the growing season nears and the thought to be the long-lost Lilium Lilium eupetes J.M.H. Shaw, sp. nov. plant begins to senesce, the leaves arboricola which was last found by Species habitu cum Lilium arboricola gradually wither and as they do, curl Frank Kingdon Ward in Upper Stearn optimae congruens, sed differt into a circular shape. The leaf Burma in 1953, because it shares the tepalis atro-purpuris, non reflexis. eventually detaches from the stem epiphytic habit of that species Type: Vietnam, Lào Cai province, and due to its circular shape spins (Stearn 1954, Brickell & Sharman 22 Nov 2006. B&S Wynn-Jones through the air carrying its propagule 1986). However, when plants in 11721 (holotype WSY). to new habitats. This mode of cultivation flowered during the dispersal is apparently unique. March 2008 39 d Lilium 25/3/08 11:21 Page 2 NEW TAXA The epiphytic Lilium eupetes in fruit, growing wild in north Vietnam (above left). The maroon flowers (top right) are usually solitary and the scaly bulb (above right) is about 2.5cm in diameter – any larger and it might have difficulty remaining on the tree. One of the most distinctive features of this new species is the aerial dispersal of the bulbils (right): they are buoyed on air currents by the dead leaf Description stellate; pedicel maroon. Tepals stigma white, hardly broader than Bulb globose, 2.5cm diameter; scales maroon-red on inner surface; the style, hardly lobed. Capsule oblong, yellowish-white, ovate-clubshaped or outer tepals 4 x 1.6cm, ovate-lanceol- 3 x c.1.5cm, light brown; pedicel curv- oblong with an acute apex. Stem erect, ate, strongly concave and shaped like ed upwards in fruit. Seeds numerous, glabrous, green, height to 45cm, the hull of a boat, minutely pustulate discoid, c.2mm diameter, light brown. rooting at base above the bulb. and greenish towards the apex but Leaves 17–19, alternate, lanceolate only on the outer surface; apex acum- Habitat or narrowly elliptic, (3–) 5–6.5 x 10- inate, slightly recurved; inner tepals This species grows in mosses on 16mm, light green with reddish 4 x c.1cm, with raised green midrib vertical trunks and horizontal midrib and a short narrow petiolar on outer surface; nectariferous zones branches of large forest trees, well region, mid-vein raised on upper side papillose, greenish-yellow. Stamens above the ground, at altitudes of of leaf, both surfaces glabrous, margin curving outwards, shorter than style; 1,900–2,000m. Lilium arboricola entire. Axils of upper leaves often filaments bright red, glabrous, c.16mm occupies similar habitats in northern with 1–3 small, green, conical bulbils. long; anthers 11–12mm long; connect- Burma. An interesting parallel is Leaves curling into a circle at senesc- ive red; pollen orange. Ovary cylind- provided by Hippeastrum arboricola in ence, detaching from stem but rical, bright shiny red, slightly shorter forests around El Dorado, Misiones retaining bulbils. Flower usually solit- than anthers; style maroon, extend- province, Argentina, where it can be ary, rarely 2, nodding, campanulate- ing beyond stamens, gently curved; found about 25m above the ground. 40 March 2008 d Lilium 25/3/08 11:21 Page 3 PlantsmanThe Conservation and cultivation in a rosette around the rhizome apex, Lilium eupetes is known from several spathulate, 7–7.5 x 1.7–1.9cm at widest localities in Lào Cai province. The point, gradually narrowed to a petiole; exact locality details are withheld in veins prominent on underside; apex the interests of conservation. It is acute; margin slightly inrolled. Scape feared that teams of bulb collectors to 31cm, grooved, with numerous from China may illegally cross the bract-like leaves. Bract-like leaves border in an attempt to locate the not imbricated, 11–20 x 2–6mm, populations and remove the plants, becoming