Supplementary Table 1: Calcineurin-Sensitive Genes Supplementary Table 1: Upregulated with Calcineurin (pages 1 -10)- genes that were significant by ANOVA as well as significantly increased in calcineurin- infected cells (Ad-aCaN) compared to 'infected control' (Ad-LacZ). Downregulated with Calcineurin (pages 10 - 17) as above except for direction of change. Columns: Probe Set- Affymetrix probe set identifier for RG-U34A microarray, Symbol (bold font- aCaN significantly different from both LacZ and Uninfected, normal font- aCaN different from LacZ) and Title- annotated information for above probe set (annotation downloaded June, 2004), ANOVA- p-value for 1-way Analysis of Variance, Uninfected, Ad-LacZ and Ad-aCaN- mean ± SEM expression for uninfected control, adenovirus mediated LacZ treated control, and adenovirus mediated calcineurin treated cultures respectively. Upregulated with Calcineurin Probe Set Symbol Title ANOVA Uninfected Ad-LacZ Ad-aCaN rc_AI639448_at A5D3 A5D3 protein 0.00005 713 ± 58 352 ± 54 831 ± 64 J05029_s_at Acadl acetyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase, long-chain 0.00000 1105 ± 71 483 ± 46 863 ± 37 J05030_at Acads short chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase 0.01217 515 ± 40 367 ± 25 513 ± 37 D30647_at Acadvl acyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase, very long chain 0.00000 423 ± 21 191 ± 15 271 ± 16 rc_AA900769_s_at Acta2 smooth muscle alpha-actin 0.00246 2629 ± 331 2169 ± 264 4228 ± 466 AJ012603UTR#1_g_at Adam17 a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain 17 0.00000 435 ± 30 320 ± 49 711 ± 30 M55075_at Adcy3 adenylate cyclase 3 0.04669 1440 ± 95 1207 ± 84 1561 ± 99 L01115_at Adcy6 adenylyl cyclase 6 0.01117 372 ± 24 371 ± 19 467 ± 26 D14909_at Adcyap1r1 adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide 1 receptor 1 0.04816 353 ± 18 313 ± 23 393 ± 22 rc_AA943892_at Agt angiotensinogen 0.00027 703 ± 54 381 ± 37 527 ± 39 U41453_at Akap12 A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein (gravin) 12 0.00008 370 ± 36 513 ± 25 627 ± 34 J03190_at Alas1 aminolevulinic acid synthase 1 0.02469 767 ± 69 626 ± 50 828 ± 29 rc_AI172017_at Aldh2 aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 0.00000 1141 ± 61 531 ± 31 694 ± 21 M73714_at Aldh3a2 aldehyde dehydrogenase family 3, subfamily A2 0.00538 571 ± 26 382 ± 43 525 ± 37 M60322_at Aldr1 Aldehyde reductase 1 (low Km aldose reductase) 0.00000 4596 ± 136 4890 ± 143 6605 ± 166 U89905_at Amacr alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase 0.04540 580 ± 32 509 ± 33 620 ± 25 U90888_at Ampd3 Adenosine monophosphate deaminase 3 0.00075 79 ± 4 45 ± 11 89 ± 5 AF030089UTR#1_at Ania4 activity and neurotransmitter-induced early gene protein 4 (ania-4) 0.00000 10145 ± 340 4640 ± 374 6078 ± 440 D32209_at Anp32a acidic nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family, member A 0.04959 2743 ± 119 2585 ± 247 3214 ± 159 S57478cds_s_at Anxa1 annexin 1 0.00001 852 ± 83 668 ± 22 1236 ± 64 L13039_s_at Anxa2 calpactin I heavy chain 0.00000 1218 ± 84 1274 ± 60 2896 ± 104 rc_AI171167_at Anxa4 ZAP 36/annexin IV 0.02526 175 ± 22 141 ± 21 226 ± 19 X86086_g_at Anxa6 annexin VI 0.00748 1919 ± 89 1873 ± 105 2237 ± 56 L07074_at Ap3m2 adaptor-related protein complex 3, mu 2 subunit 0.00357 3673 ± 86 3175 ± 61 3499 ± 100 AF029109_at Apba3 amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 3 (X11-like 2) 0.01137 238 ± 19 205 ± 22 302 ± 22 X04979_at Apoe apolipoprotein E 0.00000 21633 ± 889 6150 ± 971 14467 ± 1369 U14007_at Aqp4 aquaporin 4 0.00000 1579 ± 176 310 ± 55 1088 ± 79 AF026505_at Argbp2 Arg/Abl-interacting protein ArgBP2 0.00002 1022 ± 24 663 ± 38 818 ± 44 X77235_at Arl4 ADP-ribosylation-like 4 0.00705 1854 ± 72 1470 ± 123 1901 ± 78 M63282_at Atf3 Activating transcription factor 3 0.00000 440 ± 54 1008 ± 42 1218 ± 47 D89514_at Atic 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase/IMP 0.00001 1259 ± 71 1024 ± 101 1827 ± 86 rc_AI177026_at Atp1a2 ATPase, Na+K+ transporting, alpha 2 0.00000 2821 ± 97 371 ± 69 722 ± 76 D84450_at Atp1b3 ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, beta 3 polypeptide 0.00001 5623 ± 180 4600 ± 177 6063 ± 136 J04024_at Atp2a2 ATPase, Ca++ transporting, cardiac muscle, slow twitch 2 0.00000 382 ± 22 173 ± 12 354 ± 21 rc_AI170268_at B2m Beta-2-microglobulin 0.00000 5666 ± 226 5071 ± 520 8985 ± 195 Page 1 Supplementary Table 1: Calcineurin-Sensitive Genes Probe Set Symbol Title ANOVA Uninfected Ad-LacZ Ad-aCaN rc_H31839_at Bak1 BCL2-antagonist/killer 1 0.00010 512 ± 31 621 ± 53 832 ± 42 U17834_at Bgn biglycan 0.00011 1535 ± 77 952 ± 91 1306 ± 55 rc_AI102299_s_at Bid3 BH3 interacting domain 3 0.00721 1323 ± 44 1390 ± 148 1791 ± 94 X58830_at Bmp6 bone morphogenetic protein 6 0.00001 573 ± 26 562 ± 50 932 ± 55 M60921_g_at Btg2 B-cell translocation gene 2 0.01144 804 ± 75 759 ± 46 1018 ± 56 AF087037_at Btg3 B-cell translocation gene 3 0.00118 542 ± 31 638 ± 33 760 ± 40 D88250_at C1s complement component 1, s subcomponent 0.00000 320 ± 22 354 ± 67 909 ± 61 M29866_s_at C3 Complement component 3 0.00000 26 ± 12 662 ± 133 1932 ± 229 X58294_at Ca2 carbonic anhydrase 2 0.00004 1033 ± 65 662 ± 22 859 ± 33 rc_AI102839_at Calb1 calbindin 1 0.00001 298 ± 27 99 ± 15 168 ± 18 M11597_at Calca calcitonin/calcitonin-related polypeptide, alpha 0.00000 65 ± 7 107 ± 9 143 ± 8 rc_AI180288_s_at Cald1 Caldesmon 1 0.00009 352 ± 46 288 ± 34 597 ± 45 rc_AA892470_at Calm1 Calmodulin 1 (phosphorylase kinase, delta) 0.00000 1674 ± 53 802 ± 77 1210 ± 46 rc_AA894330_s_at Camk2d calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, delta 0.00003 1458 ± 53 1286 ± 97 1885 ± 67 rc_AI171796_at Capn6 calpain 6 0.03391 266 ± 19 234 ± 21 316 ± 22 U10071_at Cart cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript 0.00034 54 ± 15 94 ± 27 177 ± 14 Z46614cds_at Cav caveolin 0.00003 629 ± 65 530 ± 31 917 ± 44 X95986mRNA#1_f_at Cbr1 carbonyl reductase 1 0.00003 727 ± 41 775 ± 64 1133 ± 51 D14014_g_at Ccnd1 cyclin D1 0.02833 685 ± 51 560 ± 45 718 ± 27 rc_AA899106_at Ccnd2 cyclin D2 0.00000 10436 ± 402 3899 ± 268 6103 ± 268 rc_AA800005_at Cd151 CD151 antigen 0.00001 3130 ± 124 2386 ± 261 3901 ± 95 M61875_s_at Cd44 CD44 antigen 0.00764 735 ± 68 602 ± 101 1033 ± 94 X13016_at Cd48 CD48 antigen 0.00000 1054 ± 91 186 ± 23 470 ± 26 X61654_at Cd63 CD63 antigen 0.00000 9308 ± 219 6436 ± 347 9999 ± 349 rc_AI103957_g_at Cd81 CD 81 antigen 0.00000 16305 ± 183 10908 ± 412 13911 ± 410 X76489cds_g_at Cd9 CD9 antigen (p24) 0.00000 3049 ± 317 1002 ± 115 4081 ± 271 AF052695_at Cdc20 cell cycle protein p55CDC 0.00000 391 ± 19 153 ± 16 218 ± 16 X60767mRNA_s_at Cdc2a cell division cycle 2 homolog A (S. pombe) 0.00000 568 ± 36 165 ± 11 252 ± 14 U24174_at Cdkn1a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A 0.00000 1419 ± 69 1498 ± 59 2056 ± 75 X60769mRNA_at Cebpb CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP), beta 0.00000 1287 ± 99 1672 ± 97 2183 ± 80 M65149_at Cebpd CCAAT/enhancerbinding, protein (C/EBP) delta 0.00402 709 ± 28 401 ± 69 715 ± 75 D14437_s_at Cnn1 Calponin 1 0.00165 129 ± 23 210 ± 38 345 ± 42 rc_AA944422_at Cnn3 calponin 3, acidic 0.00000 9697 ± 503 5305 ± 247 10040 ± 321 rc_AA892559_at Cntf Ciliary neurotropic factor 0.00003 498 ± 53 269 ± 31 587 ± 30 D38492_at Cntn1 contactin 1 0.01582 4014 ± 293 3480 ± 375 4696 ± 167 AJ005396_at Col11a1 procollagen, type XI, alpha 1 0.00402 335 ± 58 133 ± 14 282 ± 29 U57362_at Col12a1 procollagen, type XII, alpha 1 0.00000 209 ± 10 216 ± 12 311 ± 12 M27207mRNA_s_at Col1a1 collagen, type 1, alpha 1 0.00195 3096 ± 419 1945 ± 180 3971 ± 371 rc_AA866454_at Col1a2 procollagen, type I, alpha 2 0.01559 395 ± 21 329 ± 15 392 ± 13 X70369_s_at Col3a1 collagen, type III, alpha 1 0.00001 639 ± 67 552 ± 32 1109 ± 78 rc_AA859757_g_at Col5a1 collagen, type V, alpha 1 0.01757 701 ± 42 735 ± 54 895 ± 46 rc_AI179399_at Col5a2 collagen, type V, alpha 2 0.00000 1050 ± 61 896 ± 65 2544 ± 57 AF001417_s_at Copeb core promoter element binding protein 0.00001 969 ± 51 1318 ± 64 1520 ± 60 X12554cds_s_at Cox6a2 cytochrome c oxidase, subunit VIa, polypeptide 2 0.00117 970 ± 38 727 ± 31 936 ± 46 Page 2 Supplementary Table 1: Calcineurin-Sensitive Genes Probe Set Symbol Title ANOVA Uninfected Ad-LacZ Ad-aCaN L33869_at Cp ceruloplasmin 0.00000 417 ± 52 577 ± 53 1287 ± 63 rc_AA799667_at Cpsf4 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 4, 30kD subunit 0.00608 1493 ± 99 1511 ± 156 1970 ± 71 L07736_at Cpt1a carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 0.00001 1250 ± 71 617 ± 53 916 ± 65 J05470_at Cpt2 Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2 0.00000 539 ± 25 160 ± 12 332 ± 23 U04835_at Crem cAMP responsive element modulator 0.00016 208 ± 19 184 ± 19 336 ± 26 X60351cds_s_at Cryab crystallin, alpha B 0.00000 1320 ± 140 759 ± 83 2215 ± 128 rc_AI234146_at Csrp1 cysteine rich protein 1 0.00000 1523 ± 89 614 ± 38 1074 ± 47 rc_AI231292_at Cst3 cystatin C 0.00000 36212 ± 1059 17427 ± 1087 29814 ± 1519 M95768_at Ctbs di-N-acetylchitobiase 0.00008 268 ± 19 232 ± 12 348 ± 14 AB010428_s_at Cte1 cytosolic acyl-CoA thioesterase 1 0.00000 1333 ± 100 224 ± 25 422 ± 34 D78591_at Ctf1 cardiotrophin 1 0.02350 325 ± 24 245 ± 20 314 ± 16 D17370_g_at Cth CTL target antigen 0.00029 77 ± 9 96 ± 5 132 ± 9 M38135_at Ctsh Cathepsin H 0.00000 1336 ± 73 463 ± 34 747 ± 30 rc_AI176595_s_at Ctsl Cathepsin L 0.00001 2500 ± 92 2840 ± 99 3515 ± 121 AF022247_at Cubn cubilin 0.00000 106 ± 10 105 ± 19 212 ± 7 U09229_at Cutl1 cut (Drosophila)-like 1 0.01866 597 ± 41 494 ± 31 663 ± 41 U90610_at Cxcr4 Chemokine receptor (LCR1) 0.00000 1992 ± 79 1167 ± 68 1483 ± 73 rc_AI010581_at Dbi diazepam binding inhibitor 0.00000 9334 ± 415 2043 ± 258 2960 ± 124 rc_AI170568_s_at Dci dodecenoyl-coenzyme A delta isomerase 0.00001 510 ± 22 175 ± 33 377 ± 42 L33894_at Dck deoxycytidine kinase 0.01371 147 ± 13 137 ± 13 199 ± 16 L26525_at Ddr1 Discoidin domain receptor family, member 1 0.00376 425 ± 29 344 ± 15
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