UAAS AT DI A.I.D. HISTORICAL AND TECHNi CAL REFERENCE ROOM 1656 NS BANGKOK, THAILAND FEBRUARY 11-22, 1957 FAR EAST RURAL YOUTH CONFERENCE February 11-22, 1957 BANGKOK, TIAILAND :FIN-ALLREPORT' FAR EAST RURAL YOUTH CONFERENCE BANGKOK, THAILAND - FEBRUARY 11 .22, 1957 ORDER OF PRESENTATION - Page OBJECTIVES - - - - - - - - - - ­ - 1 INTRODUCTION - - - - - ­ - - - - - 2 ORGANIZATION PLANNING COMMITTEE - 3 GENFRAL ADMINISTRATION STAFF 4 STAFF ASSISTANTS - " " 4 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS COMMITTEE 5 EVALUATION COMMIT-IIE .5 DELEGATES AND OBSERVERS - - 5 PROGRAM DAILY ... 11C OPENING ADDRESSES . l COUNTRY REPORTS -.. 27 CASE HISTORIES - . 39 WORKING GROUPS . .. 53 Official Photograph - Pages 56-57 STUDY TOURS . ..... 76 ADDRESS BY RECTOR, KASETSART UNIVERSITY- - - 77 EVENING ENTERTAINMENT .... - - 78 EXHIBITS - - - - - - - - - - - 78 PUBLICITY ­ - - - 79 CONFERENCE RECOMMENDATIONS .. 80 DELEGATE OPINION POLL ­ - 81 CLOSING ADDRESSES . .. 82 APPENDICES - - - - - - - - - - ­ - 87 PUBLISHED BY THE UNITED STATES OPERATIONS MISSION To THAILAND, IN 8 TO TIgiLND;' BANGKOK Objectives of the Conference To help participating countries gain a broader knowledge and perspective of the importance of educational work with rural youth. To help countries develop effective methods and procedures for giving educational assistance to rural youth. To provide for a stable ogricultural economy in future years by developing sound and scientific attitudes in rural youth at an early age. To provide opportunity for representatives of Southeast Asia countries to examine their resources and needs for rural education programs and make plans for future development. To develop opportunities for further international cooperation and exchange of information and leadership among the several organizations and countries represented. In August and September 1956 visits were made to Burma, Cambodia, Republic of China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Federation of Malaya, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Within most of these countries there were established temporary sponsoring and arrangements committees to select delegates, to decide ol the case histories which would be presented by the countric! , and to recommend plans for financingand otherconsidera­ tions. Contacts wvere made with the Ministries of Agriculturc and Education, Food and Agr;culture Organization, UNESCO. foundation representa­ tives, private sponsoring groups, USOMs of the participating countries, and other organizations and groups interested and concerned with rural youth education. From the start, an effort was made to involve all interested groups and organ­ izations in the planning and conduct of the conference. Conference secretary at the microphone. Introduc t ion At a mecting of extension representatives By E. W. AITON held in Manila in 1955 the delegates expressed need for increasing the knowledge and activity relating Within Thailand a Planning Committee was to rural youth programs in South East Asia. They established. This included Phra Prakas Sahakorn, recommended that a rural youth congress should Under-Secretary of State for Agriculture, as be held at anl early date. Following cirClati Of Chairman, and representation from the Ministry a questionnaire by the chairman. East Asia Exten- of Agriculture, USOM/Thailand, and all other sion Committee, it was observed that the countries organizations and agencies interested in rural were interested in a training conlerence for exten- youth, as indicated by the Planning Committee sion workers and others directly concerned with yotha s ic ateby t ing the developmcnt of rural youth programs, rather than the rural youth congress originally proposed. The Governcnt of Thailand was host for Out of this observation there developed final plans the conference and the International Cooperation and arrangements for holding this Far East Rural Administration of the United States sponsored Youth Conference at Bangkok. Thailand, February it in cooperation with governments of the partici­ 11-22, 1957. pating countries. Participation included 125 regular, fully participating delegates of country ministries, The Government of Thailand was contacted private foundations. United Nations organizations, relative to its willingness to be host to such a local leaders, and members ot rural youth clubs or conference. On acceptance, the details of planning study groups. An additional 32 observers, mostly and operation moved forward at a rapid pace il from Thailand, were present for the two-weeks' the Summer and Fall of 1956. At the request Of period. Countries oflicially represented included: the International Cooperation Administration, tle Cambodia. Republic of China, Indonesia, Japan, participating governments and the country USOM