smaller towards apex. which are then likely to appear on Pedicels 5.5–9mm long, each subtend- the internet offered for sale as nursery- ed by a narrow bract, equalling or grown stock. Some Vietnamese slightly shorter than petiole. Tepals orchids have suffered this fate already white or cream, 4.5–5 x 1.7–2mm, and are almost extinct in the wild. spathulate, apex rounded. Stamens Seed has germinated well in 4.6–5mm long, exerted slightly cultivation and pans of seedlings beyond tepals at anthesis; filaments have been distributed to several white, 5mm long; anthers bright blue institutions. Not enough is known before dehiscence, 0.6–0.9mm long; about its requirements to give pollen creamy-white. Ovary apically reliable advice on cultivation. 3-lobed, dark blue-black at anthesis; style 1.5–1.8mm; stigma deeply 3- A NEW YPSILANDRA lobed, lobes 0.8–1mm, recurved, While collecting on Vietnam’s yellowish. Capsule and seeds unknown. highest mountain, Mount Fansipan, The original description of Bleddyn Wynn-Jones of Crûg Farm Ypsilandra yunnanensis by Smith & Plants, encountered a Ypsilandra Jeffrey (1916) cites four different which is believed to be endemic to collections at E which are regarded the region. After herbarium study it as syntypes since none is singled out became apparent that it falls within as a holotype. They are G. Forrest Y. yunnanensis W.W. Sm. & Jeffrey, Ypsilandra yunnanensis var. fansipanensis; 8956 and 12055 both from the and it is consequently described as a inflorescence (top) and habit (above) Shweli-Salween divide, Yunnan, variety of that species. China; Kingdon Ward 163 from yunnanensis, but differs in the regular northwest Yunnan, and Kingdon Ypsilandra yunnanensis W.W. Sm. shape, size and greater number of Ward 1808 from the Burmese- & Jeffrey var. fansipanensis J.M.H. leaves, longer stamens that often Chinese border. Duplicates of Shaw, var. nov. slightly exceeded the tepals, and capit- Forrest 8956 and 12055 have been Ex afinitate var. yunnanensi, ab foliorum ate inflorescence with more flowers. examined at K and BM. It appears forma et numerum, staminibus longi- that the description of Y. yunnanensis oribus, et floribus numerum distinctus. Description in Flora of China (Xinqi & Tamura Type: Cultivated flowering plant Rhizome short, vertical, c.10 x 7mm, 2000) is based on these syntypes and pressed on 2 Oct 2007, originally brown with numerous annular scars; does not account for the variation collected from Vietnam, Lào Cai active roots arising from rhizome apex seen in the many other collections province, Mt. Fansipan, 2,700m, just below leaves, 1–1.5mm diameter, available, hence it appears to apply to 1 Dec 2006, B&S Wynn-Jones 11839 to 25–30cm long, hirsute. Leaves c.22 var. yunnanensis. It is certainly more (holotype WSY; isotype Herb. BWJ, sterile plant from same locality). The IDENTIFICATION KEY TO YPSILANDRA IN CULTIVATION holotype is a plant, collected in the 1a Stigma not capitate, deeply 3-lobed; style less than 2mm long Y. yunnanensis field as a sterile rosette and grown on 1b Stigma capitate, not or hardly 3-lobed; style over 5mm long 2 to flowering at Crûg Farm Plants, 2a Tepals 6–10mm long; stamens 1–2cm, clearly longer than tepals Y. thibetica north Wales. 2b Tepals 4–5mm long; stamens 5–6mm long, slightly longer than tepals Y. cavaleriei Most similar to Y. yunnanensis var. March 2008 41 d Lilium 25/3/08 11:21 Page 4 NEW TAXA restrictive than the original descript- ion, which is curious since the Flora account chooses not to recognise any varieties. Plants similar to this Flora of China description are also illustrat- ed in the Iconographia of Chinese Plants (Anon. 1976). Smaller plants from high altitudes in the Himalayas have been descr- ibed as var.
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