BALTIM 1955 R O TE R A E E R G th 65Anniversary 1955–2020 E C E OMMITT 1955–2020 65 Year Anniversary Retrospective Vision, Leadership and Accomplishment 2020 Greater Baltimore Committee Regional business leaders creating a better tomorrow . today. 10 Light Street 1955 Greater Baltimore Committee Baltimore. 2, Md. FRED I. ARCHIBALD, Pub. ALAN P. HOBLITZELL, Vice-Pres. John McC. MOWBRAY, Pres. BALTIMORE NEWS POST AND SUNDAY AMERICAN U.S.F. & G. CO. ROLAND PARK CO. Royden A. BLUNT, Pres. CHARLES W. HOFF, Pres. ELKAN R. MYERS, Pres. BUCK GLASS CO. UNION TRUST CO. OF MARYLAND D. MYERS & SONS, INC. CHARLES H. BUCK, Pres. JEROLD. C. HOFFBERGER, Pres. JOHN M. NELSON, III, Vice-Pres. MARYLAND TITLE GUARANTEE CO. THE NATIONAL BREWING CO. NELSON CO. GEORGE M. BUNKER, Pres. GUY T. O. HOLLYDAY, Ch. of Bd. S. PAGE NELSON, Pres. THE GLENN L. MARTIN CO. THE TITLE GURANTEE CO. THE SAVINGS BANK OF BALTIMORE THOS. B. BUTLER, Pres. STEPHEN C. HUSTED, Sales Mgr. CHARLES A. NEWLAND, Dis. Mgr. MERCANTILE- SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. BETHLEHAM STEEL, CORP. ESSO-STANDARD OIL CO. E. L. CASTLETON, Sr. Vice-Pres. ALBERT D. HUTZLER, JR., Pres. THOMAS S. NICHOLS, Pres. MARYAND CASUALTY CO. HUTZLER BROTHERS, CO. OLIN-MATHIESON CORP. ALEXANDER S. COCHRAN CARLE A. JACKSON HENRY E. NILES, Exec. Vice-Pres. COCHRAN, SCHUBERT & WING RIALL JACKSON CO. BALTIMORE LIFE INSURANCE CO. RICHARD F. CLEVELAND, Esq. J. BENJAMIN KATZNER, Vice-Pres. LEONARD J. NOVOGROD, G.M. SEMMES, BOWEN & SEMMES THE COMFY MFG. CO. THE MAY CO. CHARLES P. CRANE, Pres. G. Y. KLINEFELTER, SR., Pres. EUGENE O’BRIEN, Ex. Vice-Pres. & Tr. BALTIMORE GAS & ELECTRIC CO. ELITE LAUNDRY CO. OF BALTIMORE, INC. THE O’BRIEN CORP. HUGO DALSHEIMER, Pres. LOUIS B. KOHN, II, Vice-Pres. & Treas. HERBERT R. O’CONOR, JR., ESQ Pr. LORD BALTIMORE PRESS HOCHSHILD KOHN & CO. JUNIOR ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE JOSEPH DAVIDSON, Pres. ABRAHAM KRIEGER, Ch. of Bd. WALTER F. PERKINS, Vice-Pres. DAVIDSON TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. GUNTHER BREWING CO. THE KOPPERS CO., INC. H. BRAITH DAVIS, Pres. W. WALLACE LANAHAN, JR., Part. GEO. D. F. ROBINSON, JR. V.-P. H. B. DAVIS CO. STEIN BROS. & BOYCE FIDELITY-BALTIMORE NATIONAL BANK ALONZO G. DECKER, JR., Vice-Pres. JOHN D. LUETKEMEYER, Vice-Pres. JAMES W. ROUSE, Pres. BLACK & DECKER MFG. CO. EQUITABLE TRUST CO. JAMES W. ROUSE & CO., INC. HENRY C. EVANS, Part. ROBERT H. LEVI, Pres. WILLARD G. ROUSE, Vice-Pres. STEIN BROS. & BOYCE THE HECHT CO. JAMES W. ROUSE & CO., INC. HAROLD I. FINK, Gen. Mgr. F. HAROLD LOWEREE, Pres. WILLIAM D. G. SCARLETT, Pres. SOUTHERN HOTEL MONUMENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. RAMSEY-SCARLETT & CO, INC. GEORGE H. FRENCH, Pres. CHARLES P. McCORMICK, Pres. WM. F. SCHLUDERBERG, Pres. MARYLAND DRYDOCK CO. McCORMICK & CO, INC. WM. F. SCHLUDERBERG – T. J. KURDLE CO. CHARLES S. GARLAND, Part. CHARLES E. McMANUS, JR. Vice-Pres. WM. F. SCHMICK, JR., Exec. Vice-Pres. ALEX. BROWN & SONS CROWN CORK & SEAL CO. A. S. ABELL & CO. MARLIN G. GEIGER, Pres. WILLIAM E. McGUIRK, Exec. Vice-Pres. LUIS P. SEILER, Pres. THE DAVIDSON CHEMICAL COMPANY THE DAVISON CHEMICAL COMPANY STEWART & CO. EDMUND L. GRIMES, Pres. ROBERT B. MERRICK, Pres. HOWARD E. SIMPSON, Pres. COMMERCIAL CREDIT CO. EQUITABLE TRUST CO. BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD CO. RUSSELL GOWANS, Pres. JOSEPH MEYERHOFF, Pres. PAUL P. SWETT, JR. CROWN CORK & SEAL CO. THE JOSEPH MEYERHOFF CO. REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGES, BONDS BENJAMIN H. GRISWOLD, III, Part. CLARENCE W. MILES, ESQ. STANLEY B. TROTT, Pres. ALEX. BROWN & SONS MILES & STOCKBRIDGE MARYLAND TRUST CO. W. ARTHUR GROTZ, Pres. HOOPER S. MILES, Ch. of Bd. RICHARD H. TURK, Pres. WESTERN MARYLAND RAILWAY CO. FIDELITY-BALTIMORE NATIONAL BANK PEMCO CORP. WILLIAM T. HARPER, Pres. W. GRIFFIN MORREL, Vice-Pres. WILBUR VAN SANT, Pres. MARYLAND CASUALTY CO. THE C & P TELEPHONE CO. OF BALTO. CITY BALTIMORE ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE SETH W. HEARTFIELD, Pres. HUNTER MOSS JOHN M. WILLIS, Vice Pres. DELVALE DAIRIES, INC. HUNTER MOSS & COMPANY BETHLEHEM SHIPBUILDING CORP. ROBERT B. HOBBS, Exec. Vice-Pres. JOHN E. MOTZ, Exec. Vice-Pres. BRUCE P. WILSON, Pres. FIRST NATIONAL BANK MERCANTILE-SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. BALTIMORE & ANNAPOLIS RAILROAD CO. *Names, titles and companies are listed as they appeared in the GBC’s 1955 Annual Report BALT R IMO TE R GREATER BALTIMORE COMITTEE A E E R G th 65The Greater Years Baltimore of CommitteVision, 65Anniversary Member Directory 1955–2020 E C E OMMITT Leadership, Accomplishment onten Message to Members .......................................................................................................... 3 2019 Board of Directors ........................................................................................................ 4 GBC at a Glance .................................................................................................................. 11 Vision, Mission and Regional Perspective ............................................................................ 11 Core Pillars for a Competitive Business Environment ............................................................. 12 Delivering Value to GBC Members ...................................................................................... 13 Events, Communications .................................................................................................. 13 Committees .................................................................................................................... 14 Regional Business Advisory Councils .................................................................................. 15 In Focus ............................................................................................................................. 17 New Member Programs .................................................................................................... 17 State of the Region Report ................................................................................................ 19 Managing Opioid Abuse in the Workplace .......................................................................... 21 Awards .............................................................................................................................. 23 Year in Photos .................................................................................................................... 26 Year in Review .................................................................................................................... 32 2019 Business Guide ............................................................................................................ 36 2019 Member Directory........................................................................................................ 40 2018 Event Sponsors ........................................................................................................... 82 Advertisers’ Index .......................................................................................... Inside Back Cover Pratt Street Piers, 1955 TheGreater Beginning Baltimore Committee Staff Donald C. Fry President and CEO Eighty-threeJennifer BaltimorePaglia Executive business Assistant leaders to the President met for and dinnerCEO Private-sector leaders were concerned about growing on JanuaryBrian Levine 5, 1955Senior and Vice created President the of Government Greater Baltimore Affairs challenges that Baltimore faced—a decaying central Mark Guidera Vice President of Communications and Marketing Committee.Amanda Krotki Digital Communications Manager city, outmoded land use, declining property values and Adrea Turner Director of Strategic Initiatives and Senior Policy Advisor tax revenue. The ideaTeresa to createMilio Birge an Senioraction-oriented Policy Analyst and Special Assistant organizationLisa Byrd ofDirector business of Events leaders and Business to Development The Greater Baltimore Committee was formed to take Daniel Isang Vice President of Finance and Business Services visualizeRachel ways Gray to Smeetenior Staff Greater Accountant Baltimore’s “prompt and aggressive action looking towards the competitiveKaren Parrish challengesData Management and apply Specialist private- solution of many of the city’s most pressing problems,” Tara Harris Committee Coordinator sector Dotinfluence Colvin A dministrativeand resources Assistant to accom- announced a press release GBC founders issued at their plish keyThe initiatives Leadership had Staff been percolating first 1955 meeting. The organization was “not interested for threeDavid years Sachs amongExecutive a Directorsmall group of in glamour, platitudes or false promises,” but instead was James W. Rouse businessSindee leaders, Ernst Managerincluding a young envisioned as an action committee dedicated to develop- Jennifer Cathro Manager mortgageShantay banker Guy COO named James Rouse. ing solutions to chronic problems that were impeding the Tauren Robinson El Bey Program Assistant city’s business growth.” Clarencewww.gbc.org W.| Miles, 1 a founding partner of Miles & Stockbridge and president of the Orioles, which he had brought to Baltimore the year before, was named the first GBC chairman. Thomas B. Butler, president of the Mercantile Safe Deposit and Trust Co., was vice- chairman; Clarence W. Miles Daniel A. Lindley, president of the Canton Company, was secretary; and Jerold C. Hoffberger, president of the National Brewing Co., was the first GBC treasurer. Rouse was named chairman of the GBC’s first executive committee. Rouse later served as the GBC’s chairman in Downtown, 1958 1964 and 1965. www.gbc.org | 55 Its founders envisioned
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