Korea, Laos, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. missions, a conference consultant was temporarily Nepal was represented tmnoflicially by one delegate employed bv the International Cooperation Adnii- who chanced to be in the area on a training nistration, Washington, to visit each of eleven program in preparation for his position as Chief South East Asia countries relative to their interest of extension work in his country. in, and plans for, participation. The consultant subsequently became the secretary of the conference. (See Introduction Page 74) 2 Candid camera caught six key menlbers during mnecting of Phnning Committee; leftto right-Phanom Snitananda, C.W. Chang, E.W. Aiton, consultant ;Phr- Prakas Sahakorn, dmairman; Prayote Purnasiri, vice chairman: Roem Purnariksha, Secretary. Contference Planning Committee Chairman PttRA PRAKAS SAIIAKORN Member AMPORN KARASANANDA Under-Secretary of State for Agricultural Officer Agriculture Department of Agriculture ['ice Chairman PRAYOT- PLURNASIRI Member PRIDA KARNASUT Deputy Under-Secretary of Chief, Inland Fisheries Division State for Agriculture Department of Fisheries Secretar' ROEM PURNARIKSIIA Member PRAYUNE SAVANASOOJARIT Chief Technical Officer Extension Services Division Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture Assistant Secretary TItUMNONG SINGALAVANIJA Member BRICE M. MACE, JR. Chief. Extension Services Agriculture Olficer Division, Department of USOM. Bangkok Agriculture Member RAY E. CAMERON Extension Advisor Assistant SecretariyVIBUL STIwrtIRAT Uson Angkor Chief, Foreign Organizations USOM. Bangkok Section, Foreign Agricultural Member DONALD P. CARTER Relations. Ministry of Rural Youth Training Advisor, Agriculture USOM, Bangkok Member M.R. CIIAKRATONG TIIONGYAI Member WELLINGTON BRINK Chief Research Officer Extension Specialist (Informa­ Department of Rice tion), USOM, Bangkok -r PIIANOM SIIANANDA Member GODFRI-Y R. HOERNER Kasetsart University Oregon-Kasc.sart University Contract Member PRAVING SAMAKOSES Head, Section of Extension Member C.W. CIIANG Service, Department o r Regional Agricultural Advisor Livestock Development FAO, Bangkok 3 General Administration Staff Chairman of the Transportation Officer CHoY POTCHARATANA Conference (elected) M.C. LAKSHNAKARA KASHEMSANTA Assistant Transportation PRASRTPAN Conference Officer ROEM PURNARIKSHA Officer PRAC1TE Assistant Conference Reception OJficer SUBAN SAWETAMAL Officer THUMNONG SINGALAVANIJA Registration and Assistant Conference Information Officer MRS. VIMONNART Officer VIBUL STHITIRAT CHANDRAPUANG Conference Secretary' E.W. AITON Stud' Tour Officer PRAYUNE SAVANASOOJARIT Assistant Conference Secretary RAY E. CAMERON Publicity Officer WELLINGTON BRINK Documents Officer DONALD P. CARTER Assistant Publicity Officer PRAVING SAMAKOSFS Assistant Documents Officer LEK JAIVASU Exhibits Officer MANA BUAKHAO Staff Assistants Head, Clerical Staff MRS. HARRY CARR Typist, USOM PRASOP SUJJAPONG Clerical Assistant MRS. CHARLES MCANDREW Mineograph Operator, USOM CHALONG CHOOTACHA Interpreter S. SERN Typist, Ministry of Interpreter SOMMPONG SUCtARITKUI. Agriculture CHAROEN UNNANOND Interpreter J. KASEM SIBUNRUANG Typist, Ministry of Agriculture LOUIS MALISEN Interpreter AMPORN KARASANANDA Typist, Ministry of Interpreter LEEDY TONG Agriculture RENU SUANRAT Interpreter MR. YEH Typist, Ministry of Documnerts Distribution Agriculture CHURAI PHOLPHUNDH Officer, Ministry of Mimeograph Operator, Agricuiture BOONSONG KANPA! MinistryofAgriculture Documents Distribution KAMOL CHANTATERO Officer, Ministry of Agriculture BOONLOEY SAKULKLOY Mimeograph Operator, Ministr' ofAgriculture Typist, USOM SAOD KONGKLAI THAVALYA HUNAPUN 4 Conference Report and Recommendations Committee ROENI PURNARIKSHA Thailand KEN! CHu KANG Korea Chairman PROM TEr SAVANG Cambodia JUAN B. CABANOS Philippines CHi-TSING LIAO Republic of China KADAR MARWANI Indonesia SHoiCiI NAKADA Japan E.W. AITON Ex Officio R.E. CA,!ERON Ex Officio Conference Evaluation Committee C.W. CHANG, Agricultural Advisor, FAO; TOKuzo TATSUNO, Chief of the Japanese, C'hairman Delegation HASAN SUDIBJA, Member of the Indonesian JUAN B. CAIIANOS, Chief of the Philippine Delegation Delegation THUMNONG SINGALAVANIJA, Chief of the Thai Delegation Official Delegates (Nantes Underlined hIdicate Heads of Country Delegations) CAMBODIA 8. JAMES L. EASOM Agricultural Exten­ sion Advisor, 1. PRO TEP SAVANG Head of National USOM/C Agriculture School 9. MISS MARIA TABIELLINI UNESCOTechnical 2. MEN CHIUN Director of Funda- Assistance Mission mental Education 10. VOYCHAI VATTRA PHOUD Interpreter, USOM 3. Kirst CHEA Chief of Agricul- 11. Ho-TONG-PENG Ministry of Agri­ tural Extension culture 4. DANIt HUYNH Assistant to Direc­ tor of Fundamental Education REPUBLIC OF CHINA 5. YF.M YIN Inspector of Sports and Youth